Device Operation
READ: The AT49BV/LV002(N)(T) is accessed like an
EPROM. When CE and OE are low and WE is high, the
data stored at the memory location determined by the
address pins is asserted on the outputs. The outputs are
put in the high impedance state whenever CE or OE is
high. This du al -lin e control giv es des ign er s flex ibi li ty in pre-
venting bus contention.
COMMAND S EQUEN CES: When the de vice is first p ow-
ered on it will be reset to the read or standby mode
depending upon the state of the control line inputs. In order
to perform other device functions, a series of command
sequences are entered into the device. The command
sequences are shown in the Command Definitions table.
The command sequences are written by applying a low
pulse on th e WE or CE input with CE or WE low (respec-
tively) and OE high. The address is latched on the falling
edge of CE or WE, whichever occurs last. The data is
latched by the first rising edge of CE or WE. Standard
microprocess or write timings are used. The address loca-
tions used in the command sequences are not affected by
entering the command sequences.
RESET: A RESET input pin is provided to ease some sys-
tem appl icati ons. When RE SET is at a logic high level, the
device is in i ts standa rd oper at ing mod e. A low l evel on th e
RESET in put halts the pres ent device op eration and puts
the outputs of the device in a high impedance state. If the
RESET pin makes a high to low transition during a program
or erase operation, the operation may not be sucessfully
comple ted and the op eratio n will have to be repeate d after
a high level is appli ed to the RESE T pin. When a high level
is reass erted on the RESET pin, the devic e returns to the
read or standby mode, depending upon the state of the
control input s. By apply ing a 12V ± 0. 5V in put si gnal t o the
RESET pin, the boot block array can be reprogrammed
even if the boot block lockout feature has been enabled
(see Boot Bl ock Pr ogrammi ng Loc kout Ov erride section ).
The RESET feature is not available on the
ERASURE: Before a byte c an be repr ogramme d, the mai n
memory block or parameter block which contains the byte
must be erased . The erased state of th e memory bits is a
logic al “1”. The ent ire device c an be erased at one tim e by
using a 6-byte software code. The software chip erase
code consists of 6-byte load commands to specific address
locations with a specific data pattern (please refer to the
Chip Erase Cycle Waveforms).
After th e so ftwar e c hip e ra se h as b een i nitiate d, the devi c e
will internal ly time the erase operation so that no e xternal
clocks are required. The maximum time needed to erase
the whole chip is tEC. If the boot block lockout featur e has
been enabled, the data in the boot sector will not be
CHIP E RAS E: If the boot block lockout has been enabled,
the Chip Erase function will erase Parameter Block 1,
Parame ter Bloc k 2, M ain Memor y B lock 1, a nd Mai n Mem-
ory Block 2 but not the boot block. If the Boot Block Lockout
has not been enabled, the Chip Erase function will erase
the entire chip. After the full chip erase the device will
return back to re ad mo de. A ny comm and during chip er ase
will be ignored.
SECTOR ERASE: As an alternative to a full chip erase, the
device is organized into sectors that can be individually
erased. There are two 8K-byte parameter block sections
and two main memory blocks. The 8K-byte parameter
block sections can be independently erased and repro-
grammed. The two main memory sections are designed to
be used as alternative memory sectors. That is, whenever
one of the blocks has bee n er ased and r epr og ramme d, th e
other bl ock should be erased and rep rogrammed befor e
the first block is again erased. The Sector Erase command
is a six bus cycle operation. The sector address is latched
on the falling WE edge of the sixth cycle while the 30H data
input command is latched at the rising edge of WE. The
sector erase starts after the rising edge of WE of the sixth
cycle. The erase operatio n is internally contro lled; it will
automatically time to completion.
BYTE PROGRAMMING: Once the memory array is
erased, the device is programmed (to a logical “0”) on a
byte- by-byte ba sis. Please note that a d ata “0” cannot be
programmed back to a “1”; only erase operations can con-
vert “0”s to “1”s. Programming is accomplished via the
internal device command register and is a 4 bus cycle
operation (please refer to the Command Definitions table).
The devic e wil l automatically gen er ate th e re quir ed in ter na l
program pulses.
The prog ram cycle has addresses latched on the falling
edge of WE or CE, whichever occurs last, and the data
latched on the rising edge of WE or CE , whichever occurs
first. Programming is completed after the specified tBP cycle
time. The DA TA polling fe ature may al so be used to i ndi-
cate the end of a program cycle.
has one designated block that has a programming lockout
feature. This feature prev ents programm ing of data i n the
designated block once the feature has been enabled. The
size of the block is 16K bytes. This block, referred to as the
boot block, can contain secure code that is used to bring up
the sys tem. En ablin g the l ockout fea ture w ill allo w the bo ot
code to stay in the device while data in the rest of the
device is updated. This feature does not have to be acti-
vated; the boo t blo ck ’ s u sage as a wr it e pro tec ted r eg ion is
optional to the user. The address range of the boot block is
00000 to 03FFF for the AT49BV/LV002(N) while the