TYPICAL OPERATION (Note 3, 4 and 5)
Frequency ………………………………………………… 17.7 GHz
Heater Voltage (Note 4) ………………………………… 6.5 V
Heater Current …………………………………………… 3.2 A
Body Voltage……………………………………………… 9.4 kV
Body Current……………………………………………… 3.0 mA
Collector Voltage ………………………………………… 9.4 kV
Collector Current ………………………………………… 0.85 A
Cathode Current ………………………………………… 0.85 A
DC Input Power ………………………………………… 8.0 kW
Driving Power …………………………………………… 100 mW
Output Power …………………………………………… 1.8 kW
Power Gain ……………………………………………… 42 dB
Band Width (-1 dB) ……………………………………… 90 MHz
Collector Air Flow ……………………………………… 530 kg/hr
Collector Air Pressure Drop …………………………… 2,000 Pa
Body Air Flow …………………………………………… 85 kg/hr
Body Air Pressure Drop ………………………………… 34 Pa
Gun Air Flow……………………………………………… 43 kg/hr
Note 1 : Absolute rating should not be exceeded under continuous or transient conditions. A single absolute
rating may be the limitation and simultaneous operation at more than one absolute rating may not be
possible. Equipment design should limit voltage and environmental variations so that ratings will be
Note 2 : The Klystron body should be at ground potential in operation.
Note 3 : All voltages are referred to the cathode potential except the heater voltage.
Note 4 : The optimum operating value is shown on a test performance sheet for each tube.
Note 5 : Characteristics and operating values on this Data Sheet are based on performance test. These values
may be changed as a result of additional information or product improvement. NEC should be con-
sulted before using this information for equipment design. This data sheet should not be referred to a
contractual specification.
NEC Corporation does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual
property rights of third parties by or arising from use of a device described herein or any other liability arising
from use of such device. No license, either express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copy-
rights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Corporation or others.