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Electrical Characteristics @ TJ = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Ref.Fig.
V(BR)CES Collect or-to- Emit ter Breakdow n Voltage 600——V
VGE = 0V, IC = 50 0
∆TJTemperature Coeff. of Breakdown Voltage —0.40—V/°C
VGE = 0V, IC = 1m A (25°C- 15 0°C)
VCE(on) Collector-to-Emitter Voltage — 1.95 2.35 IC = 30A, VGE = 15V, TJ = 25°C 5,6,7
IC = 30 A, VGE = 15V, TJ = 150° C 8,9,10
VGE(th) Gate Threshold Voltage 3.5 4.5 5.5 V VCE = VGE, IC = 250
∆TJThreshold Voltag e temp. coefficient — -10 — mV/°
VCE = VGE, IC = 1.0mA (25° C-150°C) 11
gfe Forward Transconductance — 18 — S VCE = 50 V, IC = 50A, PW = 80
ICES Zero Gate Voltage Collector Current — 5 .0 250 µA VGE = 0V , VCE = 600V
—10002000 VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V , TJ = 15 0°C
IGES Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current — — ±100 nA VGE = ±2 0V, VCE = 0V
Characteristics @ TJ = 25°C (unless otherwise specifi ed)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Ref.Fig.
QgTo tal Gate Char ge (t urn -on) — 102 153 IC = 30 A 17
Qge Ga t e - to-E m i t ter C ha r ge (turn - on) — 14 21 nC VCC = 40 0V CT1
Qgc Gat e- to- C ollector Char ge (turn -on ) — 44 66 VGE = 15V
Eon T urn-O n S witc hin g Los s — 350 62 0 IC = 30 A, VCC = 400V CT4
Eoff Tu rn-O ff Swi tching Loss — 825 955 µJ VGE = 15 V, RG = 10Ω, L = 200
Etot Total Switch ing Loss — 1175 1575 TJ = 25°C
td(on) Turn-O n d e la y time — 46 6 0 IC = 30A, VCC = 400V
trRis e ti me — 2 8 39 ns VGE = 15V, RG = 10 Ω, L = 200
td(off) Turn-Off delay time — 185 200 TJ = 25°C
tfFall time — 31 40
Eon T urn-O n S witc hin g Los s — 6 35 1085 IC = 30 A, VCC = 400V CT4
Eoff Tu rn-O ff Swi tchin g Loss — 1150 1350 µJ VGE = 15 V, RG = 10 Ω, L = 200
H 12,14
Etot Total Switch ing Loss — 1785 2435 TJ = 150°C
td(on) Turn-O n d e la y time — 46 6 0 IC = 30A, VCC = 400V 13,15
trRis e ti me — 2 8 39 ns VGE = 15V, RG = 10 Ω, L = 200
td(off) Turn-Off delay time — 205 235 TJ = 150°C WF1
tfFall time — 32 42 WF2
LEIn tern al Emitter Inductance — 7.5 — nH Measured 5m m fro m p a c k age
Cies Input C a pacitan c e — 1 7 50 — VGE = 0V
Coes Output Capacitance — 160 — pF VCC = 30V 16
Cres Reverse Tra nsfer Capacitance — 60 — f = 1.0MHz
RBSOA Reverse Bias Safe Op erating Ar ea FULL SQ UARE TJ = 15 0°C, IC = 120A, Vp = 600V 4
VCC=500V,VGE = +15V to 0V,RG =10Ω CT2
S CS O A Sho r t C ir c u i t Safe Operatin g A r e a 10 — — µ s TJ = 150° C, Vp = 600V, RG = 10Ω CT3
VCC=360V,VGE = +15V to 0V WF3
ISC (Peak) Peak Short Circuit Collector Current — 200 — A WF3