Revision : 2
Expired Period: Forever
Release Date:2013-05-06 14:05:17.0
3Copyright © 2010, Everlight All Rights Reserved. Release Date : May.2.2013 Issue:DPE-0000343 www.everlight.com
Electro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Condition Unit
Total Flux Φv4500 5800 9000 IF=30mA mlm
Viewing Angle 2θ1/2 ---- 80 ---- IF=30mA deg
Peak Wavelength λp---- 536 ---- IF=30mA Nm
Dominant Wavelength λd520 525 532 IF=30mA Nm
Spectrum Radiation
Bandwidth △λ ---- 36 ---- IF=30mA nm
Forward Voltage VF3.0 3.5 4.0 IF=30mA V
Zener Reverse Voltage Vz 5.2 ---- ---- Iz=5mA V
Reverse Current IR---- ---- 10 VR=5V uA
30-01/G4C-ARTB (1) (2) (3)
(1) VF(V) (2) λd(3)Φv(mlm)
Bin. Min. Max. Bin. Min. Max. Bin. Min. Max.
1 3.00 3.20 3 520 524 R 4500 5650
2 3.20 3.40 4524 528 S 5650 7150
3 3.40 3.60 5528 532 T 7150 9000
4 3.60 3.80
5 3.80 4.00
*Measurement Uncertainty of Forward Voltage:±0.1V
*Measurement Uncertainty of Luminous Intensity: ±15%
*Measurement Uncertainty of Dominant Wavelength ±1.0nm