198 54170/74170 4-by-4 Register File Schottky TTL Hgh Speed TTL Low- Power Schottky TTL Standard TTL Low: Power TTL ee : __ Package | Package : Package Ty Package . Package Device Type Device Type Device Type Device Type ; -]| Device Type | yP? |e IP [MCF ye lelP Mor ype ic |p [M [GF yp ic [Pim [cr c|[P|M|CF| TI SNSAL S170 J WEP SNS4170 wa) fi oy i aa [ ~ ! ~ SN74L S170 JING SN74170 1 | T ' FMS4LS170. FMSLSI70_| ) F | Fmsaiz0/FM93170 oO | Lt po | x ae . | FAIRCHILD f T Fovaesi7a/Fcatsi70 _|B@ 1PD; | F@ | Fovar70./Fcssi70 DD | FO | 1 : T T + tT Ti a - coef __- _ t | MOTOROLA 7 SN74L 5170 PO ' DMS54L.S170 D N.S. C. es eee | DM74L $170 tery Pom NO PHILIPS ~ Ty Tt [nario , [O, | [nar To t * " | 554170 FCG we] SIGNETICS - | _ " N74L S170 1 (Ao N74170 Fa iB , Pe | _ \ t SIEMENS i _ be FUJITSU fo ~~} es = ao . 4 | aoe wee i - = ab - HITACHI : HD2540 AP y a Lou i a i MITSUBISHI M74L S170 PO a T : tb | fn _ NEC r oT uPB2170 Daly TOSHIBA } | + opt | t t | ; i Electrical Characteristics SN54LS I 70/SN74LS 170 absolute maximum ratings over operating free: air temperature range Pin Assignment (Top View) WV FO perating free: ait eat | Susats {55C to 125C | Input voltage _ wv (See Notel) [_swvats 0C to 70C paTaWRITESELECT ENABLE OUTPUTS Storage temperature range -65C to ts0C. Veo (01 A B WRITE READ O1 recommended operating conditions 164}151) 1415131) 12[] 11LJ 107 9 _ ~ |_SNB4L8170 [ SN74LS170_ | wv L [if J] ] 7] MIN NOM MAX [MIN NOM MAX | DT Wa We Gw GR ar | Supply voltage, Voc 45 5 55/475 525: V | Higivlevel output voltage. Vou 5.5 SRS TV bo? a Low-level output current, hou 4 Bi mA Width of write enable or read: enable pulse. tw | 357 25 as Set high [Data input with respect to to 10 ns p3 eg Ra 43 etup times, hig! ti ble, 1 or low-level data | estat ~--..-..{_ _____ {4 qT | | ] rite select with respect to 1 write enable, "setup! Ww) 1s "5 ns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + ~ - 02 bs ba [Data input with respect to 15 15 oe, B A eos, GND Hold times, high | write enable, thold(O) ns DATA READ SELECT OUTPUTS or low: level data ~~ am ~ - positive logic: f ( (see Note 2) Write select with, respect | to 5 ns Bic: see function table | write enable, thaid (W ) . | | Latch time for new data, tlach see Note 3) 25, 5 ns | Opereting free-air temperature range, Ta bee Note 1) I 55 125 | 0 ~ 70) ear temperature Fa EO ae electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range - PARAMETER # TEST CONDITIONS + _ MIN) TYP MAX|UNIT Vin Highlevel input voltage ~ 2 Vv vic Low level input voltage as] Vv 1 4 I Vv MIN, 1) = 18mA i 1.57 V __{nput_clamp voltage CO SMING ts temA Vo=Vv : 30 | uA Low: level output voltage |YOC=MIN, Vit =0.8. | 0.35 05 v | NOTES: lo. = ama Vin 2v ' het baie a + An SN 54170 in the W package operating at free-air temperatures adove 105 U requires ! a.1 \ maximum input Vv; 7 | mA a heat sink that provides a thermal resistance from case to free-air, voltage . i 02 RecA, of not more than 38C W. ES .Roor W : 20 - 7 II a High-level input ny D.R.or Veco MAX, vio 2a \ . Ta 2. Write select setup time will protect the data written into the previous address. current 488 or GW _ lf protection of data in the previcus address is not Low-level input | Any [ DLR, or wit required, Tsetup :Wi can be ignored as any address selection sustained ML current i GR or GW Voc MAX. vi -0.av for the final 30ns of the write-enable pulse and during thold .wW) will result loo Supoiy currant Veo Mak. See Note 6 in data being written into that location. Depending on the duration of the input = conditions, one or a numder of previous addresses may have been written into. JPLH | | from Read enable (PHL to output Any 0 y SV 3. Latch we is the tme required for the internal output of the latch to assume the toe Ww cet =o Ve tat new data. Thi PH from Write enable 1o ast State of naw data. NSIS important only when attempting , TPHL, te output Any 0 A , to read froma location immediately after that location has received new data. {PHL | We ovlp . CL =15pF, 4. Maximum |Go 1s guaranteed for the following worst-case conditions: | 'PLH: from Read address RL = 2k 4.5 Vis applied to all data inputs and both enable inputs, ail fy to output Any Q address inputs are grounded, and aii outputs are open. PHL a ees eee P 8 A. H = high level, L. = iow level, X irrelevant. B. (0 =D) = The four selected internal flip-flop outputs will assume the states applied to the four external data inputs. 'PLH! from Data input | tpyH_| to output Any @ : . QO =the level of Q detore the indicated input conditions were established. . WOBI =The first bit of word O, etc. oo t For corditions shown as MIN o MIX, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions. t All typical values are at Vog =5V, Ta = 25. Typrcal supply currant shown is an average for 50% duty cycle. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *'PLH = propagation delay time, low-to-highlevel output (RAR) ee tPHL = propagation delay time, high-to-low-level output