Electrical Characteristics (Note 4) (Continued)
Note 2: For operation at elevated temperatures, these devices must be derated based on thermal resistance, and Tjmax. (listed under “Absolute Maximum Rat-
ings”). Tj=TA+(θ
jA PD).
Thermal Resistance Cerdip (J) DIP (N) HO8 (H) SO-8 (M)
θjA (Junction to Ambient) 100˚C/W 100˚C/W 170˚C/W 195˚C/W
θjC (Junction to Case) N/A N/A 25˚C/W N/A
Note 3: For supply voltages less than ±15V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage.
Note 4: Unless otherwise specified, these specifications apply for VS=±15V, −55˚C ≤TA≤+125˚C (LM741/LM741A). For the LM741C/LM741E, these specifica-
tions are limited to 0˚C ≤TA≤+70˚C.
Note 5: Calculated value from: BW (MHz) =0.35/Rise Time(µs).
Note 6: For military specifications see RETS741X for LM741 and RETS741AX for LM741A.
Note 7: Human body model, 1.5 kΩin series with 100 pF.
Connection Diagram
Metal Can Package
Note 8: LM741H is available per JM38510/10101
Order Number LM741H, LM741H/883 (Note 8),
LM741AH/883 or LM741CH
See NS Package Number H08C
Dual-In-Line or S.O. Package
Order Number LM741J, LM741J/883,
LM741CM, LM741CN or LM741EN
See NS Package Number J08A, M08A or N08E
Ceramic Dual-In-Line Package
Note 9: also available per JM38510/10101
Note 10: also available per JM38510/10102
Order Number LM741J-14/883 (Note 9),
LM741AJ-14/883 (Note 10)
See NS Package Number J14A
Ceramic Flatpak
Order Number LM741W/883
See NS Package Number W10A
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