TABLE I. Contact cavities requiring reduced diameters (XX)
for pins in outer row of contact cavit i es. 1/
Shell size Insert arrangement Contact cavities
8 -33 and -98 A, B, C
12 -10 C, G
14 -12 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
14 -18 A, C, E, G, J, L
14 -19 B, D, F, H, K, M
16 -26 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K,
L, M, N, P, R
18 -32 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K,
L, M, N, P, R, S, T
22 -41 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K,
L, M, N, P, R, S, T, U, V,
W, X, Y
1/ The reduced diameter “XX” refers to the diameters of the raised seal barriers (pin barrier
rings) to ensure proper sealing of pin and socket after mati ng. See MIL-DTL-26482,
connector intermateability cont rol di m ensions (series 1 and series 2) figure for reduced
diameter “XX” for contact size 20 only.
Dimensions and configuration: See figure 1 and table I.
Connector mating: This connector mates with M S3475 and MS3476, connector plugs.
For insert arrangement: See MIL-STD-1669.
Intermateability di m ensions are in accordance with MIL-DTL-26482.
Shell types A and B, 300 series stainless steel in accordance with ASTM A582/A582M and
ASTM A276.
Shell type C, cold rolled st eel i n accordance with A S T M A108.
Shell types A and B, passivated in accordance with ASTM A967.
Shell type C, .0001 inch (2. 54 µ m ) tin minimum in accordance with A STM B545 or ASTM B339 ov er
nickel in accordance with SAE AMS-QQ-N-290. T he use of pure tin, as an underplate or final finish, is
prohibited both internally and externally. Tin content of connectors, their components and solder shall
not exceed 97 percent, by mass. T i n shall be all oyed with a minimum of 3 percent l ead, by mass.
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