Features * * * * * * * * * * * * Sensitive Layer Over a 0.8 m CMOS Array Image Zone: 0.4 x 14 mm = 0.02" x 0.55" Image Array: 8 x 280 = 2240 pixels Pixel Pitch: 50 m x 50 m = 500 dpi Pixel Clock: up to 2 MHz Enabling up to 1780 Frames per Second Die Size: 1.7 x 17.3 mm Operating Voltage: 3V to 5.5V Naturally Protected Against ESD: > 16 kV Air Discharge Power Consumption: 20 mW at 3.3V, 1 MHz, 25C Operating Temperature Range: 0C to +70C: C suffix Resistant to Abrasion: >1 Million Finger Sweeps Chip-On-Board (COB) package or 20-lead Ceramic DIP available for development, with Specific Protective Layer Applications * * * * * * * * * PDA (Access Control, Data Protection) Cellular Phones, SmartPhone (Access e-business) Notebook, PC-add on (Access Control, e-business) PIN Code Replacement Automated Teller Machine, POS Building Access Electronic Keys (Cars, Home,...) Portable Fingerprint Imaging for Law Enforcement TV Access Figure 1. Fingerchip Packages Step for easy integration Chip-on-Board Package (COB) Sensing area Wire protection (not drawn) Thermal Fingerprint Sensor with 0.4 mm x 14 mm (0.02" x 0.55") Sensing Area and Digital Output (On-chip ADC) FCD4B14 FingerChipTM 20-pin, 0.3" Dual-Inline Ceramic Package (DIP20) Rev. 1962C-01/02 1 Table 1. Pin Description For DIP Ceramic Package Pin Number Name Type 1 GND GND 2 AVE Analog output 3 TPP Power 4 VCC Power 5 RST Digital input 6 OE Digital input 7 De0 Digital output 8 De1 Digital output 9 De2 Digital output 10 De3 Digital output 11 FPL GND 12 Do3 Digital output 13 Do2 Digital output 14 Do1 Digital output 15 Do0 Digital output 16 GND GND 17 ACKN Digital output 18 PCLK Digital input 19 TPE Digital input 20 AVO Analog output Die Attach is connected to pin 1 and 16, and must be grounded. FPL pin must be grounded. GND AVE TPP VCC RST OE De0 De1 De2 De3 2 1 22 33 4 55 66 77 8 99 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 AVO TPE PCLK ACKN GND Do0 Do1 Do2 Do3 FPL FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Table 2. Pin Description For Chip-On-Board Package Pin Number Name Type 1 GND GND 2 AVE Analog output 3 AVO Analog output 4 TPP Power 5 TPE Digital input 6 VCC Power 7 GND GND 8 RST Digital input 9 PCLK Digital input 10 OE Digital input 11 ACKN Digital output 12 De0 Digital output 13 Do0 Digital output 14 De1 Digital output 15 Do1 Digital output 16 De2 Digital output 17 Do2 Digital output 18 De3 Digital output 19 Do3 Digital output 20 FPL GND 21 GND GND Die Attach is connected to pin 1, 7 and 21, and must be grounded. FPL pin must be grounded. GND AVE AVO TPP TPE VCC GND RST PCLK OE ACKN De0 Do0 De1 Do1 De2 Do2 De3 Do3 FPL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 GND 21 3 1962C-01/02 Description FCD4B14 is part of the FingerChip Atmel monolithic fingerprint sensor family for which no optics, no prism and no light source are required. FCD4B14 is a single chip, high performance, low cost sensor based on temperature physical effects for fingerprint sensing. FCD4B14 has a linear shape, allowing for the capture of a fingerprint image by sweeping the finger across the sensing area. After capturing several images, Atmel proprietary software can reconstruct a full 8-bit fingerprint image, if needed. FCD4B14 has a small surface combined with CMOS technology, and a Chip-On-Board or ceramic dual-in-line package assembly. These facts contribute to a low-cost device. FCD4B14 delivers a programmable number of images per second, while an integrated Analog to Digital Converter delivers a digital signal adapted to interfaces such as an EPP parallel port, USB microcontroller or directly to micro-processors. Thus, no frame grabber or glue interface is necessary to send the frames. These facts make FCD4B14 an easy device to include in any system for identification or verification applications. Table 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) Parameter Symbol Comments Value Unit Positive supply voltage VCC GND to 6.5 V Temperature stabilization power TPP GND to 6.5 V Front plane FPL GND to VCC V Digital input voltage RST PCLK GND to VCC V Storage temperature Tstg -50 to +85 C Do not solder Forbidden C DIP: socket mandatory 1. Absolute maximum ratings are limiting values, to be applied individually, while other parameters are within specified operating conditions. Long exposure to maximum ratings may affect device reliability. Lead temperature (soldering, 10 seconds.) Note: Tleads Table 4. Recommended Conditions Of Use Parameter Symbol Positive supply voltage VCC Front plane FPL Comments Min Typ Max Unit 3V 5V 5.5V V Must be grounded GND V Digital input voltage CMOS levels V Digital output voltage CMOS levels V Digital load CL Analog load CA RA Not connected Operating temperature range Tamb Civil: "C" grade Maximum current on TPP ITPP 4 50 pF pF k 0 to +70 0 C 100 mA FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Table 5. Resistance Parameter Min Value Standard Method On pins. HBM (Human Body Model) CMOS I/O 2 kV MIL-STD-883- method 3015.7 On die surface (Zapgun) Air discharge 16 kV NF EN 6100-4-2 200 000 MIL E 12397B 4 hours Internal method ESD MECHANICAL ABRASION Number of cycles without lubricant multiply by a factor of 20 for correlation with a real finger CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Cleaning agent, acid, grease, alcohol, diluted acetone Table 6. Specifications Explanation Of Test Levels I 100% production tested at +25C II 100% production tested at +25C, and sample tested at specified temperatures (AC testing done on sample) III Sample tested only IV Parameter is guaranteed by design and/or characterization testing V Parameter is a typical value only VI 100% production tested at temperature extremes D 100% probe tested on wafer at Tamb = +25C Parameter Symbol Test Level Min Typ Max Unit Resolution IV 50 micron Size IV 8x280 pixel Yield: number of bad pixels I Equivalent resistance on TPP pin I 23 30 15 bad pixels 47 5 1962C-01/02 Table 7. 5V. Power supply = +5V; Tamb = 25C; FPCLK = 1 MHz; Duty cycle = 50%; Cload 120 pF on digital outputs, analog outputs disconnected otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Test Level Min Typ Max Unit 4.5 5 5.5 V Power Requirements Positive supply voltage VCC Digital positive supply current on VCC pin Cload = 0 ICC I IV 7 5 10 6 mA mA PCC I IV 35 25 50 30 mW mW ICCNAP I 10 A VAVx I 2.9 V Power dissipation on VCC Cload = 0 Current on VCC in NAP mode Analog Output Voltage range 0 Digital Inputs Logic compatibility CMOS Logic "0" voltage VIL I 0 1.2 V Logic "1" voltage VIH I 3.6 VCC V Logic "0" current IIL I -10 0 A Logic "1"current IIH I 0 10 A 1.5 V Digital Outputs Logic compatibility Logic "0" voltage VOL I (1) VOH I Logic "1" voltage Note: 1. With IOL = 1 mA and IOH = -1 mA 6 CMOS (1) 3.5 V FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 . Table 8. 3.3V. Power supply = +3.3V; Tamb = 25C; FPCLK = 1 MHz; Duty cycle = 50%; Cload 120 pF on digital outputs, analog outputs disconnected otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Test Level Min Typ Max Unit 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Power Requirements Positive supply voltage VCC Digital positive supply current on VCC pin Cload= 0 ICC I IV 6 5 10 6 mA mA Power dissipation on VCC Cload = 0 PCC I IV 20 17 33 20 mW mW ICCNAP I 10 A VAVx I 2.9 V Current on VCC in NAP mode Analog Output Voltage range 0 Digital Inputs Logic compatibility CMOS Logic "0" voltage VIL I 0 0.8 V Logic "1" voltage VIH I 2.3 VCC V Logic "0" current IIL I -10 0 A Logic "1"current IIH I 0 10 A 0.6 V Digital Outputs Logic compatibility Logic "0" voltage CMOS (1) VOL I (1) VOH I Logic "1" voltage Note: 1. With IOL = 1 mA and IOH = -1 mA 2.4 V 7 1962C-01/02 . Table 9. Switching Performances. Tamb = 25C; FPCLK = 1 MHz; Duty cycle = 50%; Cload 120 pF on digital and analog outputs otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Test level Min Typ Max Unit Clock frequency fPCLK I 0.5 1 2 MHz Clock pulse width (high) tHCLK I 250 ns Clock pulse width (low) tLCLK I 250 ns Clock setup time (high)/reset falling edge tSetup I No data change tNOOE IV 100 Parameter Symbol Test level Min Output delay from PCLK to ACKN rising edge tPLHACKN Output delay from PCLK to ACKN falling edge 0 ns ns Table 10. 5.0V. All power supplies = +5 V Max Unit I 85 ns tPHLACKN I 80 ns tPDATA I 70 ns tPAVIDEO I 170 ns Output delay from OE to data high-Z tDATAZ IV 25 ns Output delay from OE to data output tZDATA IV 29 ns Parameter Symbol Test level Output delay from PCLK to ACKN rising edge tPLHACKN Output delay from PCLK to ACKN falling edge Output delay from PCLK to Data output Dxi Output delay from PCLK to Analog output Avx Typ Table 11. 3.3V. All power supplies = +3.3 V Max Unit I 110 ns tPHLACKN I 95 ns tPDATA I 85 ns tPAVIDEO I 190 ns Output delay from OE to data high-Z tDATAZ IV 34 ns Output delay from OE to data output tZDATA IV 47 ns Output delay from PCLK to Data output Dxi Output delay from PCLK to Analog output AVx 8 Min Typ FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Figure 2. Reset tHRST Reset RST Clock PCLK tSETUP Figure 3. Read One Byte/Two Pixels FPCLK tHCLK Clock PCLK Acknowledge tLCLK tPLHACK tPHLACKN ACKN Data output Data # N-1 Data # N Video analog output AVO, AVE Data # N+1 tPDATA Do0-3, De0 -3 Data #N+1 Data #N Data #N+2 tPAVIDEO 9 1962C-01/02 Figure 4. Output Enable Output Enable OE Data output Do0-3, De0 -3 Hi-Z tZDATA tDATAZ Data output Hi-Z Figure 5. No data change tNOOE PCLK OE Note: 10 OE must not change during TNOOE after the PCLK falls. This is to ensure that the output drivers of the data is not driving current, to reduce the noise level on the power supply. FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Figure 6. FCD4B14 Block Diagram clock PCLK ACKN reset RST line sel column selection even 4-bit ADC 1 dummy column 1 8 lines of 280 columns of pixels Functional Description chip temperature sensor TPE TPP 8 latches 8 4-bit ADC odd chip temperature stabilization De0-3 amp 2240 8 4 Do0-3 4 output enable analog output AVE AVO OE The circuit is divided into two main sections: sensor and data conversion. One particular column among 280+1 is selected in the sensor array (1), then each pixel of the selected column sends its electrical information to amplifiers (2) (one per line), then two lines at a time are selected (odd and even) so that two particular pixels send their information to the input of two 4-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (3), so 2 pixels can be read for each clock pulse (4). Figure 7. Functional Description 1 2 column selection line sel 8 lines of 280 columns of pixels 3 even 4-bit ADC 4 4 8 latches amp 8 1 dummy column odd 4-bit ADC De0-3 Do0-3 4 chip temperature sensor Sensor Each pixel is a sensor in itself. The sensor detects a temperature differential between the beginning of acquisition and the reading of information: this is the integration time. The integration time begins with a reset of the pixel to a predefined initial state. Note that the integration time reset has nothing to do with the reset of the digital section. Then, at a rate depending on the sensitivity of the pyroelectric layer, on the temperature variation between the reset and the end of the integration time, and on the duration of the integration time, electrical charges are generated at the pixel level. 11 1962C-01/02 Analog-to-Digital Converter/ Reconstructing an 8-bit Fingerprint Image An Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) is used to convert the analog signal coming from the pixel into digital data that can be used by a processor. Start Sequence A reset is not necessary between each frame acquisition! As the data rate for parallel port and USB is in the range of 1 MB per second and at least a rate of 500 frames per second is needed to reconstruct the image with a fair sweeping speed for the finger, two 4-bit ADCs have been used to output 2 pixels at a time on 1 byte. Start sequence must consist of: 1. Set the RST pin to high 2. Set the RST pin to low 3. Send 4 clock pulses (due to pipe-line) 4. Send clock pulses to skip the first frame Note that the first frame never contains relevant information because the integration time is not correct. Figure 8. Start Sequence 4+1124 clock pulses to skip the first frame Reset RST Clock PCLK 1 Reading the Frames 2 3 4 1 1124 1 A frame consists of 280 true columns + 1 dummy column of 8 pixels. As two pixels are output at a time, a system must send 281x4 = 1124 clock pulses to read one frame. Reset must be low when reading the frames. Read One Byte/Output Enable Clock is taken into account on the falling edge and data are output on the rising edge. For each clock pulse, after the start sequence, a new byte is output on the Do0-3, De03 pins. This byte contains 2 pixels: 4-bit on Do0-3 (odd pixels), 4-bit on De0-3 (even pixels). To output the data, the output enable (OE) pin must be low. When OE is high, the Do03 and De0-3 pins are in high impedance state. This enables an easy connection to a microprocessor bus without additional circuitry-it will enable data output by using a chip select signal. Note that the FCD4B14 is always sending data: there is no data exchange to perform using read/write mode. Power Supply Noise IMPORTANT: When a falling edge is applied on OE (i.e when the Output Enable becomes active), then some current is drained from the power supply to drive the 8 outputs, producing some noise. It is important to avoid such noise just after the falling edge of the clock PCLK, when the pixels information is evaluated: the timing diagram figure 5 and time TNOOE defines the interval time where the power supply must be as quiet as possible. Video Output An analog signal is also available on pins AVE and AVO. Note that video output is available one clock pulse before the corresponding digital output (one clock pipe-line delay for the analog to digital conversion). 12 FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Pixel Order After a reset, pixel number one is located on the upper left corner, looking at the chip with bond pads to the right. For each column of 8 pixels, pixels 1-3-5-7 are output on odd data Do0-3 pins, pixels 2-4-6-8 are output on even data De0-3 pins. Most significant bit is bit #3, least significant is bit #0. Figure 9. Pixel Order Pixel #2233 (280,1) Pixel #1 (1,1) B ond pads Pixel #8 (1,8) Synchronization: The Dummy Column Pixel #2240 (280,8) A dummy column has been added to the sensor to act as a specific pattern to detect the first pixel. So, 280 true columns + 1 dummy column are read for each frame. The 4 bytes of the dummy column contain a fixed pattern on the two first bytes, and temperature information on the last two bytes. Dummy Byte Odd Even Dummy Byte 1 DB1: 111X 0000 Dummy Byte 2 DB2: 111X 0000 Dummy Byte 3 DB3: rrrr nnnn Dummy Byte 4 DB4: tttt pppp Note: x represents 0 or 1 The sequence 111X0000 111X0000 appears on every frame (exactly every 1124 clock pulses), so it is an easy pattern to recognize for synchronization purposes. 13 1962C-01/02 Thermometer The dummy bytes DB3 and DB4 contains some internal and temperature information. The even nibble nnnn in DB3 can be used to measure an increase (or decrease) of the chip temperature, using the difference between two measures of the same physical device. The following table gives values in Kelvin. nnnn Decimal nnnn Binary 15 1111 11.2 14 1110 8.4 13 1101 7 12 1100 5.6 11 1011 4.2 10 1010 2.8 9 1001 1.4 8 1000 0 7 0111 -1.4 6 0110 -2.8 5 0101 -4.2 4 0100 -5.6 3 0011 -7 2 0010 -8.4 1 0001 -11.2 0 0000 < -16.8 Temperature differential with code 8 in Kelvin For code 0 and 15, the absolute value is a minimum (saturation). When the image contrast becomes low because of a low temperature difference between the finger and the sensor, it is recommended to use the temperature stabilization circuitry to increase the temperature of two codes (i.e. from 8 to 10), to get at least an increase >1.4 Kelvin of the sensor. This enables to recover enough contrast to get a proper fingeprint for recognition purpose. 14 FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Integration Time and Clock Jitter The FCD4B14 is not very sensitive to clock jitter (clock variation). The most important requirement is a regular integration time that ensures the frame reading rate is also as regular as possible, in order to get consistent fingerprint slices. If the integration time is not regular, contrast will vary from one frame to another. Note that it is possible to introduce some waiting time between each set of 1124 clock pulses, but the overall time of one frame read must be regular. This waiting time is generally the time needed by the processor to perform some calculation over the frame (to detect the finger, for instance). Figure 10. Read One Frame Reset RST is low 1 Column 1 2 3 Column 2 4 5 Column 280 6 1119 Dummy Column 281 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 7&8 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 Clock PCLK Pixels 1 & 2 3&4 5&6 7&8 1&2 3&4 Figure 11. Regular Integration Time REGULAR INTEGRATION TIME Frame n Frame n+1 Frame n+2 Frame n+3 Clock PCLK 1124 pulses 1124 pulses 1124 pulses 1124 pulses 15 1962C-01/02 Power Management Nap Mode Several strategies are possible to reduce power consumption when not in use. The simplest and most efficient is to cut the power supply, using external means. A nap mode is also implemented in the FCD4B14. To activate this nap mode, user must: 1. Set the reset RST pin to high. Doing this, all analog sections of the device are internally powered down. 2. Set the clock PCLK pin to high (or low), thus stopping the entire digital section. 3. Set the TPE pin to low or disconnect TPP to stop the temperature stabilization feature. 4. Set Output Enable OE pin to high, so that output are forced in HiZ. Figure 12. Nap Mode Nap mode Reset RST Nap Clock PCLK In Nap Mode, all internal transistors are in shut mode. Only leakage current is drained in power supply, generally less than the tested value. Static Current Consumption When the clock is stopped (set to 1) and the reset is low (set to 0), the analog sections of the device drain some current and the digital section does not consume current if the outputs are connected to a standard CMOS input (= no current is drained in the I/O). In this case the typical current value is 5 mA. This current does not depend on the voltage (i.e. it is almost the same from 3V to 5.5V). Dynamic Current Consumption When the clock is running, the digital sections are consuming current, and particularly the outputs if they are heavily loaded. In any case, it should be less than the testing machine (120 pF load on each I/O), 50 pF maximum is recommended. Connected to a USB interface chip (see application note 26 related to the FCDEMO4 kit) at 5V, and running at about 1 MHz, the FCD4B14 consumes less than 7 mA on VCC pin. Temperature Stabilization Power Consumption (TPP pin) When the TPE pin is set to 1, current is drained via the TPP pin. The current is limited by the internal equivalent resistance given in table 4 and a possible external resistor. Most of the time, TPE is set to 0 and no current is drained in TPP. When the image contrast becomes low because of a low temperature differential (less than one Kelvin), then it is recommended to set TPE to 1 during a short time so that the dissipated power in the chip elevates the temperature, enabling to recover contrast. The necessary time to increase the chip temperature of one Kelvin depends on the dissipated power, the thermal capacity of the silicon sensor and the thermal resistance between the sensor and the surroundings. As a rule of thumb, dissipating 300 mW in the chip elevates the temperature of 1 Kelvin in one second. With the 30 typical value, 300 mW is 3V applied on TPP. 16 FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Packaging: Mechanical Data Figure 13. COB: Top View (all dimensions in mm) 0.2 A +0.07 17.51 -0.01 at 0.4 height from B ref. 0.89 0.3 5.45 0.30 14 2.32 0.5 0.35 5.90 max 2.95 0.50 9.45 0.5* + 0.07 1.66 - 0.01 at 0.4 height from B ref. A 0.83 0.50 0.2 min 5.20 max 26.6 0.25* *: including burrs Dam and Fill B 1.5 max 0.790 max 0.2 max Figure 14. COB: Bottom View (all dimensions in mm) 1 0.075 0.5 0.075 1.15 0.15 2.15 0.15 3.5 0.075 1.5 0.075 1 0.15 6.30 0.1 +0.08 (x3) R0.75 -0.12 2 0.075 2 0.15 0.75 +0.33 -0.25 23.85 0.1 1.5 +0.15 (x3) -0.23 17 1962C-01/02 1.1 0.1 0.25 max Figure 15. DIL Package (all dimensions in mm) 0.08 60 4.75 0.1 0.81 0.05 0.46 0.05 2.54 0.13 0.75 max 18 25.4 0.25 0.08 (0.90) (0.20) NO.1 7.87 0.25 9.36 0.15 6.34 0.15 0.1 min NO.20 NO.11 7.5 0.25 (2.45) (7.62) 6.5 max 3.15 0.32 0.25 0.05 22.86 0.13 NO.10 5.4 max FCD4B14 1962C-01/02 FCD4B14 Ordering Information Package Device FC D4B14 C C -- Atmel prefix FingerChip family Quality level -- : s tandard Device type Temperature range Com: 0 to +70C Package C: DIP Ceramic 20 pins CB: Chip On Board (COB) 19 1962C-01/02 Atmel Headquarters Atmel Operations Corporate Headquarters Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 441-0311 FAX 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Corporate 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 436-4270 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 Europe Atmel SarL Route des Arsenaux 41 Casa Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland TEL (41) 26-426-5555 FAX (41) 26-426-5500 Microcontrollers Atmel Corporate 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 TEL 1(408) 436-4270 FAX 1(408) 436-4314 Atmel Nantes La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France TEL (33) 2-40-18-18-18 FAX (33) 2-40-18-19-60 Asia Atmel Asia, Ltd. Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimhatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong TEL (852) 2721-9778 FAX (852) 2722-1369 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards Japan Atmel Japan K.K. 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan TEL (81) 3-3523-3551 FAX (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Rousset Zone Industrielle 13106 Rousset Cedex, France TEL (33) 4-42-53-60-00 FAX (33) 4-42-53-60-01 RF/Automotive Atmel Heilbronn Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany TEL (49) 71-31-67-0 FAX (49) 71-31-67-2340 Atmel Colorado Springs 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL 1(719) 576-3300 FAX 1(719) 540-1759 Biometrics/Imaging/Hi-Rel MPU/ High Speed Converters/RF Datacom Atmel Grenoble Avenue de Rochepleine BP 123 38521 Saint-Egreve Cedex, France TEL (33) 4-76-58-30-00 FAX (33) 4-76-58-34-80 Atmel Colorado Springs 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80906 TEL 1(719) 576-3300 FAX 1(719) 540-1759 Atmel Smart Card ICs Scottish Enterprise Technology Park Maxwell Building East Kilbride G75 0QR, Scotland TEL (44) 1355-803-000 FAX (44) 1355-242-743 e-mail literature@atmel.com Web Site http://www.atmel.com (c) Atmel Corporation 2002. Atmel Corporation makes no warranty for the use of its products, other than those expressly contained in the Company's standard warranty which is detailed in Atmel's Terms and Conditions located on the Company's web site. The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. ATMEL (R) is the registered trademarks of Atmel. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. 1962C-01/02/xM