Electronics Semiconductor Division RC2207 Voltage Controlled Oscillator Features * * * * * * * * * * Description Excellent temperature stability -- 20 ppm/C Linear frequency sweep Adjustable duty cycle -- 0.1% to 99.9% Two or four level FSK capability Wide sweep range -- 1000:1 min. Logic compatible input and output levels Wide supply voltage range -- 4V to 13V Low supply sensitivity 0.15%/V Wide frequency range -- 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz Simultaneous triangle and squarewave outputs Applications * * * * FSK generation Voltage and current-to-frequency conversion Stable phase-locked loop Waveform generation triangle, sawtooth, pulse, squarewave * FM and sweep generation The RC2207 is a monolithic voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency stability and a wide tuning range. The circuit provides simultaneous triangle and squarewave outputs over a frequency range of 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz. It is ideally suited for FM, FSK and sweep or tone generation as well as for phase-locked loop applications. As shown in the Block Diagram, the circuit is comprised of four functional blocks: a variable-frequency oscillator which generates the basic periodic waveforms; four current switches actuated by binary keying inputs; and buffer amplifiers for both the triangle and squarewave outputs. The internal switches transfer the oscillator current to any of four external timing resistors to produce four discrete frequencies which are selected according to the binary logic levels at the keying terminals (pins 8 and 9). The RC2207 has a typical drift specification of 20 ppm/C. The oscillator frequency can be linearly swept over a 1000:1 range with an external control voltage; and the duty cycle of both the triangle and the squarewave outputs can be varied from 0.1% to 99.9% to generate stable pulse and sawtooth waveforms. Block Diagram TIMING CAPACITOR TIMING RESISTORS R1-R4 A1 TRIANGLE WAVE OUTPUT SQUARE WAVE OUTPUT A2 -VS VCO CURRENT SWITCH BINARY KEY INPUTS 65-2207-01 Rev. 1.0.0 RC2207 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Pin Assignments +VS 1 14 Trianglewave Output 2 13 Squarewave Output 3 12 +VS R1 4 11 Bias R2 5 10 GND R3 6 9 R4 7 8 Timing Capacitor Timing Resistors Binary Keying Inputs 65-2207-02 Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin Number Pin Function Description Bias for Single Supply 11 For single supply operations, pin 11 should be externally biased to a potential between +VS/3 and +VS/2 (see Figure 8). The bias current at pin 11 is nominally 5% of the total oscillation timing current IT. Binary Keying Inputs 8, 9 The internal impedance at these pins is approximately 5 k. Keying levels are <1.4V for zero and > 3V for one logic levels referenced to the DC voltage at pin 10. Ground 10 For split supply operation, this pin serves as circuit ground. For single supply operation, pin 10 should be AC grounded through a 1 F bypass capacitor. During split supply operation, a ground current of 2 IT flows out of this terminal, where IT is the total timing current. Squarewave Output 13 The squarewave output at pin 13 is an open-collector stage capable of sinking up to 20 mA of load current. RL serves as a pull-up load resistor for this output. Recommended values for RL range from 1 k to 10 k Supply Voltage (+VS, -VS) 1, 12 The RC2207 is designed to operate over a power supply range of +4V to 13V for split supplies, or 8V to 26V for single supplies. At high supply voltages, the frequency sweep range is reduced. Performance is optimum for 6V, or 12V single supply operation. Timing Capacitor 2, 3 The oscillator frequency is inversely proportional to the timing capacitor, C. The minimum capacitance value is limited by stray capacitances and the maximum value by physical size and leakage current considerations. Recommended values range from 100 pF to 100 F. The capacitor should be non-polarized. Timing Resistors (R1-R4) 4-7 The timing resistors determine the total timing current, IT, available to charge the timing capacitor. Values for timing resistors can range from 1.5 k to 2 M; however, for optimum temperature and power supply stability, recommended values are 4 k to 200 k. To avoid parasitic pick up, timing resistor leads should be kept as short as possible. For noise environments, unused or deactivated timing terminals should be bypassed to ground through 0.1 F capacitors. Otherwise, they may be left open. Trianglewave Output 14 The output at pin 14 is a trianglewave with a peak swing of approximately one-half of the total supply voltage. Pin 14 has a very low output impedance of 10 and is internally protected against short circuits. Notice that the triangle waveform linearity is sensitive to parasite coupling between the square and the trianglewave outputs (pins 13 and 14). In board layout or circuit wiring, care should be taken to minimize stray wiring capacitance between those pins. 2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC2207 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min. Max. Units +26 V Storage Temperature Range -65 +150 V Operating Temperature Range -55 +125 C +300 C Supply Voltage Lead Soldering Temperature (60 seconds) Thermal Characteristics Ceramic DIP SOIC Plastic DIP +175C +125C +125C Maximum PD TA < 50C 1042 mW 300 mW 468 mW Thermal Resistance, JC 60C/W 60C/W 60C/W Thermal Resistance, JA 120C/W 200C/W 160C/W For TA > 50C Derate at 8.33 mW/C 5.0 mW/C 6.25 mW/C Maximum Juncton Temperature 3 RC2207 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Electrical Characteristics (Test Circuit of Figure 1, VS = 6V, TA = +25C, C = 5000 pF, R1= R2 = R3 = R4 = 20 k, RL = 4.7 binary inputs grounded, S1 and S2 closed unless otherwise specified) Parameters Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units +8.0 +12 +26 V 4 6 13 V 5.0 7.0 mA 7.0 mA General Characteristics Supply Voltage Single Supply See Typical Performance Characteristics Split Supplies Supply Current Single Supply Split Supplies Measured at pin 1, S1 open (See Fig. 8) Positive Negative Measured at pin 1, S1 open (See Fig. 7) RC2207 RM2207 5.0 8.0 Measured at pin 12, S1, S2 open RC2207 7.0 RM2207 4.0 6.0 2.2 2.8 mA Binary Keying Inputs Switching Threshold Measured at pins 8 and 9. Refer to pin 10. 1.4 Input Resistance V 5.0 k 1.0 MHz 0.01 Hz Oscillator Section--Frequency Characteristics Upper Frequency Limit C = 500 pF, R3 = 2 k Lower Practical Frequency C = 50 F, R3 = 2 k 0.5 Frequency Accuracy 1.0 3.0 % of f0 Frequency Matching 0.5 % of f0 Frequency Stability vs. Temperature (Note 1) 0C < TA < +70C 20 vs. Supply Voltage 0.15 R3 = 1.5 k for fH R3 = 2 M for fL Sweep Range Sweep Linearity 50 ppm/C %/V 1000:1 3000:1 fH/fL C = 5000 pF 1 10:1 Sweep 1000:1 Sweep fH = 10 kHz, fL = 1 kHz 1.0 2.0 % fH = 100 kHz, fL = 100 Hz 5.0 % FM Distortion 10% FM Deviation 0.1 % Recommended Range of Timing Resistors See Characteristic Curves Impedance at Timing Pins Measured at pins 4, 5, 6, or 7 1.5 DC Level at Timing Terminals 2000 k 75 10 mV 6 VP-P 10 +100 mV 0.1 % 12 VP-P Output Characteristics Triangle output Amplitude Measured at pin 14 4 Impedance Squarewave Output DC Level Referenced to pin 10 Linearity from 10% to 90% of swing Amplitude Measured at pin 13, S2 Closed Saturation Voltage Referenced to pin 12 0.2 Rise Time CL 10 pF 200 ns Fall Time CL 10 pF 20 ns Note: 1. Guaranteed by design. 4 11 0.4 V PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC2207 Typical Operating Range +10 +5 0 0 -5 -10 -15 VS = +6V C = 5000 pF 1K -20 10K Figure 1. Typical Operating Range for Split Supply Voltage 1K 0 0 4 8 12 Split Supply Voltage (V) 16 8 16 24 Single Supply Voltage (V) 32 Normalized Frequency Drift 10K 65-2207-05 Total Timing Resistor () Timing Resistor Range 100K 10M 1.04 TA = +25C 1M 1M Figure 2. Frequency Accuracy vs. Timing Resistance ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 10M 100K Timing Resistance () Negative Supply (V) RT = 2 M 1.02 RT = 20 k 1.00 RT = 200 k 0.98 0.96 TA = +20C RT = Total Timing Resistance C = 5000 pF 0.94 0.92 2 4 6 65-2207-06 +15 65-2207-03 Positive Supply (V) +20 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 65-2207-04 ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, +25 Frequency Accuracy (% Error) Typical Performance Characteristics RT = 2 k 8 10 12 14 20 22 Split Supply Voltage (V) 4 8 12 14 18 Single Supply Voltage (V) 1R = Parallel Combination of Activated Timing Resistors T Figure 3. Recommended Timing Resistor Value vs. Power Supply Voltage Figure 4. Normalized Frequency Drift vs. Supply Voltage +1 VS = +6V C = 5000 pF 2 M 200 k 4 k 2 k 20 k -1 200 k 0 2 k 4 k R = 2 k -2 -3 -75 2 M -50 65-2207-08 Normalized Frequency Drift (%) 65-2207-07 +2 -25 0 +25 +50 +75 +100 +125 Temperature (C) Figure 5. Pulse and Sawtooth Outputs Figure 6. Normalized Frequency Drift vs. Temperature 5 RC2207 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Applications Information Table 1. Logic Table for Binary Keying Controls Precautions Logic Level The following precautions should be observed when operating the RC2207 family of integrated circuits: 8 9 0 6 f1 f1 = 1/R3C f1 = 1/R4C 0 1 6&7 f1 + f1 f2 = 1/R2C, f2 = 1/R1C 1 0 5 f2 Logic levels: 0 = Ground * Pulling excessive current from the timing terminals will adversely affect the temperature stability of the circuit. To minimize this disturbance, it is recommended that the total current drawn from pins 4, 5, 6 and 7 be limited to <6 mA. In addition, permanent damage to the device may occur if the total timing current exceeds 10 mA. * Terminals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 have very low internal impedance and should, therefore, be protected from accidental shorting to ground or the supply voltages. * The keying logic pulse amplitude should not exceed the supply voltage. Selected Timing Pins Frequency f2 + f2 Logic levels: 1 = 3V 14 &5 Note: 1. For single supply operation, logic levels are referenced to voltage at pin 10. The squarewave output is obtained at pin 13 and has a peak-to-peak voltage swing equal to the supply voltages. This output is an open-collector type and requires an external pull-up load resistor (nominally 5 k) to the positive supply. The triangle waveform obtained at pin 14 is centered about ground and has a peak amplitude of +VS/2. Split Supply Operation Figure 7 is the recommended circuit connection for split supply operation. The frequency of operation is determined by the timing capacitor (C) and the activated timing resistors (R1 through R4). The timing resistors are activated by the logic signals at the binary keying inputs (pins 8 and 9), as shown in Table 1. If a single timing resistor activated, the frequency is 1/RC. The circuit operates with supply voltages ranging from 4V to it 13V. Minimum drift occurs with 6V supplies. Single Supply Operation Otherwise, the frequency is either 1/(R1| |R2)C or 1/(R1| |R4)C. The circuit should be interconnected as shown in Figure 8 for single supply operation. Pin 12 should be grounded, and pin 11 biased from +VS through a resistive divider to a value of bias voltage between +VS/3 and +VS/2. Pin 10 is bypassed to ground through a 0.1F capacitor. 0.1 F +VS IS+ Binary Keying Inputs 9 8 1 S2 C +VS 2 RL 3 10 12 6 R3 IS-VS 7 4 R4 Squarewave Output 13 RC2207 Device Under Test 11 0.1 F 14 5 R1 Trianglewave Output R2 S1 Note: This circuit is for Bench Tests only. DC testing is normally performed with automated test equipment using an equivalent circuit. Figure 7. Test Circuit for Split Supply Operation 6 Definitions 65-2207-09 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC2207 0.1 F +VS 0.1 F 9 8 1 S2 C IS Binary Keying Inputs +VS 2 RL 3 10 3.9K RC2207 Device Under Test 11 5.1K 12 6 7 R3 +VS 13 14 4 R4 5 R1 Squarewave Output Trianglewave Output R2 S1 65-2207-10 Figure 8. Test Circuit for Single Supply Operation For single supply operation, the DC voltage at pin 10 and the timing terminals (pins 4 through 7) are equal and approximately 0.6V above VB, the bias voltage at pin 11 . The logic levels at the binary keying terminals are referenced to the voltage at pin 10. On-Off Keying The RC2207 can be keyed on and off by simply activating an open circuited timing pin. Under certain conditions, the circuit may exhibit very low frequency (<1 Hz) residual oscillation in the off state due to internal bias current. If this effect is undesirable, it can be eliminated by connecting a 10 M resistor from pin 3 to + VS. Frequency Control (Sweep and FM) The frequency of operation is controlled by varying the total timing current, IT, drawn from the activated timing pin 4, 5, 6 or 7. The timing current can be modulated by applying a control voltage, VC, to the activated timing pin through a series resistor RC as shown in Figure 9. For split supply operation, a negative control voltage, VC, applied to the circuit of Figure 9 causes the total timing current, IT, and the frequency, to increase. As an example, in the circuit of Figure 9, the binary keying inputs are grounded. Therefore, only timing pin 6 is activated. The frequency of operation determined by: V C R3 1 - Hz f = --------------- 1 - --------------------------R3CB ( RC ) ( -VC ) Pulse and Sawtooth Operation The duty cycle of the output waveforms can be controlled by frequency shift keying at the end of every half cycle of oscillator output. This is accomplished by connecting one or both of the binary keying inputs (pin 8 or 9) to the squarewave output at pin 13. The output waveforms can then be converted to positive or negative pulses and sawtooth waveform. Figure 10 is the recommended circuit connection for duty cycle control. Pin 8 is shorted to pin 13 so that the circuit switches between the 0 0 and the 1 0 logic states given in Table 1. Timing pin 5 is activated when the output is high, and pin 6 is activated when the squarewave output goes to a low state. The duty cycle of the output waveforms given as: R2 Duty Cycle = --------------------R2 + R3 and can be varied from 0.1% to 99.9% by proper choice of timing resistors. The frequency of oscillation, f, is given as: 2 1 f = ---- --------------------C R2 + R3 The frequency can be modulated or swept without changing the duty cycle by connecting R2 and R3 to a common control voltage VC instead of to -VS. The sawtooth and the pulse output waveforms are shown in the Typical Performance Characteristics Graphs. 7 RC2207 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 9 10 RC2207 12 IC IT 5 6 R2 R3 8 13 14 RC2207 VC RC R3 IO 12 8 9 4.7K -VS CO -VS CB 65-2207-11 Figure 9. Frequency Sweep Operation 8 Sawtooth Output Pulse Output +VS 65-2207-12 Figure 10. Pulse and Sawtooth Generation PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC2207 Mechanical Dimensions 14-Lead SOIC Inches Symbol Min. A A1 B C D E e H h L N ccc Millimeters Max. Min. Max. .053 .069 .004 .010 .013 .020 .008 .010 .336 .345 .150 .158 .050 BSC .228 .244 1.35 1.75 0.10 0.25 0.33 0.51 0.19 0.25 8.54 8.76 3.81 4.01 1.27 BSC 5.79 6.20 .010 .016 0.25 0.40 .020 .050 14 0.50 1.27 14 0 8 0 8 -- .004 -- 0.10 14 Notes: Notes 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1982. 2. "D" and "E" do not include mold flash. Mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed .010 inch (0.25mm). 3. "L" is the length of terminal for soldering to a substrate. 4. Terminal numbers are shown for reference only. 5 2 2 5. "C" dimension does not include solder finish thickness. 6. Symbol "N" is the maximum number of terminals. 3 6 8 E 1 H 7 h x 45 D C A1 A e B SEATING PLANE -C- LEAD COPLANARITY L ccc C 9 RC2207 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Mechanical Dimensions (continued) 14-Lead Plastic DIP Inches Symbol Min. A A1 A2 B B1 C D D1 E E1 e eB Millimeters Max. -- .210 .015 -- .115 .195 .014 .022 .045 .070 .008 .015 .725 .795 .005 -- .300 .325 .240 .280 .100 BSC -- .430 .115 .200 14 L N Min. Notes: Notes Max. -- 5.33 .38 -- 2.93 4.95 .36 .56 1.14 1.78 .20 .38 18.42 20.19 .13 -- 7.62 8.26 6.10 7.11 2.54 BSC -- 10.92 2.92 5.08 14 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1982. 2. "D" and "E1" do not include mold flashing. Mold flash or protrusions shall not exceed .010 inch (0.25mm). 3. Terminal numbers are shown for reference only. 4. "C" dimension does not include solder finish thickness. 5. Symbol "N" is the maximum number of terminals. 4 2 2 5 D 7 1 8 14 E1 D1 E e A A1 C L B1 10 B eB PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC2207 Mechanical Dimensions (continued) 14-Lead Ceramic DIP Inches Symbol Min. A b1 b2 c1 D E e eA L Q s1 Millimeters Max. -- .200 .014 .023 .045 .065 .008 .015 -- .785 .220 .310 .100 BSC .300 BSC .125 .200 .015 .060 .005 -- 90 105 Min. Notes: Notes Max. -- 5.08 .36 .58 1.14 1.65 .20 .38 -- 19.94 5.59 7.87 2.54 BSC 7.62 BSC 3.18 5.08 .38 1.52 .13 -- 90 105 1. Index area: a notch or a pin one identification mark shall be located adjacent to pin one. The manufacturer's identification shall not be used as pin one identification mark. 8 2 2. The minimum limit for dimension "b2" may be .023 (.58mm) for leads number 1, 7, 8 and 14 only. 8 4 3. Dimension "Q" shall be measured from the seating plane to the base plane. 4 5, 9 7 4. This dimension allows for off-center lid, meniscus and glass overrun. 3 6 5. The basic pin spacing is .100 (2.54mm) between centerlines. Each pin centerline shall be located within .010 (.25mm) of its exact longitudinal position relative to pins 1 and 14. 6. Applies to all four corners (leads number 1, 7, 8, and 14). 7. "eA" shall be measured at the center of the lead bends or at the centerline of the leads when "" is 90. 8. All leads - Increase maximum limit by .003 (.08mm) measured at the center of the flat, when lead finish applied. 9. Twelve spaces. D 7 1 8 14 NOTE 1 E s1 eA e A Q c1 L b2 b1 11 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION RC2207 Ordering Information Part Number Package Operating Temperature Range RC2207M 14 Lead SOIC 0C to +70C RC2207N 14 Lead Plastic DIP 0C to +70C RV2207M 14 Lead SOIC -25C to +85C RV2207N 14 Lead Plastic DIP -25C to +85C RM2207D 14 Lead Ceramic DIP -55C to +125C RM2207D/883B 14 Lead Ceramic DIP -55C to +125C Note: 1. /883B suffix denotes MIL-STD-883, Level B processing The information contained in this data sheet has been carefully compiled; however, it shall not by implication or otherwise become part of the terms and conditions of any subsequent sale. Raytheon's liability shall be determined solely by its standard terms and conditions of sale. No representation as to application or use or that the circuits are either licensed or free from patent infringement is intended or implied. Raytheon reserves the right to change the circuitry and any other data at any time without notice and assumes no liability for errors. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY: Raytheon's products are not designed for use in life support applications, wherein a failure or malfunction of the component can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. The user of Raytheon components in life support applications assumes all risk of such use and indemnifies Raytheon Company against all damages. Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division 350 Ellis Street Mountain View, CA 94043 650.968.9211 FAX 650.966.7742 6/97 0.0m Stock# DS30002207 (c) Raytheon Company 1997