VIPer100/SP - VIPer100A/ASP
Operation De scription:
Current Mode Topology :
The current mode c ont rol metho d, like the one integrated in the VIPer100/1 00A , uses two control loops -
an inner current control loop and an outer loop for voltage control. When the Power MOSFET output
transistor is on, the inductor current (primary side of the transformer) is monitored with a SenseFET
technique and converted into a voltage VS proportional to this current. When VS reaches VCOMP (the
amplified output voltage error) the power switch is switched off. Thus, the outer voltage control loop
defines the level at which the inner loop regulates peak current through the power switch and the primary
winding of the transformer.
Excellent open loop D.C. and dynamic line regulation is ensured due to the inherent input voltage
feedforward characteristic of the current mode control. This results in improved line regulation,
instantaneous correction to line changes, and better stabili ty for the volta ge regulation loop .
Current mode topology also ensures good limit ation in case there is a short circuit. During the fi rst phase
the output current increases slowly following the dynamic of the regulation loop. Then it reaches the
maxim um limitation current internally set and finally s tops because the power supply on VDD i s no longer
correct. For specific applications the maximum peak current internally set can be overridden by externally
limiting the voltage excursion on the COMP pin. An integrated blanking filter inhibit s the PWM comparator
output for a short time after the integrated Power MOSFET is switched on. This function prevents
anoma lous or premature termination of the switching pulse in case there are current spikes caused by
primary side capacitance or secondary side rectifier re verse recovery time.
Stand-by Mode
Stand-by operation in nearly open load conditions automatically leads to a burst mode operation allowing
voltage reg ulation on the secondary s ide. Th e transition from normal operation t o burst mode opera tion
happens for a power P STBY given by :
LP is the primary inductance of the transformer. FSW is the normal switching frequency.
ISTBY is the minimum con trollable current, corresponding to the minim um on time that the device is able
to provide in normal operation. This current can be computed as :
tb + td is the sum of the blanking time and of the propagation time of the internal current sense and
comparator, and represents roughly the minimum on time of the device. Note: that PSTBY may be
affected by the efficiency of the converter at low load , and must i ncl ude the power drawn on the primary
auxiliary voltage.
As so on a s the power goes below this lim it, the auxiliar y secondar y voltage starts to increase above the
13V regulation le ve l, forcing t he output voltage of the transcondu cta nce amplifier to low state (VCOMP <
VCOMPth). This situation leads to the shutdown mode where the power switch is maintained in the Off
state, resulting in missing cycles and zero duty cycle. As soon as VDD gets back to the regulation level
and the VCOMPth threshold is reached, the device operates again. The above cycle repeats indefinitely,
providing a burst mode of which the effective duty cycle is much lower than the minimum one when in
normal operation. The equivalent switching frequency is also lower than the normal one, leading to a
reduce d consumption on t he input ma in supply lines. This mode of operation a llows the VIPer1 00/100A
to meet the new Germ an "Blue A ngel" Norm with less than 1 W total powe r consum ption for the system
when working in stand-by mode. The output voltage remains regulated around the normal level, with a
low frequ ency ripple correspondi ng to the burst mod e. The am plitude of th is ripple is low, because of the
output capacitors and low output current drawn in such conditions.The normal operation resumes
automatically when the power gets back to higher levels than PSTBY.
ISTBY tbtd