Design and specifi cations are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifi cations before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/ HC
– EEE-28 –
■ Standard Prod ucts
W.V. Cap.
(±20 %)
Case size Specifi cation
Part No.
(RoHS:compliant) Refl ow
Packaging Q'ty
Dia. Length Size
(120 Hz)
(+105 °C)
tan d
(120 Hz)
(+20 °C)
(V) (μF) (mm) (mm)
(mA r.m.s.)
22 4 5.8 B 26 0.30 EEEHC0J220R (1) 2000
47 5 5.8 C 46 0.30 EEEHC0J470R (1) 1000
100 6.3 5.8 D 71 0.30 EEEHC0J101P (1) 1000
220 6.3 7.7 D8 101 0.30 EEEHC0J221XP (1) 90 0
330 8 10.2 F 230 0.30 EEEHC0J331P (2) 500
1000 10 10.2 G 313 0.50 EEEHC0J102P (2) 500
10 33 5 5.8 C 43 0.26 EEEHC1A330R (1) 1000
220 8 10.2 F 160 0.26 EEEHC1A221P (2) 500
10 4 5.8 B 28 0.20 EEEHC1C100R (1) 2000
22 5 5.8 C 39 0.20 EEEHC1C220R (1) 1000
47 6.3 5.8 D 70 0.20 EEEHC1C470P (1) 1000
100 6.3 7.7 D8 81 0.20 EEEHC1C101XP (1) 900
470 10 10.2 G 340 0.20 EEEHC1C471P (2) 500
33 6.3 5.8 D 65 0.16 EEEHC1E330P (1) 1000
47 6.3 7.7 D8 65 0.16 EEEHC1E470XP (1) 900
100 8 10.2 F 130 0.16 EEEHC1E101P (2) 500
330 10 10.2 G 238 0.16 EEEHC1E331P (2) 500
4.7 4 5.8 B 15 0.14 EEEHC1V4R7R (1) 2000
10 5 5.8 C 28 0.14 EEEHC1V100R (1) 1000
22 6.3 5.8 D 55 0.14 EEEHC1V220P (1) 1000
33 6.3 7.7 D8 57 0.14 EEEHC1V330XP (1) 900
220 10 10.2 G 220 0.14 EEEHC1V221P (2) 500
0.1 4 5.8 B 1 0.12 EEEHC1HR10R ✽✽✽ (1) 2000
0.22 4 5.8 B 2.6 0.12 EEEHC1HR22R
✽✽✽ (1) 2000
0.33 4 5.8 B 3.2 0.12 EEEHC1HR33R
✽✽✽ (1) 2000
0.47 4 5.8 B 5 0.12 EEEHC1HR47R ✽✽✽ (1) 2000
145.8B100.12EEEHC1H1R0R (1) 2000
2.2 4 5.8 B 16 0.12 EEEHC1H2R2R (1) 2000
3.3 4 5.8 B 16 0.12 EEEHC1H3R3R (1) 2000
4.7 5 5.8 C 23 0.12 EEEHC1H4R7R (1) 1000
10 6.3 5.8 D 35 0.12 EEEHC1H100P (1) 1000
22 6.3 7.7 D8 49 0.12 EEEHC1H220XP (1) 900
33 8 10.2 F 91 0.12 EEEHC1H330P (2) 500
47 8 10.2 F 100 0.12 EEEHC1H470P (2) 500
100 10 10.2 G 160 0.12 EEEHC1H101P (2) 500
✽✽✽ Please kindly accept last shipment : 31/Mar/2015
· Please refer to the page of “Refl ow Profi le” and “The Taping Dimensions”.
· When requesting vibration-proof product, please put the last “V” instead to “P”
Endurance : 105 °C 3000 h (08, 010 : 5000 h)
01 Sep. 2013