SS BGimpPA/ WILY S Mini Type (3-pin) Package hFVYARSFIA-K MB Outline | Transistors, Diodes | Yer ne 2140.1 | 1.2540.1 ae & SSI BI (39F) Ny 7 Sd, BED SIM (BMP Ny -S | IC EEN H60% OAM HA A. 5 KBB) & I OUERE MES | Lik, hOY YAR, FIA KB MARRY 7-9 TH. | mi & | CHRO LIM (3tHF) (CIN, MOONE. eV7TO-, FO-MAKO BRL A Kft DO OAE. 8nnF C> IO ARAB, SAM RAIMI Y AIRE. efeiattls, 5 =a) (39nF) CSR. ~ 0.425 | 0.38) 0940.2 0.7+0.1| 0.2 L Nn lad 0-0.) | | \ i | | | Mi Description MBN SL TK Recommended Land Layout S mini type (3-pin) package is an ultra-small surface mount package ee for transistors and diodes which areas are reduced to about 60% that | of conventional Mini type(3-pin) yet maintaining its performances. Unit: mn | @i Features * About 60% area size of Mini type (3-pin) package. 1.9 : e Can be soldered automatically by flow and reflow techniques. . * Packed in 8 mm taping, horizontal type magazine and is applicable to various automatic surface mounting machines. | | * Guaranteed the same reliability as that of Mini type (3-pin) _ | Q package. ~ | | t e.3 a | 0.8 Mee Ny 7LVER Standard Package Ratings | HOSS BRE Tim) | TRE Tstg BER Po | 150C 55~+150C 150mw*! 12) ~ BEM TERORESEORHU ETO, CIRFARS ISIS BO te DABBLE & rn , oo 7 CHEE FE & 0, #1: Ta=25C Note) As some types have different ratings, refer to individual ratings before use. *1.Ta=25C MHRA (7h RROMBABH I. FROME CBHOIRTOT FAW.) Standard Heat Radiation Ratings (At designing heat radiation of PC board, refer to the ratings tabled below.) Bi tk Pag*? Bt (+R (SSSR AW) With PC Board*2 (Copper Area) 4mmX 4mm 8mm X 8mm 12mm X 12mm EBX Pot! (mw) 150 220 280 330 *1:Ta=25C *2:HFALAAS RAR Glass Epoxy Board (% t=1.7mm, HF Area=20mmX 20mm) Mi23E{t#% Packing Style tt Style fav HY > Magazine(h) 8mm Taping 48 BX Quantity | 50 pes 3000 pes ByvALY ttt Magazine Style tt # Style 54 Outward | EZTHA Dimensions . (mm) RIVAL Horizontal Magazine (50 pes/Magazine) a a Panasonic 235 SSIBGMP NYT SB RSE ATA S Mini Type @-pin) | Package 7 Transistors, Diodes M>EL7 tt Taping Style FT-TIRUR Tape Sprocket TX s|aWL A c> Drawing Out Direction (v-4> 7 MeL) (Marking faces upward) M>b> 9 +:k Taping Dimensions Unit? mm +0.1 40to1 01.875 6 6-& oo He SIE IW om | 1=0.340.1 1.7540.1 8.0+0.3 1. 5.25+0.1 6t0.2 banwew ed BJ-t3% Reel Dimensions ee eee anit i | | | | as | IE (Shs COlRS i ! | e155 | | P178+2.0 10.0415 (3000 pcs /Reel) | | | too ee ee Panasonic 236 SS HSA /INyvaY S Mini Type (3-pin) Package KoDV VAs. aATAK Transistors, Diodes MSSBGRF VV -ShITDY A4REKR Type Number List of S Mini Type (3-pin) Bipolar Transistors 327K | Absolute Max. Electrical Characteristics B =z HG % |i | Rating ft Voce (sat) fe = Application | Type No. | Marking] Vceo Ic hre lc typ. typ. ic Note Symbol | (V) (mA) (mA) | (MHz) } (V) (mA) 28B1218/A | A/B |25/-45] i00 | 160~ 460 | 2 80 | -0.3 | 100 sag | 2spisi9/a | Y/zZ | 25/50] 100 | 160~ 460 2] 150 | 0.3 100 General | 2SB1219/A | C/O |25/-50] 500 | 85~ 340 | 150 | 200 | 0.35 | 300 25D1820/A | W/X | 25/50] 500 | 85~ 340] 150 | 200 | 0.35] 300 wR FB | 2804562 AM 50/ 50 | 200~ 500 2| 250 | <0.3 10 | tr: 250MHz (aight) | 2801748 | AL s0| s0 | 200~ 500| 2 | 250 |<0.3| 10 | t+: 250MHz - 2$C3938 2Y |Vecs40| 100) 60~ 320 10 | 450 | 0.17 10 | ts=10ns mik SW Ons Hi speed | 2SA1739 AK {| 15; 50| 50~ 150 | 10| 1500 |0.1 | ~10 | ts=16ns Swnchns 55c4755 | DV | Vces20| 200] 40~ 200] 10] 500 | 0.17| 10 | ts=7ns 2SD1823 12 4o[ 50 | 400~2000 2| 200 | 0.05 10 Mien hee | sp1824 1V 100] 20 | 400~2000 2{ 140 | 0.05 10 2SB1220 150| 50 | g0~ 450] 10 | 150 |-0.2 | 20 (EREBSEAR | ospig21/a | P/L [150/185] 50 | 90~ 450 10} 150 | 0.15] 20 ae 2SA1531/A | F/H |-35/-55] 50 | 180~ 700 | 2] 300 |0.2 | 50 2803929/A | S/T | 35/55} 50 | 180~ 700 2| 350 } 0.09 50 Kite 7 | 28D1979 3W 20] 300 | 500~2500 4] 150 0.18 | 300 | Ron12, Vego 25V 2803936 K 20] 30 | 70~ 250 1] 230 | 0.08 10 | For FM 2SA1532 E 20| 30 | 50~ 220} 1[ 300 | 0.1 | 10 | NF2.8dB at SMHz 2503930 Vv 20] 30! 50~ 220 1 | 300 | 0.08 10 | For FM RF 2$03931 U 20] 15 | 40~ 260 1 | 650 | 0.05 1 | NF3.3dB at 100MHz 2803933 1T 20/ 20 | 40~ 200 3, 1100 | 0.2 2 | NF3dB PG20dB at UHF | ______ | 2803932 R 20, 50 | 25~ 250 2 1200 | 0.05 2 | PG20dB at 100MHz RRM TO Sca068 3U 20/ 20 | 40~ 200 3, 1000 | 0.12 10 | 3.5V &hfE, For UHF RF % * 2803935 1s 10 50 | 75~ 400 5] 1900 | 0.1 20 | For UHF OSC * - An. 2$C3934 1uU 12| 30] 40~ 10 | 4500 | 0.05 10 | NF1.3dB at 800MHz | P| 2803937 2w 10] 80 | 5S0~ 300 20 | 6000 | 0.1 20 | NF1.0dB at 800MHz ~ 2804239 4C 10] 50 | 75~ 400 5 | 2000 | 0.01 20 | font " 2804410 2x 7/10 | 50~ 150 1] 4000 | Bz gh URE S om type 2503707 2804661 CY 9 35 | typ 120 10 | 5000 - | RT ZROPRLS mm type 2803707 2504670 4B 15] 50 | min 100 2 1500 | 0.1 20 | VHF MIX A 2$C4805 3S 10| 65 | 50~ 300 20 | 8500 | | NF2.2dB at 1.5GHz 24780 1X 12} 70] 40~ 200 20 | 4500 | | NF1.8dB at 800MHz 2$C4835 3M 10| 80 | 50~ 300 20 | 6000 | | For UHF Display [2804417 | 2z | 35) 50 | 20~ 100 10 | 500 | = | 2802188S8= MSs 2B Bint BRMRhOLDY ASRBER Type Number List of S Mini(3-pin)Type FETs fG2Z,HaR | Absolute Max. Electrical Characteristics A |B #8 | | Rating *NF NV gm Vasc loss {a # Application | Type No. | Marking} Vapo Ip typ. lp typ. Vas typ. typ. Note Symbol (Vv) (mA) | (mV) | (mA) | (mS) (Vv) (Vv) (mA) J-FET 25K662 10 30 20 60 ] 12 0 0.65} 6.4 SB J-FET A OR General J-FET General 2SK663 2B 55 30 | *2.5dB, 8.2 QO |-1.3 7.5 F-MOS FET) 2SK664 | 3N | Vos50/ 100 | Rondo] 20 | 30 | 5 | 2.5 |Enbarce-| omos TUS i RiyFLF | 2SK665 | 30 | Vos50 | 100 | Ron4sa 20 | 30 | 5 | 2.5 [Enhance PMOSUEIR A) Digital - Switching | 28K1374 | 4V | Vps50 100 | Ciss<15.0pF | >20) 0 | 0.8 |Efhance-| 2-5V5EED es 237 PanasonicSST SmaPINYoY S Mini Type @-pin) Package KOY VAR ATAK Transistors, Diodes MSi= 2 (3% F AMS YA24R8-KR Type Number List of S Mini Type(3-pin)Resistor Built-in Transistors 238 GB Ff Wee | Ami | Absolute Max. Electrical Characteristics A ik Type No. 32 & |Resistor Built-in Rating] Rating Voe(sat) if & Application Markin Re Ree Vceo Ic lc typ. lo Note pp PNP | NPN | cynbol | (ka) | (ka) | (Vv) | (ma) | DFE | cma) | (mA) UN5111_ | UN5211 |6A/8A] 10 10 35~ UN5112 | UN5212 |6B/8B| 22 22 60~ UN5113_ | UN5213 | 6C/8C 47 47 80~ UN5114 | UN5214 |6D/8D| 10 47 80~ UN5115 | UN5215 |6E/8E} 10 oo 160~ _ | UNS5116 | UN5216 | 6F/8F| 4.7 oo 160~ AtyF~7 | UNSI17_| UN5217 | 6H/8H| 22 | 160~ 4-15-23 [UN5118 | UN5218 | 6i/8I | 0.51 | 5.1 20~ BANS Y2ZS iR FAT unsti9 [ unszi9 [6k/8K| 1 | 10 | gn | agg |_30~ Vor 09 | 10 | Basic Transistors Digital UNS110 | UN5210 |6L/8L| 47 | 60~ tov) | |g. amay| (PNP)2SB1218A Switching |_UNS11D | UN521D |6M/8M| 47 10 30~ (NPN)2SD1819A General UNSITE | UN521E | 6N/8N| 47 22 60~ UN5I1F | UN521F | 60/80| 4.7 10 30~ UN511H _ 6R 2.2 10 30~ UNSTIL | UNS521L [6Q/80Q| 4.7 | 4.7 20~ = UN521K | 8P 10 | 4.7 20~ UN511M | UNS2IM[EI/EL| 2.2 | 4.7 80~ UN5101_ | UN5201 [6S/8s[ 10 | 500 80~ 0.10 BRB Zicin Fe Cavan Circuit) {UN5101] c [UN5201] c 3 Re 8 Re a Re a Ra (PNP) E Fee be (NPN) Pee be Fae E Mss 2! (3s F)444-K RHMR Type Number List of S Mini Type (3-pin) Diodes PERE | AGSFR| Absolute Max. Electrical Characteristics AO ww & | GR it | Rating VF max, CD max. tt {fa = Application] Type No. |Pin Gon-| Marking] VR iF max. IF *typ. | Va | *typ. IF (Note) nection |Symbol | (V) (mA) | (V) | (mA) | (pF) (Vv) (nS) | (mA) MAI41A @ MA 40 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 2[ 0 3 10 | see MA141K @ MH 40 | 100 1.0 100 2 0 3 10 | Reverse Pin Alignment MA142A D MB 80} 100 | 1.0 | 100 2| 0 3 10 | se e A e 3A, FA| MA142K @ MI 80 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 2| 0 3 10 | Reverse Pin Alignment AtyFL9| MAI4IWA | @ MN 40 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 15 | 0 10 10 | Aco Se General MAI4IWK | @ MT 40 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 2! 0 3 10 | Bie Switching | MAI42WA | @ | MO 80 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 15 | 0 10 10 _| Anoas Gammon? MA142WK | @ MU 80 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 2 0 3 10 | Bitrose RO MA143/A 6 |mMc/MP] 40/80 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 5 | 0 = | ee eee MA147 ) MS 80 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 2 0 3 10 | Shot Band MA80WA @ | MIX 35 | 100 | 1.0 | 100 1.2 6 |t=0.450| 2 | Ancae SOB Switching | MA80WK @ | MIY 35/ 100 | 1.0 | 100 | 1.2] 6 |r=0450) 2 | RccAmem ee MA741 @ | MIL 30 | 30 | 1.0 30 | *1.5 1 *| 10 | EF ataoment MA741WA | @) | M2P 30 | 30 | 1.0 30 | *1.5 1 *] 10 | Axcad SSaee spay hee _MAZAIWK @_ | M2R 30; 30 | 1.0 | 30 | *1.5/ 1 a 10 | Bxtnose"S8rmon Shottky MA742 | MIU 30.| 30 | 1.0 30 | *1.5 1 *] 10 Senos Gonmecton Barrier Di MA744 @ | MIM 30 | 200 | 0.55 | 200 | * 30 0 *3 100 Reverse. Pin Alignment MA745 @ | M2M 30 | 30 | 1.0 30 | *1.5 1 ] 10 | EES atgament MA745WA | @ | M3E 30 | 30 | 1.0 30 | *1.5 1 *| 10 | Xxcae SRSR TAR MA745WK | @ | M3D 30; 30 | 1.0 30 | *1.5] 1 *] 10 | Gxt eRe @ D @ @ 1 ane 1 a | i 1Co 1c] mak [) 3 [} 3 [} 3 3 207 24 207 2 207 Panasonic