AD Converter: 12 bits × 3 channels
• 12-/8-bit AD converter resolution selectable
Analog Comparator
• Sends output to the P32/CMPO port (polarity selectable).
• Edge detection functio n (shared with INTC and also allows the selection of the noise filter function)
Watchdog Timer
• Can generate the internal reset signal on a timer overflow monitored by the WDT-dedicated low-speed RC
oscillation clock (30kHz).
• Allows selection of continue, stop, or hold mode operation of the counter on entry into the HALT/ HOLD mode.
Interrupt Source Flags
• 16 sources, 10 vector addresses
1) Provides three levels (low (L), high (H), and highest (X)) of multiplex interrupt control.
Any interrupt requests of the level equal to or lower than the current interrup t are not accepted.
2) When interrupt requests to two or more vector addresses occur at the same time,
the interrupt of the highest level takes preceden ce over the other interrupts.
For interrupts of the same level, the interrupt into the smallest vector address takes precedence.
No. Vector Address Level Interrupt Source
1 00003H X or L INTA
2 0000BH X or L INTB
3 00013H H or L INTC/T0L/INTE
4 0001BH H or L INTD/INTF
5 00023H H or L T0H/SIO7
6 0002BH H or L T1L/T1H
7 00033H H or L HCT1
8 0003BH H or L HCT2
9 00043H H or L ADC/HPWM automatic stop/HPWM cycle
10 0004BH H or L None
• Priority levels X > H > L
• Of interrupts of the same level, the one with the smallest vector address takes precedence.
Subroutine Stack Levels: 256 levels maximum (The stack is allocated in RAM.)
High-speed Multiplication/Division Instructions
• 16 bits × 8 bits (5 tCYC execution time)
• 24 bits × 16 bits (12 tCYC execution time)
• 16 bits ÷ 8 bits (8 tCYC ex ecution time)
• 24 bits ÷ 16 bits (12 tCYC execu tion time)
Oscillation Circuits
• Medium speed RC oscillation circuit (internal): For system clock (1MHz)
• Low speed RC oscillation circuit (internal): For watchdog timer (30kHz)
• High speed RC oscillation circuit (internal): For system clock (20MHz or 40MHz)
1) 2 source oscillation frequencies (20MHz or 40MHz) selectable for the high-speed RC oscillation circuit
by optional configuration.
System Clock Divider Function
• Can run on low current.
• The minimum instruction cycle selectable from 300ns, 600ns, 1.2μs, 2.4μs, 4.8μs, 9.6μs, 19.2μs, 38.4μs, and
76.8μs (when high speed RC oscillation is selected for system clock.).