Application description ALM
https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/105643094, V1.0, 10/2016
Siemens AG Copyright year All rights reserved
2 Basics
2.1 Voltage load:
If the reactive-power compensation is carried out at the same voltage level, then
the voltage will increase up to the maximal no-load voltage.
In the case the reactive-power compensation is carried out at the overlapped
voltage level (primary side), then the reactive power is transferred over the
transformer. If the ALM will use with lower excited operation, then it takes to an
inductive reactive power and behaves like an inductor at the grid. In this case the
voltage will be reduced on the secondary side of the transformer. If the ALM is
used in the over excited operation, then it takes a capacitive reactive power and
behaves like a condenser at the grid. In this case the voltage increased on the
secondary side of the transformer.
Furthermore the following points have to be taken into account, if reactive power
over the transformer is transferred:
The SINAMICS converter can be operated both with 10% over voltage and with
10% under voltage. This also includes the components like fans which are in the
converter. As well all options which can be ordered to the standard device.
These components are provided about auxiliary transformer. This transformer
provides 230 V on the output side. If the voltage gets higher than the 110% or
smaller than the 90%, then a USV should be used.
Moreover even further equipment is operated at the transformer besides the
converter; it must be sure, that also other equipment has to be set for higher or
lower voltage.
By ordering the transformer, it should be noted that this can be operated up to
100% with inductive or capacitive load. Especially at capacitive load, the flux rises
in the leg of the transformer. This load hast to be considered by configuring the
transformer otherwise it can lead to overheating.
Primarily the capacitive load can affect in certain cases the grid perturbation,
because the ALM keeps control factor less than 97% (into factory default). The
control factor is the rate between the grid and intermediate circuit voltage. If the
grid voltage rises further by supply of a capacitive reactive power, then the control
factor 97% is exceeded. On the other hand, the ALM regulates and increases the
intermediate circuit voltage so that the control factor gets down to the 97% again.
This happens as long as till the value in the parameter p0280 is reached (maximum
intermediate circuit voltage). The grid perturbation increases due to the exceeding
of the control factor.
In addition the ALM will be extended by using a Motor Module with mtor and is not
only used by regulating the reactive power, then some specification must be taken
into account. The voltage stress at the motor isolation increases due to the higher
intermediate circuit voltage. This should be considered by choosing the right
isolation system for the motor. Likewise must be considered the maximum
intermediate circuit voltage, when on output side of the motor a du/dt filter is
400 V device Udcmax 720V (continuous operation)
690 V device Udcmax 1080V (continuous operation)
During the dimensioning of the ALM has to be respected that the device supplies
enough power for the case without capacitive reactive power or maximum inductive
reactive power.