Embedded Power for
Business-Critical Continuity
Ordering Information
MMaaxxiimmuumm LLooaadd wwiitthh
CCoonnvveeccttiioonn CCoooolliinngg
MMaaxxiimmuumm LLooaadd
wwiitthh 3300CCFFMM
ffoorrcceedd AAiirrPPeeaakk LLooaadd 11RReegguullaattiioonn 22
RRiippppllee PP//PP
LPS42-M 5V 0A 8A 11A 12A ±2% 50 mV
LPS43-M 12V 0A 3.3A 4.5A 5A ±2% 120 mV
LPS44-M 15V 0A 2.6A 3.6A 4A ±2% 150mV
LPS45-M 24V 0A 1.6A 2.3A 2.5A ±2% 240mV
1. Peak current lasting <30 seconds with a maximum 10% duty cycle.
2. At 25°C including initial tolerance, line voltage, load currents and output voltages adjusted to factory settings.
3. Peak-to-peak with 20 MHz bandwidth and 10 μF in parallel with a 0.1 μF capacitor at rated line voltage and
load ranges.
Rev. 02.05.07
LPS40-M Series
2of 3
Operating temperature: 0° to 50°C ambient. Derate each output 2.5% per degree from
50° to 70°C, -20°C startup
Storage temperature: -40°C to +85°C
Temperature coefficient: ±0.4% per °C
susceptibility: Designed to meet IEC 801, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, Level 3
Humidity: Operating; non-condensing 5% to 95% RH
Vibration: Three orthogonal axes, sweep at 1 oct/min, 5 min. dwell at
four major resonances 0.75G peak 5Hz to 500Hz, operational
MTBF demonstrated: >550,000 hours at full load and 25°C ambient conditions
Environmental Specifications