0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors DF40 Series Decrease in the board-occupied area Smaller width DF40 Features 1. H igher density of the board-mounted components High contact reliability - Effective connection wipe of 0.45 mm Extremely small board mounting pattern and low abovethe-board profile makes the connectors ideally suited for small device applications. 1.5mm Despite connectors small size and low profile the contacts provide strong contact forces and long contact wipe (0.45 mm), guaranteeing reliable electrical and mechanical performance. Shock-absorbing rib 0.45mm 2. Stacking height variation : 1.5mm to 4.0mm 3. High contact reliability 5.0mm 3.38mm Other HRS connector 4. Large self-alignment distance The connectors will self-align within 0.33 mm. Interlock indentations (for 10 to 50 positions) 5. Confirmation of the fully mated condition Positive "click" sensation confirms correct insertion and connection of all contacts. 6. Built-in shock absorbing feature The protrusions and indents in the insulator bodies protect the connectors from failures when exposed to sudden impact. 7. Solder wicking prevention Nickel-plated barriers provide protection against solder wicking into the contact areas. 8. Contact area protection External walls protect the exposed contact areas from intrusion of flux or foreign particles. Stacking Height variation Stacking Height 10 12 20 24 30 40 Pos. 44 50 60 70 80 90 100 1.5mm 2.0mm 2.5mm 3.0mm 3.5mm 4.0mm K ---- K K K K ---K K K K K K K K K K K K K K ------- ------K ---- ---K K ------------- ------------K ---K K K K ---------- ------------K ------K K ------------- ---------------- ---- K ---K ------- : Reserved for product expansion 2011.9w 1 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Product Specifications Ratings Current rating 0.3A Operation temperature range -35c to +85c (Note 1) Storage temperature range -10c to +60c (Note 2) Voltage rating 30V AC, DC Operation humidity range Storage humidity range RH 40% to 70% (Note 2) Item RH 20% to 80% Specification Conditions 1. Insulation resistance 50 Mo min. 100V DC 2. Withstanding voltage No flashover or insulation breakdown. 100V AC / one minute 3. Contact resistance 90 mo max. 1mA, 20mV AC, 1 kHz 4. Vibration No electrical discontinuity of 1 s or more. Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75mm, 2 hours, 3 axis 5. Humidity Contact resistance: 90 mo max. IInsulation resistance: 25 Mo min. 96 hours at +402c and humidity of 90% to 95%. 6. Temperature cycle Contact resistance: 90 m o max. Insulation resistance: 50 Mo min. Temperature: -55+5c to 35c+85c+5c to +35c Time: 30103010 (Minutes) 5 cycles 7. Durability (insertion/withdrawal) Contact resistance: 90 mo max. 30 cycles 8. Resistance to soldering heat No deformation of components affecting performance. Reflow: At the recommended temperature profile Manual soldering: 350c for 3 seconds Note 1: Includes temperature rise caused by current flow. Note 2: T he term "storage" refers to products stored for long period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating temperature range and humidity range covers non-conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during transportation. Materials Product Part Material Finish Remarks Receptacles Headers Insulator LCP Color : Black UL94V-0 Contacts Phosphor bronze Gold plated ------------- Ordering information Receptacle # (**) - * DS - 0.4 V (**) DF40 q q Series Name w : DF40 e r t y eStacking Height w Configuration Blank 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 C: Without metal fittings HC: Without metal fittings (Stacking height : 2.5mm to 4.0mm) u i tConnector Type DS : Double-row receptacle Stacking Height 1.5mm 2.0mm 2.5mm 3.0mm 3.5mm 4.0mm y Contact Pitch : 0.4mm uTerminal Type V: SMT vertical mount iPackaging (51) : Embossed tape packaging rNumber of Contacts DF40 Header q q Series Name : DF40 w Configuration C: Without metal fittings # - * DP - 0.4 V (**) w e r t y u eNumber of Contacts t Contact Pitch : 0.4mm rConnector Type yTerminal Type V: SMT vertical mount DP : Double-row pin header uPackaging (51) : Embossed tape packaging 2 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Receptacles (Stacking Height : 1.5mm) A0.2 B0.08 P=0.40.05 Note 2 3.380.2 2.880.2 HRS logo Pick-and-place area : C0.2 D0.15 0.120.02 Cavity identification Recommended PCB mounting pattern B0.02 Ill.1 P=0.40.02 1.5MAX 0 2.38 -0.05 3.78 +0.05 0 YES Conductive traces Note 3 Ill.2 0.20.02 NO Conductive traces [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (5,000 pieces per reel) Stacking Height : 1.5mm Part Number DF40C- 10DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 12DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 20DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 24DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 30DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 40DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 50DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 60DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 70DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 80DS-0.4V(51) DF40C- 90DS-0.4V(51) DF40C-100DS-0.4V(51) CL No. Number of contacts 684-4036-2-51 10 Reserved for product expansion 12 684-4005-9-51 20 684-4006-1-51 24 684-4007-4-51 30 684-4008-7-51 40 684-4009-0-51 50 684-4004-6-51 60 684-4016-5-51 70 684-4002-0-51 80 684-4124-8-51 90 684-4033-4-51 100 Unit: mm A 4.6 5.0 6.6 7.4 8.6 10.6 12.6 14.6 16.6 18.6 20.6 22.6 B 1.6 2.0 3.6 4.4 5.6 7.6 9.6 11.6 13.6 15.6 17.6 19.6 C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 D 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 Note 1: Order by number of reels. Note 2: Connectors with 60 or 100 contacts may have several recessed areas in this location. Pick-and-place operation will NOT be affected. . Note 3: No conductive traces through the areas indicated by Refer to Ill.1 and Ill.2. for specific restrictions and exception to the above requirement. Note 4: This connector is NOT polarized. 3 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Receptacles (Stacking Height : 2.0mm) 2.940.2 P=0.40.05 3.380.2 A0.2 B0.08 0.120.02 D0.15 Pick-and-place area : C0.2 Recommended PCB mounting pattern Ill.1 B0.02 P=0.40.05 Conductive traces 1.5MAX 0 2.38 -0.05 3.78 +0.05 0 YES Ill.2 0.20.02 NO Conductive traces [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (4,000 pieces per reel) Stacking Height : 2.0mm Part Number DF40C(2.0)- 12DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 20DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 24DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 30DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 40DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 44DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 50DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 60DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 70DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)- 80DS-0.4V(51) CL No. Number of contacts Reserved for product expansion 12 684-4040-0-51 20 684-4021-2-51 24 684-4058-5-51 30 684-4042-5-51 40 Reserved for product expansion 44 684-4091-0-51 50 684-4034-7-51 60 684-4147-3-51 70 684-4132-6-51 80 A 5.0 6.6 7.4 8.6 10.6 11.4 12.6 14.6 16.6 18.6 B 2.0 3.6 4.4 5.6 7.6 8.4 9.6 11.6 13.6 15.6 C 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Note 1: Order by number of reels. Note 2: Connectors with 60 or 100 contacts may have several recessed areas in this location. Pick-and-place operation will NOT be affected. . Note 3: No conductive traces through the areas indicated by Refer to Ill.1 and Ill.2. for specific restrictions and exception to the above requirement. Note 4: This connector is NOT polarized. 4 Unit: mm D 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Receptacles (Stacking Height : 2.5mm to 4.0mm) A0.2 B0.08 2.940.2 3.380.2 P=0.40.05 0.120.02 D0.15 Pick-and-place area : C0.2 Recommended PCB mounting pattern Ill.1 B0.02 P=0.40.02 Conductive traces 0.92MAX 0 2.38 -0.05 3.78 +0.05 0 YES Ill.2 NO 0.20.02 [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (3,000 pieces per reel) Stacking Height : 2.5mm Part Number DF40HC(2.5)- 20DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(2.5)- 30DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(2.5)- 40DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(2.5)- 50DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(2.5)- 60DS-0.4V(51) CL No. Number of contacts 684-4126-3-51 20 Reserved for product expansion 30 Reserved for product expansion 40 684-4101-2-51 50 684-4085-8-51 60 CL No. 684-4098-0-51 684-4076-7-51 684-4099-2-51 684-4100-0-51 684-4138-2-51 CL No. 684-4136-7-51 684-4109-4-51 684-4102-5-51 Stacking Height : 4.0mm Part Number DF40HC(4.0)- 40DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(4.0)- 50DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(4.0)- 60DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(4.0)- 80DS-0.4V(51) B 3.6 5.6 7.6 9.6 11.6 C 1.0 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 Number of contacts 30 44 50 60 70 A 8.6 11.4 12.6 14.6 16.6 B 5.6 8.4 9.6 11.6 13.6 C 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (2,000 pieces per reel) Stacking Height : 3.5mm Part Number DF40HC(3.5)- 30DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.5)- 50DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.5)- 60DS-0.4V(51) A 6.6 8.6 10.6 12.6 14.6 [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (3,000 pieces per reel) Stacking Height : 3.0mm Part Number DF40HC(3.0)- 30DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.0)- 44DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.0)- 50DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.0)- 60DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.0)- 70DS-0.4V(51) Conductive traces Number of contacts 30 50 60 A 8.6 12.6 14.6 B 5.6 9.6 11.6 C 1.5 3.2 3.2 [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (2,000 pieces per reel) CL No. Number of contacts Reserved for product expansion 40 Reserved for product expansion 50 684-4133-9-51 60 684-4140-4-51 80 A 10.6 12.6 14.6 18.6 B 7.6 9.6 11.6 15.6 C 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Unit: mm D 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 Unit: mm D 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 Unit: mm D 3.4 3.4 3.4 Unit: mm D 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 Note 1: Order by number of reels. Note 2: Connectors with 60 or 100 contacts may have several recessed areas in this location. Pick-and-place operation will NOT be affected. . Note 3: No conductive traces through the areas indicated by Refer to Ill.1 and Ill.2. for specific restrictions and exception to the above requirement. Note 4: This connector is NOT polarized. 5 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Header A0.2 B0.08 1.850.2 2.970.2 P=0.40.05 1.140.15 0.150.02 Pick-and-place area : C0.2 Recommended PCB mounting pattern B0.02 0.650.02 0.30.02 0 2.05 -0.05 3.37 +0.05 0 P=0.40.02 0.230.02 0.350.02 [Specification number] (51): Embossed tape packaging (5,000 pieces per reel) Unit: mm Part Number CL No. Number of contacts A B C DF40C- 10DP-0.4V(51) 684-4035-0-51 10 3.52 1.6 1.0 DF40C- 12DP-0.4V(51) Reserved for product expansion 12 3.92 2.0 1.0 DF40C- 20DP-0.4V(51) 684-4010-9-51 20 5.52 3.6 1.0 DF40C- 24DP-0.4V(51) 684-4011-1-51 24 6.32 4.4 1.2 DF40C- 30DP-0.4V(51) 684-4012-4-51 30 7.52 5.6 1.5 DF40C- 40DP-0.4V(51) 684-4013-7-51 40 9.52 7.6 3.2 DF40C- 44DP-0.4V(51) 684-4077-0-51 44 10.32 8.4 3.2 DF40C- 50DP-0.4V(51) 684-4014-0-51 50 11.52 9.6 3.2 DF40C- 60DP-0.4V(51) 684-4003-3-51 60 13.52 11.6 3.2 DF40C- 70DP-0.4V(51) 684-4015-2-51 70 15.52 13.6 3.2 DF40C- 80DP-0.4V(51) 684-4001-8-51 80 17.52 15.6 3.2 DF40C- 90DP-0.4V(51) 684-4125-0-51 90 19.52 17.6 3.2 DF40C-100DP-0.4V(51) 684-4032-1-51 100 21.52 19.6 3.2 Note 1: Order by number of reels. Note 2: 60 or 100 positions connectors will not have small interlock indentations in the contact areas. Note 3: The contacts in each of the 4 corners serve as metal solder brackets only and should NOT be used for current carrying. Note 4: Location of the HRS logo and cavity identification mark may differ from what is shown. Note 5: This connector is not polarized. 6 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Packaging Specification F-F Part number label C0.1 .8 0 O21 A 0 0 12 12 B0.1 A0.3 20.5 O3802 O801 F 20.1 Reel Dimensions O1 3 0.2 1 0. + 0 .5 O1 40.1 1.750.1 E mbossed Carrier Tape Dimensions - Receptacle (stacking Height : 1.5mm) G 80.1 H H .1 +00 5 0.7 R E0.5 D1 0.30.1 F G-G 1.650.15 0.20.05 A G Unreeling direction .1 +0 0 .75 R0 Stacking Height : 1.5mm Unit: mm Part Number A B C D E DF40C- 10DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 12DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 20DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 24DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 30DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 40DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 50DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 60DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 70DS-0.4V(51) 32.0 28.4 14.2 37.5 33.5 DF40C- 80DS-0.4V(51) 32.0 28.4 14.2 37.5 33.5 DF40C- 90DS-0.4V(51) 44.0 40.4 20.2 49.5 45.5 DF40C-100DS-0.4V(51) 44.0 40.4 20.2 49.5 45.5 Note : Bottom side deed holes are added to embossed tape when A = 32.0 or greater 7 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors .1 +0 0 .5 H Part number label H-H 20.5 O1 3 0.2 O1 40.1 20.1 Reel Dimensions 0.8 1 O2 1.750.1 Embossed Carrier Tape Dimensions - Receptacle (stacking Height : 2.0mm to 3.0mm) J G G 80.1 J O801 O3802 0 E0.5 D1 0.30.1 H .1 +0 0 Unreeling direction .75 R0 G-G F0.15 0.20.05 B0.1 A0.3 0 12 12 C0.1 5 .1 +00 .75 R0 Stacking Height : 2.0mm Unit: mm Part Number A B C D E F DF40C(2.0)-12DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)-20DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 2.2 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 2.2 DF40C(2.0)-24DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- DF40C(2.0)-30DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)-40DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 24.0 ---- 7.5 11.5 21.5 29.5 17.5 25.5 2.2 2.2 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.2 DF40C(2.0)-44DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.2 DF40C(2.0)-50DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.2 DF40C(2.0)-60DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- DF40C(2.0)-70DS-0.4V(51) DF40C(2.0)-80DS-0.4V(51) 32.0 32.0 28.4 28.4 11.5 14.2 14.2 29.5 37.5 37.5 25.5 33.5 33.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 Part Number A B C D E F DF40HC(2.5)-20DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(2.5)-30DS-0.4V(51) 16.0 24.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 2.72 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.72 DF40HC(2.5)-40DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.72 DF40HC(2.5)-50DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.72 DF40HC(2.5)-60DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 2.72 Part Number A B C D E F DF40HC(3.0)-30DS-0.4V(51) DF40HC(3.0)-44DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 3.15 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 3.15 DF40HC(3.0)-50DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 3.15 DF40HC(3.0)-60DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- DF40HC(3.0)-70DS-0.4V(51) 32.0 28.4 11.5 14.2 29.5 37.5 25.5 33.5 3.15 3.15 Stacking Height : 2.5mm Unit: mm Stacking Height : 3.0mm Unit: mm Note : Bottom side deed holes are added to embossed tape when A = 32.0 or greater 8 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors 0 O801 O3802 12 C0.1 0 12 B0.1 A0.3 20.5 .2 Part number label H-H 0.8 1 O2 .1 +0 0 .5 H O1 3 40.1 Reel Dimensions 0 O1 20.1 1.750.1 Embossed Carrier Tape Dimensions - Receptacle (stacking Height : 3.5mm to 4.0mm) 0.20.05 80.1 E0.5 D1 G .1 +00 J 5 0.7 R 0.40.1 H J G-G F0.15 G Unreeling Dimension .1 +00 .75 R0 Stacking Height : 3.5mm Unit: mm Part Number A B C D E F DF40HC(3.5)-30DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 3.72 DF40HC(3.5)-50DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 3.72 DF40HC(3.5)-60DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 3.72 Part Number A B C D E F DF40HC(4.0)-40DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 4.22 DF40HC(4.0)-50DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 4.22 DF40HC(4.0)-60DS-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 4.22 DF40HC(4.0)-80DS-0.4V(51) 32.0 28.4 14.2 37.5 33.5 4.22 Stacking Height : 4.0mm Unit: mm Note : Bottom side deed holes are added to embossed tape when A = 32.0 or greater 9 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors O1 .5 .1 +0 0 20.1 1.750.1 Embossed Carrier Tape Dimensions - Header 40.1 F Reel Dimensions F-F Part number label .2 0 B0.1 A0.2 G .1 +00 5 .7 O0 0.30.1 F G-G 1.340.15 0.20.05 H H O801 0 A 12 0 12 E0.5 D1 A G O3802 C0.1 0.8 O1 3 1 O2 20.5 Unreeling Dimension .1 +0 0 .75 O0 Unit: mm Part Number A B C D E DF40C- 10DP-0.4V(51) 12.0 ---- 5.5 17.5 13.5 DF40C- 12DP-0.4V(51) 12.0 ---- 5.5 17.5 13.5 DF40C- 20DP-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 24DP-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 30DP-0.4V(51) 16.0 ---- 7.5 21.5 17.5 DF40C- 40DP-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 44DP-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 50DP-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 60DP-0.4V(51) 24.0 ---- 11.5 29.5 25.5 DF40C- 70DP-0.4V(51) 32.0 28.4 14.2 37.5 33.5 DF40C- 80DP-0.4V(51) 32.0 28.4 14.2 37.5 33.5 DF40C- 90DP-0.4V(51) 44.0 40.4 20.2 49.5 45.5 DF40C-100DP-0.4V(51) 44.0 40.4 20.2 49.5 45.5 Note : Bottom side deed holes are added to embossed tape when A = 32.0 or greater 10 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Usage Recommendations 1.Recommended temperature profile Temperature (c) 250c 250c 220c 200c 60sec.max. 180c 150c 150c 90 to 120sec. 100c 50c Room temperature 0sec. 50sec. 100sec. 150sec. 200sec. 250sec. 300sec. (Time) Note 1: Up to 2 cycles of Reflow soldering are possible under the same conditions, provided that there is a return to normal temperature between the first and second cycle. Note 2: The temperature profile indicates the board surface temperature at the point of contacts with the connector terminals. 2.Recommended manual soldering Manual soldering: 34010c for 3 seconds 3.Recommended screen thickness and Thickness: 0.12 mm open area ratio (Pattern area ratio) Open area ratio: 80% 4.Board warpage Maximum of 0.02 mm at the connector center, with both ends of the connector as reference points. 5.Cleaning conditions Cleaning is not recommended. When cleaning, please evaluate as if can deteriorate the performance including mechanical operation and environmental resistance. 6.Precautions * Mating and un-mating of the connectors when not soldered on the boards is not recommended as this may cause deformation of the terminals, damage to the contacts or insulators. Mated connectors should not carry weight of the board by themselves. Provide some other support of the boards. When mating/un-mating do not twist or lift by the corners. Apply the forces evenly across the entire length and width of the connectors taking care NOT to damage or deform soldered terminations. Exercise extreme caution when mating/ un-mating when the connector is mounted on a nonrigid (flexible) substrate. Do NOT pull on the flexible substrate. Slight discoloration on the insulating materials will not affect form, fit or function of the connectors. 11 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Handling Precautions when mating the connectors DF40*-*DP-0.4V Header DF40*-*DS-0.4V Receptacle Keep the connectors parallel to each other when positioning Do not attempt to mate the connectors staring at one end or side. Press-down evenly until slight resistance is felt. Overcoming this slight resistance will complete the mating receptacle with the header. A definite "click" sensation will confirm the fully mated condition. 12 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Handling Precautions when un-mating the connectors DF40*-*DS-0.4V Fully mated DF40*-*DP-0.4V Lift even one side, keeping both boards parallel to each other. When handling, circumstances prevent the connector from being kept level during the un-mating. One end may be lifted separate as shown. However, to utilize this procedure the connector must be mounted on a sufficiently rigid circuit board. Any deflection of the board during this operation may result in damage to the connectors or solder joints. Pitch Orientation Corner Orientation Do not attempt the start of the un-mating of the connectors from one side or corner. When un-mating is from the width orientation, as illustrated in the diagram to the left, connector could be damaged. Do not remove from the width orientation. Width Orientation 13 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors Handling Precautions when un-mating the connectors FPC Receptacle Low rigidity FPC should not be used for mounting of the receptacle. Un-mating of the connectors when the receptacle is mounted on the extremely flexible FPC can result in solder joint failure or damage to the connector itself. Header It is highly recommended that the receptacle be mounted on the rigid PCB and the header on the FPC. Header Contact HRS when specific application requires mounting of the receptacle on the FPC. All published performance data is based on connectors mounted on rigid FPC and PCB. Receptacle Failure to exercise caution when un-mating connectors mounted on the non-rigid FPC may also result in connector breakage. 14 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors NOTES : 15 DF40 Series0.4 mm Contact Pitch Board-to-Board /Board-to-FPC Connectors USA: HIROSE ELECTRIC (U.S.A.), INC. Headquarters 2688 Westhills Court, Simi Valley, CA 93065-6235 Phone : +1-805-522-7958 Fax : +1-805-522-3217 http://www.hiroseusa.com USA: HIROSE ELECTRIC (U.S.A.), INC. San Jose Office 20400 Stevens Creek Blvd., Ste 250, Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone : +1-408-253-9640 Fax : +1-408-253-9641 http://www.hiroseusa.com USA: HIROSE ELECTRIC (U.S.A.), INC. Detroit Office (Automotive) 37677 Professional Center Drive, Suite #100C Livonia, MI 48154 Phone : +1-734-542-9963 Fax : +1-734-542-9964 http://www.hiroseusa.com THE NETHERLANDS: HIROSE ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. Hogehillweg #8 1101 CC Amsterdam Z-O Phone : +31-20-6557460 Fax : +31-20-6557469 http://www.hiroseeurope.com GERMANY: HIROSE ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. GERMAN BRANCH Herzog-Carl-Strasse 4 D-73760 Ostfildern (Scharnhauser Park) Phone : +49-711-4560-02-1 Fax : +49-711-4560-02-299 http://www.hirose.de UNITED KINGDOM: HIROSE ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. UK BRANCH First Floor, St Andrews House, Caldecotte Lake Business Park, Milton Keynes MK7 8LE Phone : +44-1908-369060 Fax : +44-1908-369078 http://www.hirose.co.uk CHINA: HIROSE ELECTRIC (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. 1601,Henderson Metropolitan,NO.300 ,East Nanjing Road,Huangpu District, Shanghai,China 200001 Phone : +86-21-6391-3355 Fax : +86-21-6391-3335 http://www.hirose-china.com.cn CHINA: HIROSE ELECTRIC (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. BEIJING BRANCH A1001, Ocean International Center, Building 56# East 4th Ring Middle Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing, 100025 Phone : +86-10-5165-9332 Fax : +86-10-5908-1381 http://www.hirose-china.com.cn CHINA: HIROSE ELECTRIC TECHNOLOGIES (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD. Room 09-13, 19/F, Office Tower Shun Hing Square, Di Wang Commercial Centre 5002, ShenNanDong Road, ShenZhen City, Guangdong Province, 518008 Phone : +86-755-8207-0851 Fax : +86-755-8207-0873 http://www.hirose-china.com.cn HONG KONG: HIROSE ELECTRIC HONGKONG TRADING CO., LTD. Room 1001, West Wing, Tsim Sha Tsui Centre, 66 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone : +852-2803-5338 Fax : +852-2591-6560 http://www.hirose-hongkong.com.hk TAIWAN: KOREA: HIROSE KOREA CO., LTD. 1261-10, Jeoungwhang-Dong, Shihung-City, Kyunggi-Do 429-450 Phone : +82-31-496-7000,7124 Fax : +82-31-496-7100 http://www.hirose.co.kr SINGAPORE: HIROSE ELECTRIC SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. 10 Anson Road #26-16 International Plaza 079903 Phone : +65-6324-6113 Fax : +65-6324-6123 http://www.hirose-singapore.com.sg INDIA: HIROSE ELECTRIC SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. BANGALORE LIAISON OFFICE Unit No.03, Ground Floor, Explorer Building International Tech Park Whitefield Road, Bangalore 560066 Karnataka, India Phone : +65-6324-6113 Fax : +65-6324-6123 http://www.hirose-singapore.com.sg (R) 16 HIROSE ELECTRIC TAIWAN CO., LTD. 103 8F, No.87, Zhengzhou Rd., Taipei Phone : +886-2-2555-7377 Fax : +886-2-2555-7350 http://www.hirose-taiwan.com.tw 5-23,OSAKI 5-CHOME,SHINAGAWA-KU,TOKYO 141-8587,JAPAN PHONE: 81-3-3491-5300, FAX: 81-3-3495-5230 http://www.hirose.com http://www.hirose-connectors.com The contents of this catalog are current as of date of 9/2011. Contents are subject to change without notice for the purpose of improvements.