1. Dimensions are in inches.
2. Metric equivalents are given for information only.
3. Insulator may project .375 (9.53mm) maximum.
4. Wire insulation .072 (1.83mm) maximum for arrangements, (see MIL-DTL-24308, Appendix A), A-1-1,
A-2-1, A-3-1, A -4-1, and A-5-1. Wire insulation .054 (1.37mm) maximum for arrangements,
(see MIL-DTL-24308, Appendix A), A-1-2, A-2-2, A-3-2, A-4-2, A-5-2, and A-6-1.
5. Pin diameter .041/.039 (1.04/.99mm) for arrangements, (see MIL-DTL-24308, Appendix A), A-1.1, A-2.1, A-3.1,
A-4.1, and A-5.1. Use .0305/.0295 (.77/.75mm) diameter pin for arrangements,
(see MIL-DTL-24308, Appendix A), A-1-2, A-2-2, A-3-2, A-4-2, A-5-2, and A-6-1.
6. Copyright notice. All information disclosed in this military specification sheet which is or may be copyrighted by
ITT Cannon Electric is reproduced herein with the express permission of the copy right owner.
7. Dimensions are .155 (3.94mm) minim um full pin diameter extension (sizes 3 through 6) and .164 (4.17mm)
minimum full pin diameter extension (sizes 1 and 2).
8. Indentation on the ends of the termination side of the shell, for the purpose of securing the insulator in the shell,
is permitted. This may result in the “F” dimension being undersized in these areas. However the “F” dimension
shall be maintained for the remainder of the connector.
9. See table II for super se ssi on data.
10. Detail B is inactive for new design, use detail D.
FIGURE 1. Shell, plug, crimp type – Continued.