VH Hermetic
Vishay Foil Resistors
www.foilresistors.com For any questions, contact: foil@vishaypg.com Document Number: 63004
2Revision: 23-Mar-10
1) Standard resistance tolerance: ± 0.005 %; ± 0.01 %; ± 0.02 %;
± 0.05 %; ± 0.1 %; ± 0.25 %; ± 0.5 %; ± 1.0 %.
2) Not to exceed power rating of resistor.
3) See Figure 2 below.
4) 0.200" (5.08 mm) lead spacing available (except VHS555) -
specify VH102J (S102C type), VH102L (S102K type).
5) Maximum is 1.0 % A.Q.L. standard for all specifications except
TCR. (For TCR information see notes 6 to 10.) Typical is a
designers reference which represents that 85 % of the units
supplied, over a long period of time, will be at least the figure
shown or better.
6) Vishay maximum TCR spread is defined as the 3 σ (sigma) limit
of a normal Gaussian distribution (99.73 % of a production lot)
which is within a band, centered on the nominal curve. This
Vishay maximum TCR spread is no greater than ± 2.5 ppm/°C
from nominal throughout the full temperature range. This
definition of the Vishay maximum TCR spread from nominal
applies to all resistance values. However, as the resistance
value decreases below 80 Ω, the Vishay maximum TCR spread
from nominal specification starts to increase. (See Figure 3 in
datasheet “7 Technical Reasons to Specify Vishay Bulk Metal®
Foil Resistive Components”)
7) Selected TCR tracking is available for specially ordered lots of
resistors. The selected TCR tracking can be 3, 2, 1 and as close
as 0.5 ppm/°C throughout the full temperature range.
8) TCR tracking is a measure of the similarity of resistance value
change in two or more resistors which are undergoing the same
temperature changes. Tracking could be expressed as the
difference in the temperature coefficients of the resistors,
expressed in ppm/°C as (ΔR1/R1 to ΔR2/R2) x 10-6/ΔT°C. When
a number of resistors are referenced to a nominal TCR, the
spread or envelope around the nominal would be the difference.
If the spread is ± 1.5 ppm/°C about a nominal, the tracking, as
defined above, will be 3 ppm/°C.
9) Inductance (L) due mainly to the leads.
10) The resolution limit of existing test equipment (within the
measurement capability of the equipment, or “essentially zero”)
11) µV/°C relates to EMF due to lead temperature difference and
µV/W due to power applied to the resistor.
12) Load life ΔR maximum can be reduced through in-house
oriented processes.
(- 55 °C to + 125 °C, + 25 °C ref.)
VHS102 80 to 150K ± 2 ± 2.5
VH102K 80 to 100K ± 1 ± 2.5
VHS102 50 to < 80 ± 2 ± 3.5
VH102K ± 1 ± 3.5
VHS102 1 to < 50 ± 2 ± 4.5
VH102K ± 1 ± 4.5
Selected6) TCR Tracking8) 0.5 ppm/°C
VH102K VHS102 VHS555
Load life at 2000 h ± 0.025 % ± 0.025 % ± 0.015 % at 0.3 W/+ 125 °C
± 0.005 % ± 0.005 % ± 0.0025 % at 0.1 W/+ 60 °C
Load life at 10 000 h ± 0.02 % ± 0.02 % ± 0.01 % at 0.05 W/+ 125 °C
Shelf Life Stability ± 5 ppm (0.0005 %) maximum ΔR after 1 year
± 10 ppm (0.001 %) maximum ΔR after 3 years
Current Noise < 0.010 µVRMS/V of applied voltage (- 40 dB)
High Frequency Operation
Rise time 1.0 ns
Inductance (L)9) 0.1 µH maximum; 0.08 µH typical
Capacitance (C) 1.0 pF maximum; 0.5 pF typical
Voltage Coefficient < 0.1 ppm/V10)
Thermal EMF11) 0.1 µV/°C maximum; 0.05 µV/°C typical 1 µV/W
Hermeticity 10-7 atmospheric cc/s maximum