Preliminary Technical Data
processed in thin film technology, the change in RAB with
temperature has a very low 45 ppm/°C temperature coefficient.
Voltage Output Operation
The digital potentiometer easily generates a voltage divider at
wiper-to-B and wiper-to-A proportional to the input voltage at
A-to-B. Unlike the polarity of VDD to GND, which must be
positive, voltage across A-B, W-A, and W-B can be at either
If ignoring the effect of the wiper resistance for approximation,
connecting the A terminal to 5 V and the B terminal to ground
produces an output voltage at the wiper-to-B starting at 0 V up
to 1 LSB less than 5 V. Each LSB of voltage is equal to the
voltage applied across terminal AB divided by the 256 positions
of the potentiometer divider. The general equation defining the
output voltage at VW with respect to ground for any valid input
voltage applied to terminals A and B is
)( −
+= (3)
For a more accurate calculation, which includes the effect of
wiper resistance, VW, can be found as
DV )()(
)( += (4)
Operation of the digital potentiometer in the divider mode
results in a more accurate operation over temperature. Unlike
the rheostat mode, the output voltage is dependent mainly on
the ratio of the internal resistors RWA and RWB and not the
absolute values. Therefore, the temperature drift reduces to
15 ppm/°C.
The 2-wire I2C serial bus protocol operates as follows:
1. The master initiates data transfer by establishing a START
condition, which is when a high-to-low transition on the
SDA line occurs while SCL is high. The following byte is
the slave address byte, which consists of the slave address
followed by an R/W bit (this bit determines whether data
will be read from or written to the slave device). AD0 and
AD1 are configurable address bits which allow up to four
devices on one bus(see Table 5).
The slave whose address corresponds to the transmitted
address responds by pulling the SDA line low during the
ninth clock pulse (this is termed the acknowledge bit). At
this stage, all other devices on the bus remain idle while the
selected device waits for data to be written to or read from
its serial register. If the R/W bit is high, the master will read
from the slave device. On the other hand, if the R/W bit is
low, the master will write to the slave device.
2. In the write mode, the second byte is the instruction byte.
The first bit (MSB), 2T, of the instruction byte is the second
trim enable bit. A logic low will select trim#1 and a logic
high will select trim#2. This means that after blowing the
fuses with trim#1, you still have another chance to blow
them again w/ trim #2. Note that using trim#2 before
trim#1 will effectively disable trim#1 and in turn only
allow one time programming.
The second MSB, SD, is a shutdown bit. A logic high
causes an open circuit at terminal A while shorting the
wiper to terminal B. This operation yields almost 0 Ω in
rheostat mode or 0 V in potentiometer mode. It is
important to note that the shutdown operation does not
disturb the contents of the register. When brought out of
shutdown, the previous setting will be applied to the
RDAC. Also, during shutdown, new settings can be
programmed. When the part is returned from shutdown,
the corresponding VR setting will be applied to the RDAC.
The third MSB, T, is the OTP(One Time Programmable)
programming bit. A logic high blows the poly fuses and
programs the resistor setting permanently. For example, if
you wanted to use blow the first array of fuses, the
instruction byte would be 00100XXX. If you wanted to
blow the second array of fuses, your instruction byte would
be 10100XXX. A logic low of the T bit simply allows the
device to act as a typical volatile digital potentiometer.
The fourth MSB must always be at a logic zero.
The fifth MSB, OW, is an overwrite bit. When raised to a
logic high, this bit allows the RDAC setting to be changed
even after the internal fuses have been blown. However,
once the OW bit is returned to a logic zero, the position of
the RDAC will return to the setting prior to overwrite.
Because OW is not static, if the device is powered off and
on, the RDAC will preset to midscale or to the setting at
which the fuses were blown depending on whether or not
the fuses have been permanently set already.
The remainder of the bits in the instruction byte are don’t
cares(see Table 5).
After acknowledging the instruction byte, the last byte in
write mode is the data byte. Data is transmitted over the
serial bus in sequences of nine clock pulses (eight data bits
followed by an acknowledge bit). The transitions on the
SDA line must occur during the low period of SCL and
remain stable during the high period of SCL (see Table 5).
3. In the read mode, the data byte follows immediately after
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