© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80292D-page 1
The PIC18F97J60 family parts you have received
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39762D), except for the anomalies described
below. Any Data Sheet Clarification issues related to
the PIC18F97J60 family will be reported in a separate
Data Sheet errata. Please check the Microchip web site
for any existing issues.
The following silicon errata apply only to
PIC18F97J60 family devices with these
Device/Revision IDs:
1. Module: Resets
MCLR and BOR Resets behave as a POR Reset.
Special Function Registers’ Reset values after a
MCLR or BOR would have the same values as
those after a POR. All other Resets behave as
describ ed in the data shee t.
Work around
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
2. Module: I/O (PORTJ)
When configured to operate in Microcontroller
mode (CONFIG3L<EMB1:0> = 11), PORTJ pins
do not go to a high-impedance state immediately
after a POR Reset. Instead, PORTJ<4,0> are
driven low, while all other PORTJ pins are driven
high, until the device exits the Reset condition
(refer to Section 4.5.1 “Time-out Sequence” of
the Device Data Sheet for details on when device
exits Reset condition) before transitioning to a
high-impedance state. Note that since MCLR and
BOR Resets are also treated as a POR Reset (see
errata issue #1), PORTJ pins will also be driven as
outputs until the device exits these Reset
Work around
If using a PORTJ pin as an input, make sure to
check that your c ircuit w ill not cre ate a short -circuit
condition during a Reset. For example, if you need
to have a direct pull-down to ground input, do this
on PORTJ<4> or PORTJ<0>, since they are
temporary driven low. If using a PORTJ pin as an
output, then use a pin that will temporarily drive
low for dri ving active-high loads, and use a p in that
temporarily will drive high for driving active-low
loads. This way, the temporary output signals are
in the Idle state.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
Part Number Device ID Revision ID
PIC18F66J60 0001 1000 000 00000
PIC18F66J65 0001 1111 000 00000
PIC18F67J60 0001 1111 001 00000
PIC18F86J60 0001 1000 001 00000
PIC18F86J65 0001 1111 010 00000
PIC18F87J60 0001 1111 011 00000
PIC18F96J60 0001 1000 010 00000
PIC18F96J65 0001 1111 100 00000
PIC18F97J60 0001 1111 101 00000
The Devic e IDs (DEVID1 an d DEVID2 ) are located at
addresses 3FFFFEh:3FFFFFh in the device’s
configuration space. They are shown in binary in the
format “DEVID2 DEVID1”.
Note: This issue is only applicable to the
100-pin dev ic e.
PIC18F97J60 Family Rev. A0 Silicon Errata
DS80292D-page 2 © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
3. Module: I/O (PORTJ) and External
Memory Bus
In an Extended Microcontroller mode
(CONFIG3L<EMB1:0> = 00, 01 or 10), each
control signal on PORTJ is supposed to be driven
to its Idle state. However, the control signals on
PORTJ pins go to a high-impedance state for a
brief i nte rval after a MC LR R eset. The brief lo ss of
control si gnals may cause the corrupti on of data in
memory devices connected to the External
Memory Bus (EMB).
Work around
To maintain the default states on the control lines,
use pull-up or pull-down resistors on all PORTJ
pins (pull-down on PORTJ<4,0>, pull-up on all
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
4. Module: Etherne t (Buffer Memory)
The receive hardware may corrupt the circular
receive buffer (including the Next Packet Pointer
and receive status vector fields) when an even value
is programmed into the ERXRDPTH:ERXRDPTL
Work around
Ensure that only odd addresses are written to the
ERXRDPT registers. Assuming that ERXND con-
tains an odd value, many applicat ions can de rive a
suitable value to write to ERXRDPT by subtracting 1
from the Next Packet Pointer (a value always
ensur ed to be even be cause o f hardw are paddin g)
and then compensating for a potential ERXST to
ERXND wraparound.
Assuming that the receive buffer area does not
span the 1FFFh to 0000h memory boundary, the
logic in Example 1 will ensure that ERXRDPT is
programmed with an odd value.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
Note: This issue is only applicable to the
100-pin dev ic e.
if (Next Packet Pointer – 1 < ERXST) or
(Next Packet Pointer – 1 > ERXND)
ERXRDPT = Next Packet Pointer – 1
© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80292D-page 3
5. Module: Ethernet (MIIM)
When writing to a ny PHY register through the MIIM
interface’s MIWRL and MIWRH registers, the low
byte actually written to the PHY register may be
corrupted. The corruption occurs when the
following actio ns are taken:
The application writes to MIWRL
•The PIC
® MCU core executes any instruction
that reads or writes to any m emory address th at
has the Le ast Significant six ad dress bits of 36h
The application writes to MIWRH
For example, the following sequence will result in
a corrupted write to a PHY register:
In this example, 0xCF5 and 0xCF6 are GPR
memory locations that the application wishes to
write to the current PHY register defined by the
reads from the GPR at address 0xCF6
(‘b110011110110), the value or iginal ly writt en to
MIWRL will be corrupted.
Work around 1
Ensure that following a write to MIWRL, the firm-
ware do es not a cc es s a ny of th e problem me mo ry
locations prior to writing to MIWRH. After finished
writing to MIWRH, normal operation can resume.
If interrup ts a re enabled , disable t hem prior to wr it-
ing to MIWRL and MIWRH to prevent an Interrupt
Service Routine (ISR) from performing any reads
or writes to a problem memory address.
Special care must be taken to ensure that the
source data to be written to MIWRH does not
result in a problem memory access.
The following PHY write sequence avoids the
1. Copy the low byte, to be written to the PHY, into
the PRODL register.
PRODL is at address FF3h and not subject to
the memory address issue.
2. Copy the high byte, to be written to the PHY,
into the PRODH register.
PRODH is at ad d r es s FF4 h and no t su bj ec t to
the memory address issue.
3. Disable all interrupts by clearing GIEH and
GIEL in the INTCON regist er.
4. Move PRODL into MIWRL.
5. Wait one instruction cycle, as required by the
MAC host inte rfac e log ic .
6. Move PRODH into MIWRH.
7. Enable all interrupts that are needed by
restoring GIEH and GIEL in INTCON.
Work around 2
If you cannot disable interrupts, as specified in
Work around 1, because the application cannot
tolerate interrupt latency variations:
Perform the write (with interrupts enabled), but
Verify the correct valu es were wr itte n by
reading the PHY register
If a cor rupted v alue was writte n due to a n interru pt
occurring, perform the write again and reverify.
The source data must be stored in a non-problem
The application should follow the following
1. Copy the low byte, to be written to the PHY, into
the PRODL register.
PRODL is at address FF3h and not subject to
the memory address issue.
2. Copy the high byte, to be written to the PHY,
into the PRODH regi ste r.
PRODH i s at ad d res s F F4h an d no t su bj e ct to
the memory address issue.
3. Move PRODL into MIWRL.
4. Wait one instruction cycle, as required by the
MAC host interface logic.
5. Move PRODH into MIWRH.
6. Wait two TCY and then poll the BUSY bit
(MISTAT<0>) until it is clear.
7. Perform a PHY register read of the same
8. Comp are the read result with the ori ginal valu e
copied t o the PRODH:PROD L registers. I f they
do not match, return to step 1.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
6. Module: Ethernet (RX Filter)
When enabled, the Pattern Match receive filter
may allow some packets with an incorrect data
pattern to be received. Also, in certain configura-
tions, packets with a valid pattern may be
incorrectly discarded.
Work around
Do not use the Pattern Match hardware filter.
Instead, u se th e Uni cast, Mutl icast , Br oadca st an d
Hash Table receive filters to accept all needed
packets and filter out unwanted ones in software.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
DS80292D-page 4 © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
7. Module: Ethernet (TX)
When configured for half duplex and a transmit
operation encounters unusual collision timing,
there is a small chance that the Ethernet transmit
engine will internally deadlock. The PHY will stop
transmitting the packet and normal RX operations
will continue. However, the TXRTS bit
(ECON1<3>) will stay set indefinitely. The TXIF
(EIR<3>) and TXERIF (EIR<1>) bits will not
become set.
This deadlock condition applies only to half-duplex
operation and is most readily observable when the
network has a duplex mismatch (i.e., PIC18F97J60
family device is configured for half duplex and the
remote node is configured for full duplex). In most
cases, high netw ork utilization is needed to observe
the issue.
Work around
To prevent most transmit deadlock conditions,
issue a TX Logic Reset prior to transmitting each
1. Set TXRST (ECON1<7>)
2. Clear TXRST
3. Wait 1.6 μs or longer
4. Set TXRTS to start the transmission.
Issuing a TX Logic Reset may cause the Ethernet
transmit erro r interrupt to oc cur and the a ssociated
TXERIF bit to become set, which can be ignored.
To detect and recover from any possible deadlock
conditions, applications should implement a timer to
poll the TXRTS bit. If the Ethernet hardware enters
the deadlock state and fails to clear this bit by the
time the timer expires, software should manually
clear the TXRTS bit, issue a TX Logic Reset and
then set the TXRTS bit to retry transmission. The
timer should be cle ared and restarted whenever the
application sets TXRTS. The timer expiration time
should be chosen to allow adequate time for
ordinary packets to finish transmitting, after
accounting for possible delays due to the medium
being occupied by other nodes. For example, a
time-out value of 3 ms is suit able since it will allow a
maximum length 1518-byte packet to be transmit-
ted at 10Base-T speeds while giving reasonable
margin to acco unt for potential coll isions .
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
8. Module: Ethernet (DMA )
When the DMA is configured to compute an IP
checksum, there is a small chance that an incom-
ing packet receive event will cause the DMA to
internal ly deadlock. In th ese cases, the DMAST bit
(ECON1<5>) stays set indefinitely, and the DMA
done interrupt never occurs.
Work around
Perform checksum calculations in software. Use
the DMA only for copy operations.
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
9. Module: I/O (PORTJ)
The weak internal pull-up resistors on pins RJ4
and RJ5 cannot be enabled on the PIC18F86J60,
PIC18F86J65 and PIC18F87J60 devices. Setting
the RJPU bi t (POR TA<7>) has no e ffe ct on the I/O
pin state.
Work around
Install external pull-up resistors on RJ4 and RJ5.
Alternatively, use any of the PORTB, PORTD or
PORTE pin s whic h all ha ve weak i nternal pull ups .
Date Codes that pertain to this issue:
All engineering and production devices.
Note: This issue is only applicable to the
80-pin device.
© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80292D-page 5
Rev A Document (9/2006)
Original version of this document. Includes silicon
issues 1 (Resets), 2 (I/O – PORTJ), 3 (I/O (PORTJ) and
External Memory Bus), 4 (Ethernet – Buffer Memory)
and 5 (Ethernet – PHY).
Rev B Document (2/2007)
Modified issue 5 (Ethernet – PHY) and added issue 6
(Ethernet – Buffer Memory).
Rev C Document (6/2007)
Removed previous silicon issues 5 (Ethernet – PHY)
and 6 (Ethernet – Buffer Memory). Added new silicon
issues 5 (Ethernet – MIIM) and 6 (Ethernet – RX
Rev D Document (6/2008)
Added new silicon issues 7 (Ethernet – TX),
8 (Ethernet – DMA) and 9 (I/O – PORTJ).
DS80292D-page 6 © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
© 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80292D-page 7
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Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:
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DS80292D-page 8 © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc.
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