25V Span, 800mA Device Power Supply (DPS)
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of one of three +/- gain settings controlled through the seri-
al interface.
In force-current mode, the output current is proportional
to the input control voltage and behaves according to
the formula:
Positive current is defined as flowing out of the
MAX9959 DPS.
In high-impedance mode, outputs RA, RB, RC, and RD
are high impedance.
Current-Sense-Amplifier Offset
Voltage Input
The current-sense amplifier monitors the voltage across
the output resistors connected to RA, RB, RC, and RD
in Figure 1. The current-sense offset voltage input, IOSI,
introduces an offset to the current-sense amplifier.
When IOSI is zero relative to AGND, the nominal output
voltage range of the current-sense amplifier, corre-
sponding to a +/- full-scale output current, is -4V to
+4V. Voltage applied to IOSI adds directly to this output
voltage. For example, if +4V is applied to IOSI, the volt-
age range corresponding to +/- full-scale current
becomes 0 to +8V, within the range allowed by the
power-supply rails.
Measure Voltage-Sense-Amplifier Offset
Voltage Input
The measure voltage-sense amplifier monitors the out-
put voltage of the MAX9959. The measure offset volt-
age input, IOSV, introduces an offset to the measure
voltage amplifier. Voltage applied to IOSV adds directly
to this output voltage.
External Mode Support
The MAX9959 includes resources to drive an external
amplifier to provide a current range beyond the highest
range (or below the lowest current range) included
within the device. A voltage output, AMPOUT, is provid-
ed for the input of the external amplifier, and a digital
output, EXTSEL, goes high to activate the external
amplifier. Feedback inputs VRXP and VRXM connect
across the external amplifier’s current-sense resistor.
The external amplifier must have a high-impedance out-
put when not selected (EXTSEL = low), if connected as
shown in Figure 1.
Parallel DPS Operation
The MAX9959 allows multiple devices to be configured
in parallel to increase the available DUT drive current.
One DPS must be configured as the master (in FV
mode), and the parallel devices must be configured as
slaves (in FI slave mode). The connection between the
master and slaves is made using the IPAR output and
VINS input. IPAR outputs a voltage that is proportional
to the DUT current and VINS provides a proportional
force-current/voltage input. Up to 16 MAX9959s can be
placed in parallel.
Voltage Clamps
Internal programmable voltage clamps limit the output
voltage to the programmed values when in FI mode.
Set the clamp voltage limits with inputs CLH and CLL.
The clamps handle the full ±800mA and are triggered
by the voltage at RCOMF independent of the voltage at
SENSE. Clamp enable bit, CLEN, in the serial control
word, enables the voltage clamps.
Current Limit
Programmable and default current limits are available
at the output in the FI and FV modes. When program-
mable current compliance is enabled, the DPS output
current limits at the preprogrammed setting for each
current range. When the current limit is disabled, the
DPS output current limits at the default value, 147%
FSR (typ), of the selected current ranges for range B,
C, and D. In range A, under FI or FV conditions, the
DPS output current limits at 138% FSR (typ). For currents
within each selected range, the FV output behaves as a
constant voltage source. When the default or pro-
grammed current compliance limits are reached, the
DPS transitions to constant current mode.
Current-Limit Flags
The MAX9959 can flag currents within user-specified
limits. This allows fast go/no-go testing in production
environments. The window comparator continuously
monitors the load current and compares it to inputs
ITHHI and ITHLO. The comparator outputs are open
collector and can be made high impedance with the
serial interface.
Measure Amplifier High-Impedance Modes
Measure outputs VMEAS and IMEAS can be placed in
a high-impedance state with logic input HIZMP or serial
interface bit HIZMS. This allows busing of the measure
outputs with other DPS measure outputs.
Ground and DUT Ground Sense
Two ground connections, AGND (analog ground) and
DGND (digital ground), are both local grounds. Connect
these grounds together on the printed circuit board
(PCB). DUT ground-sense input, DUTGSNS, allows
sensing with respect to the DUT in force voltage mode.