NOTES: 1. MATERIALS AND FINISHES: BODY & BAYONETS - BRASS, NICKEL PLATING OUTER CONTACT - BeCu, NICKEL PLATING CONTACT - BRASS, GOLD PLATING INSULATOR - PTFE, NATURAL 2. ELECTRICAL: A. IMPEDANCE: 75 OHM B. FREQUENCY RANGE: DC - 3 Ghz C. RETURN LOSS: 30 dB MIN @ 3 GHz 3. MECHANICAL: A. DURABILITY: 500 CYCLES MIN. THIRD ANGLE PROJ. @ REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DATE ECO APPR A RELEASED TO MFG 23-Oct-10 | 48170 TD B. TEMPERATURE RANGE: -65 C TO +165 C 28.49 REF 4. PACKAGING: [hte] A. QUANTITY: SINGLE PACK B. MARKING: BAG TO BE MARKED "AMPHENOL RF, APH-BNCP-HDBNCP AND DATE CODE" pA 88 SCALE 2.500 je RE RM _> __ [.476] LH | INTERFACE PER INTERFACE PER STD- 349-50820 MIL-STD- 318 SERIES : HD-BNC PLUG SERIES: BNC PLUG, 75 OHMS | | CUSTOMER OUTLINE DRAWING ALL OTHER SHEETS ARE FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, DIMENSIONS ARE IN METRIC AND TOLERANCES ARE: MATERIAL DATE <0. 5mm 0.5 = 6mm 6 - 30mm 30 - 120mm ANGLES PRONG soto =| EETLE Amo h | RF + 0.05mm 0. Imm 0.2mm + 0.3mm 1 SEE NOTES HD BNC PLUG TO Mp c n 0 NOTICE These drawings. specifications, or other data (1) are, and remain the ENGINEER DATE Danbury CT USA, Tainan, Taiwan, Shenzhen, China Ronieli tal gnavret 1g be eciosea fe ony person ether Than inose, 10 won ihe PADMANABHAN E 22-Feb-l0 | BNC PLUG 72 OHM www. amphenolr chef dgte by haphenel Corp. ar fo" any efter person tor onjoae for ony purpose is (REFERENCE APPROVED DATE ADAPTER , DRAWING NO. APH-BNCP-HDBNCP not to be regarded by implicatioin or otherwise in any manner licensing, granting S HSIEH 25-Oct-10 SCALE: 7.2:1.0 |SHEET 2 OF 2 hts t tt h hold th t fact , I] - - product, process cr design, polented or otherwsie, hel moy in ony way be related te. (CONFIGURATION LEVEL: ci FILE WG STE TEV ITEM NO. APH-BNCP-HDBNCP or close sa rawings, spec ca ons, or oO er ara. 7 SPE FINISH Root Folder/BNC/APH-BNCP-HDBNCP B A PART NO. APH-BNCP-HDBNCP