B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Human "Sensing" and "Understanding" by OMRON image sensing technology * People's conditions recognizable simply by mounting an HVC on equipment * Full range of functions Ten different sensing functions are incorporated to recognize the intentions and conditions of people from a variety of perspectives. Available functions are: 1) Human Body Detection, 2) Hand Detection, 3) Face Detection, 4) Face Direction Estimation, 5) Age Estimation, 6) Gender Estimation, 7) Blink Estimation, 8) Expression Estimation (satisfied, unsatisfied, five different expressions:happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, and neutral), 9) Face Recognition, and 10) Gaze Estimation * High precision RoHS compliant Application Example * Home appliances * Marketing research (POS registers and automatic venders) * Industrial equipment (food processing equipment) * Robotics (robotic pets) B5T-001001(G) Ordering Information Standard Models with Surface Mounting Terminals Packaging BOX Model B5T-001001(G) Minimum Order Quantity 50 1 B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Ratings, Specifications, and Function Rating Item Specifications Power supply voltage 5 V 10% Power consumption Less than 0.25 A Operating temperature 0 to +50C (no condensation or freezing) Operating humidity Below 90% RH (no condensation or freezing) Storage temperature -30 to +70C (no condensation or freezing) Storage humidity Below 90% RH (no condensation or freezing) Specifications and Functions Input Image Specifications Item Specifications Resolution 640 x 480 pixels Horizontal detection range (angle of view) 49+/-3deg Vertical detection range (angle of view) 37+/-3deg Optical axis angle range +/-7deg Alignment angle range +/-3deg Output Image Specifications Item Specifications Output image No image / 160 x 120 pixels / 320 x 240 pixels (choose one) Image format RAW (8-bit, Y data) Image Sensing Functions Function Output Number of detected objects B5T-001001(G) Human Body Detection, Hand Detection, Face Detection Face Direction Estimation Age Estimation Gender Estimation Blink Estimation Expression Estimation Position (center coordinates) Coordinates on the screen from the top-left corner of the screen (in pixels) Size Pixel size on the input image Degree of confidence Confidence in the detection result (0 to 1000), a higher value indicates a higher confidence Yaw angle Positive to the right (in degrees) Pitch angle Positive upwards (in degrees) Roll angle Positive clockwise (in degrees) Degree of confidence Confidence in the estimation result (0 to 1000), a higher value indicates a higher confidence Age 0 to 75 (75 includes higher ages) Degree of confidence Confidence in the estimation result (0 to 1000), a higher value indicates a higher confidence Gender Male or female Degree of confidence Confidence in the estimation result (0 to 1000), a higher value indicates a higher confidence Blink degree Output for both eyes (1 to 1000), a higher value indicates the eye is closer to being fully shut Estimated expression The expression with the single highest score will be output (possible expressions are "neutral", "happiness", "surprise", "anger" and "sadness"). The score indicates the likeliness of a face displaying the estimated expression, where a higher score indicates a higher likeliness of being that expression. Score The single highest score will be output from 0 to 100 Expression degree (positive or negative) +100 to -100 A degree closer to +100 indicates a high degree of "happiness" while a degree closer to -100 indicates a high degree of "surprise", "anger" or "sadness". Individual identification result Displays the registered User ID, or "non-registered" for non-registered individuals Maximum number of users: 500 Score Matching degree (0 to 1000) The result of the user with the highest matching degree is output. A degree closer to 1000 indicates a higher likeliness of being that user. Face Recognition Gaze Estimation 2 Details Maximum of 35 per object type Yaw angle Positive to the right (in degrees) Pitch angle Positive upwards (in degrees) B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Detection Distance (for reference *) Function Maximum distance Human Body Detection 2.8 meters Hand Detection 1.5 meters Face Detection, Face Direction Estimation, Gaze Estimation, Blink Estimation, Age Estimation, Gender Estimation, Expression Estimation, Face Recognition 1.3 meters * Caution: Please note that the detection and estimation performance will gradually fall when exceeding the maximum distance indicated for reference. Please note that being within the range indicated above does not always guarantee successful detection. Angle range (for reference *1) Function Pitch angle Yaw angle Human Body Detection Up direction 15 Down direction -30 *2 360 *3 Hand Detection +/-20 +/-30 Face Detection +/-30 +/-90 Face direction +/-20 Face direction +/-30 Gaze angle +/-20 *4 (up to +/-10 for face direction) Gaze angle +/-30 *4 Up to +/-20 for face direction Roll angle +/-10 Face Direction Estimation Age Estimation Gender Estimation Blink Estimation +/-45 Expression Estimation Face Recognition Gaze Estimation *1. *2. *3. *4. The detection and estimation accuracy will fall when outside the specified angle range. Please note that being within range indicated above does not always guarantee successful detection. "Up direction 15" indicates that the camera is looking up to the target from a 15 downward angle and "Down direction -30" indicates that the camera is looking down to the target from a 30 upward angle. This indicates all the directions to the left and right of the human body. This is the angle when facing the camera. Specifications for Signal with Host Specifications Outline Receives the command controlling the module from the host and sends back the detection result info Transmission system Full-duplex bidirectional system Transmission protocol Non-procedure Synchronization system Asynchronous method Data format Start: 1 bit, Data: 8 bit, Stop: 1 bit, no parity Transmission code NRZ, Logic Low: 0V Logic High: 3.3V Transmission speed Please refer to the description of the DIP Switch SW2. B5T-001001(G) Item 3 B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Definition of the image input specification Horizontal and vertical detection ranges. Reference surface Vertical detection range Horizontal detection range Reference surface Optical axis angle Shooting image A: Optical axis from the camera center when mounted in default position. B: Optical axis displaying the camera's shooting range. The optical axis angle will be the angle difference between A and B. B5T-001001(G) B A Alignment angle Default horizontal line Shooting image C: Default horizontal line when mounted in default position. D: Horizontal line for the shooting image. The alignment angle is the angle difference between C and D. C D 4 B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Connection Block Diagram HVC-P UART (3.3V) UART (3.3V) Command Response CN1 Recognition Processing Section Reset 5 VDC power source Camera module B5T-001001(G) Circuit board (Customer side) 5 B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Parts Name and Functions Front CN1 CN2 LED1 UART 5Pin 1 2 3 4 5 Camera module A protective seal is applied on the lens of any new product in order to protect it. Please make sure to remove it before using the product. Signal CN1 Name Function UART signal, power switch, reset input (cannot be connected simultaneously with CN4) Connector 1 CN2 Connector 2 Not usable LED1 LED1 Lit when power is ON Back SW1 SW2 OFF ON B5T-001001(G) SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 SW2-4 CN Signal CN4 Name Description Reserved for OMRON HVC-P Evaluation Kit. (cannot be connected simultaneously with CN1) Connector 4 SW1 Tact switch Reset input for The Product SW2 DIP switch Transmission rate setting of the UART signal * * DIP Switch SW2 setting. The function of each bit is as follows: SW2-1: Fixed to ON (Please do not set it to OFF). SW2-2 to 2-4: Used to set the transmission rate setting of the UART signal. Transmission rate (bps) 9,600 SW2-2 OFF SW2-3 OFF SW2-4 OFF 38,400 ON OFF OFF 115,200 OFF ON OFF 230,400 ON ON OFF 460,800 OFF OFF ON 921,600 (factory setting) ON OFF ON 6 B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Dimensions (Unit: mm) Front 60 53.50.1 3 44.3 Four-3.2 dia. 1.40.5 3 170.5 340.1 40 Side 5.8 3.8 8.4 Back 15 B5T-001001(G) 9.1 32.3 32.8 5.3 2.54 x 5 35.9 Camera Device 6.0 6.0 6.0 dia. 5.0 dia. 1.9 3 3.80.2 1 to 2 mm (x4) Glue is applied as mentioned above for camera fixing. 7 B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Connector Pin Configuration Please keep CN2 free of any connection. CN4 is reserved for the OMRON HVC-P Evaluation Kit. CN4 cannot be used simultaneously with CN1. CN1 is used to connect to the power supply and the UART signal interface. Connector: SM05B-SRSS-TB (made by J.S.T. Mfg. Co. Ltd.) Recommended connector on the other end: Housing: SHR-05V-S (made by J.S.T. Mfg. Co. Ltd.) Contact: SSH-003T-P0.2 (made by J.S.T. Mfg. Co. Ltd.) Pin number Signal I/O 1 Vcc - 2 UART RX * Input 3 UART TX Output 4 GND - 5 RESET Input Description Power supply: 5.0VA}10% UART signal (from host to HVC-P) Logic 0: 0V Logic 1: 3.3V UART signal (from HVC-P to host) Logic 0: 0V Logic 1: 3.3V Ground Reset signal (from host to HVC-P) Logic 0: 0V Logic 1: 3.3V Reset is active on logic 0 * Set the UART RX logic 0 to 0V when the Product is turned OFF. Mounting (Unit: mm) Four-3.2 dia. (Hole) *2 B5T-001001(G) Mounting direction *1 Four-6 dia. (Hatching) *3 *1. *2. *3. *4. *5. 8 This figure is for a frontal mounting direction (0) of the module. The software settings need to be changed when set to a 90, 180 or 270 clockwise mounting direction from the front (0). Use the M3 screws to fix the board in the four corners. Make sure to not bend or break the board when fixing the screws. Make sure to also use the tightening torques provided. Make sure to fix the board so that it is not warped, bent or any under unreasonable stress. Make sure that the board is sufficiently distanced from any electrically-conductive part. The 6 dia. (x4) hatching sections indicate the acceptable area for metallic components. Do not subject the board to stress, such as twisting or bending, when fixing it. Fix the board in a safe distance from the surrounding current-carrying elements. B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Safety Precautions Warranty and Limited Warranty Definition (c) Extract Software out of Omron products The definition of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are (d) Decompile, disassemble or reverse-engineer Software. as follows: (e) Disclose performance information of singular Omron (1) Omron Product: HVC-P described in specifications. products for purposes other than Customer application. (2) Usage conditions: Usage conditions, rating, performance, (f) Agree anything conflicting with Warranty and Limited operating environment, handling instructions, cautions, pro- Warranty herein with customers of Customers or end hibited use, etc. of Omron products described in specifications, documentations or manuals. users of Customer devices etc. (3) Please confirm fitness of Omron products in your application (3) Customer devices etc.: Parts/components, electronic sub- and use your own judgment to determine the appropriate- strates, devices, equipment or systems manufactured by ness of using them in such application. Omron shall not war- customers. (4) Customer application: Application of Omron products by customers which include embedding and/or using Omron products in Customer devices etc. rant the fitness of Omron products in customer application. (4) Please confirm that Omron products are properly wired and installed for their intended use in your overall system. (5) When using Omron products, please make sure to (i) main- (5) Fitness: (a) Fitness, (b) performance, (c) non-infringement tain a margin of safety vis-?-vis the published rated and per- of third-party intellectual property, (d) compliance with laws formance values, (ii) design to minimize risks to customer and regulations and (e) conformity to various standards. application in case of failure of Omron products, such as introducing redundancy, (iii) introduce system-wide safety Caution on Descriptions measures to notify risks to users of Customer devices etc., Attention is required to the following points on descriptions in and (iv) conduct regular maintenance on Omron products and customer application. (1) Rated values and performance values are the product of (6) Omron products are designed and manufactured as gen- tests performed for separate single conditions, including but eral-purpose products for use in general industrial products. not limited to temperature and humidity. It is not intended to They are not intended to be used in the following applica- warrant rated values and performance values for multiple tions. combined conditions. If you are using Omron products in the following applica- (2) Reference data are provided for reference only. Omron does tions, Omron shall not provide any warranty for such Omron NOT warrant that Omron products work properly at all time products. in the range of reference data. (a) Applications with stringent safety requirements, including (3) Application examples are provided for reference only. but not limited to nuclear power control equipment, com- Omron does NOT warrant the Fitness of Omron products bustion equipment, aerospace equipment, railway equip- under such application. ment, elevator/lift equipment, amusement park (4) Omron may discontinue the production of Omron products equipment, medical equipment, safety devices and other or change the specifications of them for the purpose of applications that could cause danger/harm to people's improving such products or other reasons entirely at its own discretion. body and life. (b) Applications that require high reliability, including but not (5) Descriptions in specifications and technical information pro- limited to supply systems for gas, water and electricity, vided by Omron shall be deemed confidential information of etc., 24 hour continuous operating systems, financial set- Omron. Please do not disclose them to any third party. tlement systems and other applications that handle rights and property. Precautions (c) Applications under severe condition or in severe environ- Please be aware of and accept the following when you introduce ment, including but not limited to outdoor equipment, or use Omron products: equipment exposed to chemical contamination, equip- (1) Please use Omron products in compliance with usage con- ment exposed to electromagnetic interference and equip- ditions including rating and performance. (2) Customers are granted to use software program provided as a part of Omron products (hereinafter referred to as "Soft- ment exposed to vibration and shocks. (d) Applications under conditions and environment not described in specification. ware") solely combined with Omron product to be integrated (7) In addition to the applications listed from (a) to (d) above, into Customer devices etc. Please do NOT do or have oth- Omron products are not intended for use in automotive ers do any of the following. applications (including two wheel vehicles). Please do NOT (a) Use other than Customer application use Omron products for automotive applications. Please (b) Transfer or loan Omron products singularly for purposes contact Omron sales staff for products for automotive use. other than Customer application 9 B5T-001001(G) specifications. B5T-001001(G) Human Vision Components Warranty Terms and Conditions Limitation of Liability The terms and conditions for warranty of Omron products are as The warranty set out in these Terms and Conditions is the whole follows: and sole liability for Omron products. There are no other warran- (1) Warranty period: One year after the purchase. ties, expressed or implied. Omron and the distributors of Omron (2) Coverage: Omron will provide free replacement of the mal- products are not liable for any damages which may arise from or functioning Omron products with the same number of be related to Omron products. replacement/alternative products. (3) Exceptions: Omron will not cover Omron products under its Export Controls warranty if the cause of the malfunction falls under any of Customers of Omron products shall comply with all applicable the following. laws and regulations of other relevant countries with regard to (a) Usage in a manner other than the original intended use security export control, when exporting Omron products and/or for the Omron product. technical documents or providing such products and/or docu- (b) Usage outside of the usage conditions. ments to a non-resident. (c) Modification or repair made to the Omron product by Omron may not provide customers with Omron products and/or other than Omron personnel. (d) Software program embedded by other than Omron or technical documents should Omron judge that they fail to comply with such laws and regulations. alteration of originally installed software by other than Omron. (e) Cause which could not have been foreseen with the level of science and technology at the time of shipping from Omron. (f) Causes originating from other than Omron or Omron products (including force majeure such as but not limited B5T-001001(G) to natural disasters). * Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product. * Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms. Note: Do not use this document to operate the Unit. OMRON Corporation Electronic and Mechanical Components Company 10 Contact: www.omron.com/ecb Cat. No. A234-E1-01 1014(1014)(O) Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Omron: B5T-001001(G)