ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] AK2504A DS3/STS-1/E3 Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURE The AK2504A is a DSP based line transceiver. It provides the analog transmit/receive line interface functions for DS3(44.736MHz) /STS-1(51.84MHz) or E3(34.368MHz) interface. - "Robust" DSP based line transceiver - Provides Complete Analog Line Transmitter and Receiver function for DS3, STS-1 and E3 Applications Transmitter includes on-chip pulse shaper, B3ZS/ HDB3 Encoder. Pulse level adjustment function is very useful to put a pulse into pulse mask for any customer's system. Receiver includes root-f equalizer, automatic-gain control, clock and data recovery, B3ZS/HDB3 Decoder, Loss-Of-Signal and Loss-Of-Lock alarm function. - Transmit Pulse Level Adjustment - Provides Line Equalization, and Clock and Data Recovery Functions - Compliance with Bellcore GR-499-CORE and GR-253-CORE, ANSI T1.102, T1.404, - Compliance with ITU-T G.703 and G.823 - Local/Remote Loopback functions - B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder - Low voltage supply : +3.3V Local and Remote Loop-back function is included for system level trouble shooting. The device operates at a single +3.3 Volt supply and is transparent to the framing format. PACKAGE - 64 pin LQFP APPLICATIONS - Interfacing network transmission equipment such as SONET multiplexor and M13 to a DSX-3 cross connect. - Interfacing equipment. - MS0143-E-01 -1- E3 network transmission Interfacing customer premises equipment to a line. 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] BLOCK DIAGRAM RESET E3 61 TPDATA TNDATA TCLK LBO 43 TAOS 60 PLA 35 56 39 24 25 23 B3ZS/HDB3 PULSE OUTPUT ENCODER SHAPER DRIVER 37 TTIP TRING LOOP BACK NRZ 3 CLOCK 7 TCKPOL RCKPOL 41 51 20 45 21 B3ZS/HDB3 DATA GAIN and LINE 22 RECOVERY RNDATA /LCV DECODER EQUALIZATION TEST1 TEST2 TEST3 TEST4 TEST5 TEST6 TEST7 46 9 27 RPDATA 26 19 58 40 11 MS0143-E-01 RLOL EXCLK RECOVERY 6 RCLK 14 MUX TEST LOS CIRCUIT LOGIC 12 13 VSSS VDDD VSSD 8 10 RLOOP LLOOP 42 LOSTHR -2- 62 RLOS 30 28 44 55 EQDIS RTIP RRING 36 VDDT 29 VSST 38 VSST 59 VDDA 52 53 4 5 54 57 VDDV VSSV VDDP VSSP VDDB VSSB TCAP1 TCAP2 IREF 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 NC NC TEST1 RTIP RRING E3 LOSTHR RCKPOL TEST7 TTIP VSST TRING VDDT TAOS NC NC PIN LOCATION 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 NC NC TCAP1 VSST TCAP2 TEST3 TEST4/eTX TNDATA TPDATA TCLK RNDATA/LCV RPDATA RCLK TEST5 NC NC NC NC NRZ VDDP VSSP TCKPOL EXCLK RLOOP TEST2 LLOOP VSSS VDDD VSSD RLOL NC NC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NC NC EQDIS VDDV VSSV VDDB IREF PLA VSSB TEST6 VDDA LBO RESET RLOS NC NC NC: No Connection. Leave these pins open. MS0143-E-01 -3- 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] PIN CONDITION No. Pin Name I/O Pin Type CMOS 3 NRZ I 4 VDDP - 5 VSSP - 6 TCKPOL I CMOS 7 EXCLK I CMOS 8 RLOOP I CMOS 9 TEST2 I CMOS 10 LLOOP I CMOS 11 VSSS - 12 VDDD - 13 VSSD - 14 RLOL O CMOS 19 TEST5 I CMOS 20 RCLK O 21 23 RPDATA RNDATA /LCV TCLK 24 Maximum AC load Minimum DC load Status on Reset Remarks 15pF "H" CMOS 15pF "H" O CMOS 15pF "L" O CMOS 15pF "L" I CMOS TPDATA I CMOS 25 TNDATA I CMOS 26 TEST4 O CMOS 27 TEST3 I CMOS 28 TCAP2 O Analog Note 1 29 VSST - 30 TCAP1 O Analog Note 1 22 Note: *) NC pin number : No. 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 32 NC: No Connection. Leave these pins open. 1)External capacitor (0.1 uF) is connected to VSS. MS0143-E-01 -4- 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI No. Pin Name 35 [AK2504A] I/O Pin Type TAOS I CMOS 36 VDDT - 37 TRING O 38 VSST - 39 TTIP 40 Maximum AC load Minimum DC load Status on Reset Remarks Analog Hi-Z O Analog Hi-Z TEST7 O CMOS 41 RCKPOL I CMOS 42 LOSTHR I Analog 43 E3 I CMOS 44 RRING I Analog 45 RTIP I Analog 46 TEST1 I CMOS 51 EQDIS I CMOS 52 VDDV - 53 VSSV - 54 VDDB - 55 IREF O Analog Note 2 56 PLA O Analog Note 3 57 VSSB - 58 TEST6 I 59 VDDA - 60 LBO I CMOS 61 RESET I CMOS 62 RLOS O CMOS CMOS Note 4 15pF "H" Note *)NC pin number : No. 33, 34, 47, 48, 49, 50, 63, 64 NC: No Connection. Leave these pins open. 2)External resister 4.7 k1% should be connected between IREF and VSS. 3)External resister should be connected between PLA and VSS. Normally 1.33k is connected for DS3/STS-1 or 1.27k for E3. 4)Pulled up to VDD with internal register. (typical 50k ) MS0143-E-01 -5- 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] PIN DESCRIPTION Receive No. Pin Name 42 LOSTHR I 14 RLOL O 45 RTIP I 44 RRING 62 RLOS O 7 EXCLK I 20 RCLK O 22 RNDATA /LCV O 21 RPDATA O 41 RCKPOL I 51 EQDIS I Function Loss of Signal Threshold Control (See Table 15) The voltage forced on this pin controls the input loss-of-signal threshold. Two settings are provided by forcing VSS or VDD. Receive PLL Loss-of-Lock Active High alarm. If the recovered clock frequency is larger than approximately 0.5% of EXCLK, RLOL alarm goes High. Receive Tip Input Receive input for differential AMI signal. Requires a 1:1 transformer. Receive Ring Input Receive input for differential AMI signal. Requires a 1:1 transformer. Receive Loss-of-Signal. This pin is set high on loss of the incoming signal at RIN. External Reference Clock. A valid DS3/STS-1/E3 clock must be provided at this input. The EXCLK frequency determines the operating frequency of the device. Recovered Clock. Receive Negative Data/Line Code Violation Indicator This pin's function depends on the input level. NRZ = Low : Receive Negative Data output NRZ = High : Bipolar Violation Output 1 bit period of High level signal is output if a bipolar violation not corresponding to the appropriate coding rule or a code error is detected in the incoming data stream. The violation pulse corresponding to the appropriate coding rule is removed from the incoming data. Receive Positive Data This pin's function depends on the input level. NRZ = low : Receive Positive Data output NRZ = high : NRZ data output RCLK Polarity select. RCKPOL=L : Received data is output on the rising edge of RCLK. RCKPOL=H : Received data is output on the falling edge of RCLK. Equalizer Disable. When EQDIS=H, Equalizer is disable. 59 VDDA - Power Supply for ADC. +3.3 volts. 52 VDDV - Power Supply for VGA. +3.3 volts. 53 VSSV - Ground for VGA. 4 VDDP - Power Supply for PLL. 5 VSSP - Ground for PLL. 54 VDDB - Power Supply for Bandgap Reference. 57 VSSB - Ground for Bandgap Reference. MS0143-E-01 I/O 0 volts. +3.3 volts 0 volts. -6- +3.3 volts. 0 volts. 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI Transmit No. Pin Name [AK2504A] I/O 24 TPDATA I 25 TNDATA I 23 TCLK I 6 TCKPOL I 39 TTIP O 37 TRING O 56 PLA I 3 NRZ I Function Transmit Positive Data/NRZ data This pin's function depends on the input level. NRZ = Low : Positive AMI data output NRZ = High : NRZ data Transmit Negative Data This pin's function depends on the input level. NRZ = Low : Negative AMI data output NRZ = High : Should be tied to VSS Transmit Clock TPDATA and TNDATA are sampled on the rising or falling edge of TCLK. Sampling edge must be assigned by TCKPOL pin. TCLK Polarity select. TCKPOL=Low : Transmit data is sampled on the rising edge of TCLK. TCKPOL=High : Transmit data is sampled on the falling edge of TCLK. Transmit Tip / Ring Output AMI signal output. Requires a 1:1CT transformer. Hi-Z when RESET = Low. Pulse Level Adjustment Transmit pulse level can be adjusted by the external resister. Normally 1.33k is connected for DS3/STS-1 or 1.27k for E3. If the signal power level is larger than a requirement, you can tweak it by increasing the value of this resister. NRZ mode Enable Active High input enables NRZ data interface with TPDATA and RPDATA. NRZ 0 1 TPDATA TNDATA Positive Negative NRZ (VSS) RPDATA RNDATA Positive Negative NRZ LCV In NRZ mode, TNDATA should be tied to VSS and RNDATA indicates LCV. Line Built Out If LBO is set to High, Line Built Out function is enable. 60 LBO I LBO input Low High Cable length 225 - 450ft 0 - 225ft 30 TCAP1 O 28 TCAP2 O 35 TAOS I 36 29, 38 VDDT - This pin is active only with E3 pin set to High(DS3/STS-1 mode). Reference Voltage Output for the TX driver. An external capacitor (0.1F20%) should be connected to VSSA. Reference Voltage Output for the TX driver. An external capacitor (0.1F20%) should be connected to VSSA. Transmit All Ones Select Active High input. A continuous AMI all 1's pattern to be transmitted from TTIP and TRING. Transmit rate is defined by TCLK. Power Supply for Transmitter. +3.3 volts. VSST - Ground for Transmitter. MS0143-E-01 -7- 0 volts 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI Others No. Pin Name [AK2504A] 43 E3 - 55 IREF O 8 RLOOP I 10 LLOOP I 61 RESET I 46 TEST1 I 9 TEST2 I Function DS3/STS-1 or E3 select pin High : DS3/STS-1 Low : E3 Current Reference Output External resistance (4.7 k1%) should be connected to VSSA. Remote Loop Back Active High input. RPDATA and RNDATA are transmitted from TTIP and TRING using RCLK. Input High on both RLOOP and LLOOP are inhibited. Local Loop Back Active High input. TPDATA,TNDATA and TCLK are looped back to RPDATA, RNDATA and RCLK. Input High on both RLOOP and LLOOP are inhibited. Active low RESET. Pulled up to VDD with internal resister. Test Mode. Should be connected to VSS. TEST1=High : The part goes into Test mode. TEST1=Low : The part goes into the Normal operation mode. Should be connected to VSS. 27 TEST3 I Should be connected to VSS. 26 TEST4 O Output "Low" when TEST1=Low (Normal operation mode) 19 TEST5 I Should be connected to VSS. 58 TEST6 I Should be connected to VSS. 40 TEST7 O Should be open. 12 VDDD - Power Supply for Digital. 13 VSSD - Ground for Digital. 11 VSSS - Ground for Substrate. MS0143-E-01 I/O +3.3 volts. 0 volts 0 volts -8- 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The AK2504A provides the basic transmit and receive functions of a high-speed line card. Signal Requirements DS3/STS1 Pulse characteristics are specified at the DSX-3. Table 1. DS3 Interface Specification Parameter Specification Line Rate 44.736Mbps20ppm Line Code B3ZS Test Load 755% Standards GR-499-CORE , ANSI T1.102 , T1.404 Table 2. STS-1 Interface Specification Parameter Specification Line Rate 51.840Mbps20ppm Line Code B3ZS Test Load 755% Standards GR-253-CORE , ANSI T1.102 MS0143-E-01 -9- 2004/01 [AK2504A] 1.2 1.2 1.0 1 0.8 0.8 Normilized Amplitude Normalized Amplitude ASAHI KASEI 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 -0.2 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -0.2 -1.00 1.5 -0.50 Time[UI] 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 Time[UI] Fig. 1 DSX-3 Pulse Mask Fig. 2 STS-1 Pulse Mask Table 3. DS3 Pulse Mask and Equations (ANSI T1.102, T1.404, GR-499-CORE) Lower Curve Upper Curve Time Equation Time Equation -0.85 T -0.36 -0.03 -0.85 T -0.68 0.03 -0.36 T 0.36 0.5{1+sin[(/2)(1+T/0.18)]}-0.03 -0.68 T 0.36 0.5{1+sin[(/2)(1+T/0.34)]}+0.03 0.36 T 1.4 -0.03 0.36 T 1.4 0.08+0.407e-1.84(T-0.36) Table 4 STS-1 Pulse Mask and Equations (GR-253-CORE, T1.102) Lower Curve Upper Curve Time Equation Time Equation -0.85 T -0.36 -0.03 -0.85 T -0.68 0.03 -0.36 T 0.36 0.5{1+sin[(/2)(1+T/0.18)]}-0.03 -0.68 T 0.26 0.5{1+sin[(/2)(1+T/0.34)]}+0.03 0.36 T 1.4 -0.03 0.26 T 1.4 0.1+0.61e-2.4(T-0.26) MS0143-E-01 - 10 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] E3 Pulse characteristics are specified at the output ports Table 5. E3 Pulse Specification (G.703) Pulse shape (nominally rectangular) All marks of a valid signal must conform with the mask (see Fig.3), irrespective of the sign Pair(s) in each direction One coaxial pair Test load impedance 75 s resistive Nominal peak voltage of a mark (pulse) 1.0 V Peak voltage of a space (no pulse) 0 V 0.1 V Nominal pulse width 14.55 ns Ratio of the amplitudes of positive and negative pulses at the center of a pulse interval 0.95 to 1.05 Ratio of the widths of positive and negative pulses at the nominal half amplitude 0.95 to 1.05 17 ns (14.55 + 2.45) 0.1 1.0 0.2 8.65 ns (14.55 - 5.90) 0.2 0.1 V Nominal pulse 14.55 ns 0.5 12.1 ns (14.55 - 2.45) 0.1 0.1 (14.55 + 9.95) 0.2 0.1 0.1 24.5 ns 0 29.1 ns (14.55 + 14.55) T1818860-92 FIGURE 17/G.703 Pulse mask at the 34 368-kbit/s interface Fig. 3 E3 Pulse Mask MS0143-E-01 - 11 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Logic Data Interface AK2504A can handle Positive/Negative data and NRZ data. Positive/Negative data Interface If NRZ pin = Low, the transmitter accepts Positive/Negative transmit data on TPDATA/TNDATA and the receiver outputs Positive/Negative received data on RPDATA/RNDATA. In this mode, B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder is disable. Transmit and Received data is output transparently. NRZ data Interface If NRZ pin = High, the transmitter accepts NRZ transmit data on TPDATA (TNDATA should be tied to VSS). The receiver outputs NRZ received data on RPDATA. In this mode, B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder is enable. LCV alarm will be indicated on RNDATA whenever a bipolar violation is detected in the incoming data stream. Low High NRZ NRZ Disable TPOS TPDATA TNEG TNDATA RPOS RPDATA RNEG RNDATA Enable TNRZ B3ZS HDB3 Encoder Decoder TPDATA TNDATA RNRZ RPDATA BPV RNDATA Positive/Negative AMI B3ZS HDB3 Encoder Decoder NRZ Fig. 4 Logic Data Interface Line Code Violation If a bipolar violation not corresponding to the appropriate coding rule or a code error is detected in the incoming data stream, LCV is set high for one bit period. The violation pulse corresponding to the appropriate coding rule is removed from the incoming data. Bipolar Violation B3ZS, HDB3 : B, V (+1,+1) or (-1,-1) RPDATA --LCV --- 1, 1 0, 1 HDB3: B, 0, V (+1, 0,+1) or (-1, 0,-1) RPDATA LCV 1, 0, 1 0, 0, 1 ----- Coding Violation (With an even number of Bs since the last V) B3ZS : 0, V ( 0,+1) or ( 0,-1) RPDATA --LCV --- 0, 1 0, 1 HDB3: 0, 0, V ( 0, 0,+1) or ( 0, 0,-1) RPDATA --LCV --- 0, 0, 1 0, 0, 1 MS0143-E-01 - 12 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Excessive Zeros B3ZS : 0, 0, 0 RPDATA --LCV --- 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 1 HDB3: 0, 0, 0, 0 RPDATA --LCV --- 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 1 Receive data 0 includes B3ZS encode error 1 0 0 V 1 1 1 0 V 1 V 0 0 1 1 0 V 0 0 0 1 AMI Bipolar violation 0 RPDATA 0 0 0 0 Code violation Excessive zeros 0 LCV Fig. 5 RPDATA and LCV outputs in NRZ mode (B3ZS) Receive data 0 includes HDB3 encode error 1 0 0 0 V 1 1 1 0 0 V 1 V 0 0 1 1 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 1 AMI Bipolar violation RPDATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Code violation Excessive zeros 0 LCV Fig. 6 RPDATA and LCV outputs in NRZ mode (HDB3) MS0143-E-01 - 13 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Pulse Shaper Pulse Shaper generates a waveform meeting the pulse mask such as described in Table 3,4,5. The input data of Pulse Shaper is the sampled data of TPDATA and/or TNDATA pins on the rising or falling edge of TCLK. Polarity of TCLK is selected by TCKPOL pin. Line Built Out When LBO = High, the transmit pulse is output through LBO circuit which makes transmit pulse filtered with the frequency response equivalent to the 225ft cable. Table 6 Transmit Pulse Amplitude (DS3/STS-1) LBO Cable Length DS3, STS-1 Low 225 - 450 ft 1150mVpk(typ) High 0 - 225ft 800mVpk(typ) Note; LBO pin is active only with E3 pin set to High(DS3/STS-1 mode). Transmit All Ones Select If TAOS pin is high, continuos AMI 1s are transmitted from TTIP/TRING. While this All 1s pattern is transmitted, the input data on TPDATA/TNDATA are ignored. In Local Loopback mode (LLOOP pin is high), TAOS request is accepted and the input data on TPDATA/TNDATA are loopback to RPDATA/RNDATA. In Remote Loopback mode (RLOOP pin is high), TAOS request is accepted and the recoverd data is output to RPDATA/RNDATA. Line Short Protect If Line is short, there is no large current on the transmit output driver because that the driver is a current source drive type. MS0143-E-01 - 14 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Equalization DS3/STS1 The incoming data may have the loss of cable and/or flat. Cable type and length from the cross-connect are specified as shown in Table 8. Equalizer compensates appropriately for a nominal DSX-3/STS-1 pulse as attenuated by 450 feet of 728A cable. Table 8 DS3/STS-1 Cable Specification Parameter Specification Cable Type Type 728A coaxial cable (or equivalent) Cable Length 0 - 450 feet (from DSX-3 point) Remarks Fig.7-(1)(2) E3 The incoming data may have the cable loss as shown in Table 9. Equalizer compensates appropriately for a nominal E3 pulse as attenuated by the cable. Table 9 E3 Cable Specification Parameter Cable Loss Specification Remarks 0 - 12dB Fig.7-(1)(2) Equalizer Bypass If the incoming signal is attenuated by flat loss only (zero cable loss), the internal equalizer should be bypassed with EQDIS=1. The level of the incoming signal should satisfy the RIN input range (50mVpk - 1000mVpk for DS3/STS-1, 90mVpk - 1200mVpk for E3). Table 10 Equalizer Bypass Control EQDIS 0 1 Equalizer Enable Bypass Flat Loss 0 - 6dB Cable (1)Cable loss + Flat loss DS3 : DSX-3 STS-1 : DSX-3 E3 : Transmitter Port DS3 :0 - 450 feet STS-1:0 - 450 feet E3 :0 - 12 dB AK2504 EQDIS 0 Equalizer enable Flat Loss (2) Flat loss only Monitoring circuit Transmitter AK2504 EQDIS 1 Equalizer bypass Fig. 7 AK2504A Application MS0143-E-01 - 15 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Clock Acquisition If a valid input signal is assumed to be already present at the analog input, the maximum time between the application of device power and error-free operation is typically 20 ms. Table 11 PLL Lock Acquisition Time (TA = Tmin to Tmax; V+ = 3.3V0.3V; GND** = 0V) Power up Input data restore Conditions Power : Off -> On Input data : Valid Power : On Input data : Loss -> Valid min typ Max 20 1.0 Units ms 5.0 ms **) GND=VSSP= VSSV= VSSB=VSST=VSSS=VSSD=0V Output Jitter Typical output jitter characteristics is shown in the table of ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS . Jitter Transfer Jitter transfer characteristics is shown in the table of ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS. Jitter Tolerance Typical jitter tolerance characteristics is shown in the table of ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS. DS3/STS-1 Compliance with GR-499-CORE, GR-253-CORE, G.752, G.824 E3 Compliance with ITU-T G.823. MS0143-E-01 - 16 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Loopback AK2504A has two loopback modes, which are Remote Loopback mode and Local Loopback mode. Each function of those is shown in Table 12 and Fig. 8. Table 12 Loopback Function Mode RLOOP LLOOP Remote 1 0 Local 0 1 1 1 RPDATA RNDATA TPDATA TNDATA TCLK TTIP TRING RPDATA RNDATA RCLK Function Transmit rate is determined by RCLK. TPDATA/TNDATA are ignored. Transmit rate is determined by TCLK. TPDATA/TNDATA are ignored. Not permitted that both RLOOP and LLOOP are high. LOOP BACK MUX Remote LoopBack TPDATA TNDATA B3ZS/HDB3 PULSE SHAPER ENCODER OUTPUT DRIVER B3ZS/HDB3 CLOCK&DATA ENCODER RECOVERY TTIP TRING TCLK RLOOP=1 LLOOP=0 RPDATA RNDATA/BPV RCLK RTIP RRING RLOOP LLOOP LOOP BACK MUX Local LoopBack TPDATA TNDATA B3ZS/HDB3 PULSE SHAPER ENCODER OUTPUT DRIVER B3ZS/HDB3 CLOCK&DATA ENCODER RECOVERY TTIP TRING TCLK RLOOP=0 LLOOP=1 RPDATA RNDATA/BPV RCLK RTIP RRING RLOOP LLOOP Fig. 8 Loopback Path MS0143-E-01 - 17 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] TX and RX Output status related to NRZ, TAOS, RLOOP, LLOOP input Table 13 TX and RX Output status E3B X 0 1 X 0 1 X 0 1 X 0 1 X X 0 1 NRZ TAOS RLOO LLOO TTIP/TRING P P 0 1 1 0 AMI ones 1 1 1 0 AMI ones 1 1 1 0 AMI ones 0 0 1 0 Recovered data 1 0 1 0 Recovered data 1 0 1 0 Recovered data 0 1 0 1 AMI ones 1 1 0 1 AMI ones 1 1 0 1 AMI ones 0 0 0 1 TPDATA/TNDATA 1 0 0 1 TPDATA/TNDATA(HDB3) 1 0 0 1 TPDATA/TNDATA(B3ZS) X 1 0 0 AMI ones 0 0 0 0 TPDATA/TNDATA 1 0 0 0 TPDATA/TNDATA(HDB3) 1 0 0 0 TPDATA/TNDATA(B3ZS) RPDATA/RNDATA Recovered data Recovered data(UNHDB3) Recovered data(UNB3ZS) Recovered data Recovered data(UNHDB3) Recovered data(UNB3ZS) TPDATA/TNDATA TPDATA/TNDATA(UNHDB3) TPDATA/TNDATA(UNB3ZS) TPDATA/TNDATA TPDATA/TNDATA(UNHDB3) TPDATA/TNDATA(UNB3ZS) Recovered data Recovered data Recovered data(UNHDB3) Recovered data(UNB3ZS) Loss-of-Lock Detection If the recovered clock frequency is larger than approximately 0.5% of EXCLK, RLOL alarm goes High. External Reference Clock An external reference clock EXCLK is used to set the frequency of the PLL. The frequency of EXCLK should be within the ideal clock100ppm. Reset AK2504A goes into RESET status if RESET input is low. Output pins status is as follows during the low input on RESET . RLOS : RLOL : RPDATA : RNDATA : RCLK : High High Low Low High Test Mode The AK2504A goes into Test Mode when TEST1 pin is High. MS0143-E-01 - 18 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Loss of Signal DS3/STS-1 AK2504A detects the loss of signal by analog and digital methods. Loss of Signal function in DS3/STS-1 mode is as follows. Analog Loss of Signal(ALOS) Analog loss detector operates as follows. - Analog loss detector monitors the peak level of the incoming signal. - If the peak level falls below Alarm set threshold as shown in Table 14, output pins status is shown in the diagram below. Table 14 Analog Loss-of-Signal thresholds (DS3/STS-1/E3) LOSTHR Clear Alarm Level Set Alarm Level Voltage Min. Upper Threshold Max. Upper Threshold Min. Lower Threshold Max. Lower Threshold Units VSS 80 160 70 150 mVpk VDD 50 110 40 100 mVpk Notes: - Set Alarm Level is 0.5dB lower than Clear Alarm Level. Digital Loss of Signal(DLOS) Digital loss detector operates as follows. - A digital loss detector monitors consecutive 0s and 1s density in recovered data. - RLOS is set high if 1755 consecutive 0s is detected. - RPDATA,RNDATA are set low if ALOS is detected. - RLOS is set low if 33% 1s density (58 1s in 175 consecutive bits) and no consecutive 100 0s are detected. MS0143-E-01 - 19 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Normal Operation RCLK : Recovered from RIN data RPDATA : Recovered data RNDATA : Recovered data RLOS : Low 175 +/- 5 bits of consecutive 0s in the incoming data DLOS RCLK 175bits of the incoming data includes the following data. 1) 58bits of 1s (33% 1s density) 2) No 100bits of consecutive 0s : Recovered from RIN data RPDATA : Recovered data RNDATA : Recovered data RLOS Peak level of the incoming data : High Set Alarm Threshold < Level Peak level of the incoming data Clear Alarm Threshold > Level ALOS RCLK : Recovered from EXCLK RPDATA : Low RNDATA : Low RLOS : High Fig. 9 Loss of Signal state diagram (DS3/STS-1) MS0143-E-01 - 20 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Loss of Signal E3 AK2504A detects the loss of signal by analog and digital methods. Loss of Signal function in E3 mode is as follows. - - - Analog loss detector monitors the peak level of the incoming signal. If the peak level falls below Set Alarm Threshold Level as shown in Table 15, DLOS circuit starts counting the number of the incoming data bits as described in the following section "DLOS". If DLOS circuit detects consecutive 1285 bits of the incoming data lower than Set Alarm Threshold Level, AK2504A alarms Loss of Signal by setting RLOS high. Other output pins status is as shown in the diagram below. RLOS is set low if 325 bits of the incoming data higher than Clear Alarm Threshold Level are detected. Normal Operation RCLK : Recovered from RIN input RPDATA : Recovered data RNDATA : Recovered data RLOS Peak level of the incoming data : Low Peak level of the incoming data Set Alarm Threshold < Level for 128 +/- 5 consecutive bits of the incoming data Set Alarm Threshold > Level for 32 +/- 5 bits of the incoming data LOS RCLK : Recovered from EXCLK RPDATA : Low RNDATA : Low RLOS : High Fig. 10 Loss of Signal state diagram (E3) MS0143-E-01 - 21 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Min Max Units DC Supply (referenced to GND) (Note 1) V+ -0.3 4.6 V Input Voltage, Any Pin Vin GND-0.3 (V+)+0.3 V Input Current, Any Pin (Note 2) Iin - 10 MA Ambient Operating Temperature TA -40 85 C Storage Temperature Tstg -65 150 C Power Dissipation PD - 1 W WARNING: Operation at or beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes. Note; 1.GND=VSSV=VSSP=VSSB=VSST=VSSD=VSSS=0V 2.Transient currents of up to 100 mA will not cause SCR latch up. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Min Typ Max Units V+ 3.0 3.3 3.6 V TA -40 25 85 C PN20 - 200 220 mA PN20 - 210 230 mA PN20 - 160 180 mA DS3 44.736 - 100ppm 44.736 44.736 + 100ppm MHz STS-1 51.84 - 100ppm 51.84 51.84 + 100ppm MHz E3 34.368 - 100ppm 34.368 34.368 + 100ppm MHz DC Supply (referenced to GND) Ambient Operating Temperature Supply Current: DS3 STS-1 E3 EXCLK Frequency MS0143-E-01 Symbol IS Condition - 22 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS RECEIVER (TA = Tmin to Tmax; V+ = 3.3V0.3V; GND = 0V) Parameter Condition Jitter Transfer 3dB Bandwidth with repetitive 100 pattern (Note 3) Peaking Jitter Tolerance (Note 4) Signal Noise Immunity Min Typ Max Units - 205 - kHz - 0.05 0.1 dB 5kHz 20 Uipp 10kHz 15 Uipp 60kHz 2 Uipp 300kHz 0.6 Uipp 1MHz 0.4 Uipp (Note 5) - 8 12 dB All one's pattern - 1.4 - nsp-p Repetitive 1000 pattern - 1.8 - nsp-p 45 - 55 % DS3/STS1 50 - 1000 mVpk E3 90 - 1200 mVpk DLOS detection DS3/STS1 170 175 180 bits Loss Detection E3 123 128 133 bits 8 bits Output Jitter (Note 3) Output Clock Duty Cycle (Note 3) Receiver Input Range RIN to RPDATA Delay Time Note; 3. Measured with repetitive input at nominal DSX-3 level(DS3/STS-1), nominal G.703 level(E3) with (V+)=3.3V, TA=25C 4. Typical performance is shown in Fig 11. 5. Measured with sinusoidal noise, peak amplitude of noise is 11dB down from peak amplitude of signal. The noise frequency is 22MHz(DS3), 25MHz(STS-1), 17MHz(E3). 100 3 .2 k , 1 4 U Ip p G .7 5 2 G R - 4 9 9 C a te g o r y II Jitter Amplitude [UIpp] 10 G R - 4 9 9 C a te g o r y I 1 3 0 0 k , 0 .3 U Ip p 0 .1 0 .0 5 U Ip p 0 .0 1 0 .0 1 0 .1 1 10 100 1000 10000 J itte r F r e q u e n c y [ k H z ] Fig. 11 Jitter Tolerance MS0143-E-01 - 23 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI TRANSMITTER [AK2504A] ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS (TA = Tmin to Tmax; V+ = 3.3V0.3V; GND = 0V) Parameter Condition Transmitter amplitude DS3/STS1 (Note 6) Min Typ Max Units LBO=1 700 800 900 mVpk LBO=0 1050 1150 1250 mVpk 920 1000 1080 mVpk E3 Note; 6. Measured at the line side of the transformer. DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = Tmin to Tmax; V+ = 3.3V0.3V; GND = 0V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units High-Level Input Voltage VIH (V+) x 0.7 - (V+) V Low-Level Input Voltage VIL GND - 0.5 V High-Level Output Voltage IOUT=-40A VOH (V+) x 0.8 - (V+) V Low-Level Output Voltage VOL GND - 0.4 V 10 A Input Leakage Current IOUT=1.6mA (Note 7) IOUT=0.4mA (Note 8) (Note 9) Note; 7. RCLK, RPDATA, RNDATA 8. RLOS, RLOL, TEST4, TEST7 9. Except for RESET MS0143-E-01 - 24 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] RECEIVER SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS (TA = Tmin to Tmax; V+ = 3.3V0.3V; GND = 0V; Input: Logic 0 = 0V, Logic 1 = V+ ) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units RCLK Pulse Width DS3 Tpwh (Note 10, 11) Tpwl 10.1 10.1 11.177 11.177 12.2 12.2 ns ns RCLK Pulse Width STS-1 Tpwh (Note 12, 11) Tpwl 8.7 8.7 9.645 9.645 10.6 10.6 ns ns RCLK Pulse Width E3 Tpwh (Note 13, 11) Tpwl 13.1 13.1 14.548 14.548 16.0 16.0 ns ns 45 - 55 % EXCLK Duty Cycle (EXCLK Min Rise/Fall time : 5ns) Rise Time, RCLK (Note 11) tr - - 3.5 ns Fall Time, RCLK (Note 11) tf - - 3.5 ns 0 - 3.5 ns Delay Time: RCLK high to RPDATA/RNDATA (Note 14) Tdcrd TRANSMITTER SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS (TA = Tmin to Tmax; V+ = 3.3V0.3V; GND = 0V; Input: Logic 0 = 0V, Logic 1 = V+ ) Parameter Symbol TCLK Duty Cycle (TCLK Min Rise/Fall time : 5ns) Min Typ Max Units 30 - 70 % Rise Time, TCLK (Note 11) tr - - 3.5 ns Fall Time, TCLK (Note 11) tf - - 3.5 ns Setup Time, TPDATA/TNDATA to TCLK Falling Tstdc 4 - - ns Hold Time, TPDATA/TNDATA to TCLK Falling Thtdc 5 - - ns Note; 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. MS0143-E-01 Assumes PLL is locked to 44.736 MHz signal. The sum of the pulse widths must always meet the frequency specifications. Assumes PLL is locked to 51.84 MHz signal Assumes PLL is locked to 34.368MHz signal. Load cap = 15pF. - 25 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] tr tf 90% 90% 10% RCLK 10% Fig. 12 Signal Rise and Fall Characteristics t pwh t pwl t dcrd RCLK RPDATA RNDATA Fig. 13 Recovered Clock and Data Switching Characteristics t pwh1 VDD/2 EXCLK t pw Fig. 14 EXCLK Duty Cycle Requirements TCLK t sdc t hdc TPDATA TNDATA Fig. 15 Transmitter Switching Characteristics MS0143-E-01 - 26 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Application Circuit Example Note : Recommended Diode : Leave the following NC pins open. Pin 1,2,15,16,17,18,31,32,33,34,47,48,49,50,63,64. Any diode with V(forward) = 0.58V to 0.89V for I(forward)=10mA in all temperature range can be used. e.g. 1SS184, 1SS181 3.3V FRAMER CONTROL LOGIC 23 TCLK 24 TPDATA 25 TNDATA 20 RCLK CLOCK SOURCE TRING AK2504A RPDATA 22 RNDATA 6 TCKPOL 41 3 RCKPOL TAOS 14 RLOL VSST RTIP RRING 39 38 0.1 uF 37.4 1:1 45 37.4 0.01 uF RLOS LOSTHR 60 LBO 51 EQDIS RESET RLOOP VDDV 52 VSSV 53 VDDP 4 VSSP 5 VDDB 54 VSSB 57 VDDT 36 10 LLOOP 43 E3 46 TEST1 9 TEST2 27 TEST3 VDDD 12 TEST4, TEST7 VSSD 13 VSSS 11 TEST5 TEST6 7 EXCLK TCAP1 30 0.1uF 3.3V 59 0.01 uF 42 58 COAX 44 VDDA 62 19 150 nH 37 NRZ 35 26,40 1CT : 1 39 39 75 21 61 8 Open TTIP 0.01 uF 0.01 uF 0.01 uF 0.01 uF VSST 29 0.01 uF Recommended Transformer : TCAP2 28 0.1uF PLA IREF 56 RPLA 55 Maker Product No. Ratio TDK WBTRID2.5-J004C002 1CT:1 TDK WBTRID2.5-0340N 1:1 4.7 k1% RPLA: 1.33k 1% for DS3/STS-1, 1.27k 1% for E3 NOTE) If the power of transmit signal is larger than the requirement, the power can be reduced by increasing the value of RPLA. MS0143-E-01 - 27 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Marking - 64pin LQFP (1) Pin #1 indication (2) Date Code: 7digits XXXXYZZ (3)Marketing Code: AK2504A (4)AKM Logo AKM AK2504A XXXXYZZ MS0143-E-01 - 28 - 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] Outline Dimensions 12.00.3 10.0 33 49 32 64 17 10.0 12.00.3 48 16 1 0.10 0-10 1.40 0.210.05 M MS0143-E-01 0.10 0.450.2 - 29 - 0.100.10 0.170.05 1.0 1.70MAX 0.5 2004/01 ASAHI KASEI [AK2504A] IMPORTANT NOTICE These products and their specifications are subject to change without notice. Before considering any use or application, consult the Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co., Ltd. (AKM) sales office or authorized distributor concerning their current status. AKM assumes no liability for infringement of any patent, intellectual property, or other right in the application or use of any information contained herein. Any export of these products, or devices or systems containing them, may require an export license or other official approval under the law and regulations of the country of export pertaining to customs and tariffs, currency exchange, or strategic materials. AKM products are neither intended nor authorized for use as critical components in any safety, life support, or other hazard related device or system, and AKM assumes no responsibility relating to any such use, except with the express written consent of the Representative Director of AKM. As used here: (a) A hazard related device or system is one designed or intended for life support or maintenance of safety or for applications in medicine, aerospace, nuclear energy, or other fields, in which its failure to function or perform may reasonably be expected to result in loss of life or in significant injury or damage to person or property. (b) A critical component is one whose failure to function or perform may reasonably be expected to result, whether directly or indirectly, in the loss of the safety or effectiveness of the device or system containing it, and which must therefore meet very high standards of performance and reliability. It is the responsibility of the buyer or distributor of an AKM product who distributes, disposes of, or otherwise places the product with a third party to notify that party in advance of the above content and conditions, and the buyer or distributor agrees to assume any and all responsibility and liability for and hold AKM harmless from any and all claims arising from the use of said product in the absence of such notification. MS0143-E-01 - 30 - 2004/01