Getiru Order Code: 392-1141 External-driven Piezo Transducer EFM-250D e Compact structure e Sealed for wave soldering and washing DIMENSIONS: (Unit: mm) EFM-250D: H=7.5, D=7.5, P=3 Note: EFM-250D is adopted with epoxy polting at the bottom CHARACTERISTICS: abl 90 200 300 500 700 tkHz 7 Oki Model No. EFM-250D Min. sound pressure level (dB) 80/4.1kHz/5Vp.p Square Wave /10cm Max. Consumption (mA) 2/4.1KH2/5Vp.p Square Wave Resonant Frequency (kHz) 410.5 Capacitance at 120Hz (nF) 10 + 30% Allowable input voltage 20Vp.p Operating temperature (C) -20Y +70