Data Sheet No. PD-3.082 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER | [64R 2N1792, 2N1805, 2n1909, 2N2023 SERIES 110 Amp RMS SCRs Major Ratings and Characteristics thru 2N1936 792|2N1805| 2N2023 Description/Features For general purpose phase control applications thru thru thru Bi Forward and reverse voltage ratings up to 1200V High temperature series Hi High surge rating BW Standard 1/2 ~ 20 stud Mi Can be supplied as JAN and JAN-TX devices in accordance with M/L-S-19500/203 or MIL-S-19500/204, Am. YORM range to 1,200 *JEDEC registered values. 14.60 10574) at ie sa 2.07 (0475 a, Ja 000 oa CASE STYLE AND DIMENSIONS gamma 711 02801, i 6570260" Fao 10.350 Min ? F 190.50 7 $001 rt 173.59 5.50 te A Pre sco | 159.13 159.10 6255) Vi 68-86 (5 900 Refer to Page A.34 for flag terminal Case Style Al Dimensions in Mitmeters and {inchesi . i wax. fed wen peti Qe rated 1000V or higher. saat he | | A-13 (glass) for parts Beira below 1000V. pwwa7n mao) | Mean 20.25 tL St) wax ACROSS FLATS: JAN and/or JAN/TX fa rs tne types available, IR Casa Sty'e Av13- Canforms to JEDEC Outlise TO-2098C {TO-94} A-292N1792, 2N1805, 2N1909, 2N2023 Series INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER VOLTAGE RATINGS (Applied gate voltaga zero or negative) Vas Max. Vere Max. Vorm Max. Non-Repetitive Peak Repetitive Peak Repetitive Peak Reverse Vo-tage Reverse Voltage Off- State Voltage tp <5ms Part Numbers (v} (Vy Vv) TO-208A0 TO-200AC TO-2094C = 49 6 = 40 : Case Case Case Ty 10C to 126C T= 40C to 125C Ty = 26C to 128C ~ 2N1909 2N2023 25 25 38 2N1792 2N1910 2n2024 50 50 79 2N1793 2N1911 2N2025 100 100* 150" 2N1794 2N1912 2N2026 160* 150* 225 2N1798 2N1913 2N2027 200 200 300 2N1796 2N1914 2N2028 250* 250* aso 2N1797 2N1915 2N2029 300 300 400" 2N1798 2N 1916 2N2030 400* 400" 500 2N1799 2N 1805 ~ 600 500 625" 21800 2N 1806 ~ 720 600* 75g" 2N1801 2N180? - Ba0* 700* i agar 2N1g02 - - 960* gao* 1000" 2N1803 - - 1080* 900* : 1130* 2N1804 - - 1200* 10900* | 1250* ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 2N1792 to 2N 1909-16 ; 2N1804 | 2N1B05-07 | 2N2023-30 | Units | Conditions ON-STATE (Trams; Max. RMS on-state current 110 10 110 A I Max. average on-state current 70 70* 70 A TIAN aMax. foe 180 half sine wave condition. 65 62" BB* C 'bsm Max. peak one cycle, non- 965 955 955 50 He half cycle sine wave Following any rated load condition, repetitive surge current A oF 6 ms rectangular pulse and with rated Va applied 1000 1000* 4000" 60 Hz half cycle sine wave {ollowing surge. SCR turned or 5 ms rectangular pulse tulty an. 4150 1180 1160 50 Ha half cycle sine wae Same conditions as above except A or 6 ms rectangular pulse with Vaan applied following 1200 1200 1200 60 Hz halt cytie sine wave surge = 0. or 5 ms rectangular pulse re Max. |? t capability, for fusing} 4550 4560 4550 at, LE 10 ms Rated Vay applied following surge, 4150 4150 4150 t=8.3ms_ initial T)= max. sated Pr Max, ?t capability, for 6450 6450 6450 T= 10 ms = 4 individual device fusing Als VaRM O following surge, $900 5900 5900 t=8.3ms_ initial Ty = max. rated POT Max, 1A/t capability, for @4 500 64 500 846500 | A%/s| 120.1 1010 ms, Vay following surge = 0. individual device fusing (2) initial Ty = max. rated VTM Max. peak on-state valtage 185 1.85" 19 v Ty= 25C, It yay) = 70A {220A peak) 2.0" - - Ty = 25C, Ipyayy = 70A (220A peak) 2N%803 & 2N1804 only by Typical holding current. 20 20 20 mA Te = 25C. anode supply = 22V, initial ty = 2A. *JEDEC registered values. @) Units may be broken over nor-repstitively without damage if di/dt does not excend 20 A/ys. G) Petor timety = At ty A-30INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 2N1792, 2N1805, 2N1909, 2N2023 Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) 2N1792 to 2N1909-16 2N1604 | 2N1805-07 | 2N2023-30 | Units Conditions BLOCKING av/dt. Min. critical rate-of-rise 200 200 50 Was [ Tys 12590 Exponential ta 100% rated VoRM of off-state voltage Gata open circuit, Ty = 150C for 2N2023-30. RAV} Max. average reverse and he off-state current 'biav) Vrrm & Yorm = 25Vto 150V 65 6.5" 65 = 200V 6.0" 6.8* 6.0" = 250V 55* 5.5* 55 = wov 5.0" 5,0* 5.0 Atrated V y t ec . 4 t rat a , Ty = max. rated, gate Open circuited. : 400 40 40" 40 ARM TORN * = 600Vte B00v 33 33 - = 700V to BDOV 30 3.0@ - = 900V to 1200 27D - - SWITCHING ty Typicai delay time t 1 1 To = 25C, Vinny = Fated Voy Ty = SOA de resistive HS | cireul : * = ty Typical rae time 15 1s 15 circuit. Gate pulse: 10V, 250 source, ty Gust, = O0.1us ty Typical turn-off time 40 Te # 128C, bry 2 SOA, commutating di/dt = ~5 A/us, min. 40 40 eos, 48 | Vag during tuvr-off interval = SOV, dv/dt = 20 V/us linear to 50 vated Vor: difdt Max, non-repetitive rate- To 7 125C, Voy = rated Von of-rise of turned-on current ityy = (2 x rated difdt) A Vorm Gote pulse: 20V, 150, = 26Vta G00V 190 100 100 / 2 Gas, tO. us = 700v w 1200y [= | 3 75 Alus | der JEDEC Standard AS-287, 5.22.8. TRIGGERING Pom Max. peak gate pawer | 5" 5 * Ww t, 5 ms max. Peay) Max. average gate power ase ost 05" +lem Max, paak pesitive gate 2 2 a A cutrent Vem Max. paak positive gate 10 10* 10" v voltage -Vom Max. peax negative gete 5 5 5 v voitage let Max. requited DC gate 730 130 150" @ Te 40C. Max. required gate trigger current is the lowest current ta trigger @ ~BEC value which will trigger all units with +6 anode-to-cathode. 70@ 70 70 mA | T= 25C 404) 40 - Ton 126C - - 36 To* 150C Typical DC gate current 35 6 35 Tg 26C 4+6V anodeto-cathode to trigger *JEDEC registered values. @ Varn 20% eater than Vp pays @ For 2N1803, 1804: [gy = 200 mA* @ -40C; 110mA @ 25C; 50 mA @ 125C, A:312N1792, 2N1805, 2N 1909, 2N2023 Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 2N1792 to 2N1909-16 2N1804 | 2N1805-07 | 2N2023-30 | Units Conditions TRIGGERING (Cont) Vet Max, required OC gate voltage - - 3 To= 65C, Max. required gate trigger voitage is the lowest to trigger value which will trigger al! units with ~BY anode-to-cathade. 3 yr - vo Tp=-40"e 25 25 20 Te = 25C Typical DC yate voltage 1.2 1.2 12 Ty = 25C +6V anode-to-cathode To trigger Veo Max, DC gate voltage not 0.25" 0.25 0.25" @ vo Tg = 125C. Max. gate voltage not to trigger is the maximum to trigger 150C value which will not trigger any unit with rated V5 py 1 anode-to-cathode. THERMAL-MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ty Operating junction -65* to 40* to ~65* to c temperature range 125" 125" 150" _ Tstg Storage temperature range 40* to 40 to ~65* to C 150 125* 150* Rene Max. :nternal thermal 0.4" oat 0.4* deg. | DC operation resistance, junction-to-case : CW Rincs Thermal resistance, oO Ot 8.1 | deg Mounting surface smooth, flat and greased. case-to-sink i i CW T Mounting torque | ! Min. 14.6 (125) Nom ; Non-lubi threads Max. 17 (180) IIbfsin) Max, torque on screw 1.4412} - = Nem Non-lubricated threads in tlagterminal (Ibfin) | TO-20BAD (TO-83) only wt Approximate weight 700 (a.5) oTeeT Case style 21N 1805-07; 2 1909-16; 2N2023-30; TO-208AC (T0.94) (4.13) JEDEC 2N1792-1804; TO-208AD TOea) TATA JEDEC *JEDEC registered values, 2N1803, 2N1B8O4: Ry, = 0.35 deg. CW. FUL ( CCLE (AMPERES) AVERAGE ON STATE CURRENT OVER 45 140 75 cd 105 100 120 130 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE (SC) BS 110 262023 SERIES. (BOT7OM SCALE] Fig. 1 On-State Current Vs, Case Temperature (Sinusoidal Current Waveform, 50 to 400 Hz) 125 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURAENT OVER FULL CYCLE IAMPERES) 138 10 116. tag a5 98 105, 100 110, 1% 130 2N2023 SERIES MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CASE TEMPERATURE (C! (BOTTOM SCA. e} Fig, 2 On-State Current Vs. Case Temperature {Rectangular Current Waveform, 50 to 400 Hz) A-32INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 2N1792, 2N1805, 2N1909, 2N2023 Series 3 CONTROLLED RECTIFIER CONTROLLED RECTIFIER TURNED FULLY ON T1= 189C, 2N2023 AVEHAGE ON-STA1E POWER LOSS OVER FULL CYCLE (WATTS) AVERAGE ON.STATE POWER LOSS, OVER FULL CYCLE IWATTS} > Ty= 15000 T y= 125C, ALL OTHERS Ty = 125C, ALL OTHERS 5 2 40 6 1D 1201408 10 4 10? 4 108 4 of AVERAGE ON STATE CURHENT OVER ULL CYCLE IAMPERES) AVERAGE ON STATE CURRENT OVER FULL CYCLE (AMPERES! Fig. 3 Maximum Low-Level On-State Power Loss Fig. 4 Maximum High-Level On-State Power Loss Vs, Currant (Sinusoidal Currant Waveform) Vs. Current (Sinusoidal Current Waveform} TURNED ga@8 8 % "= 15000, 202029 Ty = 125C. ALL OTHERS & = 7 > Ty= 126C, ALL OTHERS 8 TURNEO FULLY ON 3 AVERAGE ON-STATE POWEH LUSY OVER FULL CYCLE (WATTS) 3 OVEA FULL CYCLE (WATTS) AVERAGE ON STATE POWE I LOSS. B 56388 CONDUCTION 8B o 0 4 6 8 I 1202 140 160 10 4 102 4 103 4 104 AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT OVER FULL CYCLE !AMPERES) AVERAGE ON-STATE CURRENT OVER FULL CYCLE (AMPERES? Fig. 5 Maximum Low-Level On-State Power Loss Fig. 6 Maximum High-Level On-State Power Loss Vs. Current (Rectangular Currant Waveform) Vs. Current (Rectangular Current Waveform) a 2 a = g S193 = = a s = = = 5 2 z aa 5 10 & 3 5 ~ s 3 z b 2 < 2 & 5 4 z 3 : 2 s 2 z 3 z = 1259 z 3 Ty = 128C, 2 Ty = 28C 5 z z 2 5 Zo5 2 2 at 0 1 z 3 4 5 6 t INSTANTANEQUS ON STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) INSTANTANEOUS ON-STATE VOLTAGE (VOLTS! Fig. 7 Maximum Instantaneous On-State Voltage Fig. 8 Maximum Instantaneous On-State Voltage Vs, Current (2N1792, 2N 1805 and 2N1909 Sarias) Vs. Current (2N2023 Series)2N1792, 2N1805, 2N 1909, 2N2023 Series MAX PEAK GATE POWER 10 DISSIPATION = 5 WATTS <Sms 8 AREA DF CERTAIN TAIGGE RING AREA OF ALL POSSIBLE TRIGGERING POINTS INSTANT ANEQUS GATE VOLTARE (VOLTS) 1 a4 0.8 INSTANTANEOUS GATE CURRENT (AMPERES) 02 O68 Fig. 9 ~ Gate Characteristics 800 anne Ni 5 600 3y1808-07 2NZ023-30 400 PEAK HALF SINE WAVF ON STATE CURRENT AMPERES! c 2 4 6 8 10 20 60 NUMBER OF EQUAL AMPLITUDE HALF CYCLE CURRENT PULSES (NI Fig, 10 Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current Vs. Number of Current Pulses sw 51 (050) aX. 2on iuaze wana, INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER Vg IVOLTSI Voc {VOLTS! Vg (VOLTS) VentMAaX.} = = . o or 02 9 ot 01 oF Ig (AMPERES? 1g AMPERES) 1g (AMPERES? 2N1803 & 21782, 2N2023 2N1804 2N1805, SERIES 12 44 2N1909 r SERIES Fig. 94 Araas of Al) Possile Triggering Points Vs. Junction Temperature 105 4 174 4193 4 ro8 4 192 4 LONG TIME TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE (C/W) 1? 4 191 4 10 4 10 4 PULSE DURATION (SECONDS) 102 a4 Fig. 11 Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction to Case, Vs, Pulse Duration 92205381 WAN, 29 ACROSS FLATS. 128 oti on 12.20 UNF iA RE. ACROSS CORWERS IF Case Style A-14 Conforms to JEDEC Outline TO-208AD {TO-83) All Dimensions in Millimetera and (inches)"