Getting st art ed wit h NXP LP C Xpre ss o
Rev. 1217 April 2013
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Document information
LPCXpresso, LPC800, LPC1100, LPC1200, LPC1300, LPC1700,
LPC1800, LPC2000, LPC2900, LPC3000, LPC3100, LPC3200,
LPC4000, LPC4300
LPCXpresso is a, low-cost development pl atform available from NXP.
This document is a brief overview on how to get started with
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Contact information
For additional i nformation, please visit:
For sales office ad dresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com
Revision history
Added LPC800
Added schematics for LPC 800 and LPC1104 LPCXpresso boards.
Updated screenshots to match LPCXpresso version 5
Updated supported LPC produ cts list.
Added system r equirements for the Mac OS ver sion.
Updated supported LPC produ cts list.
Updated supported LPC products list.
Updates for LPCXpresso 4- new screen shots
Added 1.1 V4 new features section
Updated comprehensive supported parts li s t
Updated create new project p rocess
Added Fig 45 and Fig 46.
Updated key w or ds and supported products throughout
Updated Section 6.1
Updated Section 6.2.5
Updated Section 6.6.2
Removed Fig 20
Added Fig 41 and Fig 42
Updated Section 3.2
Added Fig 38, Fig 39, Fig 40, Fig 48
Updated Section 3.1
Added 7.1 Schematics for LPCXpresso LPC1768 target s ide
Added 6.1 Installing Eclips e plugins
Added new products supported to Introduc tion section: LP C2929, LPC3 250
Removed 6.1.6 Download performance
Updated 6.4.2 Optimizatio n s ection
Updated Fig 4 9
Updated Fig 3 7
Added Fig 38
Updated Section 3.1
Added Sectio n 6.2.5
Initial vers i on
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1. Introduction
LPCXpresso is a, l ow-cost development platform av ai lable from NXP. The software
consists of an enhanced, Eclipse-based IDE, a GNU C compiler, linker, libraries, and an
enhanced GDB debugger. The hardware consists of the LPCXpresso development board
which has an LPC-Link debug interface and an NXP LPC ARM-ba sed microcontroll er
target. LPCXpresso is an end-to-end solution enabli ng em bedded engine ers to develop
their applications f rom initial evaluation to final production.
The LPCXpresso IDE , powered by Code Red Technologies (http://lpcxpresso.code-red-
tech.com), is bas ed on the popular Eclipse development platform and includes several
LPC-specific enhancements. It is an industry-standard GNU t ool-chain with an opt im i zed
C library th at gives engineers all the tools necess ary to develop high-quality softwar e
solutions quickly and cost-effectively. The C programming environ m ent includes
professional-level features. There is syntax coloring, source formatting, function folding,
on- and offline help, and extensive project m anagement automation.
The LPCXpresso target board, jointly developed by NXP , Code Red Technologies, and
Embedded Arti st s (http://www.embeddedartists.com/products/lpcxpresso/), includes an
integrated JTAG debugger (LPC-Link), so there’s no n eed for a separate JTA G debug
probe. The target portion of the board can connect t o expansion board s t o prov i de a
greater variety of interfaces, and I/O devices. The on-board LPC-L ink debug ger provide s
a high-speed USB to JTAG/SWD interface to the IDE and it can be connected t o other
debug targets suc h as a customer prototype. Users ca n also use the LPCXpresso IDE
with the Red Probe JTA G adapter from Code Red Technologies.
Supported LPC products and board pa rt numbers on the LPCXpresso platform:
LPC800: All part types supported
OM13053: LPC812
LPC1100: All part types supported
OM13014: LPC11U14
OM13012: LPC11C24
OM13035: LPC1115
OM13047: LPC1104
LPC1200: All part t ypes supported
OM13008: LPC1227
LPC1300: All part types supported
OM13045: LPC1347
LPC1700: All part types supported
OM13000: LPC1769
LPC1800: All part types supported
LPC2000: LPC2109, LPC2109/01, LPC2134, LPC2142, LPC2362, LPC2929
LPC3000: LPC3130, LPC3250
LPC4000: All part types supported
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LPCXpresso base board products:
OM11083: Embedd ed Artists Base Board for LPCXpresso and mbed
OM13009: Embedd ed Artists Motor Control Kit for LP CX presso
OM13016: NGX m bed-LPCXpresso baseboard
1.1 LPCXpresso 5 new features
Support for Instruction Trace for Cortex-M3/M4 based MCUs implementing an
Embedded Trace Buffer (ETB)
Support for Instruction trace f or Cortex-M0+ based systems implementing a Micro
Trace Buffer (MTB)
Based on Eclipse Juno and gcc 4.6.2
New part support
For more informat i on on LPCXpres so 5 new f eatures visit:
1.2 LPCXpresso IDE
LPCXpresso’s IDE i s a hi ghly integrated sof tware developme nt environment f or NXP’s
LPC Microcontroll ers, which includes all the tools nec essary to develop high quality
software solut i ons in a timely and cost effective fashion. LP CX presso is based on E cli pse
with many LPC specific enhancements. It also features the latest version of the indust ry
standard GNU tool chain with a proprietary optimi zed C library provi di ng professional
quality tools at l ow co st . The LPCXpresso IDE can build an executable of any size with
full code optimizati on and it supports a download limit of 128 kB after registration.
LPCXpresso supports the full embed ded product desi gn cy cle by moving beyond chip
evaluation bo ards and supporting development on external target boar ds.
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Fig 1. LPCXpresso IDE
1.3 LPCXpresso developm ent board
Fig 2. LPCXpresso development board
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1.4 LPC-LINK JTAG/SWD debugger
The LPCXpresso boa rd contains a JTAG/SWD debugger called the “LPC-Link” and a
target MCU. LPC-Link is equipped with a 10-pin JTAG header (highlighted on the abov e
image) and it seaml essly connects to t he target via USB (the USB interface and other
debug features are provided by NXP’ s ARM9 based LPC3154 MCU). Cutting t he tracks
between the LPC-link and the target will m ake t he LPC-Link a stand-alone JT A G
debugger. Thi s enables the LPCXpresso platform to be connected to an external target
and used to develop for a wide variet y of NXP’s Corte x-M0, Cortex-M3, and ARM7/9
based applications. Currently supported microcontroller produ ct s include LPC800,
LPC1100, LPC1200, LPC1300, LPC1700, LPC1800, LPC4000, LP C4300 series and
specific members of the LPC200 0 and LPC3000 fam i l ies.
1.5 Integrated evaluation target
The target includes a small prototypi ng area and easily accessible connections for
expansion. The LP CXpresso board with target can be used
On its own for software development and benchmarking
Connected to an off-the-shelf base board for rapid proof-of-concepts
Connected to customer-designed board for a full prototype
1.6 LPCXpresso partners
NXP has partnere d with Code Red Technologies and Em bedded Artists f or the
LPCXpresso platform. For added flex ibilit y and higher memory confi gurati ons, the
LPCXpresso platform can easily be upgraded to include full-blown suites from Code Red
Technologies and more advance d hardware kits fr om Embedded Artists. Please v i sit the
LPCXpresso webpage for more information.
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2. Evaluate, explore and develop
Fig 3. Product development stages
Users can envisage three stages f rom evaluation to product development. During
evaluation, features and peripherals of the target MCU can be easily tested with the
prototyping area and easily accessible connection s on the target board. Complementi ng
the target board a re also easy-to-use example projects and a handy Getting Started
guide. For rapid proof-of-concepts, users can get an off-the-shelf base board from
Embedded Arti st s and quickly explore the next level of appli cat i ons. And finally
LPCXpresso users can seamles sly devel op their final applic ation by using the LPC-Link’s
10-pin JTAG connector to attach any J TAG-capable custom board. This way, users can
now enjoy the same user experience right from evaluation to prod uct development.
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3. Installation
3.1 System requirements
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows - XP 32-bit (SP2 or greater)
Microsoft® Windows - Vista 32-bit or 64-bit
Microsoft® Windows - Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit
Microsoft® WindowsWindows 8
Mac OS X 10.7.5 (Lion), and 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion)
Linux - Ubuntu 9 trough 12Linux - Fedora 14 and 17
System RAM
2 GB MB minimum (4 GB recommended)
Hard Disk
500+ MB of availa ble space.
Screen/Display Adaptor
1024x768 min imum recomme nded
Internet Connection
High-speed internet is recommended to download and register
the software
Note: LPCXpresso may install and run on other Linux distributions. However, only the
distributions list ed above have been tested. Desktop vi rtualization tools sup porting a
Linux or Windows guest with USB sup port can be used to run LP CXpresso on other
computing platforms.
3.2 Installation process
LPCXpresso is installed into a singl e directory, of your choice. Mult i pl e versions can be
installed simult aneously without any issues. The in st allation process is to double-click the
installer file af ter downloading. T hen click “next” on the set up wizard. To inst al l under
Linux, the downloaded file should be m arked as execut able first using chmod +x.
Fig 4. Setup wizard
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Fig 5. Setup wizard
Read the license agreement then clic k next. There are a num ber of other scre ens on the
setup wizard, but generally the defaul t options can be acc epted. After the i nst al l , an
information fil e wil l be displayed. Clic k “Next.” Congratulations! Your LPCX presso
installation is complet e!
Fig 6. Setup wizard
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3.3 Activation
To activate your product from LPCXpresso, choose Help->Product activation->Create
serial number and Activate. Once the wiza rd i s open, click “Copy to clipboard” to copy
the LPCXpresso serial number into the clipboard. This serial numb er i s based on your
machine’s hardware and operating system configur ation, but contains no personally
identifiable inf ormation. Now cli ck the button to open the registration activation page. This
should display a web form. After compl eting the form, you will receive an act i vation code
via email within a few minutes. Highlight the activati on code in your email program, and
select Copy to place it into the Window s clipboard. Now, ch oose Help->Product
activation->Enter Activation code from within LPCXpresso. Paste the produ ct
activation code into the Product a ct i vation dialog by right clicking in the Activation code
field and choosin g “Paste.” Then click t he “OK” button. You should receive a dialog
confirming accept ance of the activ ation code. It is al so pos sible to complete LPCXpresso
activation on a P C t hat is offline as long as another PC has access to the Internet. Refer
to Fig 7 for the process.
Fig 7. LPCXpresso activation with offline PC
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4. Getting famil iar with the LPCXpr esso IDE
LPCXpresso IDE i s based on the Eclipse IDE framew ork and many of t he core f eatures
are described well i n generic Eclipse do cumentation and in the help files found in the
help menu of the product. Further documentation and pointers to useful documents are
also available on the Code Red Technol ogi es Wiki at http://support.code-red-
4.1 Layout of the LPCXpresso desktop
LPCXpresso’s Desktop contains ma ny windows. Each window is called a Vi ew, because
it displays a particular view of data in the LPCXpresso env i ronment. This data could be
source code, hex dumps, disassembly, memory cont ents, or more. V i ews can be
opened, moved, doc ked, and closed, and the layout of the currently displayed Views can
be saved and restored. A specific configuration of Vi ews is called a ‘Perspective.’
Typically, LPCXpresso operate s in a single perspective under which both the code
development & debug sessions operat e as shown on the next page. The single
perspective greatly simplifies t he E cli pse environment and enhances the entire
LPCXpresso experienc e.
All Views in the Per spective can be moved around by dragging and dropping. I f a View is
accidentally c l osed, it can be restored by selecting it from the Show View dialog. The
Show View dialog c an be opened from the S how V i ew Other... option in the Window
Fig 8. Show view/other menu
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4.1.1 Single perspective (code development)
Fig 9. Single perspective (develop)
1. Project Expl orer V i ew: The ‘Project E xplorer’ gives you a view of all the proje ct s in
your current ‘Workspace’. A ‘Wor ks pace’ is a collection of projects that are stored in
a single Workspace Directory on your computer.
2. Editor: On the upper right is the edit or which allows modification and saving of sour ce
code as well as set ting breakpoints in d ebug m ode.
3. Console and P robl ems Views: On the l ower right are the Console and Probl em s
Views. The Consol e V i ew displays statu s information on compi li ng and debuggin g,
as well as program o utput. The Problem View (available by changing tabs) shows all
compiler erro rs and will navigate t he E di tor View to the error location.
4. Quick Start View: Below, the ‘Q uick Start’ v i ew has f ast links to commonly used
features. This i s t he best place to go to find opt i ons such as Build, Debug, and
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4.1.2 Single perspective (debug)
Fig 10. Single perspective (debug)
1. Core Register View: This shows all of the registers in the processor core. Regist ers
that have changed from step to step are highlighted in yellow.
2. Debug View: Thi s shows you the stack trace. In the ‘stopped’ stat e, you can click on
any particular function and inspect its local variables in the Variable s tab (parallel to
the Registers View). Debug controls ca n be found on the global toolbar (at the top of
the screen).
3. Editor: In her e you will see the code y ou are executin g and can step from line t o li ne.
By pressing the ‘ i’ i con at the top of the Debug view, you can switch to stepping by
assembly instruction. Clicking in t he l eft margin will s et and delete breakpoints.
4. Console View : On the lower right is t he Console View . The Console View dis pl ays
status information on compiling and debugging, as well as program out put.
5. Quick Start Vi ew: Below, the ‘Quic k S tart’ view has fa st links to com m onl y used
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14 of 49 Peripheral views
LPCXpresso inclu des full, annotated and interactive debug views of all the peripherals.
Access to the views is found on the P eripherals View (click the Peripheral s t ab) behind
the Project Expl orer view. Each peripheral can be select ed, and it is displayed in the
‘Memory’ view which is located behi nd the ‘Console’ view at the bottom of the
LPCXpresso desktop.
Fig 11. Display of peripheral view showing selection of MRT peripheral
Fig 12. Disp lay of memo ry view showing deta il of MRT peri pheral registers
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4.2 Connecting the tar get
To begin development, the LPCXpresso can be connected t o a PC using a USB 2.0
A/Mini-B cable.
Fig 13. USB 2.0 A / Mini-B cable
If you are debugging a prototype board or a target containing a different MCU, see the
Appendix for a pin-out to connect the debugger section of the LPCXpre ss o to an external
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5. Working with example projects
5.1 Downloading NXP sample code from the web
Fig 14. Qui ckstart panel
The LPCXpresso IDE includes several sampl e code bundles for various developm ent
boards. To work with these projects, select “Import project(s)” from the Quickstart panel
in the lower left corner of the screen.
Fig 15. Import project(s) dialog
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Next, select “Browse” from the Project arc hi ve (zip)secti on of the Import project(s)
The sample code bundle s are located in the directory where the LPCXpres so I DE was
installed, under . \lpcxpresso\Examples\NXP. Navigate to the sample code bundle that
applies to your Target Device and select it.
Fig 16. Zip file from LPCXpresso-Support web site selected for importing
Now click the Next button and then choose which projects t o i m port from the .zip file.
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Fig 17. Import projects(s): Selecting which project s to import
Often, there wil l be ref erences betwee n projects in a .zip fil e so it is best to import al l of
Fig 18. Import projects: Progress indicator
Updates to the example code bundles can be found at http://LPCWare.com between
releases of the LPCX presso IDE.
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5.2 Debugging/running ‘ bl inky’ or another project on your LPCXpresso
In LPCXpresso, when you start to debug, your program wil l automatically download to
the target and be programmed into f lash memory.
To start debugging on your target, simply highlight t he proj ect in the Proje ct Explorer and
then in the Quic kstart Panel select ‘Debug ‘Projectname[Debug].
Fig 19. Debug
You may also enter debug mode by click ing the bug icon on the top LPCXpresso toolbar.
Fig 20. Bug icon
You are then presented with the debu g view and toolbar and have run control over the
code running on your target. The debug toolbar will po p up above the code win dow.
Fig 21. Debug toolbar
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You can now do the f oll owing with the but tons towards the top of the ‘Debug’ view:
Run the program.
Step Over C/C++ line.
Step into a function.
Stop the debugger.
Pause Execution of the running program.
Restart the debug session
Fig 22. Debug buttons
5.3 Working with Instruction Trace
Instruction tra ce provides the abilit y to record and review the sequence of i nst ructions
executed on a t arget . LPCXpresso 5 introduces support for instruction t rac e via on board
trace buffers. Instruction trace makes use of the E m bedde d Trace B uff er (ETB) on
Cortex M3 and M 4 parts and the Micr o Trace Buffer ( M T B ) on the Cortex-M0+. The
instruction trace which is generated at high speed can be captured i n real time and
stored in these on-chip buffers, so that they can be downloaded at lower speeds without
the need for additional debug hardware.
For informati on on how to configure LP CX presso 5 to work wit h Instruction T race, please
refer to the “Getting Started with Red Trace guide” that is available f or download from the
Code Red support website:
Please note that onl y the Instruction Trace part of the guide is applicable to the
6. LPCXpresso IDE tips and tricks
6.1 Installing Eclipse plugins
The LPCXpresso IDE contains many of the features of the Eclipse open-source IDE from
http://www.eclipse.org. The browse and install plugin functi on is present in t he help
menu. To access it , choose Help -> Insta ll New Software. This wil l display the Ecli pse
Install Softwa re di al og which will all ow browsing and installing of Eclipse plugins.
6.2 Debugging tips
6.2.1 Debug features not enabled
All of the LPCXpresso features are co ntext-sensitive. If features are disa bl ed, double-
check that you are nav i gated into a .c fil e i n an open project on the Project Explorer
View, or some menu items and toolbar buttons may be disabled. If your workspace
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contains projects t hat create l ibraries such as CMSI S , please note that debug features
will be disabled if you are currently editing a .c file that i s part of a library project.
6.2.2 Error launching debug\filename.axf
Fig 23. Error starting debug
LPCXpresso checks the target chip ID against the currently selecte d chip ID for the
project and wil l not start if there is not a m atch. Make sure that t he cor rect NXP LPC
microcontroller part is selected in LPCXpresso. The current part number is displayed in
the status bar at the bottom of the LP CX presso window. I t can be changed by ho l di ng
down the Ctrl key and clicking. A di alog wil l appear allowing sel ect ion of the corr ect part
Fig 24. Current part number
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Fig 25. Selecting correct part number
6.2.3 Optimization issues
When optimizati on i s enabled, it will reorder code. What this means is t hat the code from
multiple C lines will be intermingled. In addition, assignments and i ni tializations mi ght be
pulled out of loops so they are only ex ecuted once. Changes like these will make the
code confusing to debug. Some symptoms you might see are breakpoints that only work
the first time t hrough, or seeing t he debugger’s cur rent line indicat or fail to advance or
even move backw ards when you cli ck step. It is best to always use –O0 for debu ggi ng.
Since optimization can make such a bi g difference in cod e size and performan ce, it is a
good idea to test y our project with opti m ization and plan for a final build that i s optimized.
6.2.4 Exiting debug mode and stopping debugging
To stop debug press the Stop’ button (r ed square) shown in the toolbar at the t op of the
debug view.
6.2.5 Recovery of board
After playing arou nd with the LPCXp resso board, esp ecial l y when trying out new PLL
settings, reco nfiguring the SWDIO/SWDCLK pin funct ions, disabling AHBCLK CTRL bits,
or trying power do wn m odes, the board may be disabl ed and no longer enter debug
mode. This is cau sed by code on the on-board flash that incorrectly disables t he system
clocks or the debug port soon after reset before the debugger can connect to t he core.
The easiest solut i on to this is to load a working project into LPCXpresso, ground t he ISP
pin (see the chip User’s Manual for details) and then try to enter debug mode.
Grounding the ISP pin during reset will put the target MCU into In-System Programming
(ISP) mode. It wil l wait for a command through the serial port or the USB port. This
temporarily prevents the trouble some code in flash fro m st art i ng. Although IS P is
designed to enable serial and USB updates, while ISP i s running, the LPCXpresso
toolchain is able t o connect to t he Cortex core and reprog ram the flash. After the flash is
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reprogramme d, disconnect t he ISP pin (pull it high or allow it to float) and stop
debugging. Now you should be able to debug code again.
6.3 Datasheet brow ser
The LPCXpresso IDE comes with an integrated web browser that will direct vi ewer s to
the datasheet of the device. Just click on the part number in the lower right border of the
LPCXpresso window to see the browser in acti on.
Fig 26. Integrated web browser
6.4 Code size
6.4.1 printf
When optimizing a project for size, if you are using print f, make sure that Redli b is
selected as the standard library in t he P roj ects Properties dialog. This option can be set
using the Quick Settings dropdown b ox in the Quick Start panel.
Fig 27. Reconfigure library setting
The printf implementation in Redlib i s about half the size of the implement ation in Newlib.
A smaller printf library can be used in Redlib if floating point formatting st rings are not
used. To select thi s smaller library, def i ne the symbol CR _INTEGER_PRI NTF to the
compiler (i.e. -DCR_INTEGER_PRINTF). To sav e even more space , avoid using printf or
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any C standard library functions and select Redlib (none). Depending on your printf
settings and code, this could free up 1 0 K t o 20K of flash memory.
6.4.2 Optimization
Optimization can d o a l ot to save flash mem ory . It can be configured in the same di alog
as the C standard library. Choos e “Optimization” under “MCU C C om pil er” in the “Tool
Settings” tab. Higher levels of opti m izat i on wi ll typically result i n hi gher performance, but
may result in large r code size. It i s best to use O0 for debugging and higher levels for
Release. For best code size try –Os –mword-relocations. To further reduce code, add
--gc-sections to the proj ect linker flags. This causes the linker to remove unu sed
functions from the compiled code. --gc-sections is enabled by default in new projects
created by the proje ct wizard. If y ou are working with an ex ist i ng project, you may need
to manually add t hi s option to y our project. --gc-sections is safe to use in both Release
and Debug builds. There are many optimization opt i ons av ai lable for GCC. Visit
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html to see all of them.
6.5 Showing hidden views
A view is an on-screen re presentation of somet hi ng in the IDE. A view can be source
code, the project tree, or a debug wind ow. If you acci dentally close a v iew, you can open
it again by going to the Window menu and choosing Show View and Other. It is a good
idea to browse t hrough the Show View window to see what i s av ailable.
Fig 28. Show view window
This will present a di al og allowing you to pi ck a v i ew and display it.
6.6 Creating a ‘skeleton’ proj ect in a new Workspace
LPCXpresso inclu des several proje ct Tem pl ates to help get start ed quickly.
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6.6.1 Create a new Workspace
From the ‘File’ menu hover over ‘Switch Workspace’ and then select ‘Ot her…’ from the
bottom of the list . You will then see t he ‘Workspace Launcher’ dialog sh own below.
Enter or browse t o the new path for y our workspace. We have called our new workspace
Fig 29. Workspace launch er
Then click on OK to re-open LPCXpresso with this new workspace selected.
6.6.2 Create the ‘Skeleton’ project
If you are using a Co rt ex -based part, firs t, import the CMSI S header files for the chip
family you are planning to work with. To do this, click “I m port Project” and navigate to
the CMSIS<version/part>.zip. The CMSIS header files are installed with LPCXpresso
in C:\nxp\lpcxpresso\lpcxpresso\examples\nxp. Once this project is added to your
workspace, click “B ui l d al l projects (Deb ug)” in the Quickstart Panel.
Click on ‘New project…” and select the NXP C project type for your architecture.
Click “Next” and enter a project name. In this case w e wil l use ‘MyProject’ then click
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Fig 30. Enter project name
The next section of the dialog will ask you to specify which chip in the f am il y you are
Fig 31. Enter project name
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If you are using a Co rt ex -based part, the next step in the wizard will ask whi ch
CMSIS project to use. CMSIS stands for Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface
Standard. CMS IS defines a commo n way to access peripheral registers an d to define
interrupts. Please select the project that you imported into the workspace earlier and
click Finish.
Fig 32. CMSIS selection
Congratulations! You have creat ed your first project!
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Fig 33. Proj ect cr eation com plete
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7. Appendix
7.1 LPCXpresso target side schematics
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Fig 34. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC 1769 target side (1 of 3)
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Fig 35. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC1769 target side ( 2 of 3)
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Fig 36. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LP C 1769 target sid e (3 of 3)
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Fig 37. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC1114/LPC1115 target si de1
1. 1. Design and layout compatible with LPC1343 version. Therefore, PIO2_4/5 and PIO3_4/5 swap. LPC1114 does not have USB, but LPC1343 does. Therefore R37/38.
LPC1114 does not have SWO, but PIO0_9 is connected (since LPC1343 has SWO there). Recent versions of this board use a LPC1115 in place of the LPC1114.
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Fig 38. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC1343 target side2
2. This board has been replaced with the LPC1347-LPCXpresso board.
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Fig 39. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC11C24 target si de (1 of 2)
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Fig 40. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC11C24 target si de (2 of 2)
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Fig 41. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC 1200 target side (1 of 2)
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Fig 42. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC1200 target side (2 of 2)
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Fig 43. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC11U14 target si de (1 of 2)
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Fig 44. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC11U14 target si de (2 of 2)
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Fig 45. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC 11 04 target sid e ( 1 of 2)
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Fig 46. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC1104 target side (2 o f 2)
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Fig 47. Schematic for the LPCXpresso LPC800 target side
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Fig 48. Dimensioned drawing of LPCXp r e sso
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7.2 LPCXpresso PCB pinout and dimensions
The schematics of the LPCXpress o Target and the LPC-LINK debug connector appear in
Fig 34 to Fig 47. The LPCX presso board was designed to be pin compatible with NXP
mbed. LPCXpress o can be powered eit her through the deb ug m ini-USB port, by 3.3 V
applied to the board, or by 5 V applied to the USB connector. A cable for the 10-pin mini
JTAG connector on the LPC-LINK deb ugger portion of LPCXpresso can be purchased
from Digi-Key, part numbe r FFSD-05-D-06.00-01-N.
Dimensions: A dimensioned drawing of LPCXpresso can be found i n Fig 48. The outer
dimensions of LPCXpresso are 1.35x5.45 inches. It contains two rows of holes 900 mil
apart. Each row has 27 connection s and holes are dri ll ed at a 100 mil pitch.
Fig 49. LPCXpresso LPC-LINK JTAG/SWO pinout
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7.3 Terminology
The Code Red Technol ogies IDE (Integrated Develo pm ent Environment) based on
Eclipse with our own extensions for embedded development.
Serial Wire Debuggi ng (S ingle Wire Debugging). This is a debug connection t echnology
available on the Cortex-M3 that all ows debug through just 2-wires unlike 5 for J T A G .
ELF (Executable and Linking Format)
This is the object code file format u sed by our development tool chain and most
microprocessor tool chai ns.
LPCXpresso organi zes groups of projects into a ‘Work space’. A workspace is stored as a
directory on your host PC and has su bdi rectories contai ni ng indi vidual project s.
An LPCXpresso project. A project cont ains all of the .c and .h files to build a single
microcontroller f l ash image.
In LPCXpresso, a perspective is a part i cular collection of ‘Views’ that are grouped
together to be suitable for a particular use. For example the ‘C/C+ + programming’
perspective and the ‘Debug’ perspe ct i ve.
A ‘View’ is a window in LPCXpresso that shows a particular f i le or activity. A view could
be of a C source cod e file or something l i ve such as a disassembly window or register
dump. A ‘Perspe ct i ve’ is the layout of many ‘Views’.
The ability to use IO on your debugger host system for your target embedded system.
For example a ‘printf’ will appear in the console windo w of the debugger.
Debug Target
The system being debugged. LP CXpresso includes a target microcontroller on-board, but
can also be connect ed to external targets.
The optimized Code Red Technologies C runtime library (non-GNU). L PCXpresso
includes both Redli b and Newlib librari es.
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8. References
[1] NXP LPCXpresso http://www.nxp.com/lpcxpresso
[2] NXP LPCZone http://www.nxp.com/lpczone
[3] NXP Microcontrollers http://www.nxp.com/microcontrollers
[4] Code Red Technologies Wiki http://lpcxpresso.code-red-
[5] Code Red Technologies LPCXpresso p age http://lpcxpresso.code-red-tech.com
[6] Embedded Artists AB http://www.embeddedartists.com
[7] Harbison, S.P. & Steel e, G.L. (2002). C: A Ref erence Manual (5th Edition). Prentice
[8] Yiu, J. (2007). The Definitiv e G ui de to the ARM Cort ex-M3. Oxford, UK: Newnes.
[9] Yiu, J. (2011). The Definitive Guide to the A RM Cortex-M0. Oxford, UK: Newnes.
[10] ARM Cort e x-M3 Technical Reference Manual . Revision: r2p0. (ARM DDI 0 337G).
[11] ARM Cort e x-M0 Technical Reference Manual . Revision: r1p0. (ARM DDI 0 413D).
[12] ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual (A RM DDI 0403)
[13] ARMv6-M Architecture Reference Manual (Cortex-M0/LPC11)
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9. Legal information
9.1 Definitions
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10. Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................... 3
1.1 LPCXpr esso 5 new features ............................... 4
1.2 LPCXpr esso IDE ................................................ 4
1.3 LPCXpr esso development board ....................... 5
1.4 LPC-LINK J TAG/SWD debugger ....................... 6
1.5 Integrated evaluation target ................................ 6
1.6 LPCXpr esso partners ......................................... 6
2. Evaluate, explore and develop ........................... 7
3. Installation ........................................................... 8
3.1 System requirement s ......................................... 8
3.2 Installation process ............................................ 8
3.3 Activation .......................................................... 10
4. Getting familiar with the LPCXpresso IDE ...... 11
4.1 Layout of the LPCXpresso desktop .................. 11
4.1.1 Sing le perspective (code development) ........... 12
4.1.2 Sing le perspective (debug) ............................... 13
4.2 Connect ing the target ....................................... 15
5. Working with example projects ........................ 16
5.1 Downloading NXP sam ple code from the web . 16
5.2 Debuggi ng/running ‘blinky’ or anot her project on
your LPCXpresso board ................................... 19
5.3 Working with Instruc tion Trace ......................... 20
6. LPCXpresso IDE tips and t r icks ....................... 20
6.1 Installing Eclipse plugins .................................. 20
6.2 Debuggi ng tips ................................................. 20
6.2.1 Debug features not enabled ............................. 20
6.2.2 Error launching debug\filename.axf .................. 21
6.2.3 Opti m i z ation issues .......................................... 22
6.2.4 Exiting debug mode and stopping debugging .. 22
6.2.5 Recovery of board ............................................ 22
6.3 Datash eet browser ........................................... 23
6.4 Code size ......................................................... 23
6.4.1 printf ................................................................. 23
6.4.2 Optimization ..................................................... 24
6.5 Sho wing hidden views ...................................... 24
6.6 Creati ng a ‘ s keleton’ project in a new Workspace
......................................................................... 24
6.6.1 Create a new Works pac e ................................. 25
6.6.2 Create the ‘Skeleto n’ pr oject ............................ 25
7. Appendix ............................................................ 29
7.1 LPCXpr esso target side schematics ................ 29
7.2 LPCXpr esso PCB pinout and dimensions ........ 45
7.3 Terminology ..................................................... 46
8. References ......................................................... 47
9. Legal information .............................................. 48
9.1 Definitions ......................................................... 48
9.2 Disclaimers ....................................................... 48
9.3 Trademarks ...................................................... 48
10. Contents ............................................................. 49
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