IX and IY (Multiplier) Inputs and Offset Trimming
The IX and IY pins are low impedance (IZ dependent) virtual
ground current inputs that accept bipolar signals. The input
referred clip value is equal to IZ × 2 while the full scale value
has be en chosen to be 1.25 × IZ to maintain exce llent disto rtion
and line arity perfo rma nc e. O per ating at hig her full sc al e v alues
will degrade these two parameters and, to some extent,
bandwidth while improving the signal to noise performance,
feedthrough and control range.
The EL4083 is fundamentally different from conventional
voltage mode multipliers in that the available input range can
be tailo red to accom modat e volt age sources of alm ost an y siz e
by selecting appropriate input series resistor values. If desired,
one can interface with voltages that are much greater than the
suppli es from which the part is powered. C urrent source si gnals
can be connected directly to the multiplier inputs. The parts’
dynamic range can also be tailored to a large extent for a
current signal by the appropriate selection of IZ. These inputs
act in the same manner as a virtual ground input of an
operat ional amplif ier and thus ca n serve as a su mming node fo r
any number of voltage and/or current signals. Outputs of
compon en ts suc h as curr ent out put D ACs , trans co ndu ctance
amplifiers and current conveyors can be directly connected to
the inputs.
Ideally, a multiplier should give zero output if either one of its
multiplying inputs is zero. A nonzero output under these
conditions is caused by a combination of input and output
referred offsets. An output referred offset can be thought of as
a fixed value added to the output and thus only affects D.C.
accuracy. An input referred offset at a multiplying input allows
signal to feedthrough from the other multiplying input to the
output(s). The EL4083 is trimmed during testing at Elantec for
X and Y input referred offset for IZ = 1.6 mA. The internal trim
networks provide a current to each input which nulls the
feedthrough caused by internal device mismatches. These
current values are ratioed to the value of IZ so that the input
referred nulls are largely maintained at different values of IZ.
Howeve r, there will be some m istracking in the trim networks so
that the input referred null point will deviate away from zero at
values of IZ low er than 1.6mA. Figure 9 shows optiona l externa l
input and output referred offset trim networks which can be
used as needed to improve performance.
As mentioned, the output referred offset only affects D.C.
accuracy which may not be an issue in A.C. applications. In
gain contro l applic ations one may only need to nu ll feedthro ugh
with respect to the gain control input.
In gain control (VCA) applications the X input should be used
as the co ntro l inpu t and th e sig nal ap plied to the Y input since it
has slightly higher bandwidth and better linearity and distortion
Current Outputs (IXY, IXY), Feedthrough and
Another unique feature of the EL4083 is the differential ground
referenced current output structure. These outputs can drive
50Ω terminated lines and reactive loads such as transformers,
baluns, and LC tank and filter circuits directly (See EL2082
Data Sheet_Receiver IF Amplifier (Figure 19). The EL2082 also
has a current output.). Unlike low impedance follower buffers,
these outp uts do not in teract with the lo ad to p roduce ringin g or
instability. If a high level low impedance output is required, the
outputs can be recovered differentially and converted to a
single ended output with a fast op amp such as the EL2075
(see Figure 19). The outputs can also drive current input
devices such as CMF amps, current conveyors and its own
inputs directly by simple connection.
Figures 12 and 14 show the nulled gain and feedthrough
characteristics of the IXY and IXY outputs which are virtually
identical and differ only in phase. Figure 12 is with the A.C.
signal app lied to the X in put with Y us ed as the gain co ntrol an d
in Figur e 14 these sign als are r eversed. Not e that in both cases
the signal feedthrough rolls up and peaks near the cutoff
frequency. This is quite typical of the performance of all
previous fo ur quad ran t mult ip lie rs. Fi gure s 13 an d 15 sh ow the
corresponding gain/feedthrough characteristics for the
differentially recovered output signal IXY-IXY. Note that in this
case the peak f eedthrough at high frequenc ies is lo wer by more
than 40dB (See EL2082 Data Sheet - Receiver IF Amplifier
[Figure 19]. The EL2082 also has a current output).
General Operating Information
Figures 16 and 17 show the total harmonic distortion for the
single-ended and differential recovered outputs for a full scale
A.C. input signal on one input and a full scale D.C. control
signal on the other. Note that above about one megahertz to
the cutoff frequency the THD of the differentially recovered
si gnal is as much as 10d B lower than the single-ended signals.