Catalog C-007 Rev. E1 o r Positronic P ility apab C e t e l p m o vides C Mission Statemen t "To utilize prod assistance to presen uct flexibility and application t quality interconne ct so which represent va lue to customers wo lutions rldwide." Experience * Founded in 1966 * Involvement in the development of international connector specifications through EIA(R), IEC and ISO as well as PICMG(R) and VITA. * Introduction of new and unique connector products to the electronics industry. * Patent holder for many unique connector features and manufacturing techniques. * Vertically integrated manufacturing - raw materials to finished connectors. Technology * Expertise with solid machined contacts provides a variety of high reliability connectors including high current density power connectors. * Quality Assurance lab is capable of testing to IEC, EIA, UL, CUL, military and customer-specified requirements. * In-house design and development of connectors based on market need or individual customer requirements. * Internal manufacturing capabilities include automatic precision contact machining, injection molding, stamping, plating operations and connector assembly. * Manufacturing locations in southwest Missouri, U.S.A. (headquarters); Puerto Rico, France, China, Singapore, and India. Total square footage: 407,441. Support * Quality Systems: Select locations qualified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, AS9100, MIL-STD-790 and customer "dock to stock" programs. Applicable products qualified to MIL-DTL-24308, SAE AS39029, DSCC 85039, MIL-DTL-28748, Space D32, GSFC S-311-P-4 and GSFC S-311-P-10. * Compliance to a variety of international and customer specific environmental requirements. * Large in-house inventory of finished connectors. Customer specific stocking programs. * Factory direct technical sales support in major cities worldwide. * One-on-one customer support from worldwide factory locations. * World class web site. * Value-added solutions and willingness to develop custom products with reasonable price and delivery. Regional Headquarters Springfield, MO Products described within this catalog may be protected by one or more of the following US patents: #4,900,261 #6,260,268 #5,255,580 #6,835,079 patented in canada, 1992 #5,329,697 #7,115,002 other patents pending POSITRONIC(R) IS AN ITAR REGISTERED COM- Auch, France Singapore Positronic Industries' FEDERAL SUPPLY CODE (Cage Code) FOR MANUFACTURERS is 28198 Unless otherwise specified, dimensional tolerances are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 0.001 inches [0.03 mm] for male contact mating diameters. 0.003 inches [0.08 mm] for contact termination diameters. 0.005 inches [0.13 mm] for all other diameters. 0.015 inches [0.38 mm] for all other dimensions. Information in this catalog is proprietary to Positronic and its subsidiaries. Positronic believes the data contained herein to be reliable. Since the technical information is given free of charge, the user employs such information at his own discretion and risk. Positronic Industries assumes no responsibility for results obtained or damages incurred from use of such information in whole or in part. Positronic(R), Positronic Industries, Inc.(R), P+ logo, Positronic Global Connector Solutions(R), Connector Excellence(R) and their logo designs are registered trademarks of Positronic Industries, Inc. This catalog should be accompanied by copies of Positronic's High Reliability D-subminiature Connector Catalogs. Contact Technical Sales, your District Manager or visit for copies of these catalogs as follows: CONNECTOR SAVERS GENDER CHANGERS STANDARD AND HIGH DENSITY d-subminiature CONNECTORS PRESS-IN CONNECTORS ENVIRONMENTAL D-SUBMINIATURE CONNECTORS DUAL-PORT STACKED CONNECTORS STANDARD AND HIGH DENSITY COMBO-D CONNECTORS HIGH PERFORMANCE D-SUBMINIATURE CONNECTORS, INCLUDING SPACEFLIGHT F O R D E TAI LS SK I NIC NDU O R ST RoHS C * /E Contact Technical Sales for details. 95 POS r E Di ES e * p Compliant U RI IT A rect 0 ive 20 2/ TERMINATION TYPES: Signal, Power, High Voltage, Shielded, and Thermocouple Multiple performance levels for best cost/performance ratio DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. i BRACKETS D-Sub TABLE OF CONTENTS Positronic Industries POST / SPACERS M O U N T I N G B R A C Accessories K E T S RIVETED ON RIGHT ANGLE (90) MOUNTING BRACKETS.......................................................................................... 1 PUSH-ON FASTENER FOR RIVETED ON RIGHT ANGLE (90) MOUNTING BRACKETS............................................ 1 rapid installation into printed circuit board RIGHT ANGLE (90) METAL MOUNTING BRACKET..................................................................................................... 2 supplied WITH RIVETED-ON BRACKET ASSEMBLIES RIGHT ANGLE (90) METAL MOUNTING BRACKET..................................................................................................... 2 secured to connector with threaded fasteners MOUNTING OPTION RIGHT ANGLE (90) PLASTIC MOUNTING BRACKET................................................................................................... 3 SECURED TO CONNECTOR WITH THREADED FASTENERS RIGHT ANGLE (90) PLASTIC MOUNTING BRACKET WITH THREADED INSERT....................................................... 3 SECURED TO CONNECTOR WITH THREADED FASTENERS Right Angle (90) PLASTIC MOUNTING BRACKET WITH ALIGNMENT BAR........................................................... 3 SUPPLIED WITH STANDARD DENSITY MIL-DTL-24308/23 AND /24 CONNECTORS FERRITE INDUCTOR P O S T S A N D S P A C E R S SWAGED SPACER.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 SWAGED SPACERS....................................................................................................................................................... 4 SWAGED LOCKNUT....................................................................................................................................................... 4 SWAGED SPACER WITH PUSH-ON FASTENER........................................................................................................... 4 rapid installation into Printed circuit board THREADED POST........................................................................................................................................................... 5 CABLE ADAPTER P A N E L / B U L K H E A D M O U N T I N G O P T I O N S MOUNTING OPTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 6 PANEL CUTOUTS........................................................................................................................................................7-8 LOCKING / CODING F E R R I T E I N D U C T O R FERRITE INDUCTOR BAR FOR EMI/RFI NOISE SUPPRESSION ................................................................................ 9 C A B L E A D A P T E R S ( H O O D S / B A C K S H E L L S ) Typical Jackscrew Locking / Coding options............................................................................................. 11 Typical quick disconnect lockIng device options.................................................................................... 12 UNIQUE FEATURES LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM Cable adapter (hood).............................................................................................. 13 GENERAL INFORMATION LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD).............................................................................................. 14 NEW! WITH FIXED FEMALE JACKSCREWS ii DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. continued on next page . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS BRACKETS D-Sub Accessories Positronic Industries continued from previous page . . . POST / SPACERS CABLE ADAPTERS (HOODS/BACKSHELLS)....continued LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD).............................................................................................. 15 WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS NEW! LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD).............................................................................................. 16 WITH QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE EMI/RFI METAL Cable adapter (hood)................................................................................................................. 17 WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS EMI/RFI METAL Cable adapter (hood)................................................................................................................. 18 MOUNTING OPTION WITH quick disconnect locking device EMI/RFI METAL Cable adapter (hood) ................................................................................................................ 19 with M3 Threads EMI/RFI ADAPTER ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 CRIMP FERRULE SYSTEMS........................................................................................................................................ 20 for use with code G cable adapters (Hoods) METAL Cable adapter (hood)............................................................................................................................... 21 PLASTIC Cable adapter (hood)............................................................................................................................ 21 FERRITE INDUCTOR LOW PROFILE Cable adapter (hood)................................................................................................................... 22 PLASTIC Cable adapter (hood) WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS...................................................................... 23 SIZE 50 PLASTIC Cable adapter (hood) WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS........................................................ 24 SIZE 104 COMPOSITE Cable adapter (hood) WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS............................................... 24 EMI/RFI COMPOSITE Cable adapters (hoods) WITH JACKSCREWS................................................................ 25 A N D C O D I N G S Y S T E M S CABLE ADAPTER L O C K I N G JACKSCREW SYSTEMS............................................................................................................................................... 27 CODING device (KEYING) JACKSCREW SYSTEMS................................................................................................. 27 QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE.................................................................................................................... 28 U N I Q U E F E A T U R E S LOCKING / CODING FLARED CONNECTOR HOUSING (SHELLS)............................................................................................................... 29 LOW PROFILE MOUNTING BRACKET......................................................................................................................... 30 CAPTIVE ALIGNMENT BARS....................................................................................................................................... 30 PROTECTIVE COVER................................................................................................................................................... 31 NEW! INTERFACIAL SEAL...................................................................................................................................................... 31 BLIND MATING SYSTEM.............................................................................................................................................. 32 cul-de-sac style mounting accessories...................................................................................................... 33 CODING DEVICE (KEYING) OPTIONS.......................................................................................................................... 33 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. iii UNIQUE FEATURES SWAGEABLE PLASTIC mounting bracket with ALIGNMENT BAR................................................................... 33 BRACKETS D-Sub mounting brackets Positronic Industries Accessories RIVETED ON RIGHT ANGLE (90) MOUNTING BRACKETS*1 CODE R, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7 AND R8 0.225 [5.72] 4-40 UNC Threads 4-40 UNC Threads 0.120 [3.05] O Clearance Hole Detail A 4-40 UNC Threads with Locknut 0.187 O [4.75] *2 R3/R6 R/R2 Connector Housing (Shells) 0.015 [0.38] *2 Mounting Bracket Connector Housing (Shells) Detail B *2 *2 R4/R7 R5/R8 Mounting Bracket Mounting Bracket Notes: 4-40 UNC Threads R3 has 0.120 [3.05] O clearance hole. For dimensional information, see chart on page 2 *1 *2 4-40 UNC Threads 2.5 threads in metal, nominal. DETAIL A Non-removable threaded hardware is built and inspected to 5 in/lbs or 80 in/oz torque. Contact alignment bar is supplied with R2, R6, R7 and R8 options only. Nylon or Polyester LocknutInsert 0.015 [0.38] DETAIL B Material:Copper alloy or steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel passivated. PUSH-ON FASTENER FOR RIVETED ON RIGHT ANGLE (90) MOUNTING BRACKETS rapid installation into printed circuit board CODE N Printed Board 0.110 O Hole [2.79] Mounting Bracket CBD27W2F57R7N00 (shown left) ODD15F4R7N0X (shown center) HDC50S5R7N00-50 (shown right) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION DATA 1 SAMPLE # PRINTED BOARD HOLE O INSERTION FORCE (LBS.) RETENTION FORCE (LBS.) 1 0.120 [3.05] 7-1/4 5-3/4 2 0.123 [3.12] 5-3/4 5-1/2 3 0.125 [3.18] 2-3/4 2-1/2 4 0.128 [3.25] 1-3/4 2-1/4 5 0.126 [3.20] PLATED 1-3/4 2-1/4 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 0.131 [3.33] Printed Board Printed board mounting hole to be 0.123 [3.12] O 0.003 for use with push-on fastener. Material:Beryllium copper, tin plate. mounting brackets BRACKETS D-Sub Accessories Positronic Industries RIGHT ANGLE (90) METAL MOUNTING BRACKET supplied WITH RIVETED-ON BRACKET ASSEMBLIES CODE R, R2 *1, R3, R4, R5, R6 *1, R7 *1, AND R8 *1 PART NO. A B C 4535-1-1 0.506 [12.85] 0.339 [8.61] 0.395 [10.03] 0.562 [14.27] 0.601 [15.27] 0.657 [16.69] 0.420 [10.67] 0.470 [11.94] 0.414 [10.52] 0.414 [10.52] 0.528 [13.41] 0.573 [14.55] 0.514 [13.06] 0.614 [15.60] 0.623 [15.82] 0.456 [11.58] 0.512 [13.00] 0.679 [17.25] 0.718 [18.24] 0.774 [19.66] 0.537 [13.64] 0.587 [14.91] 0.531 [13.49] 0.531 [13.49] 0.645 [16.38] 0.690 [17.53] 0.631 [16.03] 0.731 [18.57] 0.246 [6.25] 0.246 [6.25] 0.303 [7.70] 0.303 [7.70] 0.246 [6.25] 0.303 [7.70] 0.246 [6.25] 0.303 [7.70] 0.246 [6.25] 0.303 [7.70] 0.246 [6.25] 0.303 [7.70] 0.334 [8.48] 0.334 [8.48] 4535-2-1 4535-3-1 4535-4-1 4535-5-1 4535-6-1 4535-8-1 4535-9-1 4535-32-1 4535-33-1 4535-34-1 4535-35-1 4535-61-1 4535-62-1 D SIZE MD MDX 0.358 [9.09] 9-37 0.358 [9.09] 9-37 29 0.414 [10.52] 50 29 0.414 [10.52] 50 0.358 9-37 [9.09] 29 0.414 [10.52] 50 0.358 9-37 [9.09] 29 0.414 [10.52] 50 0.358 15-62 [9.09] 0.414 78 [10.52] 0.358 15-62 [9.09] 0.414 78 [10.52] 0.457 [11.61] 104 0.445 [11.30] 104 ED CBD CBDD HDC DD PCD ODD 4 5 5 5, 55, 57 5 5 5 5, 55, 57 5 5 5 5 4 4 A B 4 0.125 O [3.18] 4 59 59 59 59 59 42, 44, 52 7, 75, 77 D 0.220 [5.59] 42 42, 44, 52 42, 44, 52 7, 75, 77 C 42 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 0.040 Thick*2 [1.02] Material:Brass with zinc plate and chromate seal, or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. 4 5 4 5 NOTE: Sold only as part of a connector assembly. Any bracket shown can be supplied in non-standard configurations. Consult Technical Sales. Notes: *1 *2 Alignment bar is supplied with R2, R6, R7 and R8 options only. 0.062 [1.57] thick for size 104 DD & ODD series and CBD46W4 variant. RIGHT ANGLE (90) METAL MOUNTING BRACKET secured to connector with threaded fasteners CODE B AND B3 PART NO. STYLE 4535-1-0 2 4535-2-0 1 A B C D SIZE 0.491 [12.47] 0.324 [8.23] 0.608 [15.44] 0.484 [12.29] 0.246 [6.25] 0.244 [6.20] 0.358 [9.09] 0.358 [9.09] 9-37 4 4 9-37 5 5 4535-3-0 1 0.380 0.594 0.303 0.417 [9.65] [15.09] [7.70] [10.59] 4535-4-0 2 4535-5-0 3 0.547 [13.89] 0.554 [14.07] 0.604 [15.34] 0.405 [10.29] 4535-6-0 3 4535-8-0 2 0.664 [16.87] 0.739 [18.77] 0.800 [20.32] 0.522 [13.26] 2 0.455 0.572 0.303 0.414 [11.56] [14.53] [7.70] [10.52] 4535-32-0 2 4535-33-0 2 4535-61-0 2 4535-62-0 2 0.399 [10.13] 0.399 [10.13] 0.514 [13.06] 0.614 [15.60] 0.516 [13.11] 0.516 [13.11] 0.631 [16.03] 0.731 [18.57] 29 5 5 50 5 5 4 4 59 4 29 0.303 0.414 [7.70] [10.52] 50 0.244 0.358 9-37 [6.20] [9.09] 15-62 0.303 0.417 29, 50 [7.70] [10.59] 78 0.246 0.358 9-37 [6.25] [9.09] 4535-9-0 MD MDX ED 29 50 STYLE 1 CBD CBDD HDC DD ODD 5, 55, 57 5 5, 55, 57 5 B A A 4 5 4 5 NOTE: Sold only as part of a connector assembly. 0.063 R. [1.60] 42 D 42 0.220 [5.59] 4 4 4 4 4 B Any bracket shown can be supplied in non-standard configurations. Consult Technical Sales. 0.107 [2.72] C 0.040 Thick*2 [1.02] Material:Brass with zinc plate and chromate seal, or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Notes: *1 4 0.060 [1.52] 0.275 [6.99] 0.125 O [3.18] 0.063 R. [1.60] Tap 4-40 UNC-2B 59 0.246 0.358 [6.25] [9.09] 15-62 0.303 0.414 78 [7.70] [10.52] 0.334 0.457 [8.48] [11.61] 104 0.334 0.445 [8.48] [11.30] 104 A B 0.030 [0.76] 42, 44, 7, 75, 52 77 42, 44, 52 42, 44, 7, 75, 52 77 STYLE 3 STYLE 2 5 *2 Contact alignment bar is supplied with B3 option only. 0.062 [1.57] thick for size 104 DD & ODD series and CBD46W4 variant. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 2 BRACKETS D-Sub mounting brackets Positronic Industries Accessories RIGHT ANGLE (90) PLASTIC MOUNTING BRACKET SECURED TO CONNECTOR WITH THREADED FASTENERS CODE B7 AND B8 *1 STYLE 2 STYLE 1 0.060 R. [1.52] 0.060 R. [1.52] PART NO. STYLE 0.240 [6.10] Typ. 0.112 [2.84] 0.118 [3.00] O Hole 0.195 [4.95] O C'bore 0.020 [0.51] Dp. Typ. 0.094 [2.39] O Hole 0.090 [2.29] 1 4544-7-0 A B B A D C 4544-8-0 4544-9-0 C C D 0.565 0.303 0.790 0.606 [14.35] [7.70] [20.07] [15.39] 0.450 0.244 0.580 0.384 [11.43] [6.20] [14.73] [9.75] 2 D B 0.565 0.303 0.620 0.440 [14.35] [7.70] [15.75] [11.18] *1 SIZE MD MDX ED 0.450 0.244 0.740 0.544 9 - 37 4, 59 [11.43] [6.20] [18.80] [13.82] 15 - 62 4544-6-0 0.277 [7.04] A Note: 29 4, 59 50 4, 59 Alignment bar supplied with B8 option. CBD CBDD HDC DD ODD 4 5 29 5 50 5 5 4 5 4 78 9 - 37 4 5, 55, 42, 52 57, 7, 75, 77 5 4 42, 5 4 4 42, 5 4 42, 52 5, 55, 42, 52 57, 7, 75, 77 5 0.081 [2.06] Typ. NOTE:Sold only as part of a connector assembly. Any bracket shown can be supplied in non-standard configurations. Consult Technical Sales. Material: Nylon or polyester. RIGHT ANGLE (90) PLASTIC MOUNTING BRACKET WITH THREADED INSERT SECURED TO CONNECTOR WITH THREADED FASTENERS CODE B9 AND B10 *1 STYLE 2 STYLE 1 0.060 R. [1.52] 0.060 R. [1.52] PART NO. STYLE 0.240 [6.10] 0.277 [7.04] 0.112 [2.84] 4-40 UNC-2B Thread Typ. 1 4544-7-1 0.094 [2.39] O Hole A A B B 2 4544-9-1 C C D 0.565 0.303 0.790 0.606 [14.35] [7.70] [20.07] [15.39] 0.450 0.244 0.580 0.384 [11.43] [6.20] [14.73] [9.75] 4544-8-1 D D C 0.081 [2.06] Typ. B SIZE MD MDX ED 0.450 0.244 0.740 0.544 9 - 37 4, 59 [11.43] [6.20] [18.80] [13.82] 15 - 62 4544-6-1 0.090 [2.29] A 0.565 0.303 0.620 0.440 [14.35] [7.70] [15.75] [11.18] Note: 29 4, 59 50 4, 59 *1 Alignment bar supplied with B10 option. CBD CBDD HDC DD ODD 4 5 29 5 50 5 5 4 5 4 78 9 - 37 4 5 5, 55, 42, 52 57, 7, 75, 77 4 42, 5 4 4 42, 52 4 42, 52 5 42, 52 5, 55, 57, 7, 75, 77 NOTE:Sold only as part of a connector assembly. Any bracket shown can be supplied in non-standard configurations. Consult Technical Sales. Material: Nylon or polyester. Right Angle (90) PLASTIC MOUNTING BRACKET WITH ALIGNMENT BAR SUPPLIED WITH STANDARD DENSITY MIL-DTL-24308/23 AND /24 CONNECTORS PART NO. A B C 4544-11-1 1.218 [30.94] 0.247 [6.27] 0.980 [24.89] 4544-11-2 1.546 [39.27] 0.247 [6.27] 1.312 [33.32] 4544-11-3 2.093 [53.16] 0.247 [6.27] 1.852 [47.04] 4544-11-4 2.734 [69.44] 0.247 [6.27] 2.500 [63.50] 4544-12-4 2.645 [67.18] 0.303 [7.70] 2.406 [61.11] 0.120 [3.05] O Material: Nylon or polyester. C May be supplied on special order with the MD, MDX and HDC printed board mount connectors. NOTE: Sold only as part of a connector assembly. 3 0.283 [7.19] DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 0.120 [3.05] O B A posts and spacers SWAGED SPACER 0.187 [4.75] Printed Board A 0.015 [0.38] TERMINATION CODE NUMBER A MD, MDX, ED, HDC all 0.225 [5.72] ODD 0, 1 2, 21, 3, 32, 4, 5 0.375 [9.53] 0.225 [5.72] RD, ORD, DD, CBC, CBCD, PCD, PCDD all 0.375 [9.53] SD all 0.437 [11.10] CBD, CBDD, CBM solder cup & solder board mount press-in 0.250 [6.53] PCD, PCDD 98 0.375 [9.53] CONNECTOR SERIES CODE S 4-40 UNC Threads*1 Positronic Industries POST / SPACERS D-Sub Accessories 0.265 [6.73] NoteS: *1 Material: Copper alloy or steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel passivated. Non-removable threaded hardware is built and inspected to 5in/lbs or 80 in/oz torque. SWAGED SPACERS CODE S2, S3, AND S4 S2 S3 0.187 [4.75] 4-40 UNC Threads, Typical*1 0.187 [4.75] 0.187 [4.75] Panel 0.125 [3.18] 0.015 [0.38] Typical Panel 0.107 [2.72] Flush mount NoteS: *1 S4 0.225 [5.72] 0.125 [3.18] Panel Material:Copper alloy or steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel passivated. Non-removable threaded hardware is built and inspected to 5in/lbs or 80 in/oz torque. SWAGED LOCKNUT CODE S5 Nylon or Polyester Locknut Insert 0.180 [4.57] NoteS: *1 Non-removable threaded hardware is built and inspected to 5in/lbs or 80 in/oz torque. 4-40 UNC Threads. 2.5 threads in metal, nominal.*1 Panel 0.015 [0.38] 0.115 [2.92] 0.055 [1.40] Material:Copper alloy or steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Nylon or polyester locknut insert. SWAGED SPACER WITH PUSH-ON FASTENER rapid installation into Printed circuit board CODE S6 *1 0.187 [4.75] 4-40 UNC Threads*2 0.015 [0.38] A NoteS: *1 Material: Phosphor bronze, tin plate. *2 Printed board mounting hole to be 0.123 [3.12] O 0.003 for use with push-on fastener. Non-removable threaded hardware is built and inspected to 5in/lbs or 80 in/oz torque. CONNECTOR SERIES TERMINATION CODE NUMBER A MD, MDX, ED, HDC all 0.225 [5.72] ODD 0, 1 2, 21, 3, 32 0.375 [9.53] 0.225 [5.72] RD, ORD, DD, CBC, CBCD, PCD, PCDD all 0.375 [9.53] SD all 0.437 [11.10] CBD, CBDD, CBM all 0.250 [6.35] DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 4 D-Sub posts and spacers Positronic Industries Accessories THREADED POST CODE P AND P2 POST / SPACERS P2 P 4-40 UNC Threads 4-40 UNC Threads 0.187 [4.75] L L CONNECTOR SERIES TERMINATION CODE NUMBER A MD, MDX, ED, HDC all 0.225 [5.72] 0, 1 0.375 [9.53] 2, 21, 3, 32 0.225 [5.72] RD, ORD, DD, CBC, CBCD, PCD, PCDD all 0.375 [9.53] SD all 0.437 [11.10] CBD, CBDD, CBM all 0.250 [6.35] ODD F O R D E TAI LS SK I NIC NDU O R ST RoHS C * /E Contact Technical Sales for details. 95 POS E Di ES er * p Compliant U RI IT A rect 0 ive 20 2/ 0.250 [6.35] Material: P - B rass with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. P2 - Nylon. Positronic's D-subminiature Accessories are available in RoHS compliant materials. These materials will be supplied when the connector part number designates the RoHS modifier "/AA". Connectors Designed To Customer Specifications Positronic D-subminiature connectors can be modified to customers specifications. Examples: select loading of contacts for cost savings or to gain creepage and clearance distances; longer printed circuit board terminations; customer specified hardware; sealing for water resistance. Contact Technical Sales with your particular requirements. 5 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. D-Sub Accessories PANEL / BULKHEAD mounting options Positronic Industries MOUNTING OPTIONS CODE 0, 02, F THRU HOLE MOUNTING (0) THRU HOLE MOUNTING (0, 02) MOUNTING OPTION o0.1200.005 [o3.050.13] Mounting hole, two places for stainless steel connector housing (shells) (0 option) o0.1200.005 [o3.050.13] Mounting hole, two places for non-stainless steel connector housing (shells) o0.154 [o3.91] Mounting hole, two places (02 option) FLOAT MOUNTS (F) 0.1200.010 [3.080.25] 0.032 [0.81] Total diametral float o0.086 +0.005/ -0.000 [o2.18 +0.13/ -0.00] Mounting hole, two places Do you need 2-D drawings or 3-D models? Once you have made a connector selection, contact Technical Sales if you would like a 2-D drawing or 3-D model. If we do not have your specific part number on file, we can create one for you. Or, please visit and use the search function. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 6 PANEL / BULKHEAD mounting options Positronic Industries D-Sub Accessories PANEL CUTOUTS STANDARD CUTOUT MOUNTING OPTION SHELL SIZE PANEL CUTOUT OPTIONS CLEARANCE HOLE SHELL SIZE 1 FLOAT MOUNT BLIND MATE FLOAT PLATE CLEARANCE HOLE SHELL SIZE 2 FLOAT MOUNT BLIND MATE FLOAT PLATE CLEARANCE HOLE SHELL SIZE 3 FLOAT MOUNT BLIND MATE FLOAT PLATE OPTIONAL CUTOUT BLIND MATE FLOAT PLATE MOUNTING A 0.005 [0.13] B 0.005 [0.13] C 0.005 [0.13] D 0.005 [0.13] E 0.005 [0.13] F 0.005 [0.13] G 0.002 [0.05] H 0.002 [0.05] J 0.002 [0.05] FRONT 0.874 [22.20] 0.437 [11.10] 0.984 [24.99] 0.492 [12.50] 0.513 [13.03] 0.257 [6.53] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 0.806 [20.47] 0.403 [10.24] 0.984 [24.99] 0.492 [12.50] 0.449 [11.40] 0.225 [5.72] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 0.906 [23.01] 0.453 [11.51] 0.984 [24.99] 0.492 [12.50] 0.545 [13.84] 0.273 [6.93] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 0.838 [21.29] 0.419 [10.64] 0.984 [24.99] 0.492 [12.50] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 0.838 [21.29] 0.419 [10.64] 0.984 [24.99] 0.492 [12.50] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.188 [4.78] 0.094 [2.39] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.202 [30.53] 0.601 [15.27] 1.312 [33.32] 0.656 [16.66] 0.513 [13.03] 0.257 [6.53] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 1.134 [28.80] 0.567 [14.40] 1.312 [33.32] 0.656 [16.66] 0.449 [11.40] 0.225 [5.72] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.234 [31.34] 0.617 [15.67] 1.312 [33.32] 0.656 [16.66] 0.545 [13.84] 0.273 [6.93] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 1.166 [29.62] 0.583 [14.81] 1.312 [33.32] 0.656 [16.66] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.166 [29.62] 0.583 [14.81] 1.312 [33.32] 0.656 [16.66] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.188 [4.78] 0.094 [2.39] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.743 [44.27] 0.872 [22.15] 1.852 [47.04] 0.926 [23.52] 0.513 [13.03] 0.257 [6.53] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 1.674 [42.52] 0.837 [21.26] 1.852 [47.04] 0.926 [23.52] 0.449 [11.40] 0.225 [5.72] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.775 [45.09] 0.888 [22.56] 1.852 [47.04] 0.926 [23.52] 0.545 [13.84] 0.273 [6.93] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 1.706 [43.33] 0.853 [21.67] 1.852 [47.04] 0.926 [23.52] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.706 [43.33] 0.853 [21.67] 1.852 [47.04] 0.926 [23.52] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.188 [4.78] 0.094 [2.39] 0.132 [3.35] K 0.005 [0.13] 1.586 [40.28] 1.914 [48.62] 2.461 [62.51] Chart continued on next page 7 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PANEL / BULKHEAD mounting options D-Sub Accessories Positronic Industries PANEL CUTOUTS Clearance Hole Rear Mount Clearance Hole Front Mount Float Mount Rear Mount Panel Panel Panel Float Mount Front Mount Panel SHELL SIZE SPECIAL SIZE 29 PANEL CUTOUT OPTIONS CLEARANCE HOLE FLOAT MOUNT CLEARANCE HOLE SHELL SIZE 4 FLOAT MOUNT BLIND MATE FLOAT PLATE CLEARANCE HOLE SHELL SIZE 5 FLOAT MOUNT BLIND MATE FLOAT PLATE CLEARANCE HOLE SHELL SIZE 6 FLOAT MOUNT MOUNTING A 0.005 [0.13] B 0.005 [0.13] C 0.005 [0.13] D 0.005 [0.13] E 0.005 [0.13] F 0.005 [0.13] G 0.002 [0.05] H 0.002 [0.05] J 0.002 [0.05] FRONT 1.425 [36.20] 0.713 [18.11] 1.534 [38.96] 0.767 [19.48] 0.623 [15.82] 0.312 [7.92] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 1.356 [34.44] 0.678 [17.22] 1.534 [38.96] 0.767 [19.48] 0.555 [14.10] 0.278 [7.06] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 1.457 [37.01] 0.729 [18.52] 1.534 [38.96] 0.767 [19.48] 0.655 [16.64] 0.328 [8.33] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 1.388 [35.26] 0.694 [17.63] 1.534 [38.96] 0.767 [19.48] 0.587 [14.91] 0.294 [7.47] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.391 [60.73] 1.196 [30.38] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.513 [13.03] 0.257 [6.53] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 2.326 [59.08] 1.163 [29.54] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.449 [11.40] 0.225 [5.72] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.423 [61.54] 1.212 [30.78] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.545 [13.84] 0.273 [6.93] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 2.354 [59.79] 1.177 [29.90] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.354 [59.79] 1.177 [29.90] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.481 [12.22] 0.241 [6.12] 0.188 [4.78] 0.094 [2.39] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.297 [58.34] 1.149 [29.18] 2.406 [61.11] 1.203 [30.56] 0.623 [15.82] 0.312 [7.92] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 2.218 [56.34] 1.109 [28.17] 2.406 [61.11] 1.203 [30.56] 0.555 [14.10] 0.278 [7.06] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.329 [59.16] 1.165 [29.59] 2.406 [61.11] 1.203 [30.56] 0.655 [16.64] 0.328 [8.33] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 2.250 [57.15] 1.125 [28.58] 2.406 [61.11] 1.203 [30.56] 0.587 [14.91] 0.294 [7.47] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.260 [57.40] 1.125 [28.58] 2.406 [61.11] 1.203 [30.56] 0.602 [15.29] 0.301 [7.65] 0.188 [4.78] 0.094 [2.39 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.421 [61.49] 1.211 [30.76] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.685 [17.40] 0.343 [8.71] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 2.343 [59.51] 1.172 [29.77] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.617 [15.67] 0.309 [7.85] 0.120 [3.05] 0.060 [1.52] 0.132 [3.35] FRONT 2.453 [62.31] 1.227 [31.17] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.717 [18.21] 0.359 [9.12] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.083 [2.11] REAR 2.375 [60.33] 1.188 [30.18] 2.500 [63.50] 1.250 [31.75] 0.649 [16.48] 0.325 [8.26] 0.088 [2.24] 0.044 [1.12] 0.132 [3.35] MOUNTING OPTION Chart continued from previous page K 0.005 [0.13] 3.102 [78.79] 3.008 [76.40] DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 8 D-Sub ferrite inductor Positronic Industries Accessories FERRITE INDUCTOR BAR*1 FOR EMI/RFI NOISE SUPPRESSION CODE F AND Q *2 FILTERING CHARACTERISTICS Q Note: * NO-LOAD CONDITION IMPEDANCE [OHMS] ATTENUATION [dB] Fixed Female Jackscrews Swaged spacer with push-on fastener of phosphor bronze. 0.010 [0.25] Nominal A L Ferrite Inductor Bar *2 STRAIGHT PRINTED BOARD MOUNT CONNECTOR FREQUENCY FERRITE INDUCTOR F Ferrite Inductor Bar *2 0.005 0.135 [3.43] Right Angle (90) PRINTED BOARD MOUNT CONNECTOR MD9M5R7FT6X FERRITE INDUCTOR AVAILABILITY SERIES CODE NUMBER MD, MDX, HDC ODD, CBDD 32 DD *1 A L 0.375 [9.53] 0.240 [6.10] 0.375 [9.53] 0.165 [4.19] 0.515 [13.08] 0.165 [4.19] ED, HDC 36 0.375 [9.53] 0.101 [2.57] MD, MDX 4 ---------- ---------- ODD 5 ---------- ---------- MD 59 ---------- ---------- MD, HDC 6 0.375 [9.53] 0.360 [9.14] Material:Nickel zinc ceramic. 9 Notes: DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. *2 his bar option is available for connector housings T (shells) 9, 15, 25, and 37. Ferrite beads are used for the other sizes. Contact Technical Sales for ferrite inductor ordering information on those connectors. Specify Code F or Q in Step 6 of ordering information. F is for ferrite inductor and Q is for ferrite inductor with push-on fastener. cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries NEW! CABLE ADAPTER MATERIAL FINISH CABLE CLAMP (material, finish) HARDWARE (material, finish) UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES PAGE AN*1 aluminum nickel aluminum, nickel steel with nickel plate light weight, EMI 13 AC*1 aluminum no finish aluminum, no finish steel with nickel plate light weight, EMI 13 zinc, die cast EMI/RFI metal 17 steel, zinc plate with chromate seal similar to SAE AS85049/48 21 G zinc, die cast chromate seal CABLE ADAPTERS Technical Characteristics, Quick Reference H steel, zinc plate J glass-filled nylon, 94V-0 steel, nickel plate top opening, for vibration applications 21 L glass-filled nylon, 94V-0 steel, nickel plate side opening, for vibration applications 21 QH glass-filled ployester steel, nickel plate steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated low profile 22 W polypropylene 94V-0 See "CODE W" on page 23 for complete listing of hardware options. low profile, low cost 23 Y composite, conductive volume resistivity low profile, sizes 50 & 104 only 24 Z composite, conductive volume resistivity or glass-filled nylon EMI/RFI composite 25 Notes: *1 See "Material & Finish Option" chart on page 14 for additional options. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 10 cable adapters Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries NEW! D-Sub Typical jackscrew Locking Options Jackscrew options are available with "A", "G", "H", "J", "L", "QH", "W", "Y" and "Z" cable adapters listed in quick reference chart on page 10. EMI/RFI metal "G" and lightweight aluminum "A" cable adapters are shown in illustration for reference only. For more information regarding locking/coding jackscrew systems "E", "T2", "E6", "T6" and other jackscrew options, see page 27. CABLE TO cable Connector Option Fixed Jackscrews CABLE ADAPTERS CABLE TO fixed connector option Coded Fixed Jackscrews Rotating Jackscrews 11 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Coded Rotating Jackscrews A cable adapters D-Sub Accessories NEW! (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries Typical Quick Disconnect Locking Device Options Lock actuation lever "VL" and front mounted locking tabs "V3" are available with "A", "G", "H", "J" and "L" cable adapters listed in quick reference chart on page 10. CABLE TO fixed connector option Lock Actuation Lever Back mounted locking tabs "V5" options are also available. For detailed information on locking/coding systems see page 28. Plastic cable adapter "L" and front panel mount "V3" locking tab are shown in illustration for reference only. Front Mount Locking Tabs CABLE ADAPTERS CABLE TO cable Connector Option Lock Actuation Lever RD25M10JVLZ (left) and HDC25S500V3X (right). Front Mount Locking Tabs DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 12 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM Cable adapter (hood) NEW! EMI WITH MULTIPLE GROUNDING POINTS CODE A G ENERAL INF O R M A T I O N This product has been designed for use in applications as a lightweight, EMI cable adapter for D-subminiature connectors. The features of the product are outlined below. Please contact Technical Sales for pricing and additional options. Aperture / Strain Relief GROUND SCREWS t t t t t Sized and spaced for use with 0.250 inch [6.35mm] diameter ring terminals Ground shelf height and ground screw length allow for stacking of ring terminals Holes are pre-tapped for ease of installation Ground screws are located outside the exiting wire path to facilitate wire routing Ground holes are tapped through to the outside which provide for optional external grounding t t t Thumb Grip t Spacious Interior t t Shape maximizes internal area which facilitates harness assembly No obstructions behind any portion of the connector body allows cable adapter to be used with Combo-D connectors CABLE ADAPTERS T ECHNICAL Appropriate for high density wire bundles using twisted, shielded pairs Cable clamps can be "spooned" to provide strain relief for small wire bundle Wide form factor allows the user to easily meet bend radius requirements Grip facilitates installation and removal in tight spaces Locking System t A vailable with jackscrews or actuation lock system CHARAC T ERIS T ICS Material and finishes: Climatic CHARACTERISTICS: Cable AdapterAluminum, aluminum with electroless nickel plate; & Cable Clamps: aluminum with yellow anodize; aluminum with yellow chromate conversion. Zinc content is 1% maximum. Temperature Range: -55C to +125C Weight chart: Contact Technical Sales for weights on T2, E6, E7 and V3 hardware options. Jackscrews &Steel with nickel plate; brass with zinc plate and Screws: chromate seal. Stainless steel options available, contact Technical Sales CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD) SIZE D*1000ANVL ounces [grams] D*1000ANE ounces [grams] 9 1.43 [40.50] 1.08 [30.54] Actuation Lock System:Steel with nickel plate. 15 1.60 [45.24] 1.32 [37.44] 25 1.95 [55.22] 1.62 [45.92] MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS: 29 Ground Screws:Can accept up to 0.250 inch [6.35mm] diameter ring terminal. Locking System:Jackscrews and quick disconnect lock system. 37 2.53 [71.60] 50 2.61 [74.00] 2.26 [63.94] 104 n/a 2.41 [68.44] 2.19 [62.06] All hardware in a cable adapter assembly including cable clamps, screws, etc. Electrical CHARACTERISTICS: Note: Range of Operation, Calculated Method: *1 2 GHz minimum. Contact Technical Sales Designates size of cable adapter in part number. continued on page 14 Visit our website for the latest c atalog updates and supplements at 13 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries T ECHNICAL CHARAC T ERIS T ICS , c o n t i n u e d continued from page 13 MATERIAL & FINISH OPTIONS CODE NUMBER HARDWARE TYPE CABLE ADAPTER (Hood) & Cable Clamp Finish T2 E Hardware Material & Finish E6 E7 VL N nickel 4 4 4 4 4 V3 4 steel with nickel plate C no finish 4 4 4 4 4 4 steel with nickel plate O P T I O N A L M A TE R I A L & F I N I S H E S A anodize 4 4 4 4 B anodize 4 4 4 4 D no finish 4 4 4 4 I yellow chromate conversion 4 4 4 4 J yellow chromate conversion 4 4 4 4 NEW! 4 4 steel with nickel plate brass with zinc plate and chromate seal brass with zinc plate and chromate seal 4 4 steel with nickel plate brass with zinc plate and chromate seal LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD) WITH FIXED FEMALE JACKSCREWS CODE A*1T2 G Nominal Cable Opening H Cable Opening A K Number of Internal Grounding Screws C D E SHELL SIZE B 2X 4-40UNC-2B Thread Fixed Female Jackscrew CONNECTOR / CONTACT ARRANGEMENT COMPATIBILITY Also available with Polarized Fixed Jackscrews. Contact Technical Sales for details. D15000ANT20 - Lightweight a luminum cable adapter with fixed female jackscrews, pictured with connector installed. Typical Part Number: D25000ANT20 PART NUMBER A B C D E G H Min.*2 Max. J K 1 Std-D: 9 High-D: 15 Combo-D: 5W1, 2WK2 Combo-D High-D: 8W2 D9000A*1T20 1.219 0.586 2.000 1.700 0.984 0.362 [30.96] [14.88] [50.08] [43.18] [24.99] [9.19] 0.240 0.453 0.050 [6.10] [11.51] [1.27] 4 2 Std-D: 15 High-D: 26 Combo-D: 3W3, 3WK3, 7W2, 11W1 Combo-D High-D: 19W1 D15000A*1T20 1.547 0.586 2.000 1.700 1.312 0.690 0.350 0.453 0.100 [39.29] [14.88] [50.08] [43.18] [33.32] [17.53] [8.89] [11.51] [2.54] 4 Std-D: 25 Combo-D: 5 W5, 9W4, 13W3, 17W2, 21W1 Combo-D High-D: 15W4 D25000A*1T20 2.094 0.586 2.000 1.700 1.852 0.690 0.350 0.453 0.100 [53.19] [14.88] [50.08] [43.18] [47.04] [17.53] [8.89] [11.51] [2.54] 4 D29000A*1T20 1.776 0.689 2.000 1.700 1.534 0.690 0.350 0.564 0.100 [45.11] [17.73] [50.08] [43.18] [38.96] [17.53] [8.89] [14.33] [2.54] 4 High-D: 62 Combo-D: 8 W8, 13W6, 17W5, 21WA4, 25W3, 27W2 Combo-D High-D: 45W2 D37000A*1T20 2.736 0.586 2.250 1.950 2.500 1.242 0.410 0.453 0.130 [69.49] [14.88] [57.15] [49.53] [63.50] [31.55] [10.41] [11.51] [3.30] 6 5 Std-D: 50 High-D: 78 Combo-D: 24W7, 36W4, 43W2, 47W1 Combo-D High-D: n/a D50000A*1T20 2.642 0.689 2.250 1.950 2.406 1.242 0.410 0.564 0.130 [67.11] [17.73] [57.15] [49.53] [61.11] [31.55] [10.41] [14.33] [3.30] 6 6 Std-D: n/a Combo-D: 46W4 High-D: 104 Combo-D High-D: n/a D104000A*1T20 2.736 0.760 2.250 1.950 2.500 1.242 0.410 0.627 0.130 [69.49] [19.30] [57.15] [49.53] [63.50] [31.55] [10.41] [15.93] [3.30] 6 3 High-D: 44 -- Combo-D: n/a Std-D: 29 High-D: n/a Combo-D High-D: n/a Std-D: 37 4 CABLE ADAPTERS 0.150 [3.81] J Cable Clamp NoteS: *1 *2 or completed part number, insert desired code number from "Material & F Finish Option" chart above. Smaller cable openings may be achieved by inverting one or both cable clamps. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 14 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD) WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS CODE A *1E, A *1E6, AND A *1E7 NEW! CODE E CODE E7 ROTATING MALE JACKSCREWS ROTATING FEMALE JACKSCREWS G Nominal Cable Opening G Nominal Cable Opening H Cable Opening 0.150 [3.81] J Cable Clamp 2X 0.095 [2.41] Hex Socket A H Cable Opening 0.150 [3.81] J Cable Clamp B D F B K Number of Internal Grounding Screws D 2X 4-40 UNC 2B Thread Rotating Female Jackscrew 2X 4-40UNC-2A Thread Rotating Male Jackscrew E A C K Number of Internal Grounding Screws C 2X 0.095 [2.41] Hex Socket F E Typical Part Number: D25000ANE70 Typical Part Number: D25000ACE0 CODE E6 D37000ANE0- Lightweight a luminum cable adapter with rotating male jackscrews, pictured with connector installed. POLARIZED ROTATING JACKSCREWS G Nominal Cable Opening H Cable Opening 0.150 [3.81] J Cable Clamp 2X 0.095 [2.41] Hex Socket A CABLE ADAPTERS C B K Number of Internal Grounding Screws D For Technical Characteristics, see page 13 Notes: *1 4-40UNC-2B Thread Rotating Female Jackscrew F E 4-40UNC-2A Thread Rotating Male Jackscrew *2 *3 Typical Part Number: D25000AcE60 SHELL SIZE PART NUMBER A B C D E F G H Min.*3 Max. J K 1 Std-D: 9 High-D: 15 Combo-D: 5W1, 2WK2 Combo-D High-D: 8W2 D9000A*1*2 0 0.908 0.616 2.090 1.790 1.524 0.984 0.362 0.240 0.483 0.050 [23.06] [15.65] [53.09] [45.47] [38.71] [24.99] [9.19] [6.10] [12.27] [1.27] 4 2 Std-D: 15 High-D: 26 Combo-D: 3W3, 3WK3, 7W2, 11W1 Combo-D High-D: 19W1 D15000A*1*2 0 1.236 0.616 2.090 1.790 1.852 1.312 0.690 0.350 0.483 0.100 [31.39] [15.65] [53.09] [45.47] [47.04] [33.32] [17.53] [8.89] [12.27] [2.54] 4 Std-D: 25 Combo-D: 5 W5, 9W4, 13W3, 17W2, 21W1 Combo-D High-D: 15W4 D25000A*1*2 0 1.656 0.616 2.090 1.790 2.392 1.852 0.690 0.350 0.483 0.100 [42.06] [15.65] [53.09] [45.47] [60.76] [47.04] [17.53] [8.89] [12.27] [2.54] 4 D29000A*1*2 0 1.338 0.727 2.090 1.790 2.074 1.534 0.690 0.350 0.594 0.100 [33.99] [18.47] [53.09] [45.47] [52.68] [38.96] [17.53] [8.89] [15.09] [2.54] 4 High-D: 62 Combo-D: 8 W8, 13W6, 17W5, 21WA4, 25W3, 27W2 Combo-D High-D: 45W2 D37000A*1*2 0 2.304 0.616 2.340 2.040 3.040 2.500 1.242 0.410 0.483 0.130 [58.52] [15.65] [59.44] [51.82] [77.22] [63.50] [31.55] [10.41] [12.27] [3.30] 6 5 Std-D: 50 High-D: 78 Combo-D: 24W7, 36W4, 43W2, 47W1 Combo-D High-D: n/a D50000A*1*2 0 2.210 0.727 2.340 2.040 2.946 2.406 1.242 0.410 0.594 0.130 [56.13] [18.47] [59.44] [51.82] [74.83] [61.11] [31.55] [10.41] [15.09] [3.30] 6 6 Std-D: n/a Combo-D: 46W4 High-D: 104 Combo-D High-D: n/a D104000A*1*2 0 2.304 0.790 2.340 2.040 3.040 2.500 1.242 0.410 0.657 0.130 [58.52] [20.07] [59.44] [51.82] [77.22] [63.50] [31.55] [10.41] [16.69] [3.30] 6 3 -4 15 CONNECTOR / CONTACT ARRANGEMENT COMPATIBILITY For completed part number, insert desired code number from "Material & Finish Option" chart on page 14. For completed part number, insert the desired code (E, E6 or E7) for required jackscrew option. Smaller cable openings may be achieved by inverting one or both cable clamps. High-D: 44 Std-D: 29 Combo-D: n/a High-D: n/a Combo-D High-D: n/a Std-D: 37 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries LIGHTWEIGHT ALUMINUM CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD) NEW! WITH QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE CODE A *1VL and A *1V3 Code VL Code V3 LOCK ACTUATION LEVER G Nominal Cable Opening LOCKING TABS G Nominal Cable Opening H Cable Opening 0.150 [3.81] 0.150 [3.81] J Cable Clamp J Cable Clamp A A K Number of Internal Grounding Screws C D 0.217 [5.51] B H Cable Opening B K Number of Internal Grounding Screws C D E F TYPICAL PART NUMBER: D25000ACV30 TYPICAL PART NUMBER: D25000ANVL0 D25000ANVL0 Lightweight aluminum cable adapter with vibration lock lever, pictured with connector installed. CABLE ADAPTERS Also available with Back panel mounted locking tabs, see page 28 for details. Notes: For completed part number, insert desired code number from "Material & Finish Option" chart on page 14. Smaller cable openings may be achieved by inverting one or both cable clamps. *1 *2 SHELL SIZE CONNECTOR / CONTACT ARRANGEMENT COMPATIBILITY D E F G H Min.*2 Max. J K 1.770 0.592 1.547 0.586 2.000 1.700 [44.96] [15.04] 0.690 0.350 0.453 0.100 [39.29] [14.88] [50.08] [43.18] [17.53] [8.89] [11.51] [2.54] D15000A*1V30 ----- 4 Combo-D: 5 W5, 9W4, 13W3, 17W2, 21W1 Combo-D High-D: 15W4 2.360 0.592 2.094 0.586 2.000 1.700 [59.94] [15.04] 0.690 0.350 0.453 0.100 [53.19] [14.88] [50.08] [43.18] [17.53] [8.89] [11.51] [2.54] D25000A*1V30 ----- 4 2.030 0.715 1.776 0.689 2.000 1.700 [51.56] [18.16] 0.690 0.350 0.564 0.100 [45.11] [17.73] [50.08] [43.18] [17.53] [8.89] [14.33] [2.54] D29000A*1V30 ----- 4 High-D: 62 Combo-D: 8 W8, 13W6, 17W5, 21WA4, 25W3, 27W2 Combo-D High-D: 45W2 3.015 0.592 2.736 0.586 2.250 1.950 [76.58] [15.04] 1.242 0.410 0.453 0.130 [69.49] [14.88] [57.15] [49.53] [31.55] [10.41] [11.51] [3.30] D37000A*1V30 ----- 6 Std-D: 50 High-D: 78 Combo-D: 24W7, 36W4, 43W2, 47W1 Combo-D High-D: n/a 2.900 0.715 2.642 0.689 2.250 1.950 [73.66] [18.16] 1.242 0.410 0.564 0.130 [67.11] [17.73] [57.15] [49.53] [31.55] [10.41] [14.33] [3.30] D50000A*1V30 ----- 6 2 Std-D: 15 High-D: 26 Std-D: 25 5 C Combo-D: 3W3, 3WK3, 7W2, 11W1 Combo-D High-D: 19W1 Combo-D: 5W1, 2WK2 Combo-D High-D: 8W2 4 B 4 Std-D: 9 High-D: 15 -- A 1.460 0.592 1.219 0.586 2.000 1.700 [37.08] [15.04] 0.362 0.240 0.453 0.050 [30.96] [14.88] [50.08] [43.18] [9.19] [6.10] [11.51] [1.27] ----- 1 3 PART NUMBER High-D: 44 Std-D: 29 Combo-D: n/a High-D: n/a Combo-D High-D: n/a Std-D: 37 D9000A*1VL0 D9000A*1V30 D15000A*1VL0 D25000A*1VL0 D29000A*1VL0 D37000A*1VL0 D50000A*1VL0 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 16 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries Co d e G - G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n *Crimp ferrule system available for greater shielding performance and greater cable retention; see page 20. * EMI/RFI shielding * Die cast zinc construction to maximize shielding and ruggedness. * Well-proportioned to allow ample room for internal conductors. * Offered with rotating jackscrews or quick disconnect locking systems. * Central grounding post inside the cable adapter. * Supplied for D-subminiature connector housing sizes 1 - 6. * Cable clamps and various cable exit options offered. The EMI/RFI hood and adapters shown on pages 17 - 20 of this catalog are manufactured by Inotec Electronics. Positronic serves as the North American distributor of these hoods and adapters. *Unused cable openings EMI/RFI protected using included metal plugs. EMI/RFI METAL Cable adapter (hood) WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS CODE GE *1 CABLE CLAMP OPENINGS D 0.510 [12.95] Shell Sizes 1 - 4: 0.118 [3.00], Min. 0.472 [11.99], Max. A Shell Size 5 - 6: 0.197 [5.00], Min. 0.551 [14.00], Max. 0.510 [12.95] A Material: Zinc, die cast. 2X 4-40UNC Thread Male Jackscrew B C D9000GE0 CABLE ADAPTERS (Shell Size 1) NEW! D9000GE0-1023.50 C D 1.398 [35.50] 1.220 [31.00] 0.984 [25.00] 0.583 [14.81] (Shell Size 3) D37000GE0 (Shell Size 4) D50000GE0 (Shell Size 5) D104000GE0 (Shell Size 6) * * * * 1 Top D9000GE0-1023.5 (Not pictured) 1.575 [40.00] 1.547 [39.30] 1.311 [33.30] 0.583 [14.81] (Not pictured) 2.094 [53.20] 2.736 [69.50] 2.638 [67.00] 2.835 [72.01 1.850 [47.00] 2.500 [63.50] 2.406 [61.10] 2.500 [63.50] 0.583 [14.81] 0.583 [14.81] 0.701 [17.80] 0.764 [19.40] NEW! D9000GE0-1023.49 1 Top, 2 Side*4 1 Top, 2 Side*4 1 Top, 2 Side*4 A B C D 1.988 [50.50] 1.220 [31.00] 0.984 [25.00] 0.583 [14.81] CABLE EXIT OPTION*5 1 Side (Shell Size 1) (Not pictured) 1 Top (Not pictured) D15000GE0-1023.5 2.165 [55.00] 1.547 [39.30] 1.311 [33.30] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Top, 1 Side*3 D25000GE0-1023.5 2.165 [55.00] 2.094 [53.20] 1.850 [47.00] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Top, 2 Side*4 D37000GE0-1023.5 2.165 [55.00] 2.736 [69.50] 2.500 [63.50] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Top, 2 Side*4 D50000GE0-1023.5 2.244 [57.00] 2.638 [67.00] 2.406 [61.10] 0.701 [17.80] 1 Top, 2 Side*4 (Shell Size 2) 1 Side (Not pictured) 1.575 [40.00] 1.575 [40.00] 1.654 [42.00] 1.560 [39.62] (Shell Size 1) 1 Side (Not pictured) (Shell Size 2) * PART NUMBER (Shell Size) 1 Top, 1 Side*3 D15000GE0-1579.0 * CABLE EXIT OPTION*5 (Shell Size 1) D25000GE0 17 B D15000GE0 (Shell Size 2) NEW! A 2X 4-40UNC Thread Male Jackscrew B Typical part number: d25000ge0-1023.5 Typical part number: d25000ge0 PART NUMBER (Shell Size) *2 FOR EXTENDED GE CABLE ADAPTER, add the suffix As indicated in the table below. D GE C EXTENDED HEIGHT GE (Shell Size 3) (Shell Size 4) (Shell Size 5) (Not pictured) 1 Top, 2 Side*4 (Not pictured) FEATURES: Gripping shoulders enable trouble-free extraction of the connector assembly even with tightly packed aligned cable adapters. Rotating jackscrews offer the most secure mechanical locking of the connector system. Standard height cable adapters for use with connector shell sizes 1 and 2 are available with a top or side cable exit option. Contact Technical Sales for details. Cable adapters for use with connector shell sizes 3 - 5 are designed with three (3) cable entries and can permit the looping through of cables. Cable entries not used are sealed with supplied metal plugs to maintain EMI/RFI shielding qualities. Two (2) height options are available, one being a low profile option (as shown on the left side of this page). An increased height option (as shown on the right side of this page) is offered for use with power conductors and coaxial cable, such as might be used with the Positronic CBD/CBM series connectors. Grounding to the cable adapter may be accomplished by fastening wires inside cable adapter with an M3 threaded Phillips head screw. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Notes: *1 To prevent stripping of the cable adapter assembly screws, we recommend using Pozidriv screwdriver bits available from stock using part number 9535-2-2-0, contact Technical Sales. Standard height GE cable adapter use the Pozidriv style jackscrews. Internal hex jackscrews are available for the standard height, but require an MOS. *2 The extended height cable adapters use an internal hex jackscrew. *3 hese cable adapters are supplied with one (1) cable clamp set and one (1) T opening plug. *4 hese cable adapters are supplied with one (1) cable clamp set and two (2) T opening plugs. *5 See page 20 for optional Crimp Ferrule System. cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries EMI/RFI METAL Cable adapter (hood)*1 WITH quick disconnect locking device CODE G AND GVL GVL CABLE ADAPTER SHOWN FOR REFERENCE, FOR G CABLE ADAPTER USE SAME DRAWING AS GVL CABLE ADAPTER EXCEPT WITHOUT THE LOCK ACTUATION LEVER *2 *2 EXTENDED HEIGHT G / GVL FOR EXTENDED cable adapter, add the suffix As indicated in the table below. 0.510 [12.95] Shell Size 5: 0.197 [5.00], Min. 0.551 [14.00] Max. 1.575 [40.00] C B D D9000G00 1 D9000GVL0 D15000G00 2 D15000GVL0 D25000G00 3 D25000GVL0 D37000G00 4 D37000GVL0 D50000G00 5 D50000GVL0 1.260 [32.00] 1.547 [39.30] 2.094 [53.20] 2.736 [69.50] 2.638 [67.00] B C D --- --- --- --- SHELL SIZE 2 Side*3 1 1 Top, 2 Side*4 2 1 Top, 2 Side*4 3 1 Top, 2 Side*4 4 1 Top, 2 Side*4 5 --- 1.770 0.615 0.600 [44.96] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- --- 2.360 0.615 0.600 [59.94] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- --- 3.020 0.615 0.600 [76.71] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- C --- 2.900 0.635 0.710 [73.66] [16.13] [18.03] B D Typical part number: d25000gvl0-1023.0 CABLE EXIT OPTION*5 1.460 0.615 0.600 [37.08] [15.62] [15.24] --- 2.165 [55.00] Material: Zinc, die cast. Typical part number: d25000gvl0 A 0.510 [12.95] Shell Sizes 1 - 4: 0.118 [3.00], Min. 0.472 [11.99], Max. A SHELL PART NUMBER SIZE A CABLE CLAMP OPENINGS PART NUMBER A D9000G00-1023.2 D9000GVL0-1023.0 D15000G00-1023.2 D15000GVL0-1023.0 D25000G00-1023.2 D25000GVL0-1023.0 D37000G00-1023.2 D37000GVL0-1023.0 D50000G00-1023.2 D50000GVL0-1023.0 1.260 [32.00] 1.547 [39.30] 2.094 [53.20] 2.736 [69.50] 2.638 [67.00] B C D --- --- --- 1.460 0.615 0.600 [37.08] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- --- 1.770 0.615 0.600 [44.96] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- --- 2.360 0.615 0.600 [59.94] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- --- 3.020 0.615 0.600 [76.71] [15.62] [15.24] --- --- --- 2.900 0.635 0.710 [73.66] [16.13] [18.03] CABLE EXIT OPTION*5 2 Side*3 1 Top, 2 Side*4 1 Top, 2 Side*4 1 Top, 2 Side*4 CABLE ADAPTERS G / GVL 1 Top, 2 Side*4 Notes: *1 To prevent stripping of the cable adapter assembly screws, we recommend using Pozidriv screwdriver bits available from stock using part number 9535-2-2-0, contact Technical Sales. For the mounting screws, we recommend using a standard Phillips head screwdriver bit. *2 The extended height cable adapters use an internal hex jackscrew. *3 hese cable adapters are supplied with one (1) cable clamp set and T one (1) opening plug. *4 hese cable adapters are supplied with one (1) cable clamp set and T two (2) opening plugs. *5 See page 20 for optional Crimp Ferrule System. FEATURES: * Rapid locking system stays in a constantly-locked position, utilizing a blade spring. System is unlocked by simply pressing the slide latch. Locking is automatic upon coupling to the mating connector. * Gripping shoulders enable trouble-free extraction of the connector assembly even with tightly packed aligned cable adapters. * Cable adapters for use with connector shell sizes 2 - 5 are designed with three (3) cable entries and can permit the looping through of cables. Cable entries not used are sealed with the supplied metal plugs to maintain EMI/RFI shielding. Cable adapters for use with connector shell size 1 are designed with only two (2) side openings. * Two (2) height options are available, one being a low profile option (as shown on the left side of this page). An increased height option (as shown on the right side of this page) is offered for use with power conductors and coaxial cable, such as might be used with the Positronic CBD/CBM series connectors. * Grounding to the cable adapter may be accomplished by fastening wires inside cable adapter with an M3 threaded Phillips head screw. For information regarding QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE, see page 28. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 18 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries EMI/RFI METAL Cable adapter (hood)*1 with M3 Threads To obtain the fixed female jackscrews (shown below), add the suffix "-1193.6" to the end of the part number. Contact Technical Sales for additional ordering information. PART NUMBER (Shell Size) A B C D CABLE EXIT OPTION*3 D9000GE0-1023.6 (Shell Size 1) 1.949 [49.50] 1.287 [32.70] 0.984 [25.00] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Top (Not pictured) D15000GE0-1023.6 (Shell Size 2) 2.126 [54.00] 1.551 [39.40] 1.311 [33.30] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Side (Not pictured) D25000GE0-1023.6 (Shell Size 3) 2.126 [54.00] 2.165 [55.00] 1.850 [47.00] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Top, 2 Side*2 D37000GE0-1023.6 (Shell Size 4) 2.204 [56.00] 2.803 [71.20] 2.500 [63.50] 0.583 [14.81] 1 Top, 2 Side*2 D50000GE0-1023.6 (Shell Size 5) 2.204 [56.00] 2.717 [69.01] 2.406 [61.10] 0.701 [17.80] 1 Top, 2 Side*2 D104000GE0-1023.6 (Shell Size 6) 1.929 [49.00] 2.835 [72.00] 2.500 [63.50] 0.764 [19.40] 1 Top, 2 Side*2 D 0.510 [12.95] A CABLE CLAMP OPENINGS Shell Sizes 1 - 4: 0.118 [3.00], Min. 0.472 [11.99], Max. Shell Size 5: 0.197 [5.00], Min. 0.551 [14.00] Max. Material: Zinc, die cast Rotating Male Jackscrews, M3 Threads C B * * Fixed Female Jackscrews M3 Threads (for fixed cable mating * connector of D*000G00-1023.6) * Notes: o prevent stripping of the cable adapter assembly screws, we T recommend using Pozidriv screwdriver bits available from stock using part number 9535-2-2-0, contact Technical Sales. These cable adapters are supplied with one (1) cable clamp set and two (2) opening plugs. See page 20 for optional Crimp Ferrule System. *1 *2 *3 * * FEATURES: Developed for applications where the highest degree of EMI/RFI shielding protection is required. The connector is recessed into the cable adapter so that additional EMI/ RFI protection is gained. When this connector system is fully coupled, the front edge of the cable adapter presses against the panel that houses the mating connector, offering greater shielding. Cable adapters for use with connector shell sizes 3 - 5 are designed with three (3) cable entries and can permit the looping through of cables. Cable entries not used are sealed with supplied metal plugs to maintain EMI/RFI shielding qualities. Jackscrew locking system is supplied as a standard for secure mechanical coupling. Grounding to the cable adapter may be accomplished by fastening wires inside cable adapter with an M3 threaded Phillips head screw. CABLE ADAPTERS EMI/RFI ADAPTER CODE GA *1 0.693 [17.60] CABLE CLAMP OPENINGS Shell Sizes 1 - 4: 0.118 [3.00], Min. 0.472 [11.99], Max. * * * * * * * 19 FEATURES: The "GA" series adapter can be used as a gender-changer which provides EMI/RFI protection. The "GA" series adapter allows for internal placement of a printed circuit board between the connectors. The "GA" series" adapter can be used to adapt connectors of one interface standard to another. The "GA" series adapter can be used in applications where tapping into the electrical line path between connectors is necessary. A cable exit is provided for this application. If no connector is inserted into the rear side of the cable adapter, the opening can be closed with a metal plate which can be adapted for use with LED's, mini-switches, and coaxial connectors. Jackscrew locking system is supplied as a standard for secure mechanical coupling. Grounding to the cable adapter may be accomplished by fastening wires inside cable adapter with an M3 threaded Phillips head screw. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 1.181 [30.00] 4-40 UNC Thread B Material:Zinc, die cast A PART NUMBER (Shell Size) A B D9000GA0 (Shell Size 1) D15000GA0 (Shell Size 2) D25000GA0 (Shell Size 3) D37000GA0 (Shell Size 4) 1.733 [44.00] 2.059 [52.30] 2.598 [66.00] 3.248 [82.50] 0.984 [25.00] 1.311 [33.30] 1.850 [47.00] 2.500 [63.50] OPTIONAL OPTIONAL COVER CABLE OPENING PLUG*2 PLATE 4589-9-0-0 4596-1-0-0*3 4589-15-0-0 4596-1-0-0*3 4589-25-0-0 4596-1-0-0*3 4589-37-0-0 4596-1-0-0*3 NOTES: *1 *2 *3 o prevent stripping of the cable adapter assembly screws, we T recommend using Pozidriv screwdriver bits available from stock using part number 9535-2-2-0, contact Technical Sales. See page 20 for optional Crimp Ferrule System. Must be purchased separately. cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries CRIMP FERRULE SYSTEMS for use with code G cable adapters (Hoods) and the crimp flange is inserted between the shield and the conductors (#2). The crimp ferrule is now slid over the cable insulation into position over the crimp flange and the crimp is made using Positronic-supplied hand press and die sets (#3). This assembly is then terminated to the connector and placed into the cable adapter (#4). Finally, the cover is placed on the cable adapter and secured using four (4) screws (#5). To order the Positronic-supplied hand press, request part number 9520-00-0 or for hand crimp tool, request part number 9521-3-0-0. To order Positronic#5 supplied die sets, contact Technical Sales for ordering information, since die sets are customized based on the specific crimp #4 flanges, crimp ferrules and cables used. The crimp ferrule system can be used with all Positronic code "G" cable adapters and is recommended when maximizing EMI/RFI protection is desired. The crimp ferrule system optimizes the transition of the cable shield into the cable adapter in three ways. First: It provides a low impedance connection of the cable shield to the cable adapter which remains constant over time. Second: The system provides an EMI/RFI tight cable exit point. Third: The system provides for high mechanical retention of the cable in the cable adapter. Application of the crimp ferrule #1 system is quite simple. Once the #2 cable insulation and shield are cut #3 to the correct dimensions (#1), the crimp ferrule is placed over the cable CRIMP FERRULE / FLANGE ORDERING INFORMATION 1 TYPICAL 4592 PART NUMBERS 4593 STEP 1 - BASIC SERIES 4592 - Crimp Ferrule 4593 - Crimp Flange A crimp ferrule (left) and a crimp flange (right) shown above. 2 3 4 - *** - *** - 0 CRIMP FERRULE - *** - *** - 0 CRIMP FLANGE STEP 2 & 3 DIAMETERS*1 STEP 4 - PLATING 0 - Standard plating. CABLE ADAPTERS STEP Note: *1 Contact Technical Sales for part number completion which is determined by Customerrequired cable diameters and type. Visit our website for the latest c atalog updates and supplements at Do you need 2-D drawings or 3-D models? Once you have made a connector selection, contact Technical Sales if you would like a 2-D drawing or 3-D model. If we do not have your specific part number on file, we can create one for you. Or, please visit and use the search function. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 20 CABLE ADAPTERS D-Sub Accessories (HOODS/BACKSHELLS) Positronic Industries METAL CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD) CODE H E Material: Steel, zinc plate with chromate seal. D NOTE: Brass with gold plate finish is available for space applications. Contact Technical B F Sales for ordering information. PART NUMBER (Shell Size) D A B C F G D15000H00 (Shell Size 2) 1.531 [36.88] 0.492 [12.50] 1.312 [33.32] 0.578 [14.68] 0.713 [18.11] 0.312 [7.92] 0.750 [19.05] 1.219 [30.96] D25000H00 (Shell Size 3) 2.078 [52.78] 0.492 [12.50] 1.852 [47.04] 0.578 [14.68] 1.000 [25.40] 0.312 [7.92] 1.000 [25.40] 1.532 [38.91] D37000H00 (Shell Size 4) 2.718 [69.03] 0.492 [12.50] 2.500 [63.50] 0.578 [14.68] 1.375 [34.93] 0.312 [7.92] 1.000 [25.40] 1.532 [38.91] D50000H00 (Shell Size 5) 2.625 [66.68] 0.601 [15.27] 2.406 [61.11] 0.687 [17.45] 1.406 [35.71] 0.406 [10.31] 1.125 [28.58] 1.657 [42.09] MAX. C H E 0.136 O [3.45] MAX. H Max. G A PLASTIC CABLE ADAPTER (HOOD) CODE J AND L CODE J CODE L TOP OPENING Typically used with Quick Disconnect Locking Device, see page 28 Cable Opening CABLE ADAPTERS B Cable Opening A C F B A F POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES Material: Cable Adapter: Glass-filled nylon, 94V-0. Cable Clamps: Steel, nickel plate. D25000LVL0 21 SIDE OPENING DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. D E POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES PART NUMBER (Shell Size) A B C D E F D9000J00 D9000L00 (Shell Size 1) 1.262 [32.05] 0.593 [15.06] 1.310 [28.70] 1.520 [38.61] 1.030 [26.16] D1500J00 D15000L00 (Shell Size 2) 1.551 [39.40] 0649 [16.48] 1.414 [35.92] 1.900 [48.26] D25000J00 D25000L00 (Shell Size 3) 2.129 [54.08] 0.621 [15.77] 1.533 [38.94] D29000J00 D29000L00 1.801 [45.75] 0.697 [17.70] D37000J00 D37000L00 (Shell Size 4) 2.786 [70.76] D50000J00 D50000L00 (Shell Size 5) 2.688 [68.28] CABLE OPENING MINIMUM MAXIMUM 0.864 [21.95] 0.145 O [3.43] 0.280 O [7.11] 1.240 [31.50] 1.022 [25.96] 0.160 O [4.06] 0.275 O [6.99] 2.492 [63.30] 1.380 [35.10] 1.186 [30.12] 0.110 O [2.79] 0.275 O [6.99] 1.537 [39.04] 2.164 [54.97] 1.390 [35.31] 1.196 [30.38] 0.110 O [2.79] 0.390 O [9.91] 0.650 [16.51] 1.844 [46.84] 3.188 [79.20] 1.690 [42.93] 1.506 [38.25] 0.230 X 0.630 0.350 X 0.630 [5.84] X [16.00] [8.89] X [16.00] 0.745 [18.92] 1.839 [46.71] 3.015 [76.58] 1.690 [42.93] 1.504 [38.23] 0.230 X 0.630 0.430 X 0.630 [5.84] X [16.00] [10.92] X [16.00] C-007 Rev. E1 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries LOW PROFILE Cable adapter (hood) CODE QH Note: When using QH cable adapter with connector series other than QB, use MOS -1886.0 to allow for installation of required mounting spacers. Example part number: RD15S10QH00-1886.0 PART NUMBER (Shell Size) CABLE ADAPTERS Material: Cable Adapter: Glass filled polyester, UL94V-0. Jackscrews: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Internal cable clamp: Steel, nickel plate. A D15000QH00 (Shell Size 2) 1.715 [43.56] D25000QH00 (Shell Size 3) 2.255 [57.28] QB7W2S00QH0 cable adapter shown above with contacts CONTACT TECHNICAL SALES FOR MORE INFORMATION F O R D E TAI LS SK I NIC NDU O R ST RoHS C * /E Contact Technical Sales for details. Positronic's D-subminiature Accessories are available in RoHS compliant materials. These materials will be supplied when the connector part number designates the RoHS modifier "/AA". 95 POS r E Di ES e * p Compliant U RI IT A rect 0 ive 20 2/ DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 22 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries PLASTIC Cable adapter (hood) CODE W A B Cable opening positions SD25M10WE20 (left) and RD25S10W00 (right) shown above. CABLE OPENING PART NUMBER (Shell Size) A B C MINIMUM MAXIMUM D9000W00 (Shell Size 1) 0.630 [16.00] 0.770 [19.56] 1.800 [45.72] R 0.093 [2.36] R 0.093 [2.36] D15000W00 (Shell Size 2) 0.630 [16.00] 1.100 [27.94] 1.800 [45.72] R 0.125 [3.18] R 0.456 [3.96] D25000W00 (Shell Size 3) 0.630 [16.00] 1.622 [41.20] 1.800 [45.72] R 0.125 [3.18] R 0.250 [6.35] C Material: Polypropylene 94V-0. plastic cable adapter (hood) CABLE ADAPTERS WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS code we, we2, and we6 Set Screws 2.020 [51.31] 0.437 [11.10] 0.647 [16.44] 4-40 UNC Threads Rotating Male Jackscrews WE aterial: M Cable adapter: Polypropylene 94V-0. Jackscrew: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. 23 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 0.250 [6.35] Rotating Male Jackscrew 4-40 UNC Threads Rotating Male Jackscrews WE2 Position 1 for Female Connector Material: Cable adapter:Polypropylene 94V-0. Jackscrew: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. U-Clip: Spring steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Rotating Female Jackscrew 4-40 UNC Threads WE6 Position 1 for Male Connector Material: Cable adapter:Polypropylene 94V-0. Jackscrew: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Spacer & Knob: Aluminum, yellow chromate conversion. cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries SIZE 50 PLASTIC Cable adapter (hood) WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS CODE Y AND Y6 Y6 WITH ROTATING POLARIZED JACKSCREWS CONTACT TECHNICAL SALE S F O R AVAILABILITY OF OTHER SI Z E S . 0.774 [19.66] 2.655 [67.44] 0.230 [5.84] x 0.630 [16.00] Min. 0.650 [16.51] x 0.630 [16.00] Max. Cable Clamp Opening Y WITH ROTATING MALE JACKSCREWS Set Screw 2.045 [51.94] 2.045 [51.94] 1.200 [30.08] Max. Rotating Female Jackscrew 1.500 [38.10] Rotating Male Jackscrew Rotating Male Jackscrew Material: Cable adapter: C omposite, conductive volume resistivity [1.0 ohm-cm max.]. Attenuation - 40+ decibels. Alternate material - Glass-filled nylon, UL 94V-0. Jackscrews - Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Cable Clamps - Steel, nickel plated. SIZE 104 COMPOSITE Cable adapter (hood) CABLE ADAPTERS WITH ROTATING JACKSCREWS CODE Y AND Y6 CABLE OPENING INSERT TREE Material: Cable adapter: C omposite, conductive volume resistivity [1.0 ohm-cm max.]. Attenuation: 40+ decibels. Alternate material: Glass-filled nylon, UL 94V-0. Jackscrews: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal. Y6 knobs: stainless steel, passivated. 0.838 [21.29] Y6 2.830 [71.88] WITH ROTATING POLARIZED JACKSCREWS Cable Opening Positions: 0.125 [3.18] O Min. 0.550 [13.97] O Max. 2.011 [51.08] Y WITH ROTATING MALE JACKSCREWS 1.025 [26.04] Rotating Male Jackscrew Rotating Female Jackscrew Rotating Male Jackscrew Rotating Male Jackscrew DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 24 cable adapters D-Sub Accessories (hoods/backshells) Positronic Industries EMI/RFI COMPOSITE Cable adapters (hoods) WITH JACKSCREWS EXTENDED HEIGHT, BOTH TOP AND SIDE CABLE OPENINGS FOR LARGE DIAMETER SHIELDED AND POWER CONTACTS CODE Z, Z4, Z6, AND Z7 Cable Opening Cable Opening code z - Composite CABLE ADAPTER With Rotating Male Jackscrews A CODE Z4 - Composite CABLE ADAPTER With fixed FemalE Jackscrews A C C Cable Opening (Side opening is not available for size 50) B Cable Opening (Side opening is not available for size 50) B POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES Rotating Male Jackscrews; 4-40UNC threads; steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated Cable Opening CODE Z6 - Composite CABLE ADAPTER with Rotating Male and Female Jackscrews A Fixed Female Jackscrews; 4-40UNC threads; steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated Cable Opening CODE Z7 - Composite CABLE ADAPTER with Rotating Female Jackscrews A C C Cable Opening (Side opening is not available for size 50) B B POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES Cable Opening (Side opening is not available for size 50) POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES CABLE ADAPTERS Rotating Male and Female Jackscrews; 4-40UNC threads; steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated Rotating Female Jackscrews; 4-40UNC threads; steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated Material: Composite, conductive volume resistivity [1.0 ohm-cm max.], UL94V-0. Attenuation: 40+ decibels. Alternate Material: Glass filled nylon, UL94V-0. SHELL SIZE 25 PART NUMBER A B C Typical Inserts CABLE OPENING MIN. MAX. 0.735 [18.67] 0.100 [2.54] 0.400 0.570 [10.16] X [14.48] 1.935 [49.15] 0.735 [18.67] 0.100 [2.54] 0.400 0.570 [10.16] X [14.48] 2.254 [57.25] 2.200 [55.88] 0.735 [18.67] 0.100 [2.54] 0.550 0.570 [13.97] X [14.48] D37000Z00 D37000Z400 D37000Z600 D37000Z700 2.903 [73.74] 2.200 [55.88] 0.735 [18.67] 0.100 [2.54] 0.550 0.570 [13.97] X [14.48] D50000Z00 D50000Z400 D50000Z600 D50000Z700 2.809 [71.35] 2.700 [68.58] 0.900 [22.86] 0.100 [2.54] 1 D9000Z00 D9000Z400 D9000Z600 D9000Z700 1.387 [35.23] 1.935 [49.15] 2 D15000Z00 D15000Z400 D15000Z600 D15000Z700 1.715 [43.56] 3 D25000Z00 D25000Z400 D25000Z600 D25000Z700 4 5 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. O 0.630 [16.00] Various inserts are provided to accommodate different cable sizes. Insert Tree Assembly POSITRONIC CABLIZED CONNECTORS SAVE TIME AND MONEY! Let Positronic support you by cablizing your D-subminiature connector selection. Cable Assembly Design Support We work closely with customers to: 1.Design assemblies in accordance with customer specifications. 2.Prepare cablized connector configuration and performance specifications. 3.Design each system in accordance with applicable customer, domestic, and international standards. rt le s S u p p o a S l a ic n Tech 4.Define and conduct performance and verification testing. E n g in e e r in g Support P u e r to R ic o C a b le A s s e m b ly FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT TECHNICAL SALES OR VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT: HTTP://WWW.CONNECTPOSITRONIC.COM/ PRODUCTS/47/CABLEASSEMBLIES nce Q u a li ty A ss u ra DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 26 D-Sub locking and CODING systems Positronic Industries Accessories JACKSCREW SYSTEMS CODE T, T2, T3, T4, T5, E, E2, AND E3 *1 *1 *1 E / E3 T / T2 / T3 / T4*1 / T5*1 A CODE A B 0.437 [11.10] 0.250 [6.35] 0.500 [12.70] 0.198 [5.03] T3 0.812 [20.60] 0.198 [5.03] T4 0.445 [11.30] 0.220 [5.59] T5 0.448 [11.38] 0.198 [5.03] *3 T *3 T2 0.647 [16.44] B E2 Rotating Male Jackscrews Rotating Male Jackscrews Fixed Female Jackscrews 4-40 UNC Threads 4-40 UNC Threads FIXED FEMALE JACKSCREWS Material:*2 T, T4, and T5 = Copper alloy or steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. T2 and T3 = Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. 4-40 UNC Threads *2 *3 ROTATING MALE SCREW LOCKS ROTATING MALE JACKSCREWS Material:*2Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. E = slotted for screw driver E3 = rotating male with internal hex for 3/32 hex drives Material:*2 Screw: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. U-Clip: Spring steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Notes: *1 0.250 [6.35] 0.437 [11.10] , T2, T3, T4 or T5 jackscrew supplied on connectors in combination with other T accessories may differ dimensionally, contact Technical Sales for more information. T, T2, T3, T4, T5, E, E2 or E3 - Passivated stainless steel jackscrews available. Contact Technical Sales for ordering information. Internal thread length of T & T2 jackscrews is 0.120 [3.05] nominal. CODING device (KEYING) JACKSCREW SYSTEMS CODE T6 AND E6 T6 0.445 [11.30] LOCKING / CODING Fixed Female Jackscrew with 4-40 UNC Threads Position 1 for Male Connector *1 E6 0.150 [3.81] 0.220 [5.59] Notes: *2 0.667 [16.94] *2 Rotating Male Jackscrew with 4-40 UNC Threads Position 1 for Female Connector Material:*1 ale jackscrews: M Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. emale jackscrews: F Copper alloy with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. 27 Fixed Male Jackscrew with 4-40 UNC Threads Position 1 for Female Connector 0.436 [11.07] 0.194 [4.93] 0.177 [4.46] FIXED MALE AND FEMALE JACKSCREWS DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Rotating Female Jackscrew with 4-40 UNC Threads 6 or E6 passivated T stainless steel jackscrews available. Contact Technical Sales for ordering information. For customer installations of knobs onto jackscrews, recommend set screw torque value of 16 in/oz. Recommend application of thread lock to set screw. Position 1 for Male Connector 0.693 [17.60] ROTATING MALE AND FEMALE JACKSCREWS Material:*1 Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. Standard configuration shown. Various configurations can be supplied to allow for up to EIGHT CODING DEVICE OPTIONS, see page 33 D-Sub Accessories locking and CODING systems Positronic Industries FRONT MOUNTED LOCKING TABS SHELL SIZE PART NO. D E QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE CODE V3 1 D9/370000V30 0.270 [6.85] 0.465 [11.81] 2 D9/370000V30 0.270 [6.85] 0.465 [11.81] 3 D9/370000V30 0.270 [6.85] 0.465 [11.81] Special size 29 D290000V30 0.270 [6.85] 0.585 [14.86] 4 D9/370000V30 0.270 [6.85] 0.465 [11.81] 5 D500000V30 0.270 [6.85] 0.585 [14.86] E V3 Locking Tab D 0.272 [6.91] Material:Steel or copper alloy, nickel plate. LOCK ACTUATION LEVER QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE CODE VL SHELL SIZE PART Number A B C MAX. 1 D90000VL0 0.615 [15.62] 1.460 [37.08] 0.600 [15.24] 2 D150000VL0 0.615 [15.62] 1.770 [44.96] 0.600 [15.24] 3 D250000VL0 0.615 [15.62] 2.360 [59.94] 0.600 [15.24] Special size 29 D290000VL0 0.615 [15.62] 2.030 [51.56] 0.715 [18.16] 4 D370000VL0 0.615 [15.62] 3.020 [76.71] 0.600 [15.24] 5 D500000VL0 0.635 [16.13] 2.900 [73.66] 0.710 [18.03] B C Max. May be used with Front or Back Mounted Locking Tabs, see above and below. A VLLock Actuation Lever Material:Steel, nickel plate. BACK MOUNTED LOCKING TABS 0.120 [3.05] O TYP. 0.002 A QUICK DISCONNECT LOCKING DEVICE CODE V5 0.062 [1.57] O TYP. 0.003 10 D 0.132 R [3.35] TYP. B E LOCKING / CODING C 0.153 [3.89] PANEL CUTOUT Panel 0.047 [1.19] 0.310 [7.87] SHELL SIZE PART Number A B C D E 1 D9/370000V50 0.806 [20.47] 0.492 [12.50] 0.984 [24.99] 0.449 [11.40] 0.465 [11.81] 2 D9/370000V50 1.134 [29.80] 0.656 [16.66] 1.312 [33.32] 0.449 [11.40] 0.465 [11.81] 3 D9/370000V50 1.674 [42.52] 0.926 [23.52] 1.852 [47.04] 0.449 [11.40] 0.465 [11.81] Special size 29 D290000V50 1.356 [34.44] 0.767 [19.48] 1.534 [38.96 0.555 [14.10] 0.585 [14.86] 4 D9/370000V50 2.326 [59.08] 1.250 [31.75] 2.500 [63.50] 0.449 [11.40] 0.465 [11.81 5 D500000V50 2.218 [56.34] 1.203 [30.56] 2.406 [61.11] 0.555 [14.10] 0.585 [14.86] Panel 0.170 [4.32] 0.018 [0.46] Mounting Screw removed for clarity. Material:Steel, nickel plate. 0.062 [1.57] Max. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 28 Positronic Industries U N I Q U E F E A D-Sub NEW! UNIQUE FEATURES T U Accessories R E S (R) Positronic Industries is known around the world for offering our customers flexibility when choosing connectors. In addition to allowing customers to create part numbers for particular applications, Positronic offers a wide variety of features and accessories within our products. Positronic is also eager to modify existing products to meet unique customer requirements. If you do not find what you need with this catalog, please contact us for assistance. FLARED CONNECTOR HOUSING (SHELLS) Flared connector housings provide a more generous misalignment characteristics than standard D-subminiature connector housings. Standard Connector Housing Flared Connector Housing UNIQUE FEATURES SIDE VIEWS OF FLARED CONNECTOR HOUSING (SHELL) FOR DD62M4R7000-1503.33 (shown left) and CBD25W3M85R7000-1503.33 (shown right) C O N T A C T T E C H N I C A L S A L E S F O R P A R T N U M B E R S A N D D E T A I L I N F O R M A T I O N 29 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. D-Sub Accessories NEW! unique features Positronic Industries LOW PROFILE MOUNTING BRACKET Allows reduced distance from the top of the printed circuit board to the top of the connector compared to standard mounting brackets. Mounting bracket material:Brass with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate. C O N TA C T T E C H N I C A L S A L E S F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N CAPTIVE ALIGNMENT BARS FOR ROBOTIC "PICK AND PLACE" APPLICATIONS FOR MD-SERIES CONNECTORS, ADD THE SUFFIX "*1298.3" TO THE END OF THE PART NUMBER. FOR ODD-SERIES CONNECTORS, ADD THE SUFFIX "1298.4" TO THE END OF THE PART NUMBER. 1.542 [39.17] Typical part number: md25m5r7000-1298.3 Material:Polyphenylenesulfide. CONTACT TECHNICAL SALES FOR MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITIES AND PRODUCTION LEAD TIMES 0.282 [7.16] 0.112 [2.84] 0.100 [2.54] 0.283 [7.19] 2.096 [53.24] 0.308 [7.82] 0.300 [7.62] 0.100 [2.54] 0.095 [2.41] 0.283 [7.19] Typical part number: md50F5r7000-1298.3 0.112 [2.84] Typ. 0.100 [2.54] 0.095 [2.41] 0.450 [11.43] 0.082 [2.08] Typ. Typical part number: ODD78F5R7000-1298.4 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 30 UNIQUE FEATURES 2.096 [53.24] Positronic Industries D-Sub NEW! UNIQUE FEATURES Accessories PROTECTIVE COVER SUPPLIED AS STANDARD WITH ALL WD AND WDD SERIES CONNECTORS COVER WITHOUT EARS FOR CONNECTORS WITHOUT FIXED JACKSCREWS SHELL SIZE GENDER CONDUCTIVE REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER WITHOUT EARS STATIC DISSIPATIVE REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER WITHOUT EARS REPLACEMENT PART NUMBER WITH EARS Male 4931-9-0-0 4931-9-1-0 4931-9-100-0 Female 4932-9-0-0 4932-9-1-0 4932-9-100-0 Male 4931-15-0-0 4931-15-1-0 4931-15-100-0 Female 4932-15-0-0 4932-15-1-0 4932-15-100-0 Male 4931-25-0-0 4931-25-1-0 4931-25-100-0 Female 4932-25-0-0 4932-25-1-0 4932-25-100-0 Male 4931-37-0-0 4931-37-1-0 4931-37-100-0 Female 4932-37-0-0 4932-37-1-0 4932-37-100-0 Male 4931-50-0-0 4931-50-1-0 4931-50-100-0 Female 4932-50-0-0 4932-50-1-0 4932-50-100-0 Male --- --- 4931-16-100-0 Female --- --- 4932-16-100-0 1 Material: Conductive polyethylene Color: Black 2 Optional: Material: Static dissipative ethylene vinyl acetate Color: Pink 3 COVER WITH EARS FOR CONNECTORS WITH FIXED JACKSCREWS 4 5 Material: Conductive polyester Color: Black NEW! 6 INTERFACIAL SEAL Available for male connectors only SUPPLIED AS STANDARD WITH ALL MALE WD AND WDD SERIES CONNECTORS CONNECTOR ARRANGEMENTS (SHELL SIZE) A B 9 / 15 (Shell Size 1) 0.678 [17.22] 0.338 [8.59] 15 / 26 (Shell Size 2) 1.002 [25.45] 0.338 [8.59] 25 / 44 (Shell Size 3) 1.550 [39.37] 0.338 [8.59] 37 / 62 (Shell Size 4) 2.189 [55.60] 0.338 [8.59] 50 / 78 (Shell Size 5) 2.085 [52.96] 0.446 [11.33] A B UNIQUE FEATURES 31 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CONTACT ARRANGEMENT SIZE 25 INTERFACIAL SEAL (SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY) Material: T hermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), SantopreneTM or equivalent. CONTACT TECHNICAL SALES F O R PA R T N U M B E R S D-Sub Accessories NEW! UNIQUE FEATURES Positronic Industries BLIND MATING SYSTEM FLOAT MOUNTING PLATE TO OBTAIN FLOAT MOUNTING PLATE, ADD THE SUFFIX "-759.1" TO THE END OF THE PART NUMBER. BLIND MATING GUIDE PINS TO OBTAIN BLIND MATING GUIDE PINS, ADD THE SUFFIX "-759.0" TO THE END OF THE PART NUMBER. D 0.745 [18.92] 0.185 [4.70] B 0.115 [2.92] C 0.187 [4.75] E O0.112 0.003 [2.84 0.08] A A O0.120 0.004 [3.050.10] hole TYPICAL PART NUMBER: MD15M5R7000-759.0 0.040 [1.02] O0.120 [3.05] hole 0.033 [0.84] total diametral float, 0.010 [0.25] total axial float TYPICAL PART NUMBER: MD15F20000-759.1 Material: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated Material: Aluminum, yellow anodize standard. Black anodize available. RD9S1000-759.1 and HDC9M3S6000-14-759.0 C O N T A C T SHELL SIZE A B C D E 1 0.984 [24.99] 1.586 [40.28] 1.333 [33.86] 1.930 [49.02] 0.677 [17.20] 2 1.312 [33.22] 1.914 [48.62] 1.661 [42.19] 2.258 [57.35] 0.677 [17.20] 3 1.852 [47.04] 2.461 [62.51] 2.208 [56.08] 2.805 [71.25] 0.677 [17.20] SPECIAL SIZE 29 1.534 [38.96] 2.146 [54.43] 1.890 [48.01] 2.487 [63.17] 0.789 [20.04] 4 2.500 [63.50] 3.102 [78.79] 2.849 [72.36] 3.446 [87.53] 0.677 [17.20] 5 2.406 [61.11] 3.008 [76.40] 2.755 [69.98] 3.352 [85.14] 0.789 [20.04] T E C H N I C A L S A L E S F O R A D D I T I O N A L O R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O N Visit our website for the latest catalog updates and supplements at C-007 Rev. E1 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 32 UNIQUE FEATURES ODD26M20000-759.1 and ODD26F4R700S-759.0 NEW! UNIQUE FEATURES Positronic Industries D-Sub Accessories SWAGEABLE PLASTIC mounting bracket with ALIGNMENT BAR NEW! Non-conductive mounting brackets are necessary in many applications. Consult Technical Sales for complete part number. NEW! cul-de-sac style mounting accessories code c5 and c7 C5 C7 FIXED CABLE CONNECTOR RIGHT ANGLE (90) PRINTED BOARD mount 0.350 [8.89] 0.390 [9.91] Cul-de-sac style swage spacer 4-40 UNC Threads Cul-de-sac style swage spacer 4-40 UNC Threads Material: Steel with zinc plate and chromate seal or tin plate; stainless steel, passivated. NEW! CODING DEVICE (KEYING) OPTIONS Up to Eight coding device Options! Jackscrews can be supplied in configurations to allow for up to four coding device options, as shown in the table below. An additional four coding device options can be achieved by reversing the connector genders. UNIQUE FEATURES OPTION*1 male CONNECTOR CODE*2 female CONNECTOR CODE*2 1 2 male rotating E 2 female fixed T 2 2 female rotating E6-833.7 2 male fixed T6-866.1 3 1 female, 1 male rotating 1 male, 1 female rotating E6 1 male, 1 female fixed 1 female, 1 male fixed T6 4 Note: 33 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS]. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. E6-1827.1 T6-827.0 *1 Additional 4 options achieved by switching male and female connectors. *2 For jackscrew dimensional information see page 27. cts rodu P Y T I L I B A H RELI IG Positronic H R P O W E FEATURES : y saving density * Energ * High current ap capability sw t Ho * istance low contact res n in a single connector tio * AC/DC opera for hardware managects * Signal conta ential mating mating * Sequ ment * Blind mating ct nta co area ories * Large surface riety of access geva ide W * m syste arran cified contact pe r-s me sto * Cu produces lar tooling which ments * Modu ert ins r to ec conn a single piece Contact Sizes: : Current Ratings : ns tio ina Term : Configurations : ce an pli m Co R , 22 and 24 0, 8, 12, 16, 20 (90) per contact res lder, right angle nt To 200 ampe tor, straight so lia d cable connec n and right angle (90) comp xe fi d an p im Cr s-i compliant pres ht aig str r, lde so press-in ckage sizes in a variety of pa S-311-P-4, Multiple variants , DSCC, GSFC 41 A MG 3.0, VIT PICMG 2.11, PIC 10 GSFC S-311-P- E C T A N G U L A Configurations : Qualifications : FEATUR Contact Sizes: Current Ratings : Terminations: Configurations : Qualifications : ES: * Four perform ance best cost/perfo levels available for rmance ratio: pr ofessional, industrial, milita ry and space-fl ight quality * Options includ e high voltage, coax, thermocouple an d air coupling co ntacts; environmentally sealed and dual port connector pack ages including mixed density * Broad selectio n of accessories * Size 20 and 22 contacts su itable for use in carrying power * IP65, IP67 8, 16, 20 and 22 To 100 amperes Crimp, wire so lder, straight so lde compliant pres s-in and right an r, right angle (90) solder, str aight gle (90) comp Multiple variants liant press-in in both standard housing sizes and high dens ities, seven co nnector MIL-DTL-2430 8, GSFC S-31 1-P-4, GSFC SSAE AS39029, 311-P-10, DSCC U L A R C I R C : FEATURES R FEATURES Contact Sizes: Current Ratings : Terminations: D - S U B M I N I A T U R E composite le / lightweight * Non-corrodib construction ded versions * EMI/RFI shiel contacts * Thermocouple s sealed version lly nta * Environme removable of se ea rel nt / fro * Rear insertion contacts quential mating * Two level se l assemblies available on ful ing * Overmold : * Two perform ance levels avail able: industrial quali ty and military quality * A wide variety of accessories * Broad selectio n of contact arr angement and package siz es * Connector co ding device (ke ying) options 16, 20 and 22 To 13 amperes nominal Crimp, wire so lder, straight so lder, right angle straight complia (90) solder, an nt press-in d Multiple variants in both standard thirty package an d high densities, sizes MIL-DTL-2874 8, SAE AS3902 9, CCITT V.35 E C A B L FEATURES Contact Sizes: : Current Ratings Terminations: : Configurations : Qualifications H E R M E T I C : d reduce supply chain an "cablizing" * Shorten the by s lay de d an additional costs nnector selection co your Positronic available * Overmolding sealed environmentally d an d * Shielde le ab ail av s version xes which s and access bo * Power cable tion ca ifi ec sp 6 J249 meet the SAE ns. er specificatio ecifications. sp ce performan ce with custom es in accordan bli Design assem tion and ector configura cablized conn e er, domestic, ar ep Pr cable custom ance with appli rd co ac in m Dedsigintn ereanachtiosynastel standards. an t perform Define and conduc g. cation testin ance and verifi 22 12, 16, 20 and nominal (90) solder To 25 amperes and right angle straight solder, r, lde so re wi Crimp, e sizes in four packag Multiple variants 7 IP6 to protection Environmental FEATURES Contact Sizes: Current Ratings : Terminations: Configurations : Compliance: : * Intended for use as an electr ical feedthrough in high vacuum ap plications * Leakage rate: < 5x10-9 mbar. l/s under a vacuum 1.5x1 -2 0 mbar * Signal, powe r, coax and hig h voltage versions availab le * Connectors can be assembly per cu mounted on flange stomer specifica tion 8, 12, 16, 20 an d 22 To 40 amperes nominal Feedthrough is standard; flying leads and board upon request mount available See D-submini ature and circu lar configurations Space-D32 above For more information, visit or call your nearest Positronic sales office listed on the back of this catalog. NORTH AMERICAN LOCATIONS UNITED STATES, Springfield, Missouri, Corporate Headquarters Factory Sales and Engineering Offices 800 641 4054 800 641 4054 PUERTO RICO, Ponce Factory Factory Sales and Engineering Office MEXICO Factory Sales and Engineering Office 800 872 7674 800 327 8272 CANADA Factory Sales and Engineering Office ASIA/PACIFIC LOCATIONS SINGAPORE, Asia/Pacific Headquarters Factory Sales and Engineering Offices 65 6842 1419 ASIA, Direct Sales Offices China - Z huhai Factory and Sales Office 86 756 3626 466 Shenzhen Sales Office 86 756 3626 466 Shanghai Sales Office 86 158 2907 9779 Xian Sales Office 86 29 8839 5306 Beijing Sales Office 86 10 8203 7718 Korea Sales Office 82 31 909 8047 Taiwan Sales Office 886 2 2937 8775 JAPAN, Direct Sales Offices Sales and Engineering Offices 81 3 5619 8072 91 20 2439 4810 91 94 4907 3251 91 80 1071 1175 INDIA, Direct Sales Offices Factory Sales and Engineering Offices Bangalore Sales Office New Delhi Sales Office ASIA/PACIFIC, Technical Agents Technical Agents in Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. EUROPEAN LOCATIONS FRANCE, Auch Factory, European Headquarters Factory Sales and Engineering Offices 33 5 6263 4491 33 33 33 39 49 44 EUROPE, Direct Sales Offices North France Sales Office South France Sales Office Eire + Northern Ireland Italy Sales Office Germany Sales Office UK Sales Office 1 4588 1388 5 6263 4491 5 6263 4557 02 5411 6106 23 5163 4739 1242 897 493 EUROPE & MIDEAST, Technical Agents Technical Agents in Austria, Benelux, Eastern Europe Countries, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Russia, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES, INC. 423 N Campbell Avenue * PO Box 8247 * Springfield, MO 65801 Tel (417) 866-2322 * Fax (417) 866-4115 * Toll Free (800) 641-4054 * POSITRONIC INDUSTRIES, S.A.S. Zone Industrielle D'Engachies * 46 Route D'Engachies * F-32020 Auch Cedex 9 France Telephone 33 5 6263 4491 * Fax 33 5 6263 5117 * POSITRONIC ASIA PTE LTD. 3014A Ubi Road 1 #07-01 * Singapore 408703 Telephone 65 6842 1419 * Fax 65 6842 1421 *