Document Number: 320767-028US
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile
Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700
Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update
February 2015
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
2Document Number: 320767-028US
A "Mission Critical Application" is any application in which failure of the Intel Product could result, directly or indirectly, in personal injury or death.
Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or
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Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performan ce. Processor numbers dif ferentiate features within each processor family, not a cr oss
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changes in clock, speed, cache, or other features, and increments are not intended to represent proportional or quantitative increases in any
particular f eature. Cu rrent roadma p processo r number progressi on is not necessarily represent ative of futu re roadmaps. See
processor_number for details.
Intel® Trusted Executi o n Technolo g y (In tel® TXT) requires a computer system with Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® Virtualization Technology
(Intel® VT-x) and Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (Intel® VT-d)), a Intel TXT-enabled processor, chipset, BIOS, Authenticated Code
Modules and an Intel TXT-compatible measured launched environment (MLE). The MLE could consist of a virtual machine monitor, an OS or an
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some uses. For more information, see
Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and, for some
uses, certain computer system software en abled for it. Functionality, performance or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software
configurations and may require a BIOS update. Software applications may not be compatible with all operating systems. Please check with your
application vendor.
Intel® Turbo Boost Technology requires a PC with a processor with Intel Turbo Boost Technology cap ability. Intel Turbo Boost Technology
performance varies depending on hardware, software and overall system configuration. Check with your PC manufacturer on whether your system
delivers Intel Turbo Boost Technology. For more information, see
Intel® Hyper-threading Technology requires a computer system with a processor supporting HT Technology and an HT Technology-enabled chipset,
BIOS, and operating system. Perf ormance will var y depen ding on the spe cific ha rdware and software you use. For more information incl uding details
on which processors support HT Technology, see
For information on the Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology, see the Processor Spec Finder at or contact your Intel
64-bit computing on Intel archit ectu re requires a comp ute r system with a processor, chipset, BIOS, operating system, device drivers a nd applicat ions
enabled fo r Intel ® 64 architecture. Performance will vary depending on your hardware and software configurations. Consult with your system vendor
for more information.
Intel, Intel Core, Cele ron, Pentium, In tel SpeedStep, and t he Inte l logo are trademar ks or registe red trade marks of Intel Corpor ation or it s subsidiaries
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*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of othe rs.
Copyright © 2009 – 2015, Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 3
Revision History...............................................................................................................4
Preface ..............................................................................................................................6
Summary Tables of Changes..........................................................................................8
Identification Information ..............................................................................................15
Specification Changes...................................................................................................56
Specification Clarifications...........................................................................................60
Documentation Changes...............................................................................................61
§ §
Revision History
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
4Document Number: 320767-028US
Revision History
Revision Description Date
001 Initial Release September 2009
002 January Release
Addition of Errata AAP99 -104
Updated AAP84 and AAP90 January 2010
003 February Release
Added AAP105 and AAP106 February 2010
004 March Release
Added AAP107 March 2010
005 Updated processor identification table with new SKU info
Added AAP108 and AAP109 April 2010
006 Added AAP1 in Specification Changes May 2010
007 Added AAP110 and AAP111
Added AAP2 and AAP3 in Specification Changes June 2010
008 Removed Item Numbering
Added AAP112, AAP113, AAP114 and AAP115 July 2010
009 Added AAP116, AAP117 and AAP118
Added AAP4 in Specification Changes September 2010
010 Updated processor identification table with new SKU information
Updated AAP41
Added AAP119 and AAP120 October 2010
011 Added AAP121 December 2010
012 Added AAP122, AAP123 and AAP124 January 2011
013 Added AAP125 to AAP130 February 2011
014 Added AAP131 June 2011
015 Added AAP132 August 2011
016 Added AAP133 September 2011
017 Updated Erratum AAP122 October 2011
018 Added Erratum AAP134 December 2011
019 Added Erratum AAP135 March 2012
020 Added Documentation Change AAP1 January 2013
021 Added Erratum AAP13 6 May 2013
022 Added errata AAP137 and AAP138 June 2013
023 Added errata AAP139 and AAP140 August 2013
024 No errata added or deleted
Document standardization October 2013
025 No errata added or deleted
Document standardization December 2013
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 5
Revision History
§ §
026 Updated link to access Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architecture Software
Developer's Manual Documentation Changes July 2014
027 Removed Erratum AAP94 November 2014
028 Updated Erratum AAP136 February 2015
Revision Description Date
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
6Document Number: 320767-028US
This document is an update to the specifications contained in the Affected Documents
table below. This document is a compilation of device and documentation errata,
specification clarifications and changes. It is intended for hardware system
manufacturers and software developers of applications, operating systems, or tools.
Information types defined in Nomenclature are consolidated into the specification
update and are no longer published in other documents.
This document may also contain information that was not previously published.
Affected Documents
Related Documents
1. Documentation changes for Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architecture Softw are Developer's Manual
volumes 1, 2A, 2B, 3A, and 3B, and bug fixe s are posted in the Intel® 64 and IA-32
Architecture Software Developer's Manual Documentation Chan ges.
Document Title Document Number /
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel®
Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 1 320765
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel®
Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2 320766
Document Title Document Number /
AP-485, Intel® Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume
1: Basic Architecture
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume
2A: Instruction Set Reference Manual A-M
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume
2B: Instruction Set Reference Manual N-Z
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume
3A: System Programming Guide
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume
3B: System Programming Guide
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Intel Arc h itecture Optimization Reference Manual
Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual
Documentation Changes (see note 1)
ACPI Specifications
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 7
Errata are design defects or errors. These may cause the Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile
Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor
Series behavior to deviate from published specifications. Hardware and software
designed to be used with any give n stepping must assume that all errata documented
for that stepping are present on all devices.
S-Spec Number is a five-digit code used to identify products. Products are
differentiated by their unique characteristics, e.g., core speed, L3 cache size, package
type, etc. as described in the processor identification information table. Read all notes
associated with each S-Spec number.
Specification Changes are modifications to the current published specifications.
These changes will be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Specification Clarifications describe a specification in greater detail or further
highlight a specification’ s impact to a complex design situation. These clarifications will
be incorporated in any new release of the specification.
Documentation Changes include typos, errors, or omissions from the current
published specifications. These will be incorporated in any new release of the
Note: Errata remain in the specification update throughout the product’s lifecycle, or until a
particular stepping is no longer commercially- a vailable. Under these circumstances,
errata remov ed from the specification update are archiv ed and available upon request.
Specification changes, specification clarifications and documentation changes are
removed from the specification update when the appropriate changes are made to the
appropriate product specification or user documentation (datasheets, manuals, etc.).
§ §
Summary Tables of Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
8Document Number: 320767-028US
Summary Tables of Changes
The following tables indicate the errata, specification changes, specification
clarifications, or documentation changes which apply to the processor. Intel may fix
some of the errata in a future stepping of the component, and account for the other
outstanding issues through documentation or specification changes as noted. These
tables uses the following notations:
Codes Used in Summary Tables
X: Errata exists in the stepping indicated. Specification Change or
Clarification that applies to this stepping.
(No mark)
or (Blank box): This erratum is fixed in listed stepping or specification change
does not apply to listed stepping.
(Page): Page location of item in this document.
Doc: Document change or update will be implemented.
Plan Fix: This erratum may be fixed in a future stepping of the product.
Fixed: This erratum has been previously fixed.
No Fix: There are no plans to fix this erratum.
Change bar to left of table row indicates this erratum is either new or modified from the
previous version of the document.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 9
Summary Tables of Changes
Errata (Sheet 1 of 6)
Number Steppings Status ERRATA
AAP1 XNo FixThe Processor May Report a #TS Instead of a #GP Fault
AAP2 XNo Fix
REP MOVS/STOS Executing with Fast Strings Enabled and Crossing Page
Boundaries with Inconsistent Memory Types May Use an Incorrect Data
Size or Lead to Memory-Ordering Violations
AAP3 XNo Fix
Code Segment Limit/Canonical Faults on RSM May Be Serviced before
Higher Priority Interrupts/Exceptions and May Push the Wrong Address
onto the Stack
AAP4 XNo FixPerformance Monitor SSE Retired Instructions May Return Incorrect Values
AAP5 XNo Fix
Premature Execution of a Load Operation Prior to Exception Handler
AAP6 XNo FixMOV To/From Debug Registers Causes Debug Exception
AAP7 XNo Fix
Incorrect Address Computed for Last Byte of FXSAVE/FXRSTOR Image
Leads to Partial Memory Update
AAP8 XNo FixValues for LBR/BTS/BTM Will Be Incorrect after an Exit from SMM
AAP9 XNo Fix
Single Step Interrupts with Floating Point Exception Pending May Be
AAP10 XNo Fix
Fault on ENTER Instruction May Result in Unexpected Values on Stack
AAP11 XNo Fix
IRET under Certain Conditions May Cause an Unexpected Alignment Check
AAP12 XNo Fix
General Protecti on Fault (#GP) for Instructions Greater Than 15 Bytes May
Be Preempted
AAP13 XNo Fix
General Protection (#GP) Fault May Not Be Signaled on Data Segment
Limit Violation above 4-G Limit
AAP14 XNo Fix
LBR, BTS, BTM May Report a Wrong Address When an Exception/Interrupt
Occurs in 64-bit Mode
AAP15 XNo FixMONITOR or CLFLUSH on the Local XAPIC's Address Space Results in Hang
AAP16 XNo Fix
Corruption of CS Segment Register during RSM While Transitioning From
Real Mode to Protected Mode
AAP17 XNo Fix
Performance Monitoring Events for Read Miss to Level 3 Cache Fill
Occupancy Counter May Be Incorrect
AAP18 XNo Fix
A VM Exit on MWAIT May Incorrectly Report the Monitoring Hardware As
AAP19 XNo FixDelivery Status of the LINT0 R egist er of the Local Vector Table May Be Lost
AAP20 XNo FixPerformance Monitor Event SEGMENT_REG_LOADS Counts Inaccurately
AAP21 XNo Fix
#GP on Segment Selector Descriptor that Straddles Canonical Boundary
May Not Provide Correct Exception Error Code
AAP22 XNo Fix
Improper Parity Error Signaled in the IQ Following Reset When a Code
Breakpoint Is Set on a #GP Instruction
AAP23 XNo Fix
An Enabled Debug Breakpoint or Single Step Trap May Be Taken after MOV
SS/POP SS Instruction If It Is Followed by an Instruction That Signals a
Floating Point Exception
AAP24 XNo FixIA32_MPERF Counter Stops Counting during On-Demand TM1
Summary Tables of Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
10 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP25 XNo Fix
The Memory Controller tTHROT_OPREF Timings May Be Violated during
Self Refresh Entry
AAP26 XNo FixProcessor May Over Count Correctable Cache MESI State Errors
AAP27 XNo Fix
Synchronous Reset of IA32_APERF/IA32_MPERF Counters on Overflow
Does Not Work
AAP28 XNo Fix
Disabling Thermal Monitor While Processor Is Hot, Then Re-enabling, May
Result in Stuck Core Operating Ratio
AAP29 XNo Fix
OVER Bit for IA32_MCi_STATUS Register May Get Set on Speci fic lnternal
AAP30 XNo Fix
Writing the Local Vector Table (LVT) When an Interrupt Is Pending May
Cause an Unexpected Interrupt
AAP31 XNo Fix
Faultin g Intel® MMX™ Technology Inst ruction May Incorrectly Upda te x87
FPU Tag Word
AAP32 XNo Fix
xAPIC Timer May Decrement Too Quickly following an Automatic Reload
While in Periodic Mode
AAP33 XNo Fix
Reported Memory Type May Not Be Used to Access the VMCS and
Referenced Data Structures
AAP34 XNo FixB0-B3 Bits in DR6 for Non-Enabled Breakpoints Ma y Be Incorrectly Set
AAP35 XNo FixCore C6 May Clear Previously Logged TLB Errors
AAP36 XNo FixPerformance Monitor Event MISALIGN_MEM_REF May Over Count
AAP37 XNo Fix
Changing the Memory Type for an In-Use Page Translation May Lead to
Memory-Ordering Violations
AAP38 XNo FixRunning with Write Major Mode Disabled May Lead to a System Hang
AAP39 XNo Fix
Infinite Stream of Interrupts May Occur If an ExtINT Delivery Mode
Interrupt Is Received While All Cores in C6
AAP40 XNo FixTwo xAPIC Timer Event Interrupts May Unexpectedly Occur
AAP41 XNo Fix
EOI Transaction May Not Be Sent If Software Enters Core C6 during an
Interrupt Service Routine
AAP42 XNo Fix
FREEZE_WHILE_SMM Does Not Prevent Event from Pending PEBS during
AAP43 XNo FixAPIC Error “Received Illegal Vector” May Be Lost
AAP44 XNo Fix
DR6 May Contain Incorrect Information When the First Instruction after a
MOV SS,r/m or POP SS Is a Store
AAP45 XNo Fix
An Uncorrectable Error Logged in IA32_CR_MC2_STATUS May also Result
in a System Hang
AAP46 XNo FixIA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR May Be Incorrectly Initialized
AAP47 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Interrupts Generated from Uncore Fixed Counters
(394H) May Be Ignored
AAP48 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Counter INST_RETIRED.STORES May Count Higher
Than Expected
AAP49 XNo Fix
Sleeping Cores May Not Be Woken Up on Logical Cluster Mode Broadcast
IPI Using Destination Field Instead of Shorthand
AAP50 XNo FixFaulting Executions of FXRSTOR May Update State Inconsistently
Errata (Sheet 2 of 6)
Number Steppings Status ERRATA
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 11
Summary Tables of Changes
AAP51 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Event EPT.EPDPE_MISS May Be Counted While EPT Is
AAP52 XNo FixMemory Aliasing of Code Pages May Cause Unpredictable System Behavior
AAP53 XNo FixPerformance Monitor Counters May Count Incorrectly
AAP54 XNo Fix
Processor Forward Progress Mechanism Interacting with Certain MSR/CSR
Writes May Cause Unpredictable System Behavior
AAP55 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Event Offcore_response_0 (B7H) Does Not Count NT
Stores to Local DRAM Correctly
AAP56 XNo Fix
EFLAGS Discrepancy on Page Faults and on EPT-Induced VM Exits after a
Translation Change
AAP57 XNo Fix
Commands Are Not Issued in Increasing Populated DDR3 Rank Order
AAP58 XNo Fix
Package C3/ C6 T r ansitions When Memory 2x Ref resh Is Enabled May R esult
in a System Hang
AAP59 XNo Fix
Back to Back Uncorrected Machine Check Errors May Overwrite
AAP60 XNo Fix
Memory Intensive Workloads with Core C6 Transitions May Cause System
AAP61 XNo Fix
Corrected Errors with a Yellow Error Indication May Be Overwritten by
Other Corrected Errors
AAP62 XNo FixPSI# Signal May Incorrectly Be Left Asserted
AAP63 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Events DCACHE_CACHE_LD and DCACHE_CACHE_ST
May Overcount
AAP64 XNo FixRapid Core C3/C6 Transitions May Cause Unpredictable System Behavior
AAP65 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Events INSTR_RETIRED and MEM_INST_RETIRED
May Count Inaccurately
AAP66 XNo Fix
A Page Fault May Not Be Generated When the PS Bit Is Set to "1" in a
AAP67 XNo FixCPURESET Bit Does Not Get Cleared
AAP68 XNo FixPHOLD Disable in MISCCTRLSTS Register Does Not Work
AAP69 XNo Fix
PCIe PMCSR Power State Field Incorrectly Allows Requesting of the D1 and
D2 Power States
AAP70 XNo FixConcurrent Updates to a Segment Descriptor May Be Lost
AAP71 XNo FixPMIs May Be Lost during Core C6 Transitions
AAP72 XNo Fix
Uncacheable Access to a Monitored Address Range May Prevent Future
Triggering of the Monitor Hardware
AAP73 XNo Fix
BIST Results May Be Additionally Reported after a GETSEC[WAKEUP] or
INIT-SIPI Sequence
AAP74 XNo FixPending x87 FPU Exceptions (#MF) May Be Signaled Earlier Than Expected
AAP75 XNo FixVM Exits Due to "NMI-Window Exiting" May Be Delayed by One Instruction
AAP76 XNo FixMalformed PCIe Packet Generated under Heavy Outbound Load
AAP77 XNo Fix
PCIe* Operation in x16 Mode with Inbound Posted Writes May Be
Errata (Sheet 3 of 6)
Number Steppings Status ERRATA
Summary Tables of Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
12 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP78 XNo FixUnpredictable PCI Behavior Accessing Non-exi stent Memory Space
AAP79 XNo Fix
VM Exits Due to EPT Violations Do Not Record Information about Pre-IRET
NMI Blocking
AAP80 XNo Fix
Intel® VT-d Receiving Two Identical Interrupt Requests May Corrupt
Attributes of Remapped Interrupt or Hang a Subsequent Interrupt-Remap-
Cache Invalidation Command
AAP81 XNo FixS1 Entry May Cause Cores to Exit C3 or C6 C-State
AAP82 XNo Fix
Multiple Pe rformance Monitor Interrupts Are Possible on Overflow of
AAP83 XNo FixLBRs May Not Be Initialized during Power-On Rese t of the Processor
AAP84 XNo Fix
Unexpected Interrupts May Occur on C6 Exit If Using APIC Timer to
Generate Interrupts
AAP85 XNo Fix
LBR, BTM or BTS Records May Have Incorrect Branch from Information
after an Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology Transition, T-states, C1E,
or Adaptive Thermal Throttling
AAP86 XNo FixVMX-Preemption Timer Does Not Count Down at the Rate Specified
AAP87 XNo Fix
Multiple Performance Monitor Interrupts Are Possible on Overflow of Fixed
Counter 0
AAP88 XNo FixSVID and SID of Devices 8 and 16 Only Implement Bits [7:0]
AAP89 XNo FixNo_Soft_Reset Bit in the PMCSR Does Not Operate As Expected
AAP90 XNo Fix
VM Exits Due to LIDT/LGDT/SIDT/SGDT Do Not Report Correct Operand
AAP91 XNo Fix
DPRSLPVR Signal May Be Incorrectly Asserted on Transition Between Low
Power C-states
AAP92 XNo Fix
Performance Monitoring Events STORE_BLOCKS.NOT_STA and
STORE_BLOCKS.STA May Not Count Events Correct ly
AAP93 XNo FixStorage of PEBS Record Delayed Following Execution of MOV SS or STI
AAP94 XNo Fix<Erratum Removed>
AAP95 XNo Fix
INVLPG Following INVEPT or INVVPID May Fail to Flush All Translations for
a Large Page
AAP96 XNo FixLER MSRs May Be Unreliable
AAP97 XNo Fix
MCi_Status Overflow Bit May Be Incorrectly Set on a Single Instance of a
DTLB Error
AAP98 XNo Fix
Debug Exception Flags DR6.B0 -B3 Flags May Be Incorrect for Disabled
AAP99 XNo FixAn Exit From the Core C6-state May Result in the Dropping of an Interrupt
AAP100 XNo FixPCIe* Extended Capability Structures May Be Incorrect
AAP101 XNo FixPMIs during Core C6 Transitions May Cause the System to Hang
AAP102 XNo Fix
2MB Page Split Lock Accesses Combined with Complex Internal Events May
Cause Unpredictable System Behavior
AAP103 XNo FixIA32_MC8_CTL2 MSR Is Not Cleared on Processor Warm Reset
AAP104 XNo FixThe TPM’s Locality 1 Address Space Cannot Be Opened
Errata (Sheet 4 of 6)
Number Steppings Status ERRATA
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 13
Summary Tables of Changes
AAP105 XNo Fix
PCIe* Link Bit Errors Present during L0s Entry May Cause the System to
Hang during L0s Exit
AAP106 XNo Fix
The Combination of a Page-Split Lock Access and Data Accesses That Are
Split across Cacheline Boundaries May Lead to Processor Livelock
AAP107 XNo Fix
FP Data Operand Pointer May Be Incorrectly Calculated after an FP Access
Which Wr aps a 4-Gbyte Boundary in Code That Uses 32-Bit Address Size in
64-bit Mode
AAP108 XNo Fix
IOTLB Invalidations Not Comple ting on Intel® VT-d Engine for Integrated
High Definition Audio
AAP109 XNo FixIO_SMI Indication in SMRAM State Save Area May Be Lost
AAP110 XNo Fix
PCIe* Squelch Detect May be Slow to Respond During L0s Entry and May
Cause a Surprise Link Down Condition
AAP111 XNo FixTR Corruption Due to Save/Restore x87 FPU Pointers in SMRAM
AAP112 XNo Fix
PCIe* Lanes Returning to The Active Power State May Cause The System to
AAP113 XNo Fix
Performance Monitor Events for Hardware Prefetches Which Miss The L1
Data Cache May be Over Counted
AAP114 XNo Fix
Poisoned Write Caused by an Internal Parity Error Targeting IIO PCI
Configuration Registers or MMIO Space will Not be Suppressed
AAP115 XNo FixVM Exit May Incorrectly Clear IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL [34:32]
AAP116 XNo Fix
PCIe* Ports LTSSM May Not Transition Properly in the Presence of TS1 or
TS2 Ordered Sets That Have Unexpected Symbols Within those Sets
AAP117 XNo FixNTB/RP Link Will Send Extra TS2 Ordered Set During Link Training
AAP118 XNo Fix
PCIe* Ports May Not Enter Slave Loopback Mode From the Configuration
AAP119 XNo Fix
Unexpected DMI and PCIe* Link Retraining and Correctable Errors
AAP120 XNo FixQPI Lane May Be Dropped During Full Frequency Deskew Phase of Training
AAP121 XNo Fix
PerfMon Overflo w Status Can Not be Cleared After Certain Conditions Have
AAP122 XNo Fix
An Unexpected Page F ault or EPT Violation May Occur After Another Logical
Processor Creates a Valid Translation for a Page
AAP123 XNo FixL1 Data Cache Errors May be Logged With Level Set to 1 Instead of 0
AAP124 XNo Fix
Stack Pushes May Not Occur Properly for Events Delivered Immediately
After VM Entry to 16-Bit Software
AAP125 XNo Fix
Executing The GETSEC Instructio n While Throttling May Result in a
Processor Hang
AAP126 XNo FixPerfMon Event LOAD_HIT_PRE.SW_PREFETCH May Overcount
AAP127 XNo FixSuccessive Fixed Counter Overflows May be Discarded
AAP128 XNo Fix
#GP May be Signaled When Invalid VEX Prefix Precedes Conditional Branch
AAP129 XNo Fix
A Logical Processor May Wake From Shutdown State When Branch-Trace
Messages or Branch-Trace Stores Are Enabled
AAP130 XNo Fix
Task Switch to a TSS With an Inaccessible LDTR Descriptor May Cause
Unexpected Faults
Errata (Sheet 5 of 6)
Number Steppings Status ERRATA
Summary Tables of Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
14 Document Number: 320767-028US
§ §
AAP131 XNo Fix
VM Entries That Return From SMM Using VMLAUNCH May Not Update The
Launch State of the VMCS
AAP132 XNo Fix
VM Entry May Clear Bytes 81H-83H on Virtual-APIC Page When "Use TPR
Shadow" Is 0
AAP133 XNo FixA First Level Data Cache Parity Error May Result in Unexpected Behavior
AAP134 XNo FixIntel® Trusted Execution Technology ACM Revocation
AAP135 XNo Fix
An Event May Intervene Before a System Management Interrupt That
Results from IN or INS
AAP136 XNo Fix
The Corrected Error Count Overflow Bit in IA32_ MC0_STATUS is Not
Updated When the UC Bit is Set
AAP137 XNo FixThe Upper 32 Bits of CR3 May be Incorrectly Used With 32-Bit Paging
AAP138 XNo FixEPT Violations May Report Bits 11:0 of Guest Linear Address Incorrectly
AAP139 XNo Fix
SMRAM State-Save Area Above the 4GB Boundary May Cause
Unpredictable System Behavior
AAP140 XNo Fix
Virtual-APIC Page Accesses With 32-Bit PAE Paging May Cause a System
Specification Changes
AAP1 Update to Datasheet - Volume 2 to Uncore Revision Identification Register
AAP2 Update to Datasheet - Volume 2 to PCI Express Device Control Register 2
AAP3 Update to Datasheet - Volume 2 to Completion Timeout Control Register
AAP4 Update to Datasheet - Volume 1 to Table 35 and Table 41
Specification Clarifications
None for this revision of this specification update.
Documentation Changes
AAP1 On-Demand Clock Modulation Feature Clarification
Errata (Sheet 6 of 6)
Number Steppings Status ERRATA
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 15
Identification Information
Identification Information
Component Identification using Programming Interface
The Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-
800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series stepping can be identified by the following
processor signatures:
1. The Extended Family, bits [27:20] are used in con junction with the Family Code, specified in bits [ 11:8], to
indicate whether the processor belongs to t he Intel386®, Intel486®, Pentium®, Pentium Pro®, Pentium®
4, or Intel® Core™ processor family.
2. The Extended Model, bits [19:16] in conjunction with the Model Number, specified in bits [7:4], are used to
identify the model of the processor within the processor’s family.
3. The Processor Type, specified in bits [13:12] indicates whether the processor is an original OEM processor,
an OverDrive® processor, or a dual processor (capable of being used in a dual processor system).
4. The F amily Code corresponds to bits [11:8] of the EDX regis ter after RESET, bits [11:8] of the EAX register
after the CPUID in struction is executed with a 1 i n the EAX register, and the generation field of the Devi ce
ID register accessible through Boundary Scan.
5. The Model Number corr esponds to bits [7:4 ] of the EDX regis ter after RESET, bits [7:4] of the EAX regist er
after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 1 in the EAX register, and the model field of the Device ID
register accessible through Boundary Scan.
6. The Stepping ID in bits [3:0] indicates the revision number of that model. See Table 1 for the processor
stepping ID number in the CPUID information.
When EAX is initialized to a value of ‘1’, the CPUID instruction returns the Extended
Family, Extended Model, Processor Type, Family Code, Model Number and Stepping ID
value in the EAX register. Note that the EDX processor signature value after reset is
equivalent to the processor signature output value in the EAX register.
Cache and TLB descriptor parameters are provided in the EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX
registers after the CPUID instruction is executed with a 2 in the EAX register.
The Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-
800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series can be identified by the following register
1. The Vendor ID corresponds to Bits 15:0 of the Vendor ID Register located at Offset 0001h
in the PCI Function 0 configuration space.
2. The Device ID corresponds to Bits 15:0 of the Device ID Register located at Device 0 Offset
02–03h in the PCI Function 0 configuration space.
3. The Revision Number corresponds to Bits 7:0 of the Revision ID Register located at Offset
08h in the PCI Function 0 configuration space.
Reserved Extended
Model2Reserved Processor
31:28 27:20 19:16 15:14 13:12 11:8 7:4 3:0
00000000b 0001b 00b 0110 1110b xxxxb
Stepping Vendor ID1Device ID2Revision ID3
B-1 8086h D132h 11h
Identification Information
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
16 Document Number: 320767-028US
Component Marking Information
The processor stepping can be identified by the following component markings:
Figure 1. Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™
i7-800 and i7-700 Mob ile Processor Series Component Markings
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 17
Identification Information
1. This column indicates maximum Intel® Turbo Boost Technology frequency (GHz) for 4, 3, 2, or 1 cor es active respectively.
2. Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology enabled.
3. Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT) enabled.
4. Intel® Virtualization Technology (Intel® VT) for IA-32, Intel® 64 and Intel® Architecture (Intel® VT-x) enabled. Intel®
Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (Intel® VT-d) enabled.
5. The core frequency re po rte d in th e p roce ss or b rand string is rounded to 2 decimal digits . (For example, core frequency of
3.06666, repeating 6, is reported as @3.07 in brand string. Core frequency of 1.7333, is reported as @1.73 in brand
§ §
Table 1. Processor Identification
Number Stepping Processor
Core Frequency
(GHz) /
DDR3 (MHz)
Max Intel®
Turbo Boost
L3 Cache
Size (MB) Notes
SLBLW i7-920XM B-1 106E5h 2.00 / 1333
4 core: 2.26
3 core: 2.26
2 core: 3.06
1 core: 3.20
1.200 8 2, 3, 4, 5
SLBLX i7-820QM B-1 106E5h 1.73 / 1333
4 core: 2.00
3 core: 2.00
2 core: 2.80
1 core: 3.06
1.200 8 2, 3, 4, 5
SLBLY i7-720QM B-1 106E5h 1.60 / 1333
4 core: 1.73
3 core: 1.73
2 core: 2.40
1 core: 2.80
0.933 6 2, 3, 4, 5
SLBSC i7-940XM B-1 106E5h 2.13 / 1333
4 core: 2.40
3 core: 2.40
2 core: 3.20
1 core: 3.33
1.200 8 2, 3, 4,
5, 6
SLBMP i7-840QM B-1 106E5h 1.86 / 1333
4 core: 2.00
3 core: 2.00
2 core: 2.93
1 core: 3.20
1.200 8 2, 3, 4,
5, 6
SLBQG i7-740QM B-1 106E5h 1.73 / 1333
4 core: 1.86
3 core: 1.86
2 core: 2.53
1 core: 2.93
0.933 6 2, 3, 4,
5, 6
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
18 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP1. The Processor May Report a #TS Instead of a #GP Fault
Problem: A jump to a busy TSS (Task-State Segment) may cause a #TS (invalid TSS exception)
instead of a #GP fault (general protection exception).
Implication: Operation systems that access a busy TSS may get invalid TSS fault instead of a #GP
fault. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially-available software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP2. REP MOVS/STOS Executing with Fast Strings Enabled and Crossing
Page Boundaries with Inconsistent Memory Types May Use an
Incorrect Data Size or Lead to Memory-Ordering Violations
Problem: Under certain conditions as described in the Software Deve lopers Manual section "Out-
of-Order Stores For String Operations in Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, and P6 Family
Processors" the processor performs REP MOVS or REP STOS as fast strings. Due to this
erratum fast string REP MOVS/REP STOS instructions that cross page boundaries from
WB/WC memory types to UC/WP/WT memory types, may start using an incorrect data
size or may observe memory ordering violations.
Implication: Upon crossing the page boundary the following may occur, dependent on the new page
memory type:
UC the data size of each write will now always be 8 bytes, as opposed to the
original data size.
W P the data size of each write will now always be 8 bytes, as opposed to the
original data size and there may be a memory ordering violation.
WT there may be a memory ordering violation.
Workaround:Software should avoid crossing page boundaries from WB or WC memory type to UC,
WP or WT memory type within a single REP MOVS or REP STOS instruction that will
execute with fast strings enabled.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP3. Code Segment Limit/Canonical Faults on RSM May Be Serviced before
Higher Priority Interrupts/Exceptions and May Push the Wrong
Address onto the Stack
Problem: Normally, when the processor encounters a Segment Limit or Canonical Fault due to
code execution, a #GP (General Protection Ex ception) fault is generated after all higher
priority Interrupts and exceptions are serviced. Due to this erratum, if RSM (Resum e
from System Management Mode) returns to execution flow that results in a Code
Segment Limit or Canonical Fault, the #GP fault may be serviced before a higher
priority Interrupt or Exception (e.g., NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt), Debug
break(#DB), Machine Check (#MC), etc.). If the RSM attempts to return to a non-
canonical address, the address pushed onto the stack for this #GP fault ma y not match
the non-canonical address that caused the fault.
Implication: Operating systems may observe a #GP fault being serviced before higher priority
Interrupts and Exceptions. Intel has not observed this erratum on any commercially-
available software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 19
AAP4. Performance Monitor SSE Retired Instructions May Return Incorrect
Problem: Pe rformance Monitoring counter SIMD_INST_RETIRED (Event: C7H) is used to track
retired SSE instructions. Due to this erratum, the processor may also count other types
of instructions resulting in higher than expected values.
Implication: Pe rformance Monitoring counter SIMD_INST_RETIRED may report count higher than
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP5. Premature Execution of a Load Operation Prior to Exception Handler
Problem: If any of the below circumstances occur, it is possible that the load portion of the
instruction will have executed before the exception handler is entered.
If an instruction that performs a memory load causes a code segment limit
If a waiting X87 floating-point (FP) instruction or MMX™ technology (MMX)
instruction that performs a memory load has a floating-point exception pending.
If an MMX or SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3 extensions (SSE) instruction that performs a
memory load and has either CR0.EM=1 (Emulation bit set), or a floating-point Top-
of-Stack (FP TOS) not equal to 0, or a DNA exception pending.
Implication: In normal code execution where the target of the load operation is to write back
memory there is no impact from the load being prematurely executed, or from the
restart and subsequent re-execution of that instruction by the exception handler. If the
target of the load is to uncached memory that has a system side-effect, restarting the
instruction may cause unexpected system behavior due to the repetition of the side-
effect. Particularly, while CR0.TS [Bit 3] is set, a MOVD/MOVQ with MMX/XMM register
operands may issue a memory load before getting the DNA exception.
Workaround:Code which performs loads from memory that has side-effects can effectively
workaround this behavior by using simple integer-based load instructions when
accessing side-effect memory and by ensuring that all code is written such that a code
segment limit violation cannot occur as a part of reading from side-effect memory.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP6. MOV To/From Debug Registers Causes Debug Exception
Problem: When in V86 mode, if a MOV instruction is executed to/from a debug registers, a
general-protection exception (#GP) should be generated. However, in the case when
the general detect enable flag (GD) bit is set, the observed behavior is that a debug
exception (#DB) is generated instead.
Implication: With debug-register protection enabled (i.e., the GD bit set), when attempting to
execute a MOV on debug registers in V86 mode, a debug exception will be generated
instead of the expected general-protection fault.
Workaround:In general, operating systems do not set the GD bit when they are in V86 mode. The
GD bit is generally set and used by debuggers. The debug exception handler should
check that the exception did not occur in V86 mode before continuing. If the ex ception
did occur in V86 mode, the exception may be directed to the general-protection
exception handler.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
20 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP7. Incorrect Address Computed for Last Byte of FXSAVE/FXRSTOR Image
Leads to Partial Memory Update
Problem: A partial memory state save of the 512-byte FXSAVE image or a partial memory state
restore of the FXRSTOR image may occur if a memory address exceeds the 64KB limit
while the processor is operating in 16-bit mode or if a memory address exceeds the
4GB limit while the processor is operating in 32-bit mode.
Implication: FXSAVE/FXRSTOR will incur a #GP fault due to the memory limit violation as expected
but the memory state may be only partially saved or restored.
Workaround:Software should avoid memory accesses that wrap around the respective 16-bit and
32-bit mode memory limits.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP8. Values for LBR/BTS/BTM Will Be Incorrect after an Exit from SMM
Problem: After a return from SMM (System Management Mode), the CPU will incorrectly update
the LBR (Last Branch R ecord) and the BTS (Branch Trace Store), hence rendering their
data invalid. The corresponding data if sent out as a BTM on the system bus will also be
Note: This issue would only occur when one of the 3 above mentioned debug support facilities
are used.
Implication: The value of the LBR, BTS , and B TM immediately after an RSM operation should not be
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP9. Single Step Interrupts with Floating Point Exception Pending May Be
Problem: In certain circumstances, when a floating point exception (#MF) is pending during
single-step execution, processing of the single-step debug exception (#DB) may be
Implication: When this erratum occurs, #DB will be incorrectly handled as follows:
#DB is signaled before the pending higher priority #MF (Interrupt 16)
#DB is generated twice on the same instruction
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP10. Fault on ENTER Instruction May Result in Unexpected Values on Stack
Problem: The ENTER instruction is used to create a procedure stack frame. Due to this erratum,
if execution of the ENTER instruction results in a fault, the dynamic storage area of the
resultant stack frame may contain unexpected values (i.e., residual stack data as a
result of processing the fault).
Implication: Data in the created stack frame may be altered following a fault on the ENTER
instruction. Refer to "Procedure Calls For Block-Structured Languages" in IA-32 Intel®
Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Vol. 1, Basic Architecture, for information
on the usage of the ENTER instructions. This erratum is not expected to occur in Ring 3.
Faults are usually processed in Ring 0 and stack switch occurs when transferring to
Ring 0. Intel has not observed this erratum on any commercially-available software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 21
AAP11. IRET under Certain Conditions May Cause an Unexpected Alignment
Check Exception
Problem: In IA-32e mode, it is possible to get an Alignment Check Exception (#AC) on the IRET
instruction even though alignment checks were disabled at the start of the IRET. This
can only occur if the IRET instruction is returning from CPL3 code to CPL3 code. IRETs
from CPL0/1/2 are not affected. This erratum can occur if the EFLAGS value on the
stack has the AC flag set, and the interrupt handler's stack is misaligned. In IA-32e
mode, RSP is aligned to a 16-byte boundary before pushing the stack frame.
Implication: In IA-32e mode, under the conditions given above, an IRET can get a #AC even if
alignment checks are disabled at the start of the IRET. This erratum can only be
observed with a software generated stack frame.
Workaround:Software should not generate misaligned stack frames for use with IRET.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP12. General Prote ction Fault (#GP) for Instructions Gr eater Than 15 Bytes
May Be Preempted
Problem: When the processor encounters an instruction that is greater than 15 bytes in length, a
#GP is signaled when the instruction is decoded. Under some circumstances, the #GP
fault may be preempted by another lower priority fault (e.g., Page Fault (#PF)).
However, if the preempting lower priority faults are resolved by the operating system
and the instruction retried, a #GP fault will occur.
Implication: Software may observe a lower-priority fault occurring before or in lieu of a #GP fault.
Instructions of greater than 15 bytes in leng th can o nly occur if redundant prefix es are
placed before the instruction.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP13. General Protection (#GP) Fault May Not Be Signaled on Data Segment
Limit Violation above 4-G Limit
Problem: In 32-bit mode, memory accesses to flat data segments (base = 00000000h) that
occur above the 4-G limit (0ffffffffh) may not signal a #GP fault.
Implication: When such memory accesses occur in 32-bit mode, the system may not issue a #GP
Workaround:Software should ensure that memory accesses in 32-bit mode do not occur above the
4-G limit (0ffffffffh).
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP14. LBR, BTS, BTM May Report a Wrong Address When an Exception/
Interrupt Occurs in 64-bit Mode
Problem: An exception/interrupt event should be transparent to the LBR (Last Branch Record),
B TS (Branch Trace Store) and B TM (Branch Trace Message) mechanisms. However,
during a specific boundary condition where the exception/interrupt occurs right after
the execution of an instruction at the lower canonical boundary (0x00007FFFFFFFFFFF)
in 64-bit mode, the LBR return registers will save a wrong return address with Bits 63
to 48 incorrectly sign extended to all 1's. Subsequent BTS and BTM operations which
report the LBR will also be incorrect.
Implication: LBR, BTS and BTM may report incorrect information in the event of an exception/
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
22 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP15. MONITOR or CLFLUSH on the Local XAPIC's Address Space Results in
Problem: If the target linear address range for a MONITOR or CLFLUSH is mapped to the local
xAPIC's address space, the processor will hang.
Implication: When this erratum occurs, the processor will hang. The local xAPIC's address space
must be uncached. The MONITOR instruction only functions correctly if the specified
linear address range is of the type write-back. CLFLUSH flushes data from the cache.
Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially-available software.
Workaround:Do not execute MONITOR or CLFLUSH instructions on the local xAPIC address space.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP16. Corruption of CS Segment Register during RSM While Transitioning
From Real Mode to Protected Mode
Problem: During the transition from real mode to protected mode, if an SMI (System
Management Interrupt) occurs between the MOV to CR0 that sets PE (Protection
Enable, Bit 0) and the first FAR JMP, the sub sequent RSM (Resume from System
Management Mode) may cause the lower two bits of CS segment register to be
Implication: The corruption of the bottom two bits of the CS segment register will have no impact
unless software explicitly examines the CS segment register between enabling
protected mode and the first FAR JMP. Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software
Developer’s Manual Volume 3A: System Programming Guide, Part 1, in the section
titled "Switching to Protected Mode" recommends the FAR JMP immediately f ollows the
write to CR0 to enable protected mode. Intel has not observed this erratum with any
commercially-available software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP17. Performance Monitoring Events for Read Miss to Level 3 Cache Fill
Occupancy Counter May Be Incorrect
Problem: Whenever an Level 3 cache fill conflicts with another request's address, the miss to fill
occupancy counter, UNC_GQ_ALLOC.RT_LL C_MISS (Event 02H), will provide erroneous
Implication: The Performance Monitoring UNC_GQ_ALLOC.RT_LLC_MISS ev ent may count a value
higher than expected. The extent to which the value is higher than expected is
determined by the frequency of the L3 address conflict.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 23
AAP18. A VM Exit on MWAIT May Incorrectly Report the Monitoring Hardware
As Armed
Problem: A processor write to the address range armed by the MONITOR instruction may not
immediately trigger the monitoring hardware. Consequently, a VM exit on a later
MWAIT may incorrectly report the monitoring hardware as armed, when it should be
reported as unarmed due to the write occurring prior to the MWAIT.
Implication: If a write to the range armed by the MONIT OR instruction occurs between the
MONITOR and the MWAIT, the MWAIT instruction may start executing before the
monitoring hardware is triggered. If the MW AIT instruction causes a VM exit, this could
cause its exit qualification to incorrectly report 0x1. In the recommended usage model
for MONITOR/MW AIT, there is no write to the range armed by the MONITOR instruction
between the MONITOR and the MWAIT.
Workaround:Software should never write to the address range armed by the MONITOR instruction
between the MONITOR and the subsequent MWAIT.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP19. Delivery Status of the LINT0 Register of the Local Vector Table May Be
Problem: The Delivery Status bit of the LINT0 Register of the Local Vector Table will not be
restored after a transition out of C6 under the following conditions
LINT0 is programmed as level-triggered
The delivery mode is set to either Fixed or ExtINT
There is a pending interrupt which is masked with the interrupt enable flag (IF)
Implication: Due to this err atum, the Delivery Status bit of the LINT0 R egister will unexpectedly not
be set. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially available softw are or
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP20. Performance Monitor Event SEGMENT_REG_LOADS Counts
Problem: The performance monitor event SEGMENT_REG_LOADS (Event 06H) counts
instructions that load new values into segment registers. The v alue of the count may be
Implication: The performance monitor event SEGMENT_REG_LOADS may reflect a count higher or
lower than the actual number of events.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP21. #GP on Segment Selector Descriptor that Straddles Canonical
Boundary May Not Provide Correct Exception Error Code
Problem: During a #GP (General Protection Exception), the processor pushes an error code on to
the exception handler’s stack. If the segment selector descriptor straddles the
canonical boundary, the error code pushed onto the stack may be incorrect.
Implication: An incorrect error code may be pushed onto the stack. Intel has not observed this
erratum with any commercially-available softw are.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
24 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP22. Improper Parity Error Signaled in the IQ Following Reset When a Code
Breakpoint Is Set on a #GP Instruction
Problem: While coming out of cold reset or exiting from C6, if the processor encounters an
instruction longer than 15 bytes (which causes a #GP) and a code breakpoint is
enabled on that instruction, an IQ (Instruction Queue) parity error may be incorrectly
logged resulting in an MCE (Machine Check Exception).
Implication: When this erratum occurs, an MCE may be incorrectly signaled.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP23. An Enabled Debug Breakpoint or Si ngle Step Trap May Be Taken after
MOV SS/POP SS Instruction If It Is Followed by an Instruction That
Signals a Floating Point Exception
Problem: A MOV SS/POP SS instruction should inhibit all interrupts including debug breakpoints
until after execution of the following instruction. This is intended to allow the sequential
execution of MOV SS/POP SS and MOV [r/e]SP, [r/e]BP instructions without having an
invalid stack during interrupt handling. Howev er, an enabled debug breakpoint or single
step trap may be take n after MOV SS/POP SS if this instruction is followed by an
instruction that signals a floating point exception rather than a MOV [r/e]SP, [r/e]BP
instruction. This results in a debug exception being signaled on an unexpected
instruction boundary since the MOV SS/POP SS and the following instruction should be
executed atomically.
Implication: This can result in incorrect signaling of a debug exception and possibly a mismatched
Stack Segment and Stack Pointer. If MOV SS/POP SS is not followed by a MOV [r/e]SP,
[r/e]BP, there may be a mismatched Stack Segment and Stack Pointer on any
exception. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially-available
software or system.
Workaround:As recommended in the IA32 Intel® Architecture Software D eveloper’s Manual, the use
of MOV SS/POP S S in conjunction with MOV [r/e]SP, [r/e]BP will avoid the failure since
the MOV [r/e]SP, [r/e]BP will not generate a floating point exception. Developers of
debug tools should be aware of the potential incorrect debug event signaling created by
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP24. IA32_MPERF Counter Stops Counting during On-Demand TM1
Problem: According to the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual
Volume 3A: System Programming Guide, the ratio of IA32_MPERF (MS R E7H) to
IA32_APERF (MSR E8H) should reflect actual performance while TM1 or on-demand
throttling is activated. Due to this err atum, IA32_MPERF MSR stops counting while TM1
or on-demand throttling is activated, and the ratio of the two will indicate higher
processor performance than actual.
Implication: The incorrect ratio of IA32_APERF/IA32_MPERF can mislead software P-state
(performance state) management algorithms under the conditions described above. It
is possible for the Operating S ystem to observe higher processor utilization than actual,
which could lead the OS into raising the P-state. During TM1 activ ation, the OS P-state
request is irrelevant and while on-demand thro ttling is enabled, it is expected that the
OS will not be changing the P-state. This erratum should result in no practical
implication to software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 25
AAP25. The Memory Controller tTHROT_OPREF Timings May Be Violated
during Self Refresh Entry
Problem: During self-refresh entry, the memory controller may issue more refreshes than
permitted by tTHROT_OPREF (bits 29:19 in MC_CHANNEL_{0,1}_REFRESH_TIMING
Implication: The intention of tTHRO T_OPREF is to limit current. Since current supply conditions near
self refresh entry are not critical, there is no measurable impact due to this erratum.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP26. Processor May Over Count Correctable Cache MESI State Errors
Problem: Under a specific set of conditions, correctable Level 2 cache hier archy MESI state errors
may be counted more than once per occurrence of a correctable error.
Implication: Correctable Level 2 cache hierarchy MESI state errors may be reported in the
MCi_STATUS register at a rate higher than their actual occurrence.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP27. Synchronous Reset of IA32_APERF/IA32_MPERF Counters on
Overflow Does Not Work
Problem: When eith er the IA3 2 _M P ER F or IA32_ A PERF MSR (E7H, E8H) increments to its
maximum value of 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF, both MSRs are supposed to synchronously
reset to 0x0 on the next clock. This synchronous reset does not work. Instead, both
MSRs increment and overflow independently.
Implication: Software can not rely on synchronous reset of the IA32_APERF/IA32_MPERF registers.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP28. Disabling Thermal Monitor While Processor Is Hot, Then Re-enabling,
May Result in Stuck Core Operating Ratio
Problem: If a processor is at its TCC (Thermal Control Circuit) activation temperature and then
Thermal Monitor is disabled by a write to IA32_MISC_ENABLES MSR (1A0H) Bit [3], a
subsequent re-enable of Thermal Monitor will result in an artificial ceiling on the
maximum core P-state. The ceiling is based on the core frequency at the time of
Thermal Monitor disable. This condition will only correct itself once the processor
reaches its TCC activation temperature again.
Implication: Since Intel requires that Thermal Monitor be enabled in order to be operating within
specification, this erratum should never be seen during normal operation.
Workaround:Software should not disable Thermal Monitor during processor operation.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP29. OVER Bit f or IA32_MCi_STATUS Register May Get Set on Specific
lnternal Error
Problem: If a specific type of internal unclassified error is detected, as identified by
IA32_MCi_ST ATUS.MCACOD=0x0405, the IA32_MCi_ STA TUS.OVER (overflow) Bit [62]
may be erroneously set.
Implication: The OVER bit of the MCi_STATUS register may be incorrectly set for a specific internal
unclassified error.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
26 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP30. Writing the Local Vector Table (LVT) When an Interrupt Is Pending
May Cause an Unexpected Interrupt
Problem: If a local interrupt is pending when the L VT entry is written, an interrupt ma y be tak en
on the new interrupt vector even if the mask bit is set.
Implication: An interrupt may immediately be generated with the new vector when a LVT entry is
written, even if the new LVT entry has the mask bit set. If there is no Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR) set up for that vector the system will GP fault. If the ISR does not do an
End of Interrupt (EOI) the bit for the vector will be left set in the in-service register and
mask all interrupts at the same or lower priority.
Workaround:Any vector programmed into an L VT entry must have an ISR associated with it, even if
that vector was programmed as masked. This ISR routine must do an EOI to clear any
unexpected interrupts that may occur. The ISR associated with the spurious vector
does not generate an EOI, therefore the spurious vector should not be used when
writing the LVT.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP31. Faulting Intel® MMX™ Technology Instruction May Incorrectly Update
x87 FPU Tag Word
Problem: Under a specific set of conditions, Intel MMX technology stores (MOVD, MOVQ,
MOVNTQ, MASKMOVQ) which cause memory access faults (#GP, #SS, #PF, or #AC),
may incorrectly update the x87 FPU tag word register.
This erratum will occur when the following additional conditions are also met.
The Intel MMX technology store instruction must be the first Intel MMX technology
instruction to operate on x87 FPU state (i.e. the x87 FP tag word is not already set
to 0x0000).
For MOVD, MOVQ, MOVNTQ stores, the instruction must use an addressing mode
that uses an index register (this condition does not apply to MASKMOVQ).
Implication: If the erratum conditions are met, the x87 FPU tag word register may be incorrectly set
to a 0x0000 value when it should not have been modified.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP32. xAPIC Timer May Decrement Too Quickly following an Automatic
Reload While in Periodic Mode
Problem: When the xAPIC Timer is automatically reloaded by counting down to zero in periodic
mode, the xAPIC Timer may slip in its synchronization with the external clock. The
xAPIC timer may be shortened by up to one xAPIC timer tick.
Implication: When the xAPIC Timer is automatically reloaded by counting down to zero in periodic
mode, the xAPIC Timer may slip in its synchronization with the external clock. The
xAPIC timer may be shortened by up to one xAPIC timer tick.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 27
AAP33. Reported Memory Type May Not Be Used to Access the VMCS and
Referenced Data Structures
Problem: Bits 53:50 of the IA32_VMX_BASIC MSR report the memory type that the processor
uses to access the VMCS and data structures referenced by pointers in the VMCS. Due
to this erratum, a VMX access to the VMCS or referenced data structures will instead
use the memory type that the MTRRs (memory-type range registers) specify for the
physical address of the access.
Implication: Bits 53:50 of the IA32_VMX_BASIC MSR report that the WB (write-back) memory type
will be used but the processor may use a different memory type.
Workaround:Software should ensure that the VMCS and referenced data structures are located at
physical addresses that are mapped to WB memory type by the MTRRs.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP34. B0-B3 Bits in DR6 for No n-Enab led Breakpoints May Be Incorrectly Set
Problem: Some of the B0-B3 bits (breakpoint conditions detect flags, bits [3:0]) in DR6 may be
incorrectly set for non-enabled breakpoints when the following sequence happens:
1. MOV or POP instruction to SS (Stack Segment) selector;
2. Next instruction is FP (Floating Point) that gets FP assist
3. Another instruction after the FP instruction completes successfully
4. A breakpoin t occurs due to eithe r a data breakpoint on the preceding instruction or
a code breakpoint on the next instruction.
Due to this erratum a non-enabled breakpoint triggered on step 1 or step 2 may be
reported in B0-B3 after the breakpoint occurs in step 4.
Implication: Due to this erratum, B0-B3 bits in DR6 may be incorrectly set for non-enabled
Workaround:Software should not execute a floating point instruction directly after a MOV SS or POP
SS instruction.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP35. Core C6 May Clear Previously Logged TLB Errors
Problem: Following an exit from core C6, previously logged TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer)
errors in IA32_MCi_STATUS may be cleared.
Implication: Due to this erratum, TLB errors logged in the associated machine check bank prior to
core C6 entry may be cleared. Provided machine check exceptions are enabled, the
machine check exception handler can log any uncorrectable TLB errors prior to core C6
entry. The TLB marks all detected errors as uncorrectable.
Workaround:As long as machine check exceptions are enabled, the machine check exception
handler can log the TLB error prior to core C6 entry. This will ensure the error is logged
before it is cleared.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP36. Performance Monitor Event MISALIGN_MEM_REF May Over Count
Problem: The MISALIGN_MEM_REF Performance Monitoring (Event 05H) may over count
memory misalignment events, possibly by orders of magnitude.
Implication: Software relying on MISALIGN_MEM_REF to count cache line splits for optimization
purposes may read excessive number of memory misalignment events.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
28 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP37. Changing the Memory Type for an In-Use Page Translation May Lead
to Memory-Ordering Violations
Problem: Under complex microarchitectural conditions, if software changes the memory type for
data being actively used and shared by multiple threads without the use of semaphores
or barriers, software may see load operations execute out of order.
Implication: Memory ordering may be violated. Intel has not observed this erratum with any
commercially- a vailable software.
Workaround:Software should ensure pages are not being actively used before requesting their
memory type be changed.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP38. Running with Write Major Mode Disabled May Lead to a System Hang
Problem: With write major mode disabled, reads will be favored over writes and under certain
circumstances this can lead to a system hang.
Implication: Due to this erratum a system hang may occur.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP39. Infinite Stream of Interrupts May Occur If an ExtINT Delivery Mode
Interrupt Is Received While All Cores in C6
Problem: If all logical processors in a core are in C6, an ExtINT delivery mode interrupt is
pending in the xAPIC and interrupts are blocked with EFLAGS.IF=0, the interrupt will
be processed after C6 wakeup and after interrupts are re-enabled (EFLAGS.IF=1).
However, the pending interrupt event will not be cleared.
Implication: Due to this erratum, an infinite stream of interrupts will occur on the core servicing the
external interrupt. Intel has not observed this err atum with any commercially -av ailable
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP40. Two xAPIC Timer Event Interrupts May Unexpectedly Occur
Problem: If an xAPIC timer event is enabled and while counting down the current count reaches
1 at the same time that the processor thread begins a transition to a low power C-
state, the xAPIC may generate two interrupts instead of the expected one when the
processor returns to C0.
Implication: Due to this erra tum, two interr upts ma y unexpectedly be generated by an xAPIC timer
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP41. EOI Transaction May Not Be Sent If Software Enters Core C6 during an
Interrupt Service Routine
Problem: If core C6 is entered after the start of an interrupt service routine but before a write to
the APIC EOI register, the core may not send an EOI transaction (if needed) and further
interrupts from the same priority level or lower may be blocked.
Implication: EOI transactions may be lost and interrupts may be blocked when core C6 is used
during interrupt service routines.
Workaround:Software should check the ISR register and if any interrupts are in service only enter
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 29
AAP42. FREEZE_WHILE_SMM Does Not Prevent Event from Pending PEBS
during SMM
Problem: In general, a PEBS record should be generated on the first count of the event after the
counter has overflowed. However, IA32_DEBUGCTL_MSR.FREEZE_WHILE_SMM (MSR
1D9H, Bit [14]) prevents performance counters from counting during SMM (System
Management Mode). Due to this erratum, if
1. a performance counter overflowed before an SMI
2. a PEBS record has not yet been generated because another count of the event has
not occurred
3. the monitored event occurs during SMM
then a PEBS record will be saved after the next RSM instruction.
When FREEZE _ WH I LE _S M M i s se t, a PEBS should not be generated until the event
occurs outside of SMM.
Implication: A PEBS record may be save d after an RSM instruction due to the associated
performance counter detecting the monitored event during SMM; even when
FREEZE _W H I LE_SMM is set.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP43. APIC Error “Received Illegal Vector” May Be Lost
Problem: APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) may not update the ESR (Error
Status Register) flag Received Illegal Vector Bit [6] properly when an illegal vector
error is received on the same in ternal clock that the ESR is being written (as part of the
write-read ESR access flow). The corresponding error interrupt will also not be
generated for this case.
Implication: Due to this erratum, an incoming illegal vector error may not be logged into ESR
properly and may not generate an error interrupt.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP44. DR6 May Contain Incorrect Information When the First Instruction
after a MOV SS,r/m or POP SS Is a Store
Problem: Normally, each instruction clears the changes in DR6 (Debug Status Register) caused
by the previous instruction. However, the instruction following a MOV SS,r/m (MOV to
the stack segment selector) or POP SS (POP stack segment selector) instruction will not
clear the changes in DR6 because data breakpoints are not taken immediately after a
MOV SS,r/m or POP S S instruction. Due to this erratum, any DR6 changes caused by a
MOV SS,r/m or POP SS instruction may be cleared if the following instruction is a store.
Implication: When this erratum occurs, incorrect information ma y exist in DR6. This erratum will not
be observed under normal usage of the MOV SS,r/m or POP SS instructions (i.e.,
following them with an instruction that writes [e/r]SP). When debugging or when
developing debuggers, this behavior should be noted.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
30 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP45. An Uncorrectable Error Logged in IA32_CR_MC2_STATUS May also
Result in a System Hang
Problem: Uncorrectable errors logged in IA32_CR_MC2_ST A TUS MSR (409H) may also result in a
system hang causing an Internal Timer Error (MCACOD = 0x0400h) to be logged in
another machine check bank (IA32_MCi_STAT US).
Implication: Uncorrectable errors logged in IA32_CR_MC2_ST A TUS can further cause a system hang
and an Internal Timer Error to be logged.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP46. IA32_ PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR May Be Incorrectly Initialized
Problem: The IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR (38FH) bits [34:32] may be incorrectly set to 7H
after reset; the correct value should be 0H.
Implication: The IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR bits [34:32] may be incorrect after reset
(EN_FIXED_CTR{0, 1, 2} may be enabled).
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP47. Performance Monitor Interrupts Generated from Uncore Fixed
Counters (394H) May Be Ignored
Problem: Performan ce monitor interrupts (PMI’s) from Uncore fixed counters are ignored when
Uncore general performance monitor counters 3B0H-3BFH are not programmed .
Implication: This erratum blocks a usage model in which each of the cores can sample its own
performance monitor events synchronously based on single interrupt from the Uncore.
Workaround:Program any one of the Uncore general performance monitor counters with a valid
performance monitor event and enable the event by setting the local enable bit in the
corresponding performance monitor event select MSR. For the usage model where no
counting is desired, program that Uncore general performance counter's global enable
bit to be zero.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP48. Performance Monitor Counter INST_RETIRED.STORES May Count
Higher Than Expected
Problem: Performan c e Mon itoring counter INST_RETIRED.STO RES (Event: C0H) is used to track
retired instructions which contain a store operation. Due to this erratum, the processor
may also count other types of instructions including WRMSR and MFENCE.
Implication: Performance Monitoring counter INST_RETIRED.STORES may report counts higher than
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 31
AAP49. Sleeping Cores May Not Be Woken Up on Logical Cluster Mode
Broadcast IPI Using Destination Field Instead of Shorthand
Problem: If software sends a logical cluster broadcast IPI using a destination shorthand of 00B
(No Shorthand) and writes the cluster portion of the Destination Field of the Interrupt
Command Register to all ones while not using all 1s in the mask portion of the
Destination Field, target cores in a sleep state that are identified by the mask portion of
the Destination Field may not be woken up. This erratum does not occur if the
destination shorthand is set to 10B (All Including Self) or 11B (All Excluding Self).
Implication: When this err atum occurs, cores which are in a sleep state may not wake up to handle
the broadcast IPI. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially - av ailable
Workaround:Use destination shorthand of 10B or 11B to send broadcast IPIs.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP50. Faulting Executions of FXRSTOR May Update State Inconsistently
Problem: The state updated by a faulting FXRSTOR instructi on may vary from one execution to
Implication: Software that relies on x87 state or SSE state following a faulting execution of
FXRSTOR may behave inconsistently.
Workaround:Software handling a fault on an execution of FXRSTOR can compensate for execution
variability by correcting the cause of the fault and executing FXRSTOR again.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP51. Performance Monitor Event EPT.EPDPE_MISS May Be Counted While
EPT Is Disabled
Problem: Performance monitor event EPT.EPDPE_MISS (Event: 4FH, Umask: 08H) is used to
count Page Directory Pointer table misses while EPT (extended page tables) is enabled.
Due to this erratum, the processor will count Page Directory Pointer table misses
regardless of whether EPT is enabled or not.
Implication: Due to this erratum, performance monitor event EPT.EPDPE_MISS may report counts
higher than expected.
Workaround:Software should ensure this event is only enabled while in EPT mode.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP52. Memory Aliasing of Code Pages May Cause Unpredictable System
Problem: The type of memory aliasing contributing to this erratum is the case where two
different logical processors have the same code page mapped with two different
memory types. Specifically, if one code page is mapped by one logical processor as
write-back and by another as uncachable and certain instru ction fetch timing conditions
occur, the system may experience unpredictable behavior.
Implication: If this erratu m o ccurs the system m a y have unpredictable behavior including a system
hang. The aliasing of memory regions, a condition necessary for this erratum to occur,
is documented as being unsupported in the Intel 64 and IA-32 Intel® Architecture
Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3A, in the section titled Programming the PAT.
Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially-available software or
Workaround:Code pages should not be mapped with uncacheable and cacheable memory types at
the same time.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
32 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP53. Performance Monitor Counters May Count Incorrectly
Problem: Under certain circumstances, a general purpose performance counter, IA32_PMC0-4
(C1H - C4H), may count at core frequency or not count at all instead of counting the
programmed event.
Implication: The Performance Monitor Counter IA32_PMCx may not properly count the programmed
event. Due to the requirements of the workaround there may be an interruption in the
counting of a previously programmed event during the programming of a new event.
Workaround:Before programming the performance event select registers, IA32_PERFEVTSELx MSR
(186H - 189H), the internal monitoring hardware must be cleared. This is accomplished
by first disabling, saving valid eve nts and clearing from the select registers, then
programming three event values 0x4300D2, 0x4300B1 and 0x4300B5 into the
IA32_PERFEVTSELx MSRs, and finally continuing with new event program ming and
restoring previous programming if necessary. Each performance counter, IA32_PMCx,
must have its corresponding IA32_PREFEVTSELx MSR progr ammed with at least one of
the event values and must be enabled in IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR (38FH) bits
[3:0]. All three values must be written to either the same or different
IA32_PERFEVTSELx MSRs before programming the performance counters. Note that
the performance counter will not increment when its IA32_PERFEVTSELx MSR has a
value of 0x4300D2, 0x4300B1 or 0x4300B5 because those values have a zero UMASK
field (bits [15:8]).
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP54. Processor Forward Progress Mechanism Interacting with Certain
MSR/CSR Writes May Cause Unpredictable System Behavior
Problem: Under specific internal conditions, a mechanism within the processor to ensure forward
progress may inter act with writes to a limited set of MSRs/CSRs and consequently may
lead to unpredictable system behavior.
Implication: This erratum may cause unpredictable system behavior.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP55. Performance Monitor Event Offcore_response_0 (B7H) Does Not
Count NT Stores to Local DRAM Correctly
Problem: When a IA32_PERFEVTSELx MSR is programmed to count the Offcore_response_0
event (Event:B7H), selections in the OFFCORE_RSP_0 MSR (1A6H) determine what is
counted. The following two selections do not provide accur ate counts when counting NT
(Non-Temporal) Stores:
OFFCORE_RSP_0 MSR Bit [14] is set to 1 (LOCAL_DRAM) and Bit [7] is set to 1
(OTHER): NT Stores to Local DRAM are not counted when they should have been.
OFFCORE_RSP_0 MSR Bit [9] is set to (OTHER_CORE_HIT_SNOOP) and Bit [7] is
set to 1 (O THER): NT Stores to Local DRAM are counted when they should not ha ve
Implication: The counter for the Offcore_response_0 event may be incorrect for NT stores.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 33
AAP56. EFLAGS Discrepancy on Page Faults and on EPT-Induced VM Exits
after a Translation Change
Problem: This erratum is regarding the case where paging structures are modified to change a
linear address from writable to non-writable without software performing an
appropriate TLB invalidation. When a subsequent access to that address by a specific
SAL/SAR/SHL/SHR, SHLD, SHRD , SUB, XOR, and XADD) causes a page fault or an EPT-
induced VM exit, the value saved for EFLAGS may incorrectly contain the arithmetic flag
values that the EFLAGS register would ha ve held had the instruction completed without
fault or VM exit. For page faults, this can occur even if the fault causes a VM exit or if
its delivery causes a nested fault.
Implication: None identified. Although the EFLAGS valu e saved by an affected even t (a page fault or
an EPT-induced VM exit) may contain incorrect arithmetic flag values, Intel has not
identified software that is affected by this erratum. This erratum will have no further
effects once the original instruction is restarted because the instruction will produce the
same results as if it had initially completed without fault or VM exit.
Workaround:If the handler of the affected events inspects the arithmetic portion of the saved
EFLAGS value, then system software should perform a synchronized paging structure
modification and TLB invalidation.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP57. System May Hang if
Not Issued in Increasing Populated DDR3 Rank Order
Problem: ZQCL commands are used during initialization to calibrate DDR3 termination. A ZQCL
command can be issued by writing 1 to the
MC_CHANNEL_{0,1}_MC_DIMM_INIT_CMD.DO_ZQCL (Device 4,5,6, Function 0, Offset
15, Bit[15]) field and it targets the DDR3 rank specified in the RANK field (bits[7:5]) of
the same register. If the ZQCL commands are not issued in increasing populated rank
order then ZQ calibration may not complete, causing the system to hang.
Implication: Due to this erratum the system may hang if writes to the
MC_CHANNEL_{0,1}_MC_DIMM_INIT_CMD.DO_ZQCL field are not in increasing
populated DDR3 rank order.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP58. Package C3/C6 Transitions When Memory 2x Refresh Is Enabled May
Result in a System Hang
0, Offset 68H, Bit [0], Auto Self Refresh Present) is clear which indicates that high
temperature operation is not supported on the DRAM, the memory controller will not
enter self-refresh if software has REF_2X_NOW (Bit 4 of the MC_CLOSED_LOOP CSR,
Function 3, Offset 84H) set. This scenario may cause the system to hang during C3/C6
Implication: Failure to enter self-refresh can delay C3/C6 power state tr ansitions to the point that a
system hang may result with CATERR being asserted. REF_2X_NOW is used to double
the refresh rate when the DRAM is operating in extended temperature range. The
ASR_PRESENT was intended to allow low power self refresh with DRAM that does not
support automatic self refresh.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
34 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP59. Back to Back Uncorrected Machine Check Errors May Overwrite
Problem: When back -to-back uncorrected machine check errors occur that would both be logged
in the IA32_MC3_STATUS MSR (40CH), the IA32_MC3_STATUS.MSCOD (bits [31:16])
field may reflect the status of the most recent error and not the first error. The rest of
the IA32_MC3_STATUS MSR contains the information from the first error.
Implication: Software should not rely on the value of IA32_MC3_S TATUS.MSCOD if
IA32_MC3_STATUS.OVER (Bit [62]) is set.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP60. Memory Intensive Workloads with Core C6 Transitions May Cause
System Hang
Problem: Under a complex set of internal conditions, a system running a high cache stress and I/
O workload combined with the presence of frequent core C6 transitions may result in a
system hang.
Implication: Due to this erratum, the system may hang.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP61. Corrected Errors with a Yellow Error Indication May Be Overwritten by
Other Corrected Errors
Problem: A corrected cache hierarchy data or tag error that is reported with
IA32_MCi_ST ATUS.MCACOD (bits [15:0]) with value of 000x_0001_xxxx_xx01 (where
x stands for zero or one) and a yellow threshold-based error status indication (bits
[54:53] equal to 10B) may be overwritten by a corrected error with a no tracking
indication (00B) or green indication (01B).
Implication: Corrected errors with a yellow threshold-based error status indication may be
overwritten by a corrected error without a yellow indication.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP62. PSI# Signal May Incorrectly Be Left Asserted
Problem: When some of the cores in the processor are in C3/C6 state, the PSI# (Power Status
Indicator) signal may incorrectly be left asserted when another core makes a frequency
change request without changing the oper ating v oltage. Since this erratum results in a
possible maximum core current greater than the PSI# threshold of 15A, PSI# should
have been de-asserted.
Implication: Due to this erratum, platform voltage regulator tolerances may be exceeded and a
subsequent system reset may occur.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 35
AAP63. Performance Monitor Events DCACHE_CACHE_LD and
Problem: The performance monitor events DCACHE_CACHE_LD (Event 40H) and
DCACHE_CACHE_ST (Event 41H) count c a cheable loads and stores that hit the L1
cache. Due to this err atum, in addition to counting th e completed loads and stores, the
counter will incorrectly count speculative loads and stores that were aborted prior to
Implication: The performance monitor events DCACHE_CACHE_LD and DCACHE_CACHE_ST may
reflect a count higher than the actual number of events.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP64. Rapid Co re C3/C6 Transitions May Cause Unpredictable System
Problem: Under a complex set of internal conditions, cores rapidly performing C3/C6 transitions
in a system with Intel® Hyper-Threading Te chnology enabled may cause a machine
check error (IA32_MCi_STATUS.MCACOD = 0x0106), system hang or unpredictable
system behavior.
Implication: This erratum may cause a machine check error, system hang or unpredictable system
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP65. Performance Monitor Events INSTR_RETIRED and
MEM_INST_RETIRED May Count Inaccurately
Problem: The performance monitor event INSTR_RETIRED (Event C0H) should count the number
of instructions retired, and MEM_INST_ RETIRED (Event 0BH) should coun t the number
of load or store instructions retired. However, due to this erratum, they may
Implication: The performance monitor event INSTR_RETIRED and MEM_INST_RETIRED may reflect
a count lower than the actual number of events.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP66. A Page Fault May Not Be Generated When the PS Bit Is Set to "1" in a
Problem: On processors supporting Intel 64 architecture, the PS bit (Page Siz e, Bit 7) is reserved
in PML4Es and PDPTEs. If the translation of the linear address of a memory access
encounters a PML4E or a PDPTE with PS set to 1, a page fault should occur. Due to this
erratum, PS of such an entry is ignored and no page fault will occur due to its being set.
Implication: Software may not operate properly if it relies on the processor to deliver page faults
when reserved bits are set in paging-structure entries.
Workaround:Software should not set Bit 7 in any PML4E or PDPTE that has Present Bit (Bit 0) set to
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
36 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP67. CPURESET Bit Does Not Get Cleared
Problem: CPURESET (Bit 10 of SYRE Device 8; Function 2; Offset 0CCH) allows the processor to
be independently reset without assertion of the PLTRST# signal upon a 0 to 1
transition. The CPURESET bit does not get cleared and must be cleared by software.
Implication: The processor will not be reset if a 1 is written to this bit while it is already a one.
Workaround:The CPURESET bit must be cleared by software prior to setting it.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP68. PHOLD Disable in MISCCTRLSTS Register Does Not Work
Problem: PHOLD Disable (PCI Hold Disable, Bit [23] in MISCCTRLSTS Device 0; Function 0;
Offset 188H) does not function as described. Setting this bit will not cause the
processor to respond with Unsupported Request and log a fatal error upon receiving an
Assert_PHOLD message from the PCH (Platform Controller Hub).
Implication: Due to this erratum, it is not possible to disable PHOLD requests from the PCH.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP69. PCIe PMCSR Power State Field Incorrectly Allows Requesting of the
D1 and D2 Power States
Problem: The PCIe PMCSR (Power Management Control and Status Register, Device 3,4,5,6;
Function 0; Offset E4H) incorrectly allows the writing/requesting of the D1 and D2
Power States in the Power State field (bits[1:0] of PMCSR) when these state s are not
Implication: Given that the device does not support the D1 and D2 states, attempts to write those
states should have been ignored. The PCIe port does not change power state from D0
or D3hot when the Power State bits are written to D1 or D2, so there is no functional
impact to the PCIe port. However, the Power State field is incorrectly modified.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP70. Concurrent Updates to a Segment Descriptor May Be Lost
Problem: If a logical processor attempts to set the accessed bit in a code or data segment
descriptor while another logical processor is modifying the same descriptor, both
modifications of the descriptor may be lost.
Implication: Due to this erratum, updates to segment descriptors may not be preserved. Intel has
not observed this erratum with any commercially available software or system.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP71. PMIs May Be Lost during Core C6 Transitions
Problem: If a performance monitoring counter overflows and causes a PMI (Performance
Monitoring Interrupt) at the same time that the core is entering C6, then the PMI may
be lost.
Implication: PMIs may be lost during a C6 transition.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 37
AAP72. Uncacheable Access to a Monitored Address Range Ma y Prevent
Future Triggering of the Monitor Hardware
Problem: It is possible that an address range which is being monitored via the MONITOR
instruction could be written without triggering the monitor hardware. A read from the
monitored address range which is issued as uncacheable (for example having the
CR0.CD bit set) may prevent subsequent writes from triggering the monitor hardware.
A write to the monitored address range which is issued as uncacheable, may not trigger
the monitor hardware and may prevent subsequent writes from triggering the monitor
Implication: The MWAIT instruction will not exit the optimized power state and resume program flow
if the monitor hardware is not triggered.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP73. BIST Results May Be Additionally Reported after a GETSEC[WAKEUP]
or INIT-SIPI Sequence
Problem: BIST results should only be reported in EAX the first time a logical processor wakes up
from the Wait-For-SIPI state. Due to this erratum, BIST results may be additionally
reported after INIT-SIPI sequences and when waking up RLP's from the SENTER sleep
state using the GETSEC[WAKEUP] command.
Implication: An INIT-SIPI sequence may show a non-zero value in EAX upon wakeup when a zero
value is expected. RLP's waking up for the SENTER sleep state using the
GETSEC[WAKEUP] command may show a different value in EAX upon wakeup than
before going into the SENTER sleep state.
Workaround:If necessary software may save the value in EAX prior to launching into the secure
environment and restore upon wakeup and/or clear EAX after the INIT-SIPI sequence.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP74. Pending x87 FPU Exceptions (#MF) May Be Signaled Earlier Than
Problem: x87 instructions that trigger #MF normally service interrupts before the #MF. Due to
this erratum, if an instruction that triggers #MF is executed while Enhanced Intel
SpeedStep Technology transitions, Intel® Turbo Boost Technology transitions, or
Thermal Monitor events occur, the pending #MF may be signaled before pending
interrupts are serviced.
Implication: Software may observe #MF being signaled before pending interrupts are serviced.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
38 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP75. VM Exits Due to "NMI-Window Exiting" May Be Delayed by One
Problem: If VM entry is executed with the "NMI- window exiting" VM-ex ecution control set to 1, a
VM exit with exit reason "NMI window" should occur before execution of any instruction
if there is no virtual-NMI blocking, no blocking of events by MOV S S, and no blocking of
events by STI. If VM entry is made with no virtual-NMI blocking but with blocking of
events by either MOV SS or STI, such a VM exit should occur after execution of one
instruction in VMX non-root operation. Due to this erratum, the VM exit ma y be delayed
by one additional instruction.
Implication: VMM software using "NMI-window exiting" for NMI virtualization should generally be
unaffected, as the erratum causes at most a one-instruction delay in the injection of a
virtual NMI, which is virtually asynchronous. The erratum may affect VMMs relying on
deterministic delivery of the affected VM exits.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP76. Malformed PCIe Packet Generated under Heavy Outbound Load
Problem: When running the PCIe ports in a 2x8 configuration at 5.0GT/S speed with heavy
outbound write traffic, malformed packets could be generated. The length in the header
field will not match the actual payload size.
Implication: Due to this erratum, malforme d PCIe packets could be transmitted.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be im plemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP77. PCIe* Operation in x16 Mode with Inbound Posted Writes May Be
Problem: Under a complex set of conditions, it is possible that with PCIe* configured for x16
operation inbound writes may store incorrect data.
Implication: PCIe* operation with inbound writes in x16 mode may be unreliable.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be im plemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP78. Unpredictable PCI Behavior Accessing Non-existent Memory Spac e
Problem: Locked instructions whose memory reference is split across cache line boundaries and
are aborted on PCI behind Intel® 5 Series Chipset and Intel® 3400 Series Chipset may
cause subsequent PCI writes to be unpredictable.
Implication: Aborted split lock accesses to non existent PCI memory space behind Intel 5 Series
Chipset and Intel 3400 Series Chipset may cause PCI devices to subsequently become
inoperable until a platform reset. Intel has not observed this erratum with commercially
available software and has only observed this in a synthetic test environment.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 39
AAP79. VM Exits Due to EPT Violations Do Not Record Information about Pre-
IRET NM I Blocking
Problem: With certain settings of the VM-execution controls VM exits due to EPT violations set Bit
12 of the exit qualification if the EPT violation was a result of an execution of the IRET
instruction that commenced with non-maskable interrupts (NMIs) blocked. Due to this
erratum, such VM exits will instead cle ar this bit.
Implication: Due to this erratum, a virtual-machine monitor that relies on the proper setting of Bit
12 of the exit qualification may deliver NMIs to guest software prematurely.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP80. Intel® VT-d Receiving Two Identical Interrupt Requests May Corrupt
Attributes of Remapped Interrupt or Hang a Subsequent Interrupt-
Remap-Cache Invalidation Command
Problem: If the Intel® VT-d (Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O) interrupt-
remapping hardware receives two identical back-to-back interrupt requests, then the
attributes of the remapped interrupt returned may be corrupted. This interrupt
sequence may also hang the system if the software executes a subsequent interrupt-
remap-cache invalidation command.
Implication: This scenario may lead to unpredictable external interrupt behavior; or a subsequent
interrupt-remap-cache invalidation command submitted by software may hang.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP81. S1 Entry May Cause Cores to Exit C3 or C6 C-State
Problem: Under specific circumstances, S1 entry may cause a logical processor to spuriously
wake up from C3 or C6 and transition to a C0/S1 state. Upon S1 exit, these logical
processors will be operating in C0.
Implication: In systems where S1 is used for power savings, customers may observe higher S1
power than expected and software may observe a different C-state on S1 exit than on
S1 entry.
Workaround:It possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP82. Multiple Performance Monitor Interrupts Are Possible on Overflow of
Problem: When multiple performance counters are set to generate interrupts on an o verflow and
more than one counter overflows at the same time, only one interrupt should be
generated. However, if one of the counters set to generate an interrupt on overflow is
the IA32_FIXED_CTR2 (MSR 30BH) counter, multiple interrupts may be generated
when the IA32_FIXED_CTR2 overflows at the same time as any of the other
performance counters.
Implication: Multiple counter overflow interrupts may be unexpectedly generated.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
40 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP83. LBRs May Not Be Initialized during Power-On Reset of the Processor
Problem: If a second reset is initiated during the power-on processor reset cycle, the LBRs (Last
Branch Records) may not be properly initialized.
Implication: Due to this erratum, debug softw are ma y n ot be able to rely on the LBRs out of po wer-
on reset.
Workaround:Ensure that the processor has completed its power-on reset cycle prior to initiating a
second reset.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP84. Unexpected Interrupts May Occur on C6 Exit If Using APIC Timer to
Generate Interrupts
Problem: If the APIC timer is being used to generate interrupts, unexpected interrupts not
related to the APIC timer may be signaled when a core exits the C6 power state. This
erratum may occur when the APIC timer is near expiration when entering the core C6
Implication: Due to this erratum, unexpected interrupt vectors could be sent from the APIC to a
logical processor.
Workaround:Software should stop the APIC timer (by writing 0 to the Initial Count Register) before
allowing the core to enter the C6 state.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP85. LBR, BTM or BTS Records May Have Incorrect Branch from
Information after an Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology
Transition, T-states, C1E, or Adaptive Thermal Throttling
Problem: The "From" address associated with the LBR (Last Branch Record), BTM (Branch Trace
Message) or BTS (Branch Trace Store) may be incorrect for the first branch after an
Enhance d I ntel SpeedStep Technolo gy transition, T-states, C1E (C1 Enhanced), or
Adaptive Thermal Throttling.
Implication: When the LBRs, BTM or BTS are enabled, some records may have incorrect branch
"From" addresses for the first branch after an Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology
transition, T-states, C1E, or Adaptive Thermal Throttling.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP86. VMX-Preemption Timer Does Not Count Down at the Rate Specified
Problem: The VMX-preemption timer sh ould count down by 1 every time a specific bit in the TSC
(Time Stamp Counter) changes. (This specific bit is indicated by IA32_VM X_M ISC bits
[4:0] (0x485h) and has a value of 5 on the affected processors.) Due to this erratum,
the VMX-preemption timer may instead count down at a different rate and may do so
only intermittently.
Implication: The VMX-preemption timer may cause VM exits at a rate different from that expected
by software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 41
AAP87. Multiple Performance Monitor Interrupts Are Possible on Overflow of
Fixed Counter 0
Problem: The processor can be configured to issue a PMI (performance monitor interrupt) upon
overflow of the IA32_FIXED_CTR0 MSR (309H). A single PMI should be observed on
overflow of IA32_FIXED_CTR0, however multiple PMIs are observed when this erratum
This erratum only occurs when IA32_FIXED_CTR0 overflows and the processor and
counter are configured as follows:
® Hyper-Threading Technology is enabled
IA32_FIXED_CTR0 local and global controls are enabled
IA32_FIXED_CTR0 is set to count events only on its own thread
(IA32_FIXED_CTR_CTRL MSR (38DH) Bit [2] = ‘0)
PMIs are enabled on IA32_FIXED_CTR0 (IA3 2_FIXED_CTR_CTRL MSR Bit [3] = ‘1)
Freeze_on_PMI feature is enabled (IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR (1D9H) Bit [12] = ‘1)
Implication: When this erratum occurs there may be multiple PMIs observed when
IA32_FIXED_CTR0 overflows.
Workaround:Disable the FREEZE_PERFMON_ON_PMI feature in IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR (1D 9H) Bit
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP88. SVID a nd SID of Devices 8 and 16 Only Implement Bits [7:0]
Problem: Bits [15:8] of SVID (Subsystem Vendor ID, Offset 2CH) and the SID (Subsystem
Device ID, Offset 2EH) of devices 8 and 16 are not implemented. Only the lower bits
[7:0] of these registers can be written to, though the PCI-e specification indicates that
these are 16-bit registers.
Implication: Only bits [7:0] of SVID and SID can be written. Bits [15:8] will always be read as 0.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP89. No_Soft_Reset Bit in the PMCSR Does Not Operate As Expected
Problem: When the No_Soft_Reset bit in the Power Management Control and Status Register
(PMCSR; Bus 0; Devices 0, 3, 4, 5; Func tion 0; Offset 0xE4; Bit 3) is cleared the device
should perform an internal reset upon transitioning from D3hot to D0. Due to this
erratum the device do es not perform an internal reset upon tr ansitioning from D3 hot to
Implication: When the No_Soft_reset bit in the PMCSR register is set or cleared no internal reset of
the device will be preformed when transitioning from D3hot to D0.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
42 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP90. VM Exits Due to LIDT/LGDT/SIDT/SGDT Do Not Report Correct
Operand Size
Problem: When a VM exit occurs due to a LIDT, LGDT, SIDT, or SGDT instruction with a 32-bit
operand, Bit 11 of the VM-exit instruction information field should be set to 1. Due to
this erratum, this bit is instead cleared to 0 (indicating a 16-bit operand).
Implication: Virtual-machine monitors cannot rely on Bit 11 of the VM-exit instruction information
field to determine the operand size of the instruction causing the VM exit.
Workaround:Virtual Machine Monitor software may decode the instruction to determine operand
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP91. DPRSLPVR Signal May Be Incorrectly Asserted on Transition Between
Low Power C-states
Problem: On entry to or exit from package C6 states, DPRSLPVR (Deeper Sleep Voltage
Regulator) signal may be incorrectly asserted.
Implication: Due to this erratum, platform voltage regulator may shutdown
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP92. Performance Monitoring Events STORE_ BLOCKS.NOT_STA and
STORE_BLOCKS.STA May Not Count Ev ents Correctly
Problem: Performance Monitor Events STORE_BLOCKS.NOT_STA and STORE_BLOCKS.STA
should only increment the count when a load is blocked by a store. Due to this erratum,
the count will be incremented whenever a load hits a store, whether it is block ed or can
forward. In addition this event does not count for specific threads correctly.
Implication: If Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology is disabled, the Performance Monitor events
STORE_BLOCKS.NOT_STA and STORE_BLOCKS.STA may indicate a higher occurrence
of loads blocked by stores than have actually occurred. If Intel Hyper-Threading
Technology is enabled, the counts of loads blocked by stores may be unpredictable and
they could be higher or lower than the correct count.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP93. Storage of PEBS Record Delayed Following Execution of MOV SS or STI
Problem: When a performance monitoring counter is configured for PEBS (Precise Event Based
Sampling), overflow of the counter results in storage of a PEBS record in the PEBS
buffer. The information in the PEBS record represents the state of the next instruction
to be executed following the counter overflow. Due to this erratum, if the counter
overflow occurs after execution of either MOV SS or STI, storage of the PEBS record is
delayed by one instruction.
Implication: When this erratum occurs, software may ob serve storage of the PEBS record being
delayed by one instruction following execution of MOV SS or STI. The state information
in the PEBS record will also reflect the one instruction delay.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 43
AAP94. <Erratum Removed>
AAP95. INVLPG Following INVEPT or INVVPID May Fail to Flush All
Translations for a Large Page
Problem: This erratum applies if the address of the memory operand of an INVEPT or INVVPID
instruction resides on a page larger than 4 KBytes and either (1) that page includes the
low 1 MBytes of physical memory; or (2) the physical address of the memory operand
matches an MTRR that covers less than 4 MBytes. A subsequent execution of INVLPG
that targets the large page and that occurs before the next VM-entry instruction may
fail to flush all TLB entries for the page. Such entries may persist in the TLB until the
next VM-entry instruction.
Implication: Accesses to the large page between INVLPG and the next VM-entry instruction may
incorrectly use translations that are inconsistent with the in-memory page tables.
Workaround:None Identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP96. LER MSRs May Be Unreliable
Problem: Due to certain internal processor events, updates to the LER (Last Exception Record)
MSRs, MSR_LER_FROM_LIP (1DDH) and MSR_LER_TO_LIP (1DEH), may happen when
no update was expected.
Implication: The values of the LER MSRs may be unreliable.
Workaround:None Identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP97. MCi_Status Overflow Bit May Be Incorrectly Set on a Single Instance
of a DTLB Error
Problem: A single Data Translation Look Aside Buffer (DTLB) error can incorrectly set the
Overflow (Bit [62]) in the MCi_Status register. A DTLB error is indicated by MCA error
code (bits [15:0]) appearing as binary value, 000x 0000 0001 0100, in the MCi_Status
Implication: Due to this err atum, the Overflow bit in the MCi_Status register may not be an accur ate
indication of multiple occurrences of DTLB errors. There is no other impact to normal
processor functionality.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP98. Debug Exception Flags DR6 .B0-B3 Flags May Be Incorrect for Disabled
Problem: When a debug exception is signaled on a load that crosses cache lines with data
forwarded from a store and whose corresponding breakpoint enable flags are disabled
(DR7.G0-G3 and DR7.L0-L3), the DR6.B0-B3 flags may be incorrect.
Implication: The debug exception DR6.B0-B3 flags may be incorrect for the load if the
corresponding breakpoint enable flag in DR7 is disabled.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP99. An Exit From the Core C6-state May Result in the Dropping of an
Problem: In a complex set of internal conditions when the processor exits from Core C6 state, it
is possible that an interrupt may be dropped.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
44 Document Number: 320767-028US
Implication: Due to this err atum, an in terrupt m a y be dr opped. Intel has not observ ed this erratum
with any commercially available software.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP100. PCIe* Extended Capability Structures May Be Incorrect
Problem: The PCIe* Extended Capability structure at Offset 0x100 of Bus 0; Devices 0, 3, 4, 5
and 6 contains a Capability ID of AER (A dvanced Error R eporting), but these devices do
not support AER. The Next Capability Offset field of this Extended Capability structure
contains 0x150 which is the offset of the next Extended Capability structure. For Bus 0;
Devices 4, 5, and 6, the Next Capability Offset field of the Extended Capability
structure at Offset 0x150 should contain 0 to indicate the end of the capability chain
but instead contains 0x160. All fields of the Extended Capability structure at Offset
0x160 are 0x0. A Capability ID of 0x0 is a reserved Capability ID.
Implication: Software that enables features based upon the existence of the AER may not observe
the expected behavior associated with this capability.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP101. PMIs during Core C6 Transitions May Cause the System to Hang
Problem: If a performance monitoring counter overflows and causes a PMI (Performance
Monitoring Interrupt) at the same time that the core enters C6, then this may cause
the system to hang.
Implication: Due to this erratum, the processor may hang when a PMI coincides with core C6 entry.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 45
AAP102. 2MB Page Split Lock Accesses Combined with Complex Internal Events
May Cause Unpredictable System Behavior
Problem: A 2-MB Page Split Lock (a locked access that spans two 2-MB large pages) coincident
with additional requests that have particular address relationships in combination with
a timing sensitive sequence of complex internal conditions may cause unpredictable
system behavior.
Implication: This erratum may cause unpredictable system behavior. Intel has not observed this
erratum with any commercially-available softw are.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP103. IA32_MC8_CTL2 MSR Is Not Cleared on Processor Warm Reset
Problem: After processor warm reset the IA32_MC8_CTL2 MSR (288H) should be zero. Due to
this erratum the IA32_MC8_CTL2 MSR is not zeroed on processor warm reset.
Implication: When this erratum occurs, the IA32_MC8_CTL2 MSR will not be zeroed by warm reset.
Software that expects the values to be 0 coming out of warm reset may not behav e as
Workaround:BIOS should zero the IA32_MC8_CTL2 MSR after a warm reset.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP104. The TPM’s Locality 1 Address Space Cannot Be Opened
Problem: Due to this erratum, writing to TXT.CMD.OPEN.LOCALITY1 (FED2_0380H) does not
open the Locality 1 address space to the TPM (Trusted Platform Module).
Implication: Software that uses the TPM’ s Localit y 1 address space will not be able to gain access to
Workaround:All operations for the TPM should be done using Locality 0 or Locality 2 instead of
Locality 1.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP105. PCIe* Link Bit Errors Present during L0s Entry May Cause the System
to Hang during L0s Exit
Problem: During L0s entry PCIe* link bit errors may be generated due to a slow shutdown
response from the PCIe analog circuits. As a result, the PCIe analog circuits may now
take longer to establish bit lock during the L0s exit sequence. In some cases bit lock
may not be achieved and may result in a system hang.
Implication: While exiting from L0s the PCIe* bus may go into recovery mode. At the 5 GB/s rate
system hangs may occur while exiting from L0s; however the hangs have not been
seen on commercially available systems.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
46 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP106. The Combination of a Page-Split Lock Access and Data Accesses That
Are Split across Cacheline Boundaries May Lead to Processor Livelock
Problem: Under certain complex micro-architectural conditions, the simultaneous occurrence of a
page-split lock and several data accesses that are split across cacheline boundaries
may lead to processor livelock.
Implication: Due to this erratum, a livelock may occur that can only be terminated by a processor
reset. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially available software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP107. FP Data Operand Pointer May Be Incorrectly Calculated after an FP
Access Which Wraps a 4-Gbyte Boundary in Code That Uses 32-Bit
Address Size in 64-bit Mode
Problem: The FP (Floating Point) Data Operand Pointer is the effective address of the operand
associated with the last non-control FP instruction executed by the processor. If an 80-
bit FP access (load or store) uses a 32-bit address size in 64-bit mode and the memory
access wraps a 4-Gbyte boundary and the FP environment is subsequently saved, the
value contained in the FP Data Operand Pointer may be incorrect.
Implication: Due to this erratum, the FP Data Operand P ointer may be incorrect. W rapping an 80-bit
FP load around a 4-Gbyte boundary in this way is not a normal programming practice.
Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially available software.
Workaround:If the FP Data Operand Pointer is used in a 64-bit operating system which may run
code accessing 32-bit addresses, care must be taken to ensure that no 80-bit FP
accesses are wrapped around a 4-Gbyte boundary.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP108. IOTLB Invalidations Not Completing on Intel® VT-d Engine for
Integrated High Definition Audio
Problem: IOTLB in validation in the Intel® VT-d engine for integrated High Definition Audio device
may not complete and cause IVT field, bit [63] of IOTLBINV register (Offset 0x1208 in
Memory Mapped IO region described by VTBAR {device 8, function 0, offset 0x180}),
to not be cleared as expected. As a result, software may continue to poll this bit and
not detect successful invalidation completion.
Implication: When Intel® VT-d engine for integrated High Definition Audio device is enabled and
software requests for IOTLB invalidation while audio traffic is active, the request may
not complete and may result in a software hang. Intel has not observed this erratum
with any commercially available software.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be im plemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP109. IO_SMI Indication in SMRAM State Save Area May Be Lost
Problem: The IO_SMI bit (bit 0) in the IO state field at SMRAM offset 7FA4H is set to "1" by the
processor to indicate a System Management Interrupt (SMI) is either taken
immediately after a successful I/O instruction or is taken after a successful iteration of
a REP I/O instruction. Due to this erratum, the sett ing of the IO_SMI bit may be lost.
This may happen under a complex set of internal conditions with Intel® Hyper-
Threading Technology enabled and has not been observed with commercially available
Implication: Due to this erratum, SMI handlers may not be able to identify the occurrence of I/O
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 47
AAP110. PCIe* Squelch Detect May be Slow to Respond During L0s Entry and
May Cause a Surprise Link Down Condition
Problem: When entering the L0s idle state the PCIe* squelch detect response may be slower
than expected. This slow response can cause the PCIe* interface at the downstream
port to unexpectedly enter the L0s.FTS (Fast Training Sequence) state instead of the
normal operation which is staying in the L0s.idle state until the Tx side of the upstream
port exits squelch. This unexpected state transition may cause a recovery entry leading
to a Surprise Link Down condition.
Implication: This erratum may cause a system hang while trying reach the L0s state.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP111. TR Corruption Due to Save/Restore x87 FPU Pointers in SMRAM
Problem: If x87 FPU instruction and data pointers are saved in SMRAM, the TR (Task Register)
selector may be restored incorrectly on the exit from SMM.
Implication: The TR selector containing incorrect data may cause unpredictable system behavior.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP112. PCIe* Lanes Returning to The Active Power State May Cause The
System to Hang
Problem: Under certain conditions, when the PCIe lanes come out of th e S0 power savings state,
the clocks may change asynchronously leading to a system hang.
Implication: A System hang may occur when coming out of the S0 power saving state.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP113. Performance Mo nitor Events for Hardware Prefetches Which Miss The
L1 Data Cache May be Over Counted
Problem: Hardware prefetches that miss the L1 data cache but cannot be processed immediately
due to resource conflicts will count and then retry. This may lead to incorrectly
incrementing the L1D_PREFETCH.M ISS (event 4EH, umask 02H) event mul ti p l e times
for a single miss.
Implication: The count reported by the L1D_PREFETCH.MISS event may be higher than expected.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
48 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP114. Poisoned Write Caused by an Internal Parity Error Targeting IIO PCI
Configuration Registers or MMIO Space will Not be Suppressed
Problem: When due to an internal parity error, a processor attempts to write poisoned data to a
PCI configuration register in the IIO (Integrated I/O) module (internal PCI devices on
bus IIOBUSNO) or to the MMIO space decoded by a BAR in the IIO module, the
poisoned data will not be dropped. However, even though the poisoned data will not be
dropped the internal Intel® QuickPath Interconnect logic will log and report an error in
the IA32_MC0_STATUS MSR (401H) with MCACOD equal to 0000 1110 xxxx xx11 and
bit 16 or 17 set.
Implication: Poisoned data may be written to PCI configuration registers or MMIO space causing a
machine check exception. It is possible for these writes to lead to unpredictable system
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP115. VM Exit May Incorrectly Clear IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL [34:32]
Problem: If the “load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL” VM-exit control is 1, a VM exit should load the
IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR (38FH) from the IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL field in the
guest-state area of the VMCS. Due to this erratum, such a VM exit may instead clear
bits 34:32 of the MSR, loading only bits 31:0 from the VMCS.
Implication: All fixed-function performance counters will be disabled after an affected VM exit, ev en
if the VM exit should have enabled them based on the IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL field
in the guest-state area of the VMCS.
Workaround:A VM monitor that wants the fixed-function performance counters to be enabled after a
VM exit may do one of two things: (1) clear the “load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL” VM-
exit control; or (2) include an entry for the IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL MSR in the VM-
exit MSR-load list.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP116. PCIe* Port’s LTSSM May Not Transition Properly in the Presence of
TS1 or TS2 Ordered Sets That Have Unexpected Symbols Within those
Problem: When a PCIe* port receives TS1 and/or TS2 ordered sets with unexpected symbols
(per the PCIe* Base Specification), the port’s LTSSM (Link Training State Machine)
might not transition according to the PCIe* Base Specification requirements. The
LTSSM may incorrectly stay in its current state, or transition to an incorrect state. If the
unexpected symbols are sporadic in nature the link will recover and go to the proper
Implication: PCIe* Port’s LTSMM may not transition according to PCIe* Base Specification as
described above. This problem has not been seen in real system testing, but was
discovered by synthetic tests designed to check for illegal conditions.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 49
AAP117. NTB/RP Link Will Send Extra TS2 Ordered Set During Link Tra ining
Problem: The NTB (Non-Transparent Bridge) when operating in NTB/RP (Root Port) mode will
send a superfluous TS2 ordered set after transitioning to the CONFIGURATION.IDLE
state during link training. This TS2 ordered set may contain invalid capability data.
Implication: NTB/RP Link will transmit a TS2 ordered set after transitioning to the
CONFIGURATION.IDLE state. No impact expected for specification compliant PCIe
partners. Specification compliant PCIe link partners will have transitioned to
CONFIGURATION.IDLE before this ordered set is sent and will ignore it.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP118. PCIe* Ports May Not Enter Slave Loopback Mode From the
Configuration LTSSM State
Problem: If a PCIe* port’s LTSSM (Link Training State Machine) is in the
CONFIG.LINK_WIDTH_START state, it may not enter slave loopback mode when
requested to do so by the link partner. If the request is missed the link will continue to
train and enter the Slave loopback mode after it first transitions through the L0 and
Implication: Due to this erratum, PCIe* ports may be delayed in entering the slave loopback mode.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP119. Unexpected DMI and PCIe* Link Retraining and Correctable Errors
Problem: When the processor exits the package C6 power state, the PCIe* and DMI ports may
enter a state where they will NAK all packets for a short time. If this condition persists
long enough so that the same packet is NAKed four times, the link will retrain and a
correctable error may be signaled by the PCIe end point. Overall performance of the
link is not impacted.
Implication: Due to this err atum, unexpected link retr aining and correctable errors may be reported.
Workaround:A BIOS code change has been identified and may be implemented as a workaround for
this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP120. QPI Lane May Be Dropped During Full Frequency Deskew Phase of
Problem: A random QPI Lane may be dropped during the lane deskew phase while the QPI Bus is
training at full frequency.
Implication: When there are multiple resets after the QPI Bus has reached full speed operation there
is a small chance that a lane could be dropped during the deskew phase of tr aining. In
the case of a lane being dropped this will be detected and a retry will be done until the
link is established and the lane is re-trained.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
50 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP121. PerfMon Overflow Status Can Not be Cleared After Certain Conditions
Have Occurred
Problem: Under very specific timing conditions, if software tries to disable a PerfMon counter
through MSR IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL (0x38F) or through the per-counter event-
select (e.g. MSR 0x186) and the counter reached its overflow state very close to that
time, then due to this erratum the overflow status indication in MSR
IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STAT (0x38E) may be left set with no way for software to clear it.
Implication: Due to this erratum, software may be unable to clear the PerfMon counter overflow
status indication.
Workaround:Software may avoid this erratum by clearing the PerfMon counter value prior to
disabling it and then clearing the overflow status indication bit.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP122. An Unexpected Page Fault or EPT Violation May Occur After Another
Logical Processor Creates a Valid Translation for a Page
Problem: An unexpected page fault (#PF) or EPT violation may occur for a page under the
following conditions:
The paging structures initially specify no valid translation for the page.
Software on one logical processor modifies the paging structures so that there is a
valid translation for the page (e.g., by setting to 1 the present bit in one of the
paging-structure entries used to translate the page).
Software on another logical processor observes this modification (e.g. , by accessing
a linear address on the page or by reading the modified paging-structure entry and
seeing v al ue 1 for the pre se nt bit) .
Shortly thereafter, software on that other logical processor performs a store to a
linear address on the page.
In this case, the store may cause a page fault or EPT violation that indicates that there
is no translation for the page (e.g., with bit 0 clear in the page-fault error code,
indicating that the fault was caused by a not-present page). Intel has not observed this
erratum with any commercially available software.
Implication: An unexpected page fault may be reported. There are no other side effects due to this
Workaround:System software can be constructed to tolerate these unexpected page faults. See
Section “Propagation of P aging-Structure Ch anges to Multiple Processors” of V olume 3A
of IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, for recommendations for
software treatment of asynchronous paging-structure updates.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP123. L1 Data Cache Errors May be Logged With Level Set to 1 Instead of 0
Problem: When an L1 Data Cache error is logged in IA32_MCi_STATUS[15:0], which is the MCA
Error Code Field, with a cache error type of the format 0000 0001 RRRR TTLL, the LL
field may be incorrectly encoded as 01b instead of 00b.
Implication: An error in the L1 Data Cache may report th e same LL v alue as the L2 Cache. Software
should not assume that an LL value of 01b is the L2 Cache.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 51
AAP124. Stack Pushes May Not Occur Properly for Events Delivered
Immediately After VM Entry to 16-Bit Software
Problem: The stack pushes for an event delivered after VM entry and before execution of an
instruction in VMX non-root operation may no t occur properly. The erratum applies only
if the VM entry establishes IA32_EFER.LMA = 0 and CS.D = 0 and only if the event
handler is also invoked with CS.D = 0.
Implication: This erratum affects events that are pending upon completion of VM entry and that do
not cause VM exits. Examples include debug exceptions, interrupts, and general-
protection faults generated in virtual-8086 mode by the mode’s virtual interrupt
mechanism. The erratum applies only if the VM entry is not to IA-32e mode and is to
16-bit operation, and only if the relevant handler uses 16-bit operation. The incorrect
stack pushes resulting from the erratum may cause incorrect guest operation. Intel has
not observed this erratum with any commercially available software.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP125. Executing The GETSEC Instruction While Throttling May Result in a
Processor Hang
Problem: If the processor throttles due to either high temperature thermal conditions or due to
an explicit operating system throttling request (TT1) while executing GETSEC[SENTER]
or GETSEC[SEXIT] instructions, then under certain circumstances, the processor may
hang. Intel has not been observed this erratum with any commercially available
Implication: Possible hang during execution of GETSEC instruction.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP126. PerfMon Event LOAD_HIT_PRE.SW_PREFETCH May Overcount
Problem: PerfMon event LOAD_HIT_PRE.SW_PREFETCH (event 4CH, umask 01H) should count
load instructions hitting an ongoing software cache fill request initiated by a preceding
software prefetch instruction. Due to this erratum, this event may also count when
there is a preceding ongoing cache fill request initiated by a locking instruction.
Implication: PerfMon event LOAD_HIT_PRE.SW_PREFETCH may overcount.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP127. Successive Fixed Counter Overflow s May be Discarded
Problem: Under specific internal conditions, when using Freeze P erfMon on PMI feature (bit 12 in
IA32_DEBUGCTL.Freeze_PerfMon_on_PMI, MSR 1D9H), if two or more PerfMon Fixed
Counters overflow very closely to each other, the overflow may be mishandled for some
of them. This means that the counter’s overflow status bit (in
MSR_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS, MSR 38EH) may not be updated properly; additionally,
PMI interrupt may be missed if software programs a counter in Sampling-Mode (PMI bit
is set on counter configuration).
Implication: Successive Fixed Counter overflows may be discarded when Freeze PerfMon on PMI is
Workaround:Software can avoid this by:
Avoid using Freeze PerfMon on PMI bit
Enable only one fixed counter at a time when using Freeze PerfMon on PMI
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
52 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP128. #GP May be Signaled When Invalid VEX Prefix Precedes Conditional
Branch Instructions
Problem: When a 2-byte opcode of conditional branch (opcodes 0F8xH, for any value of x)
instruction resides in 16-bit code-segment and is associated with invalid VEX prefix, it
may sometimes signal a #GP fault (illegal instruction length > 15-bytes) instead of
#UD (illegal opcode).
Implication: #GP fault instead of a #UD signaled on an illegal instruction.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP129. A Logical Processor May Wake From Shutdown State When Branch-
Trace Messages or Branch-Trace Stores Are Enabled
Problem: Normally, a logical processor that entered the shutdown state will remain in that state
until a break event (NMI, SMI, INIT) occurs. Due to this erratum, if CR4.MCE (Machine
Check Enable) is 0 and a br anch-tr ace message or branch-trace store is pending at the
time of a machine check, the processor may not remain in shutdown state. In addition,
if the processor was in VMX non-root operation when it improperly woke from
shutdown state, a subsequent VM exit may save a value of 2 into the activity -state field
in the VMCS (indicating shutdown) even though the VM exit did not occur while in
shutdown state.
Implication: This erratum may result in unexpected system behavior. If a VM exit saved a v alue of 2
into the activity-state field in the VMCS, the next VM entry will take the processor to
shutdown state.
Workaround:Software should ensure that CR4.MC E is set whenever IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR (60EH)
TR bit [6] is set.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP130. Task Switch to a TSS With an Inaccessible LDTR Descriptor May Cause
Unexpected Faults
Problem: A task switch may load the LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register) with an incorrect
segment descriptor if the LDT (Local Descriptor Table) segment selector in the new TSS
specifies an inaccessible location in the GDT (Global Descriptor Table).
Implication: Future accesses to the LDT may result in unpredictable system behavior.
Workaround:Operating system code should ensure that segment se lectors used during task
switches to the GDT specify offsets within the limit of the GD T and that the GDT is fully
paged into memory.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP131. VM Entries That Return From SMM Using VMLAUNCH May Not Update
The Launch State of the VMCS
Problem: Successful VM entries using the VMLAUNCH instruction should set the launch state of
the VMCS to "launched". Due to this erratum, such a VM entry may not update the
launch state of the current VMCS if the VM entry is returning from SMM.
Implication: Subsequent VM entries using the VMRESUME instruction with this VMCS will fail.
RFLAGS.ZF is set to 1 and the value 5 (indicating VMRESUME with non-launched VMCS)
is stored in the VM-instruction error field. This erratum applies only if dual monitor
treatment of SMI and SMM is active.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 53
AAP132. VM Entry May Clear Bytes 81H-83H on Virtual-APIC Page When "Use
TPR Shadow" Is 0
Problem: VM entry should not clear bytes 81H-83H on the virtual-APIC page if the "use TPR
shadow" VM-execution control is 0. Due to this erratum, VM entry will do so if the
"virtualize x2APIC mode" VM-execution control is 1.
Implication: VM entries with the 0-setting of the "use TPR shadow" VM-execution control and the 1-
setting of the "virtualize x2APIC mode" VM-execution control cause any non-zero data
at bytes 81H-83H on the virtual-APIC page to be lost. Note that this combination of
settings is not allowed; any such VM entry will fail after clearing these bytes.
Workaround:Software should alwa ys set the "use TPR shadow" VM-execution control to 1 whenever
it sets that "virtualize x2APIC mode" VM-execution control to 1.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP133. A First Level Data Cache Parity Error May Result in Unexpected
Problem: When a load occurs to a first leve l data cache line resulting in a parity error in close
proximity to other software accesses to the same cache line and other locked accesses
the processor may exhibit unexpected behavior.
Implication: Due to this erratum unpredictable system behavior may occur. Intel has not observed
this erratum with any commercially available system.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP134. Intel® Trusted Execution Technology ACM Revocation
Problem: SINIT ACM i7_QUAD_SINIT_20.BIN or earlier are revoked and will not launch with new
processor configuration information.
Implication: Due to this erratum, SINIT ACM i7_QUAD_SINIT_20.BIN and earlier will be revoked.
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum. All Intel® TXT
enabled software must use SINIT ACM i7_QUAD_SINIT_51.BIN or later.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP135. An Event May Intervene Before a System Management Interrupt That
Results from IN or INS
Problem: If an I/O instruction (IN, INS, OUT, or OUTS) results in an SMI (system-management
interrupt), the processor will set the IO_SMI bit at offset 7FA4H in SMRAM. This
interrupt should be delivered immediately after execution of the I/O instruction so that
the software handling the SMI can cause the I/O instruction to be re-executed. Due to
this erratum, it is possible for another event (e.g., a nonmaskable interrupt) to be
delivered before the SMI that follows the execution of an IN or INS instruction.
Implication: If software handling an affected SMI uses I/O instruction restart, the handler for the
intervening event will not be executed.
Workaround:The SMM handler has to evaluate the saved context to determine if the SMI was
triggered by an instruction that read from an I/O port. The SMM handler must not
restart an I/O instruction if the platform has not been configured to generate a
synchronous SMI for the recorded I/O port address.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
54 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP136. The Corrected Error Count Overflow Bit in IA32_ MC0_STATUS is Not
Updated When the UC Bit is Set
Problem: After a UC (uncorrected) error is logged in the IA32_MC0_STATUS MSR (401H),
corrected errors will continue to be counted in the lower 14 bits (bits 51:38) of the
Corrected Error Count. Due to this erratum, the sticky count ov erflow bit (bit 52) of the
Corrected Error Count will not get updated when the UC bit (bit 61) is set to 1.
Implication: The Corrected Error Count Overflow indication will be lost if the overflow occurs after an
uncorrectable error has been logged.
Workaround:None identified.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP137. The Upper 32 Bits of CR3 May be Incorrectly Used With 32-Bit Paging
Problem: When 32-bit paging is in use, the processor should use a page directory located at the
32-bit physical address specified in bits 31:12 of CR3; the upper 32 bits of CR3 should
be ignored. Due to this erratum, the processor will use a page directory located at the
64-bit physical address specified in bits 63:12 of CR3.
Implication: The processor may use an unexpected page directory or, if EPT (Extended Page Tables)
is in use, cause an unexpected EPT violation. This erratum applies only if software
enters 64-bit mode, loads CR3 with a 64-bit value, and then re turns to 32-bit paging
without changing CR3. Intel has not observed this erratum with any commercially
available software.
Workaround:Software that has executed in 64-bit mode should reload CR3 with a 32-bit value
before returning to 32-bit paging.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP138. EPT Violatio ns May Report Bits 11:0 of Guest Linear Address
Problem: If a memory access to a linear address requires the processor to update an accessed or
dirty flag in a paging-structure entry and if that update causes an EP T violation, the
processor should store the linear address into the "guest linear address" field in the
VMCS. Due to this err atum, the processor may store an incorrect value into bits 11:0 of
this field. (The processor correctly stores the guest-physical address of the paging-
structure entry into the "guest-physica l address" field in the VMCS.)
Implication: Software may not be easily able to determine the page offset of the original memory
access that caused the EPT violation. Intel has not observed this erratum to impact the
operation of any commercially available software.
Workaround:Software requiring the page offset of the original memory access address can derive it
by simulating the effective address computation of the instruction that caused the EPT
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
AAP139. SMRAM State-Save Area Above the 4GB Boundary May Ca use
Unpredictable System Behavior
Problem: If BIOS uses the RSM instruction to load the SMBASE register with a value that would
cause any part of the SMRAM state-save area to have an address above 4-GByte s,
subsequent transitions into and out of SMM (system-management mode) might save
and restore processor state from incorrect addresses.
Implication: This erratum may cause unpredictable system behavior. Intel has not observe d this
erratum with any commercially available system.
Workaround:Ensure that the SMRAM state-save area is located entirely below the 4GB address
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 55
AAP140. Virtual-APIC Page Accesses With 32-Bit PAE Paging May Cause a
System Crash
Problem: If a logical processor has EPT (Extended Page Tables) enabled, is using 32-bit PAE
paging, and accesses the virtual-APIC page then a complex sequence of internal
processor micro-architectural events may cause an incorrect address translation or
machine check on either logical processor.
Implication: This erratum may result in unexpected faults, an uncorrectable TLB error logged in
IA32_MCi_STATUS.MCACOD (bits [15:0]) with a value of 0000_0000_0001_xxxxb
(where x stands for 0 or 1), a guest or hypervisor crash , or other unpredictable system
Workaround:It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.
Status: For the steppings affected, see the Summary Tables of Changes.
§ §
Specification Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
56 Document Number: 320767-028US
Specification Changes
AAP1. Update to Datasheet - Volume 2 to Uncore Revision Identification
Issue: The Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2 Section 4.4.3 will be updated
in red text below.
Affected Docs:Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2
Device: 0
Function: 0-1
Device: 2
Function: 0
Device: 3
Function: 0-1, 4
Device: 4-5
Function: 0-3
Bit Attr Default Description
7:4 RO 0h RID Major Steppings which required all masks be regenerated.
B1 stepping: 0h
3:0 RO 4h RID Minor Revision Identification Number
Increment for each steppings which don’t require all masks to be
B1 stepping: 4h
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 57
Specification Changes
AAP2. Update to Datasheet - Volume 2 to PCI Express Device Control
Register 2
Issue: The Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2 Section will be
updated in red text below.
Affected Docs:Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2
Device:0 (D MI), 3, 5 (PCIe)
Function: 0
Bit Attr Default Description
15:6 RO 0h Reserved
Alternative RID Interpretation (ARI) Enable
When set to 1b, ARI is enabled for the Root Port.
Completion Timeout Disable
When set to 1b, this bit disables the Completion Timeout
mechanism for all NP tx that IIO issues on the PCIe/DMI link.
When 0b, completion timeout is enabled.
Software can change this field while there is active traffic in the
root port.
3:0 RW 0000b
Completion Timeout Value on NP Tx that Integrated I/O
Issues on PCIE/DMI – In Devices that support Completion
Timeout programmability, this f ield allows system software
to modify the Completion Timeout range. The following
encodings and corresponding timeout ranges are defined:
0000b = 2 ms
0001b = Reserved (Integrated I/O aliases to 0000b)
0010b = Reserved (Integrated I/O aliases to 0000b)
0101b = 4 ms
0110b = 10 ms
1001b = 40 ms
1010b = 210 ms
1101b = 800 ms
1110b = 2 s - 6 s
When OS selects 2 s to 6 s range, the CTOCTRL register further
controls the timeout value within that range. For all other ranges
selected by OS, the timeout value within t hat range is fixed in
Integrated I/O hardware.
Software can change this field while there is active traffic in the
root port.
Specification Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
58 Document Number: 320767-028US
AAP3. Update to Datasheet - Volume 2 to Completion Timeout Control
Issue: x=The Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-
800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2 Section will be
updated in red text below.
Affected Docs:Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 2
Device:0 (DMI), 3, 5 (PCIe)
Bit Attr Default Description
31:10 RV 00 Reserved
9:8 RW 00
XP-to-PCIe Timeout Select within 2 s to 6 s Range
When OS selects a timeout range of 2 s to 6 s for Windows* XP
(that affect NP tx issued to the PCIe/DMI) using the root port’s
DEVCTRL2 regis ter, this field selects the sub-range withi n that
larger range, for additional controllability.
00: 2 s
01: 4 s
10: 6 s
11: Reserved
Note: this field is subject to redefinition based on design feedback
7:0 RV 00 Reserved
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 59
Specification Changes
AAP4. Update to Datasheet - Volume 1 to Table 35 and Table 41
Issue: The Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 1 Table 35 in Section 7 .6 and
Table 41 in Section 7.10.1 will be updated in red text below.
Affected Docs:Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series, Intel® Core™ i7-800
and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series Datasheet - Volume 1
Table 35
Table 41
§ §
Single Ended (qa) CMOS Input PM_EXT_TS#[0], PM_EXT_TS#[1], CFG[17:0]
Single Ended (qb) CMOS Input RSTIN#
Single Ended (qc) CMOS Input PM_SYNC
Symbol Alpha Group Parameter Min Typ Max Units Notes1,8
VIL (m),(n),(p),(qa),(qb),
(s) Input Low Voltage 0.64 * VTT V2,3
VIH (m),(n),(p),(qa),(qb),
(qc), (s) Input High Voltage 0.76 * VTT V2,3,5
VIL (g), (qc) Input Low Voltage 0.40 * VTT V2,3
Specification Clarifications
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
60 Document Number: 320767-028US
Specification Clarifications
There are no, new Specification Clarifications in this Specification Update revision.
§ §
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme E dition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
February 2015 Specification Update
Document Number: 320767-028US 61
Documentation Changes
Documentation Changes
AAP1. On-Demand Clock Modulation Feature Clarification
Software Controlled Clock Modulation section of the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures
Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3B: System Programming Guide will be modified
to differentiate On-demand clock modulation feature on different processors. The
clarification will state:
For Hyper-Threading Technology enabled processors, the IA32_CLOCK_MODULATION
register is duplicated for each logical processor. In order for the On-demand clock
modulation feature to work properly, the feature must be enabled on all the logical
processors within a physical processor. If the progr ammed duty cycle is not identical for
all the logical processors, the processor clock will modulate to the highest duty cycle
programmed for processors if the CPUID DisplayFamily_DisplayModel signatures is
listed in Table 14-2. For all other processors, if the programmed duty cycle is not
identical for all logical processors in the same core, the processor will modulate at the
lowest programmed duty cycle.
For multiple processor cores in a physical package, each core can modulate to a
programmed duty cycle independently.
For the P6 family processors, on-demand clock modulation was implemented through
the chipset, which controlled clock modulation through the processors STPCLK# pin.
Table 14-2. CPUID Signatures for Legacy Processors That Resolve to Higher
Performance Setting of Conflicting Duty Cycle Requests
§ §
Model DisplayFamily_Display
Model DisplayFamily_Display
Model DisplayFamily_Display
0F_xx 06_1C 06_1A 06_1E
06_1F 06_25 06_26 06_27
06_2C 06_2E 06_2F 06_35
Documentation Changes
Intel® Core™ i7-900 Mobile Processor Extreme Edition Series,
Intel® Core™ i7-800 and i7-700 Mobile Processor Series
Specification Update February 2015
62 Document Number: 320767-028US