-Pro- 15DX CO AXIAL This model consists of a 15" bass loudspeaker and a 2" compression driver that is concentrically mounted using the same magnetic structure. The bass unit features a 4"1/2 voice coil, attached to a double suspension system. The high frequency drives features a 4" titanium diaphragm and an edgewound ribbon voice coil. This unit has incredible power capacity, high efficiency, smooth response and low distortion. Este modelo consta de una unidad de graves de 15" y de un reproductor de agudos de 2" montados concentricamente uno sobre otro compartiendo el mismo motor. La bobina de graves es de 4"1/2 y va sujeta a un sistema de suspension doble, mientras que el diafragma de agudos, de titanio, utiliza una bobina de 4" de hilo plano de aluminio. Este transductor tiene una capacidad de potencia muy importante, una elevada eficiencia y respuesta muy homogenea con reducida distorsion. PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE * Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=90.00 I, fb=40.0 Hz FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Measured with FD 212, with EQ & -3 dB ATT. SPECIFICATIONS FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE, L.F. UNIT L.F. UNIT Nominal diameter 380 mm. 15 in. Rated impedance 8 ohms. Power capacity* 350 w RMS Program Power 700 Watts. Sensitivity 97 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2 Frequency range 35-1500 Hz Recom. enclosure vol. 60/180 l 2.14/6.35 ft.3 Voice coil diameter 114 mm. 4.5 in. Magnetic assembly weight 9.4 kg. 20.68 lb. BL factor 16.6 N/A Moving mass 0.11 kg. Voice coil length 17 mm. Air gap height 9 mm. X damage 28 mm. Voice Coil Inductance, Le@ 1kHz 1.5 mH H.F. UNIT Rated impedance 8 ohms. Minimum impedance 6.3 ohm@ 1kHz Power capacity 100 w Frequency range 0.8 - 17 kHz Sensitivity 1w @ 1m 103 dB Voice coil diameter 100 mm. 4 in. Flux density 1.5 T BL factor 12.85 N/A Dispersion 90 MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: -Front mount -Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 388 mm. 15.28 in. 370 mm. 14.57 in. 352 mm. 13.86 in. 355 mm. 13.98 in. 178 mm. 7 in. 7 l 0.25 ft.3 11.3 kg. 24.86 lb. 12.5 kg. 25 lb. MATERIALS FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT L.F. UNIT Basket Cone Surround Voice coil Magnet H.F. UNIT Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Die cast aluminium Paper Plasticised cloth Edgewound copper ribbon Ferrite Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE, On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT Resonant Frequency, fs D.C. Voice Coil Resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, o (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd(m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax Displacement Volume, Vd 40 Hz 5.3 ohms. 9.2 0.45 0.43 160 l 145 m/N 4 kg/s 2.4 0.088 m2 4 mm. 350 cm.3 NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at least two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. ** T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test, using a velocity-current laser transducer, and will reflect the long term parameters, once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time. NOTAS *La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad del altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias, como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. * *Los parametros T-S han sido medidos despues de un periodo de fatiga y estabilizacion de las suspensiones, mediante transductor laser de velocidad-corriente, y son el reflejo de los parametros a largo plazo del altavoz, una vez este haya sido instalado y haya trabajado en un corto espacio de tiempo. - 25 - -Pro- 15KX CO AXIAL This dual loudspeaker incorporates a 15" bass transducer, featuring a 3" voice coil diameter, edgewound aluminium ribbon wire, and a concentrically mounted 2" compression driver into an integrated voice coil gap magnet system. This design achieves high efficiency, smooth frequency response, low distortion, reduces phasing problems in the crossover region, and simplifies enclosure design. Sistema coaxial de 15" con bobina de 3" de diametro, y motor de compresion de 2" con diafragma de titanio y bobina de 3".Montados de forma concentrica, son movidos por el mismo circuito magnetico. La asimilacion de los focos de emision a una fuente puntual reduce de forma notable los problemas de fase en la zona de transicion entre ambos reproductores confiriendo una respuesta muy coherente. Muy recomendado para aplicaciones en sistemas bass-reflex de tamano compacto. PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE * Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=90.00 I, fb=40.0 Hz SPECIFICATIONS L.F. UNIT Nominal diameter 380 mm. 15 in. Rated impedance 8 ohms. Power capacity* 250 w RMS Program Power 500 Watts. Sensitivity 99 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2 Frequency range 25-3000 Hz Recom. enclosure vol. 60/150 l 2.14/5.59 ft.3 77 mm. 3 in. Voice coil diameter 6.4 kg. 14.11 lb. Magnetic assembly weight 14.5 N/A BL factor 0.070 kg. Moving mass 13 mm. Voice coil length 8 mm. Air gap height 28 mm. X damage 1 mH Voice Coil Inductance, Le@ 1kHz H.F. UNIT 8 ohms. Rated impedance 6.5 ohm@ 1kHz Minimum impedance 80 w Power capacity 0.8 - 17 kHz Frequency range 105 dB Sensitivity 1w @ 1m 72.2 mm. 2.8 in. Voice coil diameter 1.4 T Flux density 7.5 N/A BL factor 90 Dispersion FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Measured with FD 212, with EQ & -3 dB ATT. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE, L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE, On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: -Front mount -Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 388 mm. 15.28 in. 370 mm. 14.57 in. 352 mm. 13.85 in. 355 mm. 13.98 in. 180 mm. 7.1 in. 7 l 0.25 ft.3 8.25 kg. 18.19 lb. 9.25 kg. 20.4 lb. MATERIALS L.F. UNIT Basket Cone Surround Voice coil Magnet H.F. UNIT Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Cast aluminium Paper Plasticised cloth Edgewound alum. ribbon Ferrite Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** Resonant Frequency, fs D.C. Voice Coil Resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, o (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd(m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax Displacement Volume, Vd 45 Hz 5.68 ohms. 11.4 0.519 0.496 203 l 188.4 m/N 1.69 kg/s 3.18 0.088 m2 3.5 mm. 300 cm.3 NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at least two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. ** T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test, using a velocity-current laser transducer, and will reflect the long term parameters, once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time. NOTAS *La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad del altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias, como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. * *Los parametros T-S han sido medidos despues de un periodo de fatiga y estabilizacion de las suspensiones, mediante transductor laser de velocidad-corriente, y son el reflejo de los parametros a largo plazo del altavoz, una vez este haya sido instalado y haya trabajado en un corto espacio de tiempo. - 26 - -Pro- 12CX CO AXIAL This dual loudspeaker includes, in a single unit, a 12" bass driver and a concentrically mounted compression tweeter. This provides a single point source and reduces phasing problems in the crossover region. The bass driver features a 2" (52 mm) voice coil diameter, attached to a lighweight curvilinear cone, and shows a smoothly extended frequency response up to 7 kHz. The tweeter has excellent efficiency and fast response to transient attacks. Modelo de 12" que incluye 2 unidades, una de graves para la reproduccion de media y baja frecuencia y otra de compresion para alta frecuencia que van montadas concentricamente y radian de forma puntual, lo que evita problemas de rotacion de fase en la zona de transicion entre ambos reproductores garantizando una respuesta coherente y de gran calidad. PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE * Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=50.00 I, fb=50.0 Hz SPECIFICATIONS L.F. UNIT Nominal diameter 300 mm. 12 in. Rated impedance 8 ohms. Power capacity* 100 w RMS Program Power 200 Watts. Sensitivity 98 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2 Frequency range 45-7000 Hz Recom. enclosure vol. 30/100 l 1.06/3.53 ft.3 Voice coil diameter 52 mm. 2 in. Magnetic assembly weight 3.85 kg. 8.5 lb. BL factor 13 N/A Moving mass 0.039 kg. Voice coil length 11 mm. Air gap height 7 mm. X damage 16 mm. Voice Coil Inductance, Le@ 1kHz 0.7 mH H.F. UNIT Rated impedance 8 ohms. Minimum impedance 8.2 ohm@ 7kHz Power capacity 15 w Frequency range 3.5 - 20 kHz Sensitivity 1w @ 1m 104 dB Voice coil diameter 25.8 mm. 1 in. Flux density 1.45 T BL factor 4 N/A Dispersion 90 FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Measured with FD 100, with EQ & -3 dB ATT. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE, L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE, On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: -Front mount -Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 320 mm. 12.6 in. 299 mm. 11.77 in. 286 mm. 11.26 in. 280 mm. 11.02 in. 157 mm. 6.18 in. 5.5 l 0.16 ft.3 5.26 kg. 11.57 lb. 5.9 kg. 13 lb. MATERIALS L.F. UNIT Basket Cone Surround Voice coil Magnet H.F. UNIT Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Die cast aluminium Paper Plasticised cloth Copper Ferrite Aluminium Copper Kapton THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** Resonant Frequency, fs D.C. Voice Coil Resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, o (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd(m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax Displacement Volume, Vd 42 Hz 6.22 ohms. 3.5 0.38 0.34 146.4 l 373 m/N 2.91 kg/s 2.65 0.053 m2 2 mm. 106 cm.3 NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at least two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. ** T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test, using a velocity-current laser transducer, and will reflect the long term parameters, once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time. NOTAS *La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad del altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias, como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. * *Los parametros T-S han sido medidos despues de un periodo de fatiga y estabilizacion de las suspensiones, mediante transductor laser de velocidad-corriente, y son el reflejo de los parametros a largo plazo del altavoz, una vez este haya sido instalado y haya trabajado en un corto espacio de tiempo. - 28 - -Pro- 12KX CO AXIAL This dual loudspeaker incorporates a 12" bass transducer, featuring a 3" voice coil diameter, edgewound aluminium ribbon wire, and a concentrically mounted 2" compression driver into an integrated voice coil gap magnet system. This design achieves high efficiency, smooth frequency response, low distortion, reduces phasing problems in the crossover region, and simplifies enclosure design. Sistema coaxial de 12" con bobina de 3" de diametro y motor de compresion de 2" con diafragma de titanio y bobina de 3". Montados de forma concentrica estan movidos por el mismo circuito magnetico. La asimilacion de los focos de emision a una fuente puntual reduce de forma notable los problemas de fase en la zona de transicion entre ambos reproductores confiriendo una respuesta muy coherente. Muy recomendado para aplicaciones en sistemas bass-reflex de tamano compacto. PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE * Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=60.00 I, fb=60.00 Hz FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Measured with FD 212, with EQ & -6 dB ATT. SPECIFICATIONS FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE, L.F. UNIT L.F. UNIT Nominal diameter 300 mm. 12 in. Rated impedance 8 ohms. Power capacity* 250 w RMS Program Power 500 Watts Sensitivity 98 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2 Frequency range 35-3000 Hz Recom. enclosure vol. 40/100 l 1.49/3.53 ft.3 Voice coil diameter 77 mm. 3 in. Magnetic assembly weight 6.4 kg. 14.11 lb. BL factor 14.5 N/A Moving mass 0.045 kg. Voice coil length 13 mm. Air gap height 8 mm. X damage 30 mm. Voice Coil Inductance, Le@ 1kHz 1 mH H.F. UNIT Rated impedance 8 ohms. Minimum impedance 11 ohm@ 1kHz 80 w Power capacity Frequency range 0.8 - 17 kHz Sensitivity 1w @ 1m 105 dB Voice coil diameter 72.2 mm. 2.8 in. Flux density 1.875 T BL factor 11 N/A Dispersion 90 MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: -Front mount -Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 320 mm. 12.6 in. 300 mm. 11.8 in. 286 mm. 11.26 in. 280 mm. 11.02 in. 160 mm. 6.30 in. 7 l 0.25 ft.3 7.85 kg. 17.31 lb. 8.5 kg. 18.73 lb. MATERIALS FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT L.F. UNIT Basket Cone Surround Voice coil Magnet H.F. UNIT Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Cast aluminium Paper Plasticised cloth Edgewound alum. ribbon Ferrite Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE, On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT Resonant Frequency, fs D.C. Voice Coil Resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, o (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd(m2) Maximum Displacement, XmaX Displacement Volume, Vd 45 Hz 5.6 ohms. 10.4 0.380 0.370 70 l 186 m/N 1.49 kg/s 2.9 0.055 m2 3.5 mm. 200 cm.3 NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at least two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. ** T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test, using a velocity-current laser transducer, and will reflect the long term parameters, once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time. NOTAS *La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad del altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias, como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. * *Los parametros T-S han sido medidos despues de un periodo de fatiga y estabilizacion de las suspensiones, mediante transductor laser de velocidad-corriente, y son el reflejo de los parametros a largo plazo del altavoz, una vez este haya sido instalado y haya trabajado en un corto espacio de tiempo. - 29 - -Pro- 8BX CO AXIAL This loudspeaker is a single unit, two-way system, comprising of an 8" bass driver and a concentrically mounted tweeter. This provides a single point source and reduces phasing problems in the crossover region. The bass unit features a 1"3/4 (40mm) voice coil attached to a polypropylene cone and copper ring on the pole piece. This provides a smoothly extended frequency response up to 7 kHz, with reduced harmonic distortion. The compression tweeter shows excellent efficiency and fast response to transient attacks. Este altavoz de 8" se compone de 2 unidades montadas de forma concentrica proporcionando una cobertura total del espectro audible. La unidad de graves utiliza un cono de polipropileno sujeto a una suspension de goma y movido por una bobina de 1"1/2 realizada con hilo de aluminio, lo que proporciona una respuesta en graves y medios sorprendentemente natural con una banda pasante excepcional. La unidad de agudos utiliza un modelo de comprension con diafragma y bobinado de aluminio que le confiere un elevado rendimiento y una respuesta transitoria exquisita. Esta combinacion ofrece unos resultados espectaculares de naturalidad, dinamica y fidelidad. SPECIFICATIONS PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE * Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=30.00 I, fb=50.0 Hz FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Measured with FD 102, with EQ & -3 dB ATT. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE, L.F. UNIT L.F. UNIT Nominal diameter 200 mm. 8 in. Rated impedance 8 ohms. Power capacity* 100 w RMS Program Power 200 Watts. Sensitivity 92 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2 Frequency range 25-8000 Hz Recom. enclosure vol. 20/60 l 0.746/2.24 ft.3 38.5 mm. 1 1/2 in. Voice coil diameter 2 kg. 4.4 lb. Magnetic assembly weight 7.3 N/A BL factor 0.023 kg. Moving mass 14 mm. Voice coil length 61 mm. Air gap height 20 mm. X damage 0.2 mH Voice Coil Inductance, Le@ 1kHz H.F. UNIT 8 ohms. Rated impedance 6 ohm@ 4kHz Minimum impedance 15 w Power capacity 3/20 kHz Frequency range 102 dB Sensitivity 1w @ 1m 26 mm. 1 in. Voice coil diameter 1.4 T Flux density 4 N/A BL factor 90 Dispersion MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: -Front mount -Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 215 mm. 8.46 in. 200 mm. 7.9 in. 182 mm. 7.16 in. 185 mm. 7.3in. 120 mm. 4.72 in. 1.5 l 0.056 ft.3 2.9 kg. 6.39 lb. 3.1 kg. 6.83 lb. MATERIALS FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT L.F. UNIT Basket Cone Surround Voice coil Magnet H.F. UNIT Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Cast aluminium Polypropylene Rubber Aluminium Ferrite Aluminium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** Resonant Frequency, fs D.C. Voice Coil Resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, o (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd(m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax Displacement Volume, Vd FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE, On axis, 1w @ 1m. L.F. UNIT 52 Hz 5.5 ohms. 6.1 0.77 0.68 23 l 400 m/N 1.22 kg/s 0.53 0.022 m2 5 mm. 110 cm.3 FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE On axis, 1w @ 1m. H.F. UNIT NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at least two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. ** T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test, using a velocity-current laser transducer, and will reflect the long term parameters, once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time. NOTAS *La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad del altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias, como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. * *Los parametros T-S han sido medidos despues de un periodo de fatiga y estabilizacion de las suspensiones, mediante transductor laser de velocidad-corriente, y son el reflejo de los parametros a largo plazo del altavoz, una vez este haya sido instalado y haya trabajado en un corto espacio de tiempo. - 31 -