Part: MPC555.C Mask Set: 03J12F
General Business Use
Report Generated: Thu Mar 30, 2000, 13:54:57
Page 2
AR_127 Ignore data obtained from JTAG for IRQ6 pin
AR_128 Configure MIOS/VF/VFLS pins as all MIOS or all VF/VFLS
AR_209 Hysteresis is unavailable on MIOS pins
AR_349 Drive 3V inputs to the rail
AR_454 Use external resistors/drivers when using external reset configuration word
AR_680 CLKOUT and ENGCLK drive strengths will change
AR_154 0 in the PDMCR sets pads to slow slew rate -- see later versions of users manua
AR_292 QADC64 Pins have active pull-ups
AR_219 Avoid (or fix output from) compilers which generate specific branch sequence
AR_218 Byte or half-word breakpointing of store instructions is unreliable
AR_440 Execute any IMUL/DIV instruction prior to entering low power modes.
AR_211 Do not break point mtspr ICTRL instruction
AR_214 Only negate interrupts while the EE bit (MSR) disables interrupts
AR_563 QSM/QSMCM/QADC64 corrupts data after an IACK cycle in CISC parts.
AR_271 Loss of Accuracy upon current injection to analog pins
AR_754 QADC64:Do not use queue1 in external gated mode with queue2 in continuous mode.
AR_89 Mask off address field data during QADC port register reads in external mux mod
AR_143 Use software to disable QADC external gated single scan mode at end of queue
AR_144 In external gated continuous scan mode of the QADC, avoid use of CCW-EOQ
AR_145 Do not program QADC64 QACR2 BQ2 field to a value greater than 63
AR_307 Program the QADC64 end of Q2 in software cont mode with CCW-EOQ
AR_421 QADC64: Don’t switch to software triggered continuous scan after completing Q1.
AR_422 QADC64: Do not rely on set of TOR1 in external gated continuous scan mode
AR_419 QADC64: False trigger upon configuration (Does NOT apply to ALL parts)
AR_420 QADC64: Don’t change BQ2 with a set of SSE2 without a mode change.
AR_435 QADC64: TOR1 flag operates in both single and continuous external gated modes.
AR_290 QSMCM Errata ONLY if QSMCM used on a CPU16/32/32X MCU
AR_294 Do not use QSMCM SCI1 Queue
AR_563 QSM/QSMCM/QADC64 corrupts data after an IACK cycle in CISC parts.
AR_584 QSMCM: Do not use link baud and ECK modes
AR_16 Loop feature in the TOUCAN is not supported
AR_627 TPU: (Microcode) Add neg_mrl with write_mer and end_of_phase
AR_577 TPU3 - TCR2PSCK2 bit does not give TCR2 divide ratios specified.
AR_498 UIMB: Read failures occur for IMB accesses when IMB clock is half speed
AR_90 Poll TPU3 development status register to determine if TPU breakpoint occurs
AR_92 Avoid instruction accesses from IMB regions
AR_231 Avoid external master accesses to internal resources which result in data error
AR_232 Do not configure IRQ1 and IRQ4 pins as AT2, RSV, or GPIO
AR_235 Do not activate data show cycles when external master may access internal space
AR_236 In slave mode, do not access another MPC55X
AR_239 Reprogram RTCAL register for accurate real time clock interrupts
AR_241 External write data may be corrupted during reset (SRESET or HRESET)
AR_267 When operating in slave mode, reduce the load on the RETRY pin
AR_305 Do not use alternate masters on the external bus.
AR_306 Asynchronous SRAMS with Byte Enables require glue logic
AR_582 USIU:Under certain conditions, XFC stuck at 0V on power-on
AR_595 USIU: PLL will not lock on power-on, use limp mode and switch via software
AR_223 Design system to allow additional address time on first external access
AR_224 Run external bus in full frequency mode (not half frequency)
AR_234 Program must not change locked bits in the SIUMCR register
AR_237 Read the USIU GPIO data register immediately after every data direction change
AR_240 External master should not request burst from the MPC555
AR_242 Avoid 2 accesses in a row to non-existent external addresses
AR_304 Factory test mode required to use TPU debug features
AR_380 Assert PORESET until all 3V supplies are in regulation
AR_610 Additional current on KAPWR when power is not applied
AR_221 Do not use LBDIP function of the memory controller
AR_225 Latch RSV, AT, and PTR when TS or STS is asserted