AIN(+L), AIN(-L)
Left Channel Analog Inputs (Pins 1,2)
These two pins comprise the left channel analog differ-
ential inputs. The voltage range of signals applied to these
pins is from VSS(A) to VDD(A). Apositive full–scale input
to the ND is defined as adifference of 3.8 Vp–p between
AIN(+L) and AI N(-L).
AIN(+R), AIN(-R)
Right Channel Analog Inputs (Pins 24, 23)
These two pins comprise the right channel analog differ-
ential inputs. The voltage range of signals applied to these
pins is from VSS(A) to VDD(A). Apositive full–scale input
to the ND is defined as adifference of 3.8 VWp between
AIN(+R) and AIN(_R).
Output of the Internal Voltage Reference (Pin 3)
The nominal value of this internal voltage reference is 2V.
The output of the reference is brought out to this pinto facili-
tate filtering. For proper device operation, this pin should be
decoupled to VSS(A) with a1.0 pF electrolytic
capacitor in parallel with a0.1 LF ceramic capacitor. In order
when the SYNC signal is active high, and right channel data
is transmitted when the SYNC signal is low. See the Serial
Interface Description section for more information.
Serial Interface Clock lnputiOutput (Pin 12)
The SCLK pin is an input or output depending on the state
of the ISLAV pin. Serial output data is clocked out of the
MCI 45073 on the rising edge of SCLK. When SC% is an
input, it is reclocked by the internal sample rate,:wWLKl,
before being used by the MCI 45073 to cloc~~ow$~~ serial
data. This reclocking ensures that rapid ~$ed changes
through the SDO pin do not affect the an~~~$’~tiormance of
the device. See the Serial lnterface,pc~on section for
more information. %,,$ti{:’,,2,<‘!
,., $
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Serial Interface Data Ou,~~~&Jn 13)
, ;: ~
The ND conversion~&<$ulf&Hor the Iefi and right channels
are output on this pifit,<~~’+is shitied out of the MCI 45073
MSB first, with the ~~wnel data preceding the tight chan-
nel data. The,,@~ial ohtput data is clocked out on the rising
edge of SCNi6&&lhe Serial Interface Description section
‘i “.$i:.‘**,
for more i~for~at]on.
FT~ ‘r$~..
R~,ory Test Mode Inputs (Pins 9, 10)
,“~+’fl~hese pins should be connected to VSS(A) for normal
to economize on filtering capacitors, the REF pin can, be ~(~$+~~vice operation. .,
connected to VAG. However, this could result in aposslbl~~&k$
degradation of petiormance of the device at high signal ‘~!~
,) .<.:+,,,
Analog ground is used to bias the ,#WPanalog circuits
and is nominally 2V. VAG is brougM,9u?~%is pin to facilitate
filtering. This pin should be deco~&~%+VSS(A) with a1.0 ~F
electrolytic capacitor in paral~a~t,&Q,~;0.1 yF ceramic capaci-
tor for normal device opera$n.:,
*j .
.:*$.. ,’+>i.$
This p~}$~~,~e master clock input for the device, Analog
input $~ha~to the MC145073 are sampled at arate equal to
thi~$&~&./frequency divided by 1, 2, or 3, depending on the
~~~ @clock mode pins CSELI ,0. The serial data output
?$~$ws equal to the input sample rate divided by 128.
‘:~or example, if CLK is running at a12.288 MHz rate, and
divide by 2is selected, then the output data rate is
(12.288 MHd2)/128 =48 kHz. For more detail, see the Sum-
mary of Operating Modes section.
Serial Interface Frame Sync lnpuVOutput (Pin 11)
The SYNC pin is an input or output depending on the state
of the ISLAV pin. The SYNC signal resets and synchronizes
the serial interface transmitter and receivers, as well as most
internal clocks. Left channel serial output data is transmitted
Clock Divide Mode Select Inputs (Pins 21, 20)
The device master clock input is divided by 1, 2, or 3, or
the device is placed in apower–down mode depending on
the state of these pins. See the Summary of Operating
Modes section for more information.
FIR Filter Response Select Input (Pin 19)
Alow level on the FSEL input selects aFIR filter transition
band from 20 to 25.8 kHz at the 48 kHz output data rate. A
high level on the FSEL pin selects afilter transition band from
20 to 24 kHz at the 44.1 kHz output data rate. See the Sum-
mary of Operating Modes section for more information.
Serial Interface Sync Format Select Input (Pin 18)
Alow level input on the lSyNC pin selects aSYNC rising
edge one SCLK cycle before the initiation of aserial data
transfer. Ahigh level on the lSyNC pin will select aSYNC
rising edge that is coincident with the initiation of aserial data
transfer. See the Summary of Operating Modes and the
Serial Intetiace Description sections for more information.
Serial Intetiace Slave Mode Select Input (Pin 17)
This pin controls the direction of the serial intetiace SYNC
and SCLK signals. Alow level on the ISLAV pin will configure
the SYNC and SCLK pins as outputs, while ahigh level on
the ISLAV pin will configure the SYNC and SCLK pins as in-
puts, See the Summary of Operating Modes and the Serial
Intetiace Description sections for more information.
MOTOROM MC1 450739