El W2) o-2 A.q2.83 Contents Page 0.0 Overview 0.1 Introduction 1.1 Unconditional 1.2 Conditional 1.2.1 Summary of 'W and "&'I functions 0 -4 o-5 jump @ 00 jumps example 1 - @ 01, Q 02, Q 03 of ,conditional and I 1 -3 unconditional I -5 jumps 2.1 Square 2.2 Sine 2.3 Arcustangens 2.3.1 Summary 3.1 Load 3.1.1 Application example 1 3-3 3.1.2 Application example 2 3-4 3.2 Reference preparation 3.3 Intersection 3.3.1 Summary for root @ IO 2-1 Q 15 2-2 2 -3 18 example address covering parameters example cycle 3-5 3 - IO 3.2 and 3.3 3 - 13 L 95 3 - 10 program 3.4 Tool 3.4.1 L 91 Tool 3.4.2 Tool change 3.5 Load position ,value 3.5.1 Load position example 3.6 Start 3.7 Load/Read 4.1 Clear 4.2 Reference 5.1 Address, parameters 5.2 Operator's Aids 2 -4 3-l chapters Cycle Stock 3 - 23 8 23 change cycle cycle system 3 - 24 example program 3 - 26 B 24 3 - 20 for conditions buffer 1.2 8 20 covering 3.3.2 change and calculation Removal Removal 1.1 Q 21 point Stock chapters - Determining cycles stores tool lengths 3 - 32 @ 25 3 - 33 Q 29 Q 31 to machine actual value @ 90 - G! 99 & 3 - 30 system @ 30 4-l 4-3 5-l 5-2 o-3 8 w A.T.83 6.0 Appendix 6.1 Cycles 6.2 Drilling cycles 6.3 Drilling and milling patterns Sprint 6.4 Drilling and milling patterns 8b1/8MC fj - 37 6 - 53 6.5 Address codes for parameters 6 - 69 6.6 Figure for stock removal cycle on page 3.3.1 6 6.7 Figure for stock removal cycle on page 3.3.2 6 6.8 Defined 6.9 Overview 6.9.1 SINUMERIK 8T/Sprint 6.9.2 SINUMERIK Sprint 6.9.3 SINUMERIK 8M/8MC 6.9.4 SINUMERIK 8N The controls This does available We reserve are 8T/Sprint imply for service right 8T 6-1 dM/8MC/Sprint th'e 8M address 6 - 8M 6 6 R parameters store of access that the (Values) 8T 6 6 6 6 8M o,f their capable not the 6-1 respective functions were as described. functions fitted at use. to amend or change this - publication. delivery or if they are lb 70 71 72 73 73 74 75 76 8 (P2) o-4 0.0 Ovcrviaw of YZVr and "dr" A.12.83 functions a ST function Q 00 Unconditional jump Q 01 Conditional Jump - equals Q 02 Conditional Jump - largsr Q 03 Conditional Jump - larger/equal Q 10 Square Q 15 Sine @ 18 Arcustangens * Q 20 Load parameter Q 21 Reference Q 22 Cutter Q 23 Tool ohango Q 24 Load actual Q 25 Start Q 29 Read/Load , root address BT wl Sprint EVI WC SN Chapter 0) X' (xl X X X 1.1 0) X 0) X X X 1.2 0) X 0) X X X 1.2 (x) X 0) X X X 1.2 0) X 0) X X X 2.1 0) X (xl X X X 2.2 2.3 0) X 09 X 3.2 0) X 3.2 0) X 3.4 0) X 0) X x' x 3.5 (xl X 01 X X X 3.6 (x) X co X X X 3.7 ! (X) X (Xl X X X 4.2 ; (xl X (xl X x - 4.1 (xl X 0) X X X 5.1 preparation calculation point Sprint value conditions cycles for stores System to machine , actual value (X) X X X 3.1 b 30 Reference 19 31 Clear Q 90 Address psrametcr Q 91 Address parameter (xl X (X) X X X 5.1 Q 92 Address parsmstsr 0) X 0) X X X 5.1 Q 93 Address parameter (X) X 0) X X X 5.1 Q 94 Address parameter 0) X co X X X 5.1 Q 95 Address parameter (xl X (xl X X X 5.1 Q 96 Address parameter (X) X 0) X X X 5.1 Q 97 Address parameter (X) X 03 X X X 5.1 m 98 Address parametsr (Xl X 0) X X X 5.1 Q 99 Address parameter (xl X 0) X X X 5.1 & Operator Aids 0) (xl (X) 5.2 buffer , a I ' (Xl 0) I X 0) * Available Available, From but Software cannot 02 onwards be sntsred from the operator's panel 0) 0.1 ~~2.83 o-5 8 @2) Introduction This description part of the order to realise not In covers These hardware a number develop are enabling is to functions called in the System which up with the program System control's and with to Sytem The purpose functions are memory. was necessary on from Q address. 8 cycles program it developed the machine The 8 cycles, were clarify and to 8 controls. stored powerful describe customer the System but the of functions description all 7. of this examples, thus orientated technologically cycles. In order to understand 8T/Sprint 8T this or BM/Sprint description 8M/8MC or a study 8N of the programming manual is a pre-requisite. Parameter Chaining Calculation Argument Rw Programmed Calculation Addition RO'I R02 ROl+R02 ROI Subtraction ROI-R02 ROI-R02 ROI Multiplication ROl.RO2 ROl.RO2 ROl Division ROl/R02 ROl:R02 ROI ROI IO R02 ROI +I0 Definition + Addition Definition RO1+R02 - ROI-IO-R02 Subtraction Note : Each chain must . ROI ROI-10 ROl-R02 operation Result found in be programmed ROI as a separate block. O-6 8 (P2) A.'12.83 General programmed Q functions initiate calculation It is therefore nacessary to ensure times which can be up to IO ms per link. that the calculations be programmed approximately IO blocks before required. If e.g. a move is executed at a suitable speed, the control can be allowed Programmed parameter sufficient time also In to enables faster conjunction with and complete the next (see chapter calculations via R parameter ranqe: Programmable Largest value: Smallest value: an and displayable range f 99999999. " .00000001 The 10 calculations. Q program definition, See 3.5.1 the interface. a parameter a) chaining 2.2.1 it (Loading is signal section often the "cycles lock" g). necessary position to transfer value). A.12.83 1.1 @I 00 "Unconditional jump" Application: With a conditional to jump are not over (absolute) parts of jump, a program. it The is possible jumped blocks executed. " .. Example: See Programming: `3 00 Command: ditional Unconjump 1.2.1; 2.2.1 -I The jump target precedes (-) or follows (+) the jump command. The control searches for the jump target in the defined direction. Block max. For number of 4 decades a special generate hand side case, different of the the jump target an R parameter jump following t- targets. figures. and its This sign special can case be added in is on the shown order to right I -2 8 (p2) The jump Normal target precedes the jump A.12.83 command case (-) Special case ROI has the N 97X.. . -c . N98 value X.. e.g. 1 Y.. N98 Y.. . . . . . . N215 Q 00 - The jump 98 - N215 Q 00 - . . . . target follows the jump command (+) . . ROI t las . N215 98 ROI the -N215 @00+280 Q value e.g. 00 + 280 1 ROI . . . . . N280 X.. N280 Y.. +N281 . Note: X.. Y.. GO4 . . . . . . . targets must always be blocks with applies when the jump target is changed Jump A jump requires time (max 10 msec block numbers. This by an R parameter. per jumped block) also fl 0 1.2 W) 1 -3 @ 01, 8 02, Application: A.12.83 Q 03 "Conditional The jump" conditional upon the equal to jumps permit program branching dependent condition: Q 01 larger than @I 02 larger than or equal Example: See 1.2.1; Programming: Q.. to Q 03 2.2.1 1234 Command and jump condition direction Block number 4 decades R-parameter 1st parameter 1st parameter 1st parameter of the jump target, max I- comparison equal larger larger for the conditional jump: the 2nd parameter Q 01 than the 2nd parameter 8 02 than or equal to the 2nd parameter Q 03 to I I I I I I f I 1st parameter 1 I The control compares mathematical sense (e.g. - 213 is smaller the parameter than - 7) contents in the I I 2nd parameter 1 -4 8 w For a special generate hand The case, different side the R parameter jump targets. and This its .sign special precedes the jump command case be added case is shown on the Special to right case . 0 . . X... in (-) I N98 order can figures. following target jump Normal of an A.72.83 Y... RIO has . the value e.g. N98 X... Y... N99 M... 2 . . - N215'Q N216 The jump Equal I Ol'- G... 98 ROI - R02 . . . follows the jump command . I N220 . 03% G.... than or equal 280 R20 R30 M... to R40 has the -N215 N220 value e.g. @I 01 + 280 G... M... . *N280 . 0 . . X... . . R02 . larger 'Q ROI (+) . -N215 RIO . M... . target 98 Y... N280 -cN285 X... GO4 . Y... 5 R40 R20 R30 1 - 8 (p2) e Note: Jump targets must always also applies when the A jump 1.2.1 Summary Task definition: Flow chart: requires example Within ( be blocks with jump target (max 10 msec conditional and time. of A.'l2.83 5 a program Start there \ is a block changed per jumped number. by an R parameter. block) unconditional must This be a branch jumps to another program A. 12.83 Programming r NO05 GO1 X... NO10 Q 01 045 RIO R20 Absolute jump to program 2 if RIO = R20 NO15 Program NO20 1 NO25 NO30 NO35 --) NO40 --F NO45 @ 00 NO50 070 Program NO55 NO60 NO65 + NO70 I GO0 X... Unconditional jump to skip program 2 2 from block 70, in order a a (~2) 2-l @I IO A.12.83 root" Qquara extraction Application: Square root Example: See programming Programming QIO ' R..;. I I Command: R parameter and result extract root for square initial l--J value ! Example: NIO RIO 25 . . . N75 Q IO RIO Extract N80 . From the contents . l Note: - Only define - The largest - The smallest the root from next program are 50 positive value value the block values is 99999999. is .00000001 value (as in RIO shown NBO) the RIO El A.12.83 2-2 @2) 2.2 "Sine" Q 15 Application: Calculating Example: see the sine of an angle 2.2.1 Programming Command: R parameter R. . calculate for Sine initial -I *-I value result and Example: NIO RI7 45 RI 7 loaded with 45 . . . N75 Q 15 RI7 NE0 . Calculate From the sine of are program .7071067 nagative values the contents next the block value (as . . Note: - Positive - The largest - The smallest and value value is -t-359.99999 is -359.99999 are allowed in RI7 shown NGO), the RI7 2 -3 8 (P2) l 2.3 @I8 Arcustanaens Application: (available from Calculation of arcustangens Programming: ($18 A. Software angle 02 onwards) with the help function R ... -IArcustangens Command: First R-parameter value band Following value for defined result R-parameter for defined a Y t t b 1 a 0 b X - Example: NIO RIO 20 RIO loaded with 20 (b) N15 Rll 30 RI1 loaded with 30 (a) N20 RIO 18 = RIO -I- 33,69007" Calculation arcustangens K-RIO Result Note: of Parameter .,.ound in RIO R99 is not allowed of an 12.83 0 2 - 4 (W 2.3.1 In Summary conjunction a cycle a) Task is example with outlined for the Chapters drilling 1.1 pattern A.12.83 - Chapter figure 2.2 below, R22, the necessary MP, middle point parameters of the drilling Radius R25 Starting R26 Pitch R27 dictate the pitch angle Number of holes Drilling cycle number (GE1 m- - GS9) angle angle. holes must should not be also be defined. (Programming) R24 pattern (when changed this causes the hole pattern to rotate) If the pitch angle is defined as 0, the number of holes R28 of defining definition: Establishing R23 approach below Around a programmed middle point and radius value, symetricslly drilled. The number of holes required b) the . 2 - 5 C) Which functions are necessary ? angle = O--Pcalculate angle Pitch Pitch - Calculated A.72.83 title Division X co-ordinate, x= cos Alpha l R cos Alpha = sine (Alpha + 90:) - Calculate Y co-ordinate decisions A listing middle l R n - Counter and reference Sine Multiplication , Y = simAplha - Logical Function, Sine Multiplication Conditional to the absolute system . of these functions shows that the point task can be omb.tted. Addition Jumps 2 -6 8 (p2) A. 12.83 d) Define a flow chart Load pitch ,angle internally as 360 I I 1 Divide the pitch by number of holes I Set counter to 0 Set constant q I Constant increments counter by 1.. 1 the I pitch angle = 0 ? Yes f Holes must be divided up; Process division result: Set pitch ' angle internally =o and add' p'itch angle 1 1 .I Prepare cosine calculation cos a = sine (a + 90) I Result of division importance t Calculate I cosine I Prepare sine calculation I Calculate sine I of no I 2 - 7 0 (W Calculate A.12.83 X co-ordinate &Ad' Xw X = cosa X co-ordinate plusmiddle = X absolute I X - R point X I Set Zti zero and add in radius Calculate Y co-ordinate Yw Y = sin 4 I Y co-ordinate plus middle. point Y q Y absolute I 4 Call SR speicified Increment by R28. In the counter by 1 umber of holes exceeds counter value a A l R 2 - 8 13) Defining The internal to to R50 the changed The during transferred used (See parameters calculations. R99 are NC display interface. the Internal For parameters parameters disabled the drilling as follows: employed by the Chapter sometimes fixed program because internal because signal 2.2.1 are a cycle to A.12.83 l%ycles section necessary values can be disable" 9.) for parameters the they intermediate should are often not be repetitively parameters. pattern example, the internal parameters are a R50 Internal R51 Actual R52 Counter pitch angle angle R53 = 1. R54 cos R55 sine (R51 ). R56 Xflp (absolute) middle point R57 Yplp (absolute) middle point (R51). a f) Programming L. . . Nl N2 N3 0 c A. 12.83 2 - 9 8 ow N4 N5 N6 N7 N9 SR number R50 360 R50/R27 R52 0 R53 1 @ 01 6 ~26 R52 R50 0 + R26 R51 0 + R25 R5490+R51 R55 0 + R51 R56 0 + R24 N12 R56 . R54 N13 R56 -I- R22 N14 R57 0 + R24 X15 R57 R55 Nl6R57+R23 Nil l - for cycle call Internal pitch angle definition Internal pitch angle divided Counter set 0 : Load to Load pitch angle into R50 Load start angle into R51 I Start N6 if pitch angle Find sine Load start Find sine Load radius x1 = cos + 90' of d by the constant Jump = 360' number of holes 1 = 0 = C4 (d) ' angle< o( into d R56 .R X1 -k Xmp = X Load radius Y1 = into Sine ti Y1 f Ymp = Y Call SR defined R57 .R by R2S N18 R51 + R50 N19R52+R53 counter + 1 Increment IS counter jump N21 Ml7 This cycle is also programming. to End of value smaller than the number of holes? N7 cycle shown on page 6 - 60 using polar co-ordinate 2 - 8 0'2) g) 10 A.12.83 Test Before issuing test For it. cycles" block can a sub-routine, this signal be checked ( i.e. punched shown Changing, 2) Programming 3) Making The variable the "Automaticl' are of values the L99 to programmer remove the thus must "Disable permitting R parameter the also single calculation Cycle" stops - Further, the three much faster by: parameters functions signal the "Disable and L900 or defining interface the of signal L80 - no additional in "Disable R parameters the can cycles L999 being types of with the signal changed, operation an R number same program cycles" active R50 - R99 are (I not P 50 block signal) in displayed mode preaeeding executed results be executed chaining 1) the numbered will the interface, the This or displayed. below above, advisable correctly, (l-signal). out as NC display. functions SR*s) is from *The on the cycle the it (0 signal) be re-applied In purpose operation. When the e.g. much example faster. blocks Nl, N2, N3, N5 to N16, N18 end N19 A.12.83 3.1 @ 20 Application: l1Load address parameters" Many applications require not only variable count values but also variable addressing. An example is that of a boring cycle which is normally completed with the Z axis as the boring axis. Variable addressing permits execution of the boring cycle with another axis. As it may be necessary to switch other axes in a similar fashion, in addition to the values (ROO - R99) the address parameters @ 90 - @ 99 are available, @ 20 instructs the control to load an address parameter. Example : see 3.1.1; 3.1.2. 3-2 A.12.83 a Programning : @ 90 - @ 99 load directly a) Address parameters code of an axis (Machine the address parameter) N . . . -@ Load the address with the address (`Ads nr) LF parameter code Address parameter. + sign permits e.g. z ASC-II code for a direction change for the axis @ 90 - @ 99 loaded indirectly t Z b) Address parameters as an R parameter N l . . @ 20 to an address @ 97 R49 f LF -r R49 is loaded with the required code prior address to the execution of this block The address is detailed in the working). parameters in appendix. the ( @ 90 - Q 99) machine The axis are related parameter/address/ sign can be changed to an axis and address as necessary which code listings (multiplicative A.12.83 3-3 8 wa 3.1.1 Application example 1 The normal L81 cycles Sub-routine should is required, L81 (Drilling, Define the following be applied parameters: plane Respective I .I boring Z axis axis depth Positioning plane . .-.-.I-I cycle sub-routine (R81 cycle) titb as the !a---.-.-.- any boring Centering) R02 Reference plane, return R03 Drill to R02 L8'100 Nl GO0 G60 G90 Z R02 Z R03 N2 GO1 Z R02 N3 GO0 Ml7 .-.-.-R(-J3 RI1 is defined for the definition of the boring axis. The RI1 inputas an address code definbs the required axis (see appendix),. RI13 &Zaxis R 11 2 kY axis R 11 1 I: X axis The changed L81 sub-routine L8100 Nl 820 @ 99 RI1 N2 GO0 G60 G90 @ 99 R02 N3 GO1 @ 99 R03 N4 GO0 @ 99 R02 Ml7 cycle is as follows: Defined addressing via RI1 Address parameter @ 99 instead of Z axis A.12.83 3-4 8 &w 3.1.2 Application example 2 R48 ROl 4 . The outlined program should apply in all planes. The side lengths should be enteredintoparameters ROI and R02 and the axes defined under parameters R48, R49. Th e start point for the subsequant program is point P4. L557 SR number NO @ 20 @ 90 R48 Defined address R48/@ 90 N5 @ 20 @ 91 R49 Defined address R49/@ 91 NlO G91 8 90-R02 PI N15 @ 91-ROI P2 N20 @ 91 R02 P3 N25 @ 91 ROI P4 N30 Ml7 3-S 3.2 @ 21 "Reference A.12.83 preparation" Application: preparation is a special function to enable stock removal cycles (Sprint ET). For stock removal cycles, the contour is defined in a sub-routine. This allows the contour to be programmed with all the control options (brief description of the contour, radius programming). As the stock removal cycle is programmed as a%ormel sub-routine", all block information The reference is required in R parameter form. preparation divides Up the programmed contour This data is then defined in R parameters. blocks. Example: See 3.3.1 Reference A.12.83 3-6 8 w a Programming: -(in a block on its own) Command:Prepare reference @21 is always programmed when a new intersection value must be calculated in conjunction with @22. This case applies whenever a new contour element is encountered in the order of execution. Example 0X) la- I /x 60----- `av is ---------------I -fs lOO- m- 60- 40- 20. L The contour is programdin L50, as follows: L5000 N5 G90 GO1 X35 240 NlO GO2 X65 225 115 KO N15 GO1 X85 N20 X120 Z15 Ml7 A call of the stock removal cycle (L95) informs the control R20 50 R21 20 R22 50 is the number of the SR. is the X start point is the Z st'art point that 3-7 El w A. 12.83 the stock removal cycle starts at point F. From the stock removal program, the reference preparation function @ 21 and the intersect calculation function Q 22 are repeatedly recalled until the intersect calculation finds an intersect point. Block N20 in the sub-routine L50 in the example s'hown, demonstrates the case. When turning metal, @ 21 - . @ i2 Intersec. point? point? 25. 85' 25' I 85 / 25 - - 1 0 15 - - 1 0 no @ 21 @ i12 Intersec. 65- yes 120 0 A.12.83 3-8 ow The table shows blocks. The intersect block is has been In found. backed @21 function point re-defined. intersect off, a rapid traverse roughing depth point the intersection point is then how R26, to plus Q22 is example, 1 mm for sequence be found to in safety, . the off allowance see if Once the again a check N5. first new Please the for block N20. @ 21 now parameter stock first removal control cycle next an approached, is finally a move @ by to the , (1 mm) the intersection is calling be set 1. is This found @ 21, the ensures parametered. cut is is checked This to is cannot this is 0. not At is logically not the up by @ 21. This set depth block; divided made. advance next It 1. Depth advance finished. R88 is is Roughing up the to block parameter point set has point Before block divides sub-routine intersection note: the iterration, Following roughing the Rt38 is an intersection The so, an recalled. until block whether followed 03 repeated control The M17. is sub-routine compensated) position back not 4th (possibly R26 This is on the @ L50 @ 22 checks When this point 45',`by move function the the calculation reached. This at parameters the block case. Again case N15 the etc. control that the parameter first R88 must sub-routine in A.12.83 3-9 8 (P2) Other input R20 R21 R22 parameters are: Sub-routine nyber S Contour start point (X absolute Contour start point (Y absolute value) value) These parameters are set automatically when @ 21 is used in the stock removal cycle, R 20 and R 22 are not to be changed during the cycle. 3 - 3.3 A.12.83 IO 0 22 "Intersection Point Application: Calculation" The intersection a special I removal point function cycles Chapter is point (defined in Programming : G function in the 3.3.1 (00, 01, 02, 03 I., T 2 ET). Q 22, works reference preparation. The a reference and the The results (R91, R92). . I in preparation calculates R87) Q22. R parameters stock - R87). now R81 - programmed enable the between @22 Command: Intersection point calculation, how (R81 point See chapter Example : shows calculation section the 3.2 is calculation, 0 21, with parametered point to (Sprint intersection conjunction calculation block intersection the inter- block block are following defined .I Axis commandc Interpolation parameter c l . 3 - 11 Program sequence (see programming (@I2'1) : The r.eference calculation also A.12.83 the reference Q 21 parameters block calculation N15. 65 (X axis block R82 25 (Z axis block R83 85 (X end point) R84 25 (Z end point) R85 - (Interpolation R86 - (Interpolation R87 1 (G function) PX Xl ~31 l20-60------ start point) start point) parameters parameters K) The calculated values are corrected in X and Z to allow for the final pass. The intersection point calculation is called from the program.. . . @ 22 GO1 G90 Z-99999 The tool tip intersection point is now point G in this example. . . The intersection point is defined R90 1 R9l 75 R92 26 means the intersection X intersection point Z intersection point - - 1 in: point This point can only be approached in a GO1 block. l I) is found (O-not found) 3 - Please note: A.12.83 12 A straight line is defined by two points. In an @ 22 call, only one point is programmed. The second point is automatically given as the end point of the last positioning move. In this example,therefore,by the advance path of the roughing cut, ;R26 and the 1 mm back ofT distance. 0 A.12.83 3 - 13 ow 3.3.1 The Stock Removal Example "Stock Removal cycle stock removal DIN 66025 The cycle specifies special Below, the turning" with removal cycle Parameter are the used, ignored. definition - commands a stock contour finish program NC language. special commands. function cycle parts "Outside X contour start point (absolute) R22 50 2 contour start point (absolute) R24 1 X finishing depth of cut (1 mm) R25 1 Z finishing depth of cut (1 mm) -R26 15 X roughing R27 40 Cancels R29 31 Form depth of the cut C.R.C. determination contour for finish (15 mm) (40 P roughing roughing, turning pass) drawing chapter Q 21 In order concerning contour to this 11Technology11 L50 defines See pull-out and pass. R21 20 Warning: in preparation removal Sub-routine finish 3.3 8 22. R20 50 (Outside and a sub-routine function non-pertinent are 3.2 reference calculation parallel all as chaining clarifies one understanding, written parameter point example points L95" is functions and intersection covering 6.61 contour. no C.R.C.) and finishing with one parallel ease stock the 3 - 14 W2) Contour sub-routine -"Geometry" L5000 N5 G90 GO1 X35 240 NIO GO2 X65 225 115 KO N15 GO1 X85 N20 Xl20 Z15 Ml7 Description of the necessary calculations: There follows a description of all the necessary calculations. Chapter 3.3.2 shows and clarifies the program. The program jumps for this example are indicated by broken lines. A.'l2.83 A.12.83 - Considerations for At commissioning in the are data. (see chapter The this 3.6) axis celled parameters X axis finishing - R26 X axis roughing R78 is another relating to value order called back of this case be taken into always point the roughing are off A rapid to for R79 is set calculate cycles to 2. (for a program of the is loaded, 1 mm back off distance. consideration. been 8 in our example, the cut, the 2 start point the end contour with move is made being On the from to 1 mm to the the last in 5 mm for the is is block axis the is This incremented drawing, calculated point the for and parameter results end point sign. increased of This (R22) Q 21. Control point point end function the start X contour The until loop, preparation). X axis traverse cut preparation R83 contains distance has cut a counter.value which necessary. reference @25 reference distance cycle 8 the and the of format end point up in depth input calculate from obtained point necessary preparation of selected point to depth into must advance X contour also removal stock is Parameter parameter the Calculating In programming be calculated: must R24 the it Q 25 Start up. diameter the dimensions, - In up for within moves purpose is set programming). following This is as absolute For some control As all programmed diameter - the X axis. programming diameter 1. (See contour by the back off clarity. absolute position. start 3 - 16 0 (pa - Calculation The for calculation the material for the ~12.83 to be removed material to,be removed is the start X axis point, minus X axis the plus the contour finishing times (-1) The calculated a new roughing to roughing case indicated the the The depth This incremented this becomes the roughing of depth. If the advance results roughing advance is to the added is (see are doing so, This block corrects the The second straight which is length roughing results advance. in A parallel advance can roughing cut value smaller is with this advance. compared is than roughing the calculated value. This is Next, rapid traverse now Z start Z axis the with X and be executed. advance. such advance that is half be removed). move (intersection calculation and end ends the a block. allowance. travel Z axis represents X value by the by the point @ 22 intersection a maximum is 0 21 defines points programmed point Z retract Z axis to point last Q 22 function The an intersection GOI. The material by the = R64 = 99999.) If end every points follows to X contour reference the after (R61) distance. the found X and parallel the advance intersection points In path value to added Calculating contour The intersection (The the parameter an aid new-absolute the calculation calculated half distance calculation). every advance, last depth Calculating following by an asterisk. Calculating advance corrected advance depth, is is value advance point? allowance Before the end found back cycle. (R90 off point distance. the = I), last a move distance (45'). The next roughing A.12.83 If no contour is recalled intersection Calculating This is the back the rapid points a point E off from point E is is reference calculation found. approached. co-ordinates the the found, of point B (R56, R57) less distance. point roughing traverse. plus is intersection point calculated Calculating at an roughing, Following For until point the C part of This finishing the is clearance cycle calculated allowance from and back point the off C is X and distance. approached Z contour start I L9500 Stock removal Nl @ 25 Result R73 40 42 03 36 R73 R27 R73 0 R27 mN36 R50 0 R21 R51 0 R22 R60 0 R26 R64 1 R88 1 R60 . R79 R74 0 R26 R74 . R79 N2 @I21 @ 02-2 R64 RI38 C R64 IO R65 R29 N3 R65-R64 c 0 02-3 R65 R64 R64 2 ---Q 02 6 R65 R64 I ' @ I t @ R62-1 -@ 02 7 R50 R83 N4 R52 0 R83 R53 0 R51 R68 0 R50 R69 0 R84 Results in different cycle R78 Count value = 1 mm R79 2 = Diameter Load constant 40 into R73 40 larger/equal R27(41,42) R73 contains e.g. 41, 42, 46 Load X contour start point into R50 Load Z contour start point into R51 Load Roughing depth into R60 Load constant 1 into R64 and R88 Multiply Roughing depth by 2 = rough X Load Roughing depth into R74 Multiply Roughing depth by 2 = rough X Reference calculation is repeated until Ml7 and R88 = 1 1 Roughing Calculation J 3 Reference calculation, Calculating point Ei Load constant IO into R64 Load cycle type (R29) into R65 With R29 31 result equals -21 Is R65 larger than R64 (llarger than IO)? Load constant 2 into R64 Is R65 larger than R64 &larger than 2)? Load constant -1 into R62 Is X contour start point larger than X contour Load X contour end point into R52 Load Z contour start point into R53 Load X contour start point into R68 Load Z contour end point into R69 cycle call. end point? Q a +--l---Q 02 8 R84 R51 N5 R63-1 -@ 00 85 ,N6 R62 1 Is Z contour end point larger Z contour start point? Load constant -1 into R63 Jump to N85 (absolute) than . . +i85 R58 R58 R59 R59 R58 0 R62 . R24 . R79 . R63 . R25 R68 - R52 R69 - R53 R61 0 R64 99999 R65 20 R71 0 r-Q 02 9 R65 R29 1 R56 0 R52 1 R57 0 R53 1 R65 30 I Q 02 24 R65 R29 +N9 R76 0 R78 R77 0 R78 R70 0 R29 2x R65 IO NIO R70 - R65 c '3202-10 R70 R65 R65 1 Results in different Load constant -1 into R58 with R62 Roughing depth X.(-l) (-Roughing depth X) .2 Load constant -1 into R59 with R62 Roughing depth Z . (-1) = (- Roughing depth Z) X contout start point minus X contour end point Z contour end point minus Z contour start point Load constant 0 into R61 Load constant 99999 into R64 Constant 20 into R65 Constant 0 into R71 Is R65 larger than R29 (20 larger than 31)? Load X contour end point into R56 Load Z contour start point into R53 Load constant 30 into R65 Is R65 larger than R29 (30 larger than 31)? Load back off idstance (1 mm) into R76 Load back off distance (1 mm) into R77 Load cycle type (29) into R70 Load constant IO into R65 Cycle type -10 (31-10 = 21) Is R70 larger than R65 (31 larger than IO)? Load constant 1 into R65 cycle call. Roughing depth calculation Calculating the material to be cut rI 0 01 11 R70 R65 . R70 = R65 (1 = 1) al h u ril V . L Nil'@ 20 @ 90 90 8 20 @I 91 88 R76 . R63 R77 . R62 R77 R67 R56 R57 N12 . R79 0 R62 0 R53 0 R52 R56 - R76 R60 R62 . R67 . R78 R62 R63 . R79 . R78 R68 R52 - R58 R62 R53 - R63 GO0 G90 XR52 ZR53 R53 R63 Load address parameter 0 90 with Z Load address parameter @l 91 with X Back off distance . R63 = (-back off distance) Back off distance . R62 = (-back off distance) (-Back off distance) .2 (X axis) Load R62 into R67 (-1) Load Z contour start point into R56 Load X contour end point into R57 Z contour start point - (-back off distance) Roughing depth (X) . (-1) R62 . (Back off distance) = (-back off distance) (-back off distance) . 2 (X axis) R63 . (Back off Axis definitions Back off calculation Calculation for material to be removed Back off calculation distance) = (- back off distance) Delta X - Finishing allowance X X axis contour end point - (-back off distance X) Z contour start point - (-back off distance Z) Move to start point A on the X contour end point + (-back off distance in X) Z contour start point + (-back off distance Z) Calculation Point B Move to point Return for B calculation point E Load Delta X finishing allowance into R70 R70 - R61 (R70 - *) R70 . R67 (-1) R70 larger or equal to R70 (0 = larger or equal to R70) Roughing finished? Load constant 2 into R72 R72 2 R70 / R72 Halve R70 -@ 03 14 R70 R74 Is R70/2 larger than roughing depth? R70 . R67 R70 . (-1) R60 0 R70 Load R70 into R60 R61 R60 R61 + R60 (* + R60) = R61 l N14 R57 R60 X contour end point + roughing depth RI6 R60 R61 + R60 (* + R60) = R61 Add roughing depth GO0 G90 @ 90 R56 @I 91 R57 X roughing advance Reference calculation r)N15 @ 21 X contour start point - X finishing allowance I R81 - R58 I R82 - R59 Z contour start point - Z finishing allowance 1 R83 - R58 X end point - X finishing allowance 1 R84 - R59 Z end point - Z finishing allowance point calculation 1 @ 21 GO1 @I 90 R64 8 91 R57 Intersection X end point + X finishing allowance 1 R83 R58 Z end point + Z finishing allowance ' R84 R59 Intersection point found? Yes '4 01 - 15 R90 R71 Move to the intersection point GO9 GO1 XR91 ZR92 Back off @ 45' G91 @ 90 R76 - R77 Return at rapid traverse GO0 G90 B 90 R56 L@ 00 - 13 -N13 R70 0 R68 R70 - R61 R70 . R67 --Q 03 56 R71 R70 * R61 = Sum of Roughing 1st pass R61 = 0 advances Calculation for material to be removed. Has all material been removed? J Calculation for the last advance 1 Roughing I- calculation Advance Calculation intersection Roughing Back off Return for contour point cut . 0d L . N5; R56 0 R52 R56 - R62 R57 - R63 GO0 G90 XR56 ZR57 G40 R65 20 R70 1 ---Q 02 31 R65 R29 R50 - R58 r I R51 - R59 1 R50 - R62 R51 - R63 I Go0 G90 XR56 ZR57 G40 GO1 G91 XR62 ZR63 I R88 I I N17 @I21 I R83 - R58 R84 - R59 i r-O 02 18 R87 R70 1 G9 G R87 G90 XR83 ZR83 I 1 ZR84 G R73 I A00 19 I bN18 G9 G R87 G90 XR83 I ZR84/R85 KR86 G R73 N19 R83 R58 1 R84 R59 I r 0 02 - 17 R70 R88 I GO0 G90 XR56 ZR57 G40 I R65 40 B 02 31 R65 R29 1 '-+4m31 Ml7 Load X contour end point +(- Back off distance X) into R56 Load Z contour start point +(- Back off distance Z) into R57 R57 -(- Back off distance Z) Move in rapid traverse to the Z start and X end positions Load constant 20 into R65 Load constant 1 into R70 Is R65 larger than R29 (20) 31)? X contour start point -(- X finishing allowance) Z contour start point -(- Z finishing allowance) R50 -(- Back off distance X) R51 -(- Back off distance Z) Move in rapid traverse to point C Move to point C in GO1 mode Set control parameter to I Reference point calculation X end point - (- X finishing allowance) Z end point - (- Z finishing allowance) For arcs jump to N18 Move in a straight line Move in an arc X End point +(- X finishing Z end point +(- Z finishing Is contour finished? Move at rapid Load R65 with Is R65 larger I calculate move to Point calculate \ l- Point E E Point C move to Point C move to point 0 1st block must be called from SR Divide up the block Include finishing allowance clean up contour clean up arc allowance) allowance) f travers to point E constant 40 than R29 (40,31)? GO0 G90 XR56 ZR57 G4O Move at rapid traverse to point E (If point E has been reached, no move results) remove finishing allowance All block completed! Yes, go to point E 3 - 8 (W 3.4 Q 23 "Tool A.12.83 23 Chanqa" Application: The to tool change enable the tool change The changes. See Programming: N . . . 0 23 LF Q 23 is programmed The change cycles are a special cycles ensure necessary function (Sprint ET). collission to define free the tool tool 3.4.1 - (In a block on its own) change are following is cycle. Example: Tool tool Data change Command: function at the defined start in of the or L92 tool L91 Actual X axis zero offset R92 Actual 2 axis zero offset R94 Current tool number R95 X axis absolute (TE date Z axis (TE N383 change point tool change point N384 X tool length R98 Largest Z tool length R99 Largest vectoral Prior (see to programming chapter number) s) Largest : compensation S) absolute date (T with tool R97 Warning cycle. parameters: R91 R96 change 4.1). length Q 23, Q 31 must be programmed 3 - 8 (p2) 3.4.1 Example There are to for variats the tool of the chanqe L91 A.12.83 24 cycle L91 cycle: a) A protected zone programmed with X (RIO) and b) A protected zone programmed with Z only (R19) Operation If the notes retract calculated absolute tool to the If L 91 or retract Z (R19) change respective is "TC", co-ordinate L 92 are always point called made to "TC" position the (if the retract is a parameter up before absolute the exceeds tool tool co-ordinates only has lengths change to the of "ATC" been programmed have been point. the point or as 0). programmed, the A.12.83 3 - 2s Description The of the description calculations of the Chapter 3.4.2 details program jumps are Calculations in Parameters R18, At to during calculate (Cycle start "TC" Calculations Case a) Case b) the indicated conjunction RI9 are a tool the condition.) and with broken with diameter from cycle X protection are description. The required lines. programming. work the for in X axis is defined. As all it is therefore and set point. terms, absolute R79 is zero piece value zone Parameter follows. program programming change RI8 calculation program derived diameter commissioning, moves necessary to necessary Q 25 is 2 for diameter called. programming. X traverse distance = X.protection zotie + largest X length 2 traverse distance = 2 protection zone + largest Z length Z traverse distance = Z protection zone + largest Z vectoral length X traverse distance = X position as the is is loaded traverse only distance one D), axis tha via This applies programmed tool @I 24 and Where distance. cancelled also via compensation the there (traverse T R94. for defined X axis. is L9100 Nl @ 23 @ 25 R78 0 RI8 R78 . R79 G40 G90 R90 0 R92 0 RI9 GO ZR19 -----@ ----B l-rI 1 ! I ! I 01 7 R90 R99 01 3 R90 RI8 R92 R98 ' R91 0 R78 r-8 ; I /j I I I I- R91 R97 B 00 4 '-*N2 R91 - R97 O 00 4 --N3 1 I I L ---e-N4 / 02 2 R90 R91 ,-----@I -----*Cd R92 R99 0 24 X NIOO R91 0 R93 @ 02 7 R92 R96 0 25 R90 R91 02 7 R91 R95 Q 00 6 Tool change cycle Tool change Initiate start condition for the cycle Load X protected area into R78 Double for diameter programming Cancel CRC, G90, Load R90 with 0 Load RI9 contents into R92 Move into RI9 distance-at rapid traverse R90 = R99 vectoral length = 0 R90 = RI8 X protection zone = 0 Add the largest Z length to Z protection zone Load R78 contents into R91 (X protection zone) Is R90 larger than R91 (0 larger than X protection zone?) Add the largest X length to X protection zone Jump to N4 (-X protection zone) - largest X length Jump to N4 Add the largest vectoral length to Z protection zone Load X position into R93 Load R93 into R91 If R92 is larger than R96 the Z move distance exceeds the Z absolute tool change point Is R90 larger than R91? 0 equals larger X move Is R91 larger than R95? X move exceeds the X tool change point Defines 1 the largest Inclusion diameter tool for programming Move to the Z protection Jump if Calculate no tool lengths zone are defined ZTC . case A Jump when X zone negative Calculate XTC . case A . Calculate - XTC . case A Calculate ZTC . case B Jump when ATC coordinates in Z axis Jump if are exceeded X move is negative Jump if ATC coordinates in X axis are exceeded 0 (p2) 3 - 27 rE m z! A.12.83 A.'l2.83 3 - 28 8 0'2) 3.5 Q 24 "Load Position Value" The Application: function angular The enables position function of an axis the realises position spindle in turn or to the the be determined. following functions: - Tool lengths - Work piece - Start point Example: See 3.5.1 Programming: N ... Command: Load the position axis as addressed. position spindle is program the Indirect The determination Z,LF (In a block on its own) l the If of the the be loaded, S address. into should input: which N. . . the be loaded, by an address indicated parameter of address address position is to measuring position Load angular @,24 determination (as shown @ 90) @I 24 Q 90 LF T (In a block on its own) a A.12.83 The position from machine value referred iero. The R parameter, The angular Q 24 S, is axis to the angular positioning finished Please position position An accurate load the reference tool value in turn is point is determined deposited into a fixed R 93. spindle marker. to the spindle position value of in positioning has finished. only The position executed on programming when is from only the possible value set after derived axes from reference be altered Loaded is the distance and the machine manually movements zero machine have or by the point zero approach point between when The @ 24 command supervision. cannot axis. R 93, MO3 direction the value control point in position is only stored the of is and position transfer or spindle as a result note: obtained the program. saddle of and the reference programmed 3 - 8 (pa 3.5.1 Example: Task: Machine requisites: Load Position - Establishing Tool lengths are The machine must system. to Sequence: A.12.83 30 R64, The operator moves 5.2), is measuring referenced is parameters "Operator operator executed. actual position which tool offset The "Measure with are stored This in to The values. the the "Cycle cycle respect Tool" In function inputs pressing After the (L 850). Aids" then with "Measure The PC sub-routine the position offsets, program. data coincident wires. number. cross-wire WARNING: machine. protected in tool the the offset the the an optical wire defined cross with sub-routine and with cross the calls conjunction tool using R65. button chapter be measured and system push l lenqths be fitted zero e.g. optical to geometric The machine tool (see respective Start" calculates the operator's the machine result are button pre-supposes zeroes the defined store. To01~~ push the a PC tool 3 - A.12.83 31 Sub-routine: L 850 NO05 R64 100 R65 15 X and Z cross X axis wires NO10 Q 24 X Load position NO15 R60 0 R93 Transfer NO20 Q 24 Z Load NO25 R61 0 R93 Transfer NO30 R64 - R60 Calculate b X NO35 R65 - R61 Calculate A G92 T R66 X R64 Z R65 Store R66 2.0 (Measure Tool) (TO number) Z axis position R93 b R60 R93 into R61 Z X and text into into Z axis position Key with clear input format 5.2, into X axis position b Z in Ml7 & L650 position and (see chapter Operator Aids). the tool store 3 - 32 3.6 Q 25 "Start conditions Application: for The is A.12.83 cycles" start condition d?fined in function for cycles parameters:, two 4 R79 1 R79 2 = X axis radius programming. rz = X axis diameter programming. R78 is loaded correct with a count format, value in representing the the 1 mm distance. 1 in metric with the 1000 in metric without e.g. e.g. R77 is loaded marker. end-user. see 3.3.1; Example: Start conditions for cycles This the point decimal is used as an internal value has no meaning point e control for the 3.4.1 Programming: Command: and decimal (In a block on its own) I a 3 - 33 8 0'2) 3.7 Q 29 "Load/Read Application: system A.q2.83 stores" This function gives access to the NC control user programs. It read-out from memories and the loading system memories (write). system The memories following for system memories are accessed: geometry Tool wear Settable zero offset Tool Additive offset Resolver shif`t G92 zero offset Preset Value Actual permits of some offset parameter Machine parameters Programmable additive R zero offsets 3 - 34 8 (W Programming: N. ..Q A.12.83 29 1 LF (In a block on its own) -r Command: 1st 2nd Digit: & 3rd k$4!eSE'o,, $ 1 = Read 2 = Load 3 = Read Digit: system system machine Nr of store store parameter t an R parameter (as shown R63). This parameter's value is either the value read from the system store or the value to be defined store. 4th & 5th Digit: Memory store in the system code 01 = Tool geometry 02 = Tool wear 03 = Settable zero offset 04 = Programmable additive zero'offset 05 = Resolver shift 06 = Preset value 07 = G92 offset 08 = Actual shift 09 = R parameter 10 = machine parameter 11 = Addition offset 18 = Background memory = Special flags 19 R parameter number This R parameters (as shown R17) data, five decades of coded information, specifies the actual store the Q 29 function must address in the store areas defined by the 4th & 5th 1st 3rd& & 2nd 4th Digits: & 5th digits e.g. Digits: Axis number Ident. the number, e.g. further information, (For further information, Chapter 6.9) (For number of the see Chapter see overview settable 6.9) zero offset e 8 As a result of example,can read be used 1st Task: u2.83 3 - 35 wa to this store out define access, current the other some the load actual position respect with co-ordinate value system command to the @ 24, machine for zero and . Example: The position must a workpiece of be determined M = Machine in the face with respect to X axis with a position the workpiece reference sensor. zero M `= Resolver shift C = G92 or preset XMW= Zero After the offset loading the X axis @ 24 function, displacement the value of value the Displacement: new respect with position, deposited the zero point R93 is used to reference point. into workpiece [Absolute position] -[Resolver -[G92 Actual shift: sum of to shift offset tool + sum of all ] zero calculate - [Actual shift] - [preset valueJ J. offsets by utilising (evt. offsets mirrored) the 3 - 8 (P2) 36 A.12.83 Programming: . . R20 01 001 Call the N240@ 29 1 60 05 R20 Load X axis resolver N24EiB 29 1 61 06 R20 Load X axis Preset N25C@ 29 1 62 07 R20 Load X axis G92 offset 29 1 63 08 R20 Load X axis actual N235 N255Q 1st Axis (X axis) and the shift value into into into shift into position - Resolver R93 - R61 N270 R93 - R62 Absolute position - Absolute position - G92 offset N275 R93 - Absolute position - N280 R70 0 R93 R93 - R60 N265 R63 Load displacement Preset Actual into R61 R62 Absolute N260 R70 R60 R63 shift value shift group 3 - f3 0'2) 37 A.12.83 2nd Example: Task: A measuring cycle Z axis offset The measured group Flow zero of is to parameters then to ROI and R03 with the X Y and values. values the load are SINUMERIK Sprint be loaded into the 3rd zero offset 8M. Chart: . . . N45 -- r -mI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- Calculate ROI - and R03 load ---- , mm-- e- Sub-routine 1 J I I N55 1 Lpad RO4,with Load RO4 into I store N60 N65 with 0 29 1 system Q 29 I <=i+%-> Yes I N75 Increment number N80 Jump to ----- NO5 ! No R parameter block No 55 m--m-- Additional program1 1 I 0 (P2) 3 - 38 k-12.83 Programming: . . I&O ~05 1003 ~06 1000 Ro? N55@ 29 10409 R07 N60@ 29 20403 R05 N65@ 01 + 85 R05 R09 N70 R05 R06 N75 R07 R08 N80@ 00 - 55 N85 1 ~108 R09 3003 1 . . . . Parameter clarificationi ROl R02 R03 165.015 loo3.598 29.712 New X axis ZO value New Y axis ZO value New Z axis ZO value Contains RO4 (x9 the for value ys z> R05 1003 @ 29 coding R06 1000 Value for (1st axis axis number 3rd ZO group) increment R07 1 0 29 coding (R parameter number) (leading zeros may be ommitted) R08 1 Value (R02, R09 3003 .I transfer for R parameter Z) incrementing a R03) Comparison (Y, code (3rd axis) 4-1 8 (p2) l 4.1 @ 31 VXsar A.12.83 buffer" Many Application: control signals (parallel or PC) to' the NC working indirectly of via these for are - mirror the not but buffer the are interface given memory signals example, at Some memory. below with image and zero additive shift - external input can, M functions: - External - zero point shift group (8M/8MC) - R parameter routed listed be called directly zero - synchronous - external If these following signal The signals are addressed block, the buffer must be active some blocks will buffer containing can be cleared Q 31 the be transferred the function, until to the interface transfer with interface the of NC. be cleared. the is e.g. to program and Otherwise, the moves tool active in the control selected told with the the In Q 31 function. that one of the an M function. interface NC has finished. signal the above program block datum should On recognising "Read in Enable" (8MC) corrections later. disables data a working within shift the 4-2 8 0'2) Example: ~12.83 N . . . M.. The interface disables and transfers data transfer, Programming N . . . Q 31 Command: Buffer clear L 999 is provided as and sub-routines (see 2 (In the a block "Read to the is disable on its own) for both in NC. 0 Enable" After data removed. T this function is programming suitable manual). The L 999 normal programs program is as follows: L 99900 Q 31 Ml7 LF Example : Select e.g. N15 the external following M.. tool value. N20 L999 Buffer N25... New tool effactive of measurement tool Select L999, compensation transfer and Disable external "Read tool in Enable" is calculated compensation clear compensation in block @ 31 could N25. also In block be directly and is N20, instead programmed. .I 4.2 A.12.83 4-3 8 (=I @ 30 "Reference Application: to machine actual is often required It e.g. the fixed is possible - all the the the tool value to approach change point. N... 730, Command: Reference to a fixed point By programming of the machine, @ 30 , it to suppress zero shifts preset shift G92 shift DRV shift (handwheel Programming: system" shift) X . . . Z 1.. LF machine actual value system Attention: The command 3 30 is effective be repeated Please note also: By setting in subsequent in one block, i.e. it must blocks. machine data TE N424, BIT 2 "G53 as % 30", programmingG53 has the same effect as programming@ 30. lo 5-1 5.1 @ 90 to @ 99 *llAddress parameters" This enables variable address parametering in addition to variable count parametering Application: See 3.1, 3.1.1, and programming A. 12.83 3.1.2, 3.3.1. information. for further application use 5-2 8 0'2) & llOperatinq 5.2 Aids" (In Aiding Application: A.'I2.83 preparation the Operator sub-routines use of text of the The parameters NC, The respective the format the programmer. is displayed the number in and clear following sub-routine text, of name, automatically, required entering manually or cycles. by the the when input number. limited R parameters to 14 characters can be defined Example: Stock removal cycle: LO9500 Nl@ 25 . . "Stock closed N3i GO0 G90 XR56 ZR57 G40 I Ml7 (Stock removal) & LO95 (SR contour type) R20 3.0 R21 -5.3 (X contour start point) (Z contour start point) R22 -5.3 R24 1.3 (X finish allowance) m R25 1.3 (Z finish allowance) R26 2.3 (roughing) R27 2.0 (CRC direction) R29 2.0 (stock removal cycle type) Ml7 1 Clear format removal with text cyclist an Ml7 key requirements and and by 0 A.12.83 5-3 (p2) The Operator with M17. ll&lr Aids The in starts format and of with with format entry These numbers after the can value When the format only is line is are considered the control remaining The key is of The and and the name of and R parameters followed closed starts are with the the defined. parameter by the clarifies which Cont. input input Any number value. the not with X) a number before number of digits without sign An input by the operator correct 14th whether A format is value data. The the The not character If in a block by length of more as a close than checked only for a format. control, the "Clear" text around push on one the clear 14 characters bracket own. value that the clear and decimal to pressing brackets on its the is point. before indicates displayed. an Ml7 decimal transferred mandatory text. the permitted indicates can be rectified of after and 11-11 sign the error be part defines closed numbers sub-routine text 14 characters. is block (3 decades) number, maximum disallowed, of to text the (Start the This and re-entry program 5.3 permitted. underlined. button clear point. is sub-routine Removal) or negative. positive the be written. indicate be positive to without number R parameter consists decimal written lines, the R21 - Example: The the textscan program (Stock program ends appended text. & LO95 A line is sub-routine clear subsequent key normally by the Example: the text is key followed sub-routine In clear automatically. are text defined, The 8 a 6-1 (p2) 6.0 Appendix 6.1 Cycles 8T/Sprint 8T A.12.83 8 (~2) 6 -2 A.12.83 a t - I 8 0'2) 6 -3 A.q2.83 8 0'2) 6 -4 A.12.83 8 (W 6 -5 A.12.83 8 (W 6 -6 A. 12.83 8 0'2) 6 -7 A.12.83 A.12.83 8 6 - 9 (~2) German text cvcles 8T/Sprint R LO91 (WKZWECHSEL Z) RlS -5.3(SCHUTZZONE X1 R19 -5.3fSCHUTZZONE Z) Ml7 & Lfl92 (WKZWECHSEL XJ RlB -5,3(SCHUTZZONE X1 RI9 -5.3tSCHUTZZONE Z) n17 & LU95 (ARSPANEN) R20 3.0(UP-NR KONTUR) R21 -5.3fSTART K0NT.X) R22 -5.3lSTART K0NT.Z) R24 1.3(SCHLI.MASS X1 R25 1 .3(SCHLI.MASS Z) R2h 2.3tSCHRUPPSPAN) R27 Z.O(SRK RICHTUNG) R29 2.0 (ART ABSPANENJ Ml7 8. 1097(GEWINDE) ' R20 4.3(STEIGUNG) R21 -5.3fSTART GEW. X1 R22 -5.3tSTART GEW. I) R23 l.OfLEERSCHNJTTEI R24 -2.3tGEWINDETIEFE) R25 1,3(SCHLICHTAUFM) R26 2.3(EINLAUFWEG) R27 2.3 (AIJSLAUFWEG) RZi3 -3.OtSCHRUPPSCHN.J R29 3.3tZUSTELLWJNK) R31 -5.3tENDE GEW. X1 R32 -5.3iENDE GEW. Z) Ml7 R 109R(TlEFROHREN) R22 -5.3(START Z) R24 2.3(DEGRESSION) R25 3.3(1 .BOHRTIEFE) R.26 -5.3(ENDROHRTIEFEJ R27 2.3IENTSPANZEIT) R2R 2.3 (SPANRRECHEN) Ml7 II02 A.-l2.83 8T ' .. 8 A.12.83 W9 English text cycles 8T/Sprint 8T a & LCl91 (TOOL CH&N. Z) Rl8 -5.3lPROTECTED X1 R19 -5.3fPROTECTED Z) tll? & LD92(TOOL CHAN, X1 R18 -5.3tPROTECTED X1 R19 -5.3tPROTECTED Z) Ml7 & LDBS(MACHJNING) R20 3.O(SR-NO CONT.) R21 -5.3fSTART C0NT.X) R22 -5.3(START CONT.21 R24 1.3tFJN.MARGJN X1 R25 1 .3(FIN.MARGIsN Z) R26 2.3fROUGH CUT) R27 Z.O(CRC DIRECT.) R29 2.DiTYPE MACH.1 Ml 7 B LO97 (THREbD) RZO 4.3(PITCH) R21 -5.3fST.THREAD X) R22 -5.3fST.THREAD Z) R23 l.OtNON-METAL P.) R24 -2.3fTHREAD DEPTH) R25 1.3fFINISH MARG. 1 R26 2.3(ACC.DISTANCE) R27 2.3fRETRACT DIST) R28 -3.O(NO.ROUGH CUT) R29 3.3tANG.OF ADV.) R31 -5.3tEND THREAD X1 R32 -5.3tEND THREAD Z) Ml 7 & LOSB(DEEP DRILL) R22 -5.3(START Z) R24 2.3tDEGRESSION) R25 3.3(1 .DRILLDEPTH) R26 -5.3fEND DEPTH) A27 2.3tCHIP REM.T.1 R28 2.3tCHJP RREAK.T) H17 MO2 a 8 l 6 - (p2) French text cycles 8T/Sp_rint & LO91 (CHG.OUTIL Z) RI8 -5.3fZONE PR0TG.X) R19 -5.3tZONE PR0TG.Z) M1 7.+ C L0921CHG.OUTIL X1 RI8 -5.3tZONE PR0TG.X) R19 -5.3tZONE PR0TG.Z) Ml7 & L095(DEGROSSIR) R20 3.0(NR-SP.CNTOUR) R21 -5.3tDEB.CNTOUR X1 R22 -5.3(DEB.CNTOUR Z) R24 1.3tCOTE FIN1S.X) R25 1.3fCOTE FJN1S.Z) R26 2.3(COPEAU EBAU.1 R27 Z.O(DIR.COR.OUT.) R29 Z.O(TYPE EBAUCHE) Ml7 & L097lFILETAGE) R20 4.3tPAS DE FILET) R21 -5.3tDEB.FILET Xl R22 -5.3tDEB.FJLET Z) R23 1 .O(COUPES VIDE) R24 -2.3(PROF.FILET) R25 1 .3(SURCOTE FIN) R26 2.3J(CHEMIN ENTR.1 R27 2.3(CHEMIN SORT.) R28 -3.01COUPE EBAU,) R29 3.3tANGLE AVANCE) R31 -5.3fFIN FILET X1 R32 -5.3tFIN FILET Z1 HI7 & L098tPERCAGE PROF) R22 -5.3iDEBUT Z) R24 2'.3(DEGRESSION) R25 3.3(1 .PROF.PERC.) R26 -5.31PROF.FINALE) R27 2.3tTEMPS DECOP.1 R28 2.3fBRISAGE COP.) Ml7 HO2 8T 11 A.12.83 8 6 - UW Italian text cycles 0 LO91 (CAME10 R18 -5.3(ZONA tW& -513fZONA 8T/Sprint UT.ZJ PR0T.X) PR0T.Z) & LD92(CAMEIO 1JT.X) R18 -5.3tZONA PR0T.X) R19 -5.3(ZONA PR0T.Z) II17 & 1095(SGROSSATURA) R20 3.0lNR.SP CONTORI R2l -5.3tSTART C0NT.X) R22 -5.3tSTART C0NT.Z) R24 1.3fQlJOTA F1N.X) R25 1.3tQUOTA F1N.Z) RZ6 2.3(PROF.PASSATAJ R27 Z.O(DIREZ.CRU) R29 Z.D(ASPORT.TIPO~ t117 0 LO97 (FILETTATIJRAJ RZO 4.3(PASSO FILET) RZl -5.3lSTART FI1.X) R22 -5.3tSTART F1L.Z)' R23 1 .D(PASS.A VLJOTO) R24 -2.3tPROF.FILETTO) R25 1.3(QUOTA FINJT.) R26 2.3tPERC.ENTRATA) R27 2.3fPERC.USCITAI R28-3.OtPASS.DI SGR.1 R29 3.3tANGOLO PENET) F1LET.X) R31 -5.3lFINE R32 -5.3fFINE F1LET.Z) t117 & LlJ9B (FOR. PROFONDAI R22 -5.3tSTART Z) R24 2.3fDEGRESSJONE) R25 3.3(1 .PROFONDITA) R26 -5.3fPROF. FJNALEI R27 2.3lSCARICO TRUC) R28 2.3lROTTURA TRUC) t117 II02 8T 12 A.12.83 8 6 - (p2) Stock removal cycle L950 8T/Sprint A.q2.83 13 8T 8 (p2) A.q2.83 l l l a 6 (~2) Drilling 6.2 Drillinq cycles cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M/8MC/Sprint A.12.83 - 16 a 8M 8M drillinq axis: Z 7; SF Lxml81:22. 84. S2[ z ]> G I368 Gg0 7~Fi3 I-rapid L'-LQl ZRB> G a?82 p11.7 L82QQ 1: GC8 12913z&Q Gl ZRB3 ;drilling ;rapid ,;rapid ;drilling idwell ;rapid G4 FRQ4 G ZF:@2 Ml7 L.8380 R63 - @25 f&33 IT:63 13 fxi2 R&j. E67 . f-&s G 1368 1398 ZEl32 t43 El53 - F;I+ R62 8 F;@3 lam? - - -* 4 R65 RS3 EG? R63 Ql ZR62 134 FRW G 7pw L- %,5: 134 FR88 I%62 I?78 ZR62 - &q ZRB2 Ml7 12512 GPO Z:F.@2 G1 G&Z mm MR86 ZRl32 G cm3 tlR87 L.8588 1; I;66 ML.7 GgO Gl L7pFf7 %-mm. G ZRlEl Ml7 L8688 MR87 G G68 G98 ZR82 Gl 3333 ME; G 2X113 Ml.7 plane 2 ;start conditions ;R67 = 2* degression imovement to reference plane ;R63 = difference to drilling dep,th ;end crit. R63 <=fl ;R62 = absolute drilling depth ;calculation G4 FRW c; 0 f&g plane a imovement to safety distance ;R63 C=degress. =a end @Q3 4 F;@5 FE:63 I%64 - F?85 @82 -3 R64 fxl.'r7 R64 8 RI35 I383 -3 F:63 F:67 R64 0 R63 FZ@ 2 E64 ,2 R62 @@(?I-3 f-J4 G1 ZR03 &i(3 63 F;I:Bl R65 traverse to reference to depth traverse back traverse to reference to depth at depth traverse back ZR82 ;half delivery ;half delivery next delivery necessary? ;movement to drilling depth ;dwell ireference plane and basic position *rapid traverse to reference plane 'ithread drilling to depth G63 *spindle reversal iback by G63 ;basic position -rapid traverse to reference plane idrilling to depth irapid traverse back to retract. Rlfl ;spindle direction Rg7 *rapid traverse to reference plane idrilling to depth ;spindle stop -rapid traverse back to retract. Rig I a a A.12.83 ;spindle direction R@7 irapid traverse to reference plane ;drilling to depth stop and program stop MpjJ I-spindle ;rapid traverse back to refer. plane ispindle direction Rfl7 ;rapid traverse to reference plane idrilling to depth ;dwell before spindle stop ;spindle stop and program stop ;rapid traverse back to refer. plane -rapid traverse to refer. plane , idrilling to depth ;dwell ;back by advance feed ;rapid traverse to reference plane ;thread drilling to depth G33 ispindle reversal, back by G33 ;basic position *empty I intermediate store A.12.83 -German text drilling R LO81 (ROHR ZENTR.) RO1! -5.3tREFERENZEB.1 Rn3 -5.3fEOHRTIEFEJ Ml7 R Lfl02 (KOHR PLSENK. 1 RI-I2 -5.3(REFERENZEB.I RI-I3 -5.31ROHRTJEFE) R04 2.3fSPANRRECHEN) Ml7 C LOB3(TIEFBOHREN) ROO 2.3(ENTSPANZEIT) A01 3.3(1 .ROHRTIEFE) RO.? -5.3tREFERENZER.J RO3 -5.3(ENDBOHRTIEFE) R04 3.3iSPANRRECHEN) R05 3.3tDEGRESSION) Ml7 8 L084tGEWINDE 663) RnZ -5.3(REFERENZER.J R03 -5.3fBOHRTIFE) RD6 Z.n(SPINDELL.IMK.) A07 Z.O(ALTE SPINRI. 1 Ml7 & LOR5tAUSBOHREN 1) Rfli! -5.3fREFERENZER.j R03 -5.3tROHRTIEFE) RlO -5.3(RLiECKZlJGEK.) Ml7 R L,Of36 f AUSROHREN 71 R02 -5.3IREFERENZER.1 R03 -5.3iROHRTJEFE) RlO -5.3fRUECKZUGER.1 Ml7 8 LflA7(AUSROHPEN 3) RI-I2 -5.3fRFFERENZEE.J R03 -5.3(ROHRTIFFF) HiYi7 i'.O(SPINDEL FIN) Ill 7 cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling axis: Z 8 059 R LOAt (AUSBOHREN 4) ROil -5.3fREFERENZEB.I Rfl3 -5,3(BOHRTJEFE) R04 2.3(VERWEILZEIT) RD7 2.OtSPINDEL EIN) Ml7 R L.089 (AUSROHREN 5) R02 -5.3lREFERENZEB.j R03 -5.3fKOHRTJEFE) R04 2.3tSPANBRECHEN) Ml7 & LOSOtGEWINDE 633) R[172 -5.3iREFERENZER.1 R03 -5.3(BOHRTIEFE) A06 2.CJ(SPJNDELlJMK.) R07 Z.O(ALTE SPINRI.) RD9 4.3fSTEJGUNGi HI7 HO2 6 - 19 A.72.83 a 6 - 021 English text drilling R LflSl (DRILL.CENTR.1 R02 -5.3(EXIT PLANE) RO3:`-5,3(DEPTH) Ml7 & LO82,(DRILL,SINK) R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3 (DEPTH) RCt4 2.3(BREAK CHIPS) Ml7 & LO83tDEEP HOLE DR) ROD 2.3fDWELL) R01 3.3(1. DEPTH) Rfl2 -5.3tEXJT PLANE) R03 -5.3tFINAL DEPTH) RD4 3.3fEREAK CHIPS) ROS 3.3tDEGRESSION) M17 b L084lTHREAD 663) R02 -5,3(EXJT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) RD6 2.O(REV.SPIN.DIRJ R07 Z.O(ORG.SPIN.DIR) Ml7 8 L085tDRILLING 1) R02 -5.3 (EXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) RlO -5.3fRETRACT PL.1 Ml7 & LO86(DRILLING 2) RO2 -5.31EXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3 (DEPTH) R70 -5.3tRETRACT PLANE) Ml7 8 LO87tDRILLING R02 R03 R07 Ml7 -5.3tEXIT -5.3tDEPTH) 2.O(SPJNDLE 3) PLANE) ON) cycles A.12.83 20 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling axis:2 8 WI & LOBB(DRlLLJNG 4) R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) RD3 -5.3 (DEPTH) A04 2.3(DWELL) R07 Z.O(SPINDLE ON) Ml"3 & LD89(DRJLLING 5) ROZ -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) R04 2.3tBREAK CHIPS) Ml7 8 L090lTHREAD 633) R02 -5.3(EXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3lDEPTH) RO6 Z.D(REV.SPIN.DJR) R07 Z.O(ORG.SPIN..DIR) Rn9 4.3tPITCH) Ml7 MO2 6 - 21 A.12.83 A.12.83 French text drilling C LCMl(PERC.CENTRA.1 RO%-5.3(PLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.PERC.) Ml7 8 L082(PERC.LAMAGE) RO2 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.PERC.J R04 2.3fBRISAGE COP.) H17 & LO83tPERCAGE. PROF) ROO 2.3tTEMPS DECOP.) ROl 3.3tS.PROF.PERC.1 R02 -5.3tPLAN DE "REF.) R03 -5.3fPROF.FINALE) R04 3.3tBISAGE COP.) R05 3.3(DEGRESSION) H17 & LO84fFILETAGE 663) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3fPROF.PERC.1 R06 Z.O(INV.DIR.BRO.) R07 P.O(ANC.DIR.BRO.1 Ml7 B LO85tALESAGE 1) A02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3fPROF.PERC.J RlO -5.3tPLAN RETRAIT) Ml7 ii L086lALESAGE 2) RO2 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.PERC.) RlO -5.3tPL.AN RETRAIT) Hl7 8 LO87fALESAGE 31 R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC. 1 R07 Z.OtMARCHE BRO.) Ml7 cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling axis: Z 8 6 (p2) & LO88tALESAGE 4) Rn2 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.1 R03 -5.3fPROF.PERC.1 A04 2.3fTPS.ATTENTE) Ftt$ Z.O(tlARCHE ERO.) 8 LO89tALESAGE 5) RCIZ -5.3tPl.AN DE REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.PERC.I R04 2.3fRRJSAGE COP.) Ml 7 & LO9D(FILETAGE 633) RO2 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC.I RO6 2.O(INV.DIR.BRO.) R07 Z.O~ANC.DIR.PRO.1 R09 4.3fPAS DE FILET) H17 MO2 * - 23 A.12.83 8 Italian Under ~u2.83 6 - 24 (p2) text drilling preparation! cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling axis: Z a (~21 0 I. 6 - 25 A.12.83 8 Drilling A.12.83 6 - 26 WI cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling variable axis: iaddress parameter depending ;software edition ;rapid traverse to reference ;drilling to depth irapid traverse retraction on irapid ;drilling idwell I*rapid ;start plane traverse to reference to depth in depth traverse retraction preparations ;R67 = 2* degression idrilling direction ;R66 = sign ;move ;end check to reference crit. R63 ;R62 = absolute plane = jI drilling ;move to safety ;for next drilling ;R63 = degress. ;calculate next ;half delivery ;half delivery ;last delivery ;end end delivery required? drilling depth plane 8 (p2) 6 - 27 A.12.83 ;rapid traverse to reference plane ;-thread drilling to depth G63 ispindle reversal ;back by G63 ;basic position rapid ;drilling ;rapid i traverse to reference plane to depth traverse back to retraction spindle direction R@7 *rapid traverse to reference plane I ;drilling to depth ;spindle stop back to retraction ; rapid traverse RlO ; RI@ ;spindle direction Rfl7 traverse to reference plane : rapid ;drilling to depth stop and program stop M@95 i spindle plane back to reference i rapid traverse 8 0'2) 6 - 28 A.12.83 -spindle direction Rfl7 ;rapid traverse to reference plane ;drilling to depth idwell before spindle stop stop and program stop *spindle , ;rapid traverse back to ref. plane I irapid traverse ref. idrilling to depth ;dwell iadvance feed back ;basic position I-rapid ;thread ispindle traverse drilling reversal, ;basic position ;empty intermediate plane to ref. plane to depth G33 back by G33 store 8 6 - 29 0'2) A.12.83 l German text drilling cycles & LOB? (BOHR ZENTR. RCQ -5.3tREFERENZEB.1 R03 -5.3tROHRTJEFE) Rll Z.O(ACHSNlJMMER) 1 Ml7 8 L082lBOHR PLSENK. RD2 -5.3tREFERENZER.1 R03 -5.3(BOHRTIEFE) R04 2.3tSPANBRECHEN) Rll Z.O(ACHSNUMMER1 Ml7 b L083(TIEFBOHREN) ROD 2.3fENTSPANZEJT) A01 3.3(1 .BOHRTIEFE) R02 -5.3fREFERENZER.I R03 -5.3tENDBOHRTIEFE) R04 3.3tSPANERECHEN) R05 3.3tDEGRESSION) Rll 2,O(ACHSNUMMER) tl17 & 1084tGEWJNDE R02 R03 R06 R07 Rll 1 663) -5.3lREFERENZEB.J -5.3iBOHRTJFE) Z.O(SPINDELUMK.1 2.O(AL.TE SPJNRJ .) Z.O(ACHSNUMMER) Ml7 & L085tAUSBOHREN 11 R02 -5.3lREFERENZEK.1 R03 -5.3tBOHRTIEFE) RlO -5.3fRLJECKZLJGEH.) Rll i!.O(ACHSNUtlMER) M17 8 LO86 (AUSBOHREN RD2 -5.3fREFERENZEB.1 R03 -5.3tBOHRTIEFE) RlCl -5.3fRLJECKZlJGEB.) Rll Z.O(ACHSNUMMER) Ml7 & L087tAUSBOHREN R02 -5.3tREFERENZEE.1 R03 -5.3(BOHRTIEFE) R137 2.DtSPJNDEL RI 1 2.0tACHSNUMMER) Ml7 21 3) EJN) 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling axis: variable a 02) 8 L088(AUSROHREN 4) Rfl2 -S,3(REFERENZER.) R03 -5.3tROHRTIEFE) RD4 2.3(VERWEJLZEJTJ R07 Z.O(SPINDEL. EIN) RlF*Z.O(ACHSNUMMER~ Ml7 B 108% (AIJSROHREN 5) R02 -5.3lREFERENZER.I R03 -5.3fROHRTIEFE) R04 2.3tSPANRRECHEN) Rll Z.O(ACHSNUMMER) Ml7 & LO90 (GEWINDE 633) R02 -5.3lREFERENZEB.j Rtl3 -5.3fROHRTIEFE) RO6 Z.O(SPINDELUMK. 1 RO7 Z.O(ALTE SPJNRI. 1 R09 4.3(STEIGUNG) Rll Z.O(ACHSNUMMER) Ml7 MO2 6 -30 A.12.83 A. 12.83 English text drilling & LflSl (DRILL.CENTR.1 ROZ,, -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3(DEPTH) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.) Ml7 & LOBZ(DRILL.SINK) ROZ -5.3fEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) RO4 2.3tRREAK CHIPS) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.) Ml7 L L083tDEEP HOLE DR) ROD 2.3tDWELL) R01 3.3(1. DEPTH) ROZ -5.3tEXJT PLANE) R03 -5.3fFINAL DEPTH) R04 3.3fEREAK CHJPS) R05 3.3tDEGRESSION) RI1 Z.O(AXIS NO.) Ml7 B LDB4fTHREAD Gc13) ' R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3(DEPTH) RO6 Z.O(REV.SPIN.DIR) R07 Z.O(ORG.SPIN.DIR) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.) Ml7 8 L085tDRILLING 1) R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) RlO -5.3fRETRACT PL.) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.) Ml7 & LO86(DRILLING 2) ROi! -5.3 (EXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) R10 -5.3fRETRACT PLANE) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.) Ml7 b L087lDRILLING 31 R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3fDEPTH) R07 Z.O(SPJNDLE ON1 Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.1 Ml7 cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint 8M drilling axis: variable.- a (~2) 6 - 32 C 10881DRILLING 4) ROZ -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tDEPTH) Rfl4 2,3(DWELL) R07 Z.O(SPINDLE ON) RSl,,i'.O(AXJS NO.) Ml7 & LCM9(DRJLLJNG 5) R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 R04 -5.3fDEPTH) 2.3tBREAK Rll Ml7 Z.O(AXJS CHIPS) NO.) & LOSCl(THREAD 633) A02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3 (DEPTH) RO6 Z.O(REV.SPIN.`DIR) R07 P.O(ORG.SPJN.DJR) R09 4.3tPITCH) R'll Ml7 MO2 Z.O(AXIS NO.1 A.12.83 8 6 - 33 0'2) French text drilling b L081iPERC.CENTRA.1 RO?,-5.3fPLAN DE REF.1 R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC.1 Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) Ii17 & 1082 (PERC.LAMAGE) ROZ -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC. 1 R04 2.3lBRISAGE COP.) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) t117 b 1083tPERCAGE PROF) ROO 2.31TEMPS DEGOP.) ROl 3.3(1 l PROF.PERC.1 R02 -5.3(PLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.FINALE) R04 3.3(BISAGE COP.) R05 3.3(DEGRESSION) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) Ml7 & L084tFILETAGE 663) ROZ -5.3fPLAN DE REF.]' R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC.I RO6 Z.O(JNV.DIR.BRO.) R07 Z.O(ANC.DIR.BRO.) Rll Z.O(NLJMERO AXE) II17 & 1085tALESAGE `l) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3fPROF.PERC.I RlO -5.3tPLAN RETRAIT) R?l Z.O(NL!MERO AXE) t117 B 1086fALESAGE 2) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC.I RlO -5.3tPLAN RETRAIT) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE1 Ill 7 & 1087fALESAGE 31 R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC.j R07 1..O(tlARCHE BRO.) Rll Z.OfNUMERO AXE1 t117 cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint A.12.83 8M drilling axis: variable 8 0'2) & LtBB(ALESAGE 4) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3fPROF.PERC.1 RQ4 2.3tTPS.ATTENTE) R07 Z.O(MARCHE BRO.) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) HI 7 B LDB9(ALESAGE 51 R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) Ril3 -5.3fPROF.PERC.J R04 2.3tBRISAGE COP.) R11 Z.OfNUMERO AXE) II17 & L090lFILETAGE 633) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.PERC.1 RO6 Z.O(INV.DIR.RRO.1 `RO7 Z.O~ANC.DIR.RRO.) R09 4.3tPAS DE FILET) Rll P.O(NUMERO AXE) t117 II02 6 - 34 A.12.83 8 6 - 35 (P2) Italian Jnder text drilling preparation! cycles 8M/8MC/Sprint .A.l2.83 8M drilling axis: variable 6 - 36 A.12.83 l 8 6 - 37 02) 6.3 l /" .' Drilling and milling A.'12.83 patterns Sprint 8~ SF ; start conditions i?62 67 F.LJ~ Fi50 3&l F;'2 8 ~52: 1 ~25 E62 - /?@I R85 8 F:Ts ;and load of aux. parameters l33;:' 8 R62 ES;? idrilling direction evaluation F:85 13 -+:yy$ t-Jo I?83 5 IT:'53 FpE: icheck with/without DP F:5121~::61'1l$wII~~i ;load without DP R5@=360 degrees t.17 F;G&- - -' -&:P.e* iangular step = @? N6 fiqj~ 6 pp.;;. II ,'::.--8 .,,c-, *..lc: -;start angle at R51 R513 13 F:26 ;Rll =drilling axis t46 R5fl. 111F:25 iaddress parameter loading 1388 F&j., idepending on drilling axis L 9 0 Ml.. 13 --- l-q 13 @28 I.$28 @9j" @OQ 7 @;jQ NT @ZfYi @a% lafqq - - _. 7 I* 3 ..LW. A 04. $2 @go 3 2 @gQ 1 2: @pQ 1 C83] SF' $-Jq> t&l N:Z @2Q I?28 @9J. 2 M7 @213 1392 R-Jl. t*Jg GJ.8 G98 13913 fFf22 129j. @52 F.85 R51 F.58 R52 FEZ cj$$8 I332 -8 R2.7 G961 McLL7 A'2 @9J, f.G:sz: F'R24 HRSi ly-Q8 -approach drill pas., drill by GR28 ;back to safety distance Factual angle + angular step ;increment counter for drilling icompare counter drilling number ;end I 6 - 38 1303 ES5 R50 t.15 @&I. R50 N6 NS 5 R53 100000 R85 R50 / 6 RZG 0 R26 I?51 0 R51 / ;start ;check Ri8 R27 R52 R25 R:::5 R71. 90 R!X F;72 0 R51 f?54 360 R5i. . R85 N9 1203 34 R54 R72 Ri2 - R54 t410 I303 l.l. R54 R71 Ri'1 - R54 @as -9 Nkl. @:I.5 RPit @15 R72 R60 0 R02 R60 - R03 f?.G 0 RI.2 R70 2 R66 / R70 R5& 0 IQ4 Rfi7 0 R66 R56 EG fP.67 . F;72 F.:6S 0 R66 REX3 . R71 R62 0 RC7 EG2 - R&E: F:63 0 RE;7 * R63 f-&:3 R64 2 R64 . F:gQ F;55 2 R65 . R67 F.76 0 FA3 R76 - F.3.2 F.75 0 F5% R75 . RX R76 s F;72 R&j. 9 EB4 itg R&j. / RS:4 F.82 0 F;Si R13 0 R&l R&l R62. RR2 , IT.63 Es3 . RI% Gg.0 GJ.7 G60 G90 ;>gc:22 `3R23 ~RSl. R02 R78 ' c; ZRB2 - R;W ~12 *@Q3 R60 R@ 0 Fyi33 R70 j-4 RR1 F:t% - REtI. R70 2 @03 I,3 F;@f R0l. R'.60 R0L R6@ /*' f?70 t.JjJ R&g F.68 0 A.12.83 conditions with/without DP ;load,without DP. R5fl=36P) degrees : number of drillings I-360 degrees ;angular step = O? N6 iangular step in R5Jd ;start angle at R51 I*change R51 in degrees ;aux. param. for SIN, COS ;change back R51 ;if angle for SIN >=36pl, ;then R72 - 368 ; cos *repeat ;R71 = COS R51 ;R72 = SIN R51 ;R6fl ;R66 ;R56 ;R67 l R68 I~62 ;R63 ;R64 ;R65 ;R76 ;R75 ;R76 drilling depth p1.5*groove width radius + fl.5 groove width 8.5 groove width *SIN R51 fl.5 groove width *COS R51 = R67 - R68 = R67 +R68 = 2*R68 = 2*R67 groove length - groove width = R76 *COS R51 = R76 *SIN R51 ;R81,R82,R83 = fl.9 *R62,R63,R66 FR56 istart pos. groove plane + safety I*reference ;N12,N13,N14 depending on ;depth delivery crit. ;calculate milling depth 8 02) 6 - 39 ;move to milling ;CRC selection igroove milling A.12.83 depth in cont. ;tangential departure icancel CRC igroove end? ireference plane + safety : next angle iincrement counter *all grooves milled? I ;end path oper. 8 UW 6 - 40 A.12.83 8 6 (W - m2.83 41 ;R71 = CO5 R51 ;R72 = SIN R51 ;R6fl ;R66 ';R56 ;R67 ;R68 ;R62 ';R63 drilling depth 8.5" radius + fl.5 groove width 8.5 groove width *SIN R51 8.5 groove width *COS R51 = R67 - R68 = R67 + R68 = 2*R68 ;R64 ;R65 = 2*R67 ;R76 groove length - groove width ;R75 = R76 "COS R51 ;R76 = R76 *SIN R51 *start pos. I G @d92 Ro2 - F;78 NL2 R68 . F.86 R69 13 HI:I~: F:7Q 0 @63 I.4 R81 F:6Q - RI31 Fr:7L3 2 13 ESQ F!&l. EEtt ,.-' F;70 tk1.3 I?60 , j-4,:& R69 wt50 kid.4 Gi WJ:' F:69 ".W.h.., ci41 rjgi l?J?@R68 @gi, E67 G3 I364 @98 R62 @91 - &3 p-~&5 Gi @98 R75 13?yl FJ~G ,-. G3 @fJ@- F:65-- cdxl. R64 FL:66 I31 I398 fT5Q @El3 R69 R60 l I7 I-TA m9!3 R&l lTl'=c*~ ~~~=~~~~~~~%l:-,,~~~~~ IanT --A R82 Q 7- ;$=j-Z: .c-7 ..a: R78 I?92 RQ2 RSI ES8 Rx! E53 Qq5: -8 p.27 III.7 -R78 F52 ~~83 groove ;reference plane + safety ;N12,N13,N14 depending on ;depth delivery crit. ;calculate milling depth ;move to milling ;selection CRC ;grcove milling ;k;tzzz;ti",; I'end depth in cont. departure of a groove? ;reference plane + safety ;next angle ;:i,ncrement counter ;a11 grooves milled? ;end path oper. 8 M2.83 6 - 42 02) L..9Q38Q FYSt3 361.. F:52 IanT - - .d 5 I?53 F:78 13 F;53 ESEI 36600~108 IEl R56 ,*c E>:7 1381 6 R2r; ES2 R50 8 RZ6 145 ESA. El E25 R56 Q Rj*.2 R78 z F'S& ,.+.'ET13 F;57 Q -F;t;& J, 1225 , ; start conditions ,;check with/without DP -load without DP.R50=36pl degrees I ;36pI degrees: number of drillings iangular step = 01 N6 iangular step at R5pl istart angle at R51 diameter + radius Il R56 pl.S*tool ;R57 radius F:57 F.:jJ tJ? R@l 8 tool radius ;load aux. parameters R68 - R03 ;Incr. R60 milling depth ciJ.n 1358 G913 ::.$!22 '+F:sz: flF..F;i F'H56; ;move to milling position Rti2 I?78 ireference plane + safety -2 ;N9, NIO icalculate milling depth F:82 ES5 -1 ;move ;jump ;inner to milling depth to N13 or N15 side obloq hole ;outer side oblong hole ;R53 = R53 *(-1) ;end crit. of oblong hole ireference plane + safety ,*next angle iincrement counter ;a11 oblong holes finished? ;end + hole length 8 L904?0 F:r;Q 13 F;Qs R~I:I I:C@ F:52 @9:1 t.17 @ZQ p70 1.I L1 , I?,!% /' GfiQ Fr:53: J, ;check with/without DP ;load without DP.R50=36fl degrees ;36$ de?rees : number of drillings ;angular step = pl? N6 ;angular step at R5@ angle at R51 I*start ;Rll is drilling axis ;load address parameter idepending on drilling axis 2 `@92 F:j..i RQ6 F;;.1:;s 0 fq12 ET6 F:.57;7 13 -F:.55 R;:q ;z ;R56 @.S*tool R56 I?24 R57 fQ:+ F:!ftT F;:jJ tm R68 $3 R82 F;53 -).. E68 - Fxl3 QjmQ 8 ;start conditions ;and load aux. parameters milling direction I-calculation RSO - Ri33 F::sr; j. 122:s IYIn9 - .-k 8 F.60 F:52 R86 -1 t+Ja @Q3 !fi F:sz F.:q; E58 36808BQl3 1.15F:sQ ,...' F:27 @nje 6 fQ6 F;ss R58 El F.JZ& N6 E5:l. El F.25 I398 RpJ. 1.11La20 1391. 2 I320 @91 3 @no 7 tq2 1328 1398 3 1320 @9:1.1 @88 7 lJ4 t43 I>213 ($913 1 1320 A.12.83 6 - 43 0'2) Gf+(j I>913 fF:;?i;i;i: ;R57 radius @y:j.. F:>i>I diameter tool f radius radius ;load aux. parameters ;incr. R60 milling depth RFi5:1,PR56 ;move to milling position ireference ;N9, Nlfl ;calculate ;move ;jump ;inner plane + safety milling depth to milling depth to N12 or N15 side oblong hole ;outer side oblonq hole ;R53 = R53 *(-I) ;end crit. of oblong hole ireference plane + safety ;next angle iincrement counter ;a11 oblong holes finished? ;end + hole length A.12.83 ;start conditions ;check with/without DP ;load without DP R50=360 degrees ;36@ degrees : number of drillings ;angular step = pl? N6 ;angular step at R5fl ;start angle at R51 f='fkf24 fiE5j. fiE'z8 ;move to drilling pas., drill. by GR28 ;back to safety distance step Fact. angle + angular ;increment counter for drilling ;compare counter ;end F;I:53 3. @ZS A.12.83 a .German a a a text drilling & L90cl(ROHRBILD) Rl+ Z.O(ACHSNUMMER) R22 -5.JtMP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3 (RADIUS) R25 3.5(STARTWINKEL) RZ6 3.5(TEILWINKEL~ R27 3.0iBOHRANZAHL) R28 3.D(NR.BOHRZYK.1 H17 R 1901 (FRAESBLD NLIT) ROI -2.3tZUSTELLTIEFE) ROZ -5.3tREFERENZEB.l R03 -5.3tNUTTIEFE) R22 -5.3tMP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE 2.1 R24 4.3tRADIUS) ! R25 3.5lSTARTWINKEL) R26 3.5(TEILWINKEL) R27 3.0INUT ANZAHL) R12 4.3tNUTRREITE) R13 4.3lNUTLAENGE) H17 b L902 (FRAESBLD NUT 1 Rlll -2.3fZUSTELLTIEFE) R02 -5.3tREFERENZEB.I R03 -5.3tNUTTIEFE) Rll Z.O(ACHSNUMMER) R22 -5.3(MP ACHSE 1) RZJ -5.3tMP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5tSTARTWINKEL) R26 3.5(TE.ILWINKEL) R27 3.0tNUT ANZAHL) Rl2 4.3(NUTBREJTE) R13 4.3tNUTLAENGE) Ml7 C L903(LANGLOCH) R01 -2.3tZLlSJEL.LTIEFE) A02 -5.3tREFERENZEB.I R03 -5.3lNLJTTIEFE) R22 -5.3(MP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3fMP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5tSTARTWJNKEL) R26 3.5tTEILWINKEL) R27 3.fliLOCHANZAH1.1 Rl 2 4.3tFRAESERDURCH) fl;; 4.3iLANGL.LAENGE) and milling patterns Sprint 8M 8 0'2) 6 - 46 A.12.83 & 1904 (LANGLOCH) II01 -2.3tZUSTELLTIEFE) -5.3tREFERENZEB.1 iii i) -5.3lNUTTIEFE) Rll Z.D(ACHSNUMMER) R2'2 -,5.3(MP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3(MP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5(STARTWJNKEL) R26 3.5tTEILWINKEL) R27 3.D(LOCHANZAHL~ R12 4.3 (FRAESERDURCH) R13 4.3(LANSL.LAENGE) H17 & L905(BOHRBILD) *' R22 -5.3tMP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE 21 R24 4.3lRADIUS) R25 3.5fSTARTWINKEL) R26 3.5tTEILWINKEL) R27 3,D(ROHRANZAHL) R28 3.01NR.BOHRZYK.1 Ml7 HO2 l 8 -English a l 6 - 47 W) text drilling & L9llU(DRILL.PATERN) Rll, Z.O(AXIS NO.) R22 -5.3fCNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.3tCNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4.3fRADIlJSl R25 3.5(START ANGLE) R26 3.5fPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.O(NO. OF HOLES) R28 3.OtCYCLE NO.) Ml7 & 1901 (MILL.GROOVE) R01 -2.3lDEPTHJ ROZ -5.3fEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3fGROOVE DEPTH) R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.3tCNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4.3fRADIlJS) R25 3.5tSTART ANGLE1 R26 3.5fPROGR. ANGLE)! R27 3.O(NO. OF HOLES) Rli! 4.3fGROOVE WIDTH) R13 4.3tGROOVE LENG. 1 Ml7 C L902(MILL.GROOVE) ROl -2.3 (DEPTH) R02 -5.3(EXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3 (GROOVE DEPTH) Rll P.O(AXIS NO.) R22 -5.3(CNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.31CNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5(START ANGLE) R26 3.5tPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.O(NO. OF GROOVE) Rl2 4.3iGROOVE WIDTH) R13 4.3fGROOVE LENG.) Ml7 8 L903 (SLOT). RO1 -2.3fDEPTH) R02 -5.3(EXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tGROOVE DEPTH) R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l .AX) R23 -5.3tCNTR.PT.2.AX) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5(START ANGLE) R26 3.5tPROGR. ANGL.E) R27 3.OfNO. OF HOLES) R12 4.3(GROOVE WIDTH) R13 4.3tGROOVE LENG.1 H17 and milling A.12.83 patterns Sprint GM 8 . (W & 1904fSLOT) ROl -2.3lDEPTH) RDZ -5,31EXJJ PLANE) R03 -5.3lGROOVE DEPTH) R?l Z.O(AXIS NO.) R22 -,5.3KNTR.PT.7 .AX) R23 -5.3tCNTR.PT.2.AX) R24 4.3tRADIUS1 R25 3.5 (START ANGLE) R26 3.5IPROGR. ANGLE1 R27 3.OtNO. OF HOLES) R12 4.3tCUTTER DIA. 1 R13 4.3(SLOT LENGTH) Ml7 & 1905(DRILL.PAT~RN~ R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.3tCNTR.PJ.2.AX) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5lSTARJ ANGLE) R26 3.5tPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3,O(NO. OF HOLES) R28 3.0tCYCLE NO.) Ml7 MO2 6 - 48 A.12.83 I a (~2) French 6 - 49 text drilling and milling Ic L'?OO(TROU.REPARTI) Rl',t Z.O(NUMERO AXE) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 y5.3KENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3(RAYON) R25 3.5fANGL.JNJTJAL) R26 3.5tANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.OtNHRE.PERC.1 R28 3.0(NUMERO CYCLE) Ml7 & L901 fRAIN.REPARTI) RO1 -2.3fPROF.AVANCE) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE'REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.RAJNURE) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3fCENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3lRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INJJJAL) R26 3.5(ANGL.PARTIcL) R27 3.OfNKRE.RAJNURE) R12 4.3tLARG.RAINURE) R13 4.3fLONG.RAJNURE) n17 & 1902fRAJN.REPARTJ) ROI -2.3tPROF.AVANCE) ROZ -5.3fPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.RAINURE) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3tCENJRE AXE 2) R24 4.3lRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.JNJJJAL) R26 3.5lANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.OfNRRE.RAJNURE) R12 4.3tLARG.RAINURE) R13 4.3(LONG.RAJNUREl Ml7 & 1903(MORTAJSE) ROl -2.3(PROF.AVANCE) ROZ -5.3fPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.RAINURE) RZi! -5.3fCENJRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3fRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INITIAL) R26 3.5(ANGL.PARJJEL) R27 3.0(NRRE.TROUS) RI:! 4.3fDJAM.FRAJSE) R13 4.3tLONG.MORTAI.1 M17 patterns A.+l2.83 Sprint 8~ 8 6 - 50 U'2) %-.-.L904(tlOFtJfiISE1 R01 -2.3tPROF.AVANCE) RD2 -5.3fPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.RAINURE) Rl+ Z.O(NlJMERO AXE) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 21 R24 4.3(RAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.IN1JIN-) R26 3.5lANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.D(NRRE.TROUS) Rl2 4.3tDIAM.FRAISE) R13 4.3fLONG.MORTAJ) N17 & 1905fTROU.REPARTI) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3tRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INJTIAL) R26 3.5tANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.D(NHRE.PEAC.J R28 3.0tNUMERO CYCLE) Ml7 HO2 ' A.12.83 8 A.12.83 (p2) Italian Under text drilling preparation! and milling patterns Sprint 8M 8 02) 6 - 52 A.12.83 a .8 (P2) 6.4 % SF L986188f 6 - 53 Drilling and milling patterns A.12.83 8M/8MC w-3 84. 82 c Q3 1 epj, p1c > ..--a ;start conditions EC2 cl fxl2 p,SQ 3.%i ,I?52 13 RS3 1 @25 ;and load aux. parameters HG;Z - R83 R85 8 F;yq: ;drilling direction calculation @lx? El R62 R!x? ES5 8 -I?78 ;check with/without DP ta3 @Es35 R53 R78 ;load without DP R5(6=36fl degrees R50 -6lxlr~~bm ~360 degrees: number of holes lJ5 R&l ,; R27 ;angular step = p13 N6 @doi 6 I?26 R52 -start angle at R51 I?58 El RZ6 t-J6 G51 cl R25 = drilling axis ;Rll iaddress parameters loading @Em FA.1 t41 @28 I298 2 ;depending on drilling axis @xl @91 3 @F.lGi7 N2 028 @5ql 3 lx!8 @W.. 1 @BB 7 N4 N3 1231'1 - L.- @yQ 1 @28 I391 2' t-J? @20 I392 F:l:t t.48 GgmQGgEi @~L:IF:22 @yj. F:23 FE24 fiF;sl GR28 ;move to drilling pas., drill. by GR28 ;back to safety distance GE38 G9l @92 F.:gji angle + angular step ;act. RSl RSQ iincrement counter for drilling Rx? R53 @82 -8 Rp ps2 icompare counter no. of holes I398 WI.7 ;end 8 6 (P2) - 54 A.12.83 ;start ;check conditions with/without DP. ;Load without DP. R5fl=360 degrees ;360 degrees : number of holes ;angular step = Id? N6 ;angular step at R5fl ;start angle at R51 ichange R51 into degrees ;aux. par. for SIN, COS ichange back R51 ;if angle for SIN >=36pl, ;then R72 - 36pl ; cos *repeat ,;R71 = cos R51 ,;R72 = SIN R51 R81 / ES4 R81 R82 . , ;R6fl ;R66 ;R56 ;R67 ;R68 ;R62 ;R63 ;R64 ;R65 ;R76 ;I?75 ;R76 RQ2 Q.R%l R83 I3 R81 R62 R63 ;1?81,R82,R83 R83 . R66 ~j-8 ~68 Gg@ XR22 RQ;: R7:3 G zRQ2 - R7E: t'R23 t.Ji.2 R69 0 F;IJ~ R78 b WI?: -mm 14 R81L' RI% RG;B - R&I. R78 2 @83 13 R60. ROl EG8 R81 R60 /' R78 bJl.3 R69 RI% drilling`depth fl.t;*groove width radius + fl.5 groove width 0.5 groove width *SIN R51 fl.5 groove width *COS R51 = R67 - R68 = R67 + R68 = 2*R68 = 2*R67 groove length - groove width = R76 *COS R51 = R76 *SIN R51 HRSil. FRSG ;' start ~0s. = 8.9 *R62,R63,R66 groove plane + safety I*reference ;fJ12, N13, N14 depending ;clepth delivery crit. ;calculate milling depth on 8 (W 6 - 55 ;move to milling depth ;selection CRC ;mill groove in cont.path ;tangential departure ;cancel CRC iend of groove? ireference plane + safety inext angle ;increment counter ;a11 grooves finished? ;end A.12.83 operation 6 - 56 A.12.83 ;start conditions ;and load aux. parameters ;milling direction calculation ;check with/without DP ;load without DP R5@=36@ degrees degrees : number of holes ;angular step = pl? N6 iangular step at R5fl ;start angle at R51 ;allocate address parameters ;to axes ;36p1 isafety sign I*change R51 into degrees ;aux. parameters for SIN, ;change back R51 ;if angle for SIN>=36fl, ;then R72 - 360 ; cos ;repeat COS 8 6 ,- 57 0'2) A.12.83 ;R71 = COS R51 F'Si ;R72 = SIN R51 FT2 Q E02 - fxl3 RI56 13 la.2 ~ml 2 lI R6fl drilling depth ' ;R66 @.5*groove width r' fT.70 Es& ~3 F:24 RI56 Er;7 13 F;66 ;R56 radius + 0.5 groove width . fF:72 EG:3 (3 Et56 ;R67 0.5 groove width *SIN R51 E71 RQ 8 F:57 ;R68 a.5 groove width *COSRSl l- R6% E63 13 F:67 ;R62 = R67 - R68 I-?68 R&l 2 ;R63 = R67 + R68 . F:r;8 tT:65 2 ;R64 = 2*R68 I E(fCi R76 Q /G:ix ;R65 = 2*R67 RX - R:Q R75 13 R76 ;R76 groove length - groove width ;R75 = R76 * COS R51 r7-!Z I' .-I . R71 E76 . R72 R&t 3 F::::q J.121 ;R76 = R76 * SIN R51 R81 ,*' f?$?LjR82 13 f?fII F!83 13 R&l" E81 Ii& ;R81,R82,R83 = 0.9 *R62,R63,R66 R82 . I?63 E83 . RG6 ~~1.8 Q~I$ ~90 1398 ~5: @W. R23 At?S:t PRSr; ;start position groove F:82 WE! ;reference plane t safety G 1292 R82 - FT::: ;N12,N13,N14 depending on t.Jjm2 F:@J . F;eG F.:gg 13 Al:13 ET8 I?1 ;depth delivery crit. @I1339.4 fq8% R@3 ;milling depth calculation R&3 - RQ:l. Fz78 2 @8X i.3 I?68 REli E69 REtI.. RE;Q /' WEI t.Jd.3 F:@:j . F.:::g FT:69BgJl t.1j.4 Q1 1332 R69 &ii. ORI. 13'p:t 1398 EG8 @9i F::tg ;move to milling depth G3 cj64 1390 RP;~ 1>9:1 F:&:: F'-F.&r; ;selection CRC Gj. @go R7Fs; 1291 R76 *mill groove in cont.path operation I G3 @98 - EG5 II$~:I 6164 F'F:66 tkl.1 ,I315 @AS R60 I?68 WEI R55 E&i R6.q R62 fq63 R64 E65 E75 lx. @:x3 - fi3 1260 @gt:i Gpl.. lI;i4:1 [:I 139:j. E:>:i Q90 HR5:1. @En -j.;: Fml I?53 EEG! E78 G @g2 Raa -E78 FT51 FE33 ES2 ES3 @EG!4: Rz?? F!52 tkt7 -' @:?i. FyE; - F:82 FTC% F'W3 ;tangential departure icancel CRC I*end of groove? ireference plane + safety scnext angle ;increment counter ;a11 grooves finished? ;end 8 6 (W 58 - A.72.03 L98308 F:5Q 360 E52 0 R,53 i 1225 ;start conditions I383 5 E.53 R78 ;check with/without DP R58 3C888OOQ DP R5$4=360 degrees I*load without N5 E58 /' R27 ;36@ degrees: number of holes I381 6 F22G R52 *angular step = 163 N6 R58 8 RX iangular step at R5fl NE; R51 0 R2!fl ;start angle at R51 R56 8 El2 R70 2 diameter + radius Il R56 91.5*tool RSC /' ET'8 R57 Q -R56 R56 R24 ;R57 radius - tool radius + hole'3:ength ES7 R24 R57 RlL3 t.J8 F;&Q 8 REi2 R55 -1 ;load aux. parameters RI58 - RI33 ;increment R6fl milling depth Gl@ G68 G90 >::R22 YR23 HE51 F'R56 imove to milling position FW! .Ri8 G b7Fm3 .-L- - F;7:3 t.Jg R69 lyj RB3 R70 -2 @@3 11. RO1. R&3 R&l - R&j- R7Q 2 @83 18 F:68 F:Ql EGO R6Q R&l. t.JlQ R69 *reference ;NS,Nl@ icalculate plane + safety milling depth <'Fs:JO R60 t.Jii GA. ERG9 @@Q14 R52 t.Jg.3 G11 @qqj 16 HR5I PR56 ;move ;jump *inner I to milling depth to N13 or N15 side oblong hole outer side oblong hole ;R53 = R53 *(-I,) ;end crit. of oblong hole ; reference plane + safety ;next angle ;increment counter *all oblong holes finished? I ;end i 8 6 - 59 0'2) R60 - RG13 R86 i ;start conditions ;and load auxiliary *calculation milling 1 lm5 law ."_b 0 E&0 R52 FM6 -:l tJ@ @a3 5 R53 F;78 F.58 36~000~1~ tqfi R50 0 R27 @81 6 f'Q& F.s:f R56 8 R26 t&Z ES1 El FSS mm RI1 t.11 I'd20 @90 2 @20 @9J. 3 @QO 7 bJ2 @2Q @98 3 1328 @gi 1 ;R56 0.5 R56 R24 R24 R3.3 * tool ;R57 radius t;11=1 PI=I? .. -1 - r? ._ F'Crl3 . - L- F.55 R68 - Rl33 parameters direction ;check with/without DP ;load without DP R5pl=3616 degrees number of holes Il 36pl degrees: ;angular step = PI? N6 iangular step at R50 -start angle at R51 I ;Rll is drilling axis *load address parameters I ;depending on drilling axis tmn ._._ _ 7 t.14 t.13 @d20 @90 1 @28 1291 2 1.17 m3n m-m ITI43 -m.- pJ .1 E'S , EG6 F:56 0 F.1;: F.:70 2 F:sG ,a.' F77Q F57 13 -R!fjG 657 R57 A.12.83 diameter - tool + radius rad.tihole -1 ;load aux. parameters -Lcrement R60 milling depth Gj-8 rj60 12913@9Q t-Q2 @9:1 Fizz: HF:!fjl 'FRs6 ;move to milling position Rl32 I?78 G ($92 FrQ.12 t.Jg F.:@i fana ." -. e* :1.1 F.78 . R& F:69 fqlYjj1 R&9 FT.68- FF:Bl fq71:j 2 1383 18 E5q.l R&l. El50 FXII F;;'GQ/ R78 f.JiQ R&k3 R&9 R613 bJ:fi Gi @WYe _. f&=`=r . . . l .. . 2.d 13.1. 16 fWy5:1,. f=`F:ei& PJLL5 Cikl AR51 FF:57 Iann - *. ._ t.115 F-53 RS.5 ml-n - ._.- -9 R7Q EEl2 F:78 FT:53 I3 I392 R82 - E71-I RSI R!m R53 1 ES2 R53 @lYj2 Eli.7 -8 ~!L~l:: F:ao -2 ; N9 ,Nl plane + safety milling depth fj ;calculate fT::::G ml8 j-4 R53 PJ:L3 -refTerence 8 E27 ES=: ;move ;jump ;inner to milling depth to N13 or N15 side oblong hole I*outer side oblong hole ;R53 = R53 *(-I) of oblong hole ;end crit. ;r-eference plane + safety ;next angle iincrement counter ;a11 oblog holes finished? ;end length 8 039 6 - 60 A.-l2.83 ;start conditions ;check with/without DP ;load without DP R5@=36fl degrees ;36@ degrees: number of holes ;angular step = @? N6 ;angular step at R5fl :start ancrle at R51 gfZ..2:3 ;move to d;illing pas., drilling ;back to safety distance -actual angle + angular step I ;increment counter for drilling I-compare counter ;end by GR2E 8 German text a A.12.83 6 - 61 (p2) drilling R L.9OOtROHRRILD) Rll Z.Cl(ACHSNUMMER) RZi+ -5.3(MP ACHSE ?) R23 -5.31MP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3fRADJUS) R25 3.5tSTARTWINKEL1 RZ6 3.5(JEJLWINKEL.) R27 3.0(ROHRANZAHL) R28 3.OfNR.ROHRZYK.1 H17 B 1901 (FRAESRLD NUJ) R01 -2.3lZUSTELLTIEFE) ROZ -5.3tREFERENZEH.I R03 -5.3tNUTTIEFE) R14 3.OfFRK D-NR.) R22 -5.3fMP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5fSJARTWJNKEL) R26 3.5tTEILWINKEL) R27 3.OtNlJT ANZAHL) R12 4.3tNUTEREITE) R13 4.3tNlJTLAENGE) Ml7 R 1902 (FRAESRLD NUT) ROl -2.3(ZUSTELLTIEFE) ROZ -5.3tREFERENZEB.1 R03 -5.3tNUTTIEFE) Rll Z.G(ACHSNUMMER) A14 3.0tFRK D-NR) R22 -5.3fMP ACHSE 1) R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE 2) R24 4.3(RADIUS) R25 3.5tSTARTWINKEL) R2h 3.5tTEILWINKEL) A27 3.0tNUT ANZAHL) A12 4,3(NUTEREITE) R13 4.3lNUTLAENGE) Ml7 and milling patteris 8M/8MC 8 6 - 62 059 8 1,903 (LANGLOCH) RO? -2.3(ZUSTEL.LTIEFEJ ROZ -S.3(REFERENZER.J RDJ -5.3iNUTTTEFE) R22 -5.3tMP ACHSE R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE R24 4.3(RADIUS) R25 3.5fSTARTWJNKELJ R26 3.5tTEILWINKEL) R27 3,O(LOCHANZAHL) RI 2 4.3(FRAESERDURCHl RI3 4.3(LANGL.LAENGEJ H17 R 1904 (LANGLOCH) ROI -2.3(ZUSTELLTIEFE) R02 -5.3fREFERENZEH.J R03 -5.3tNUTTIEFE) Rll Z.fl(ACHSNUMMER) R22 -5.3(MP ACHSE R23 -5.3tMP ACHSE R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5(STARTWJNKEL) R26 3.5tTEILWINKEL) R27 3.O(LOCHANZAHL) R12 4.3tFRAESERDURCH) RI3 4.3fLANGL.LAENGE) Ml7 & 1905 (ROHRRILD) R22 -5.3(MP ACHSE R23 -5.3fMP ACHSE R24 4.3(RADIUS) R25 3.5tSThRTWINKEL) R26 3.5(TEILWINKEL) R27 3,D(EOHRANZAHLJ R28 3.0(NR.BOHRZYK.) Ml7 MO2 1) 21 1) 2) 1) 2) A.12.83 8 6 -63 (p2) English text drilling & LSOD(DRILL.PATERN) Rll, Z.O(AXIS NO.) R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.3(CNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4,3(RADIlJS) R25 3.5lSTART ANGLE) RZ6 3.5fPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.O(NO. OF HOLES) R28 3.fltCYCLE NO.) Ml7 & 1901 (MJLL.GROOVE) R01 -2.3tDEPTH) RlJ2 -5.3iEXIT PLANE) RQ3 -5.3tGROOVE DEPTH) RI4 3.0fCRC D-NO,) R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.3(CNTR.PT,Z.AX) R24 4.3tRADIUS) R25 3.5fSTART ANGLE) R26 3.5tPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.OfNO. OF HOL,ES) R12 4.3tGROOVE WIDTH) R13 4.3fGROOVE LENG.) Ml7 & L902(MILL.GROOVE) ROI -2.3tDEPTH) RU2 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3fGROOVE DEPTH) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.1 R14 3.0(CRC D-NO.) R22 -5.3fCNTR.PT.l.AX) R23 -5.3tCNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4.3tRADIlJS) R25 3.5tSTART ANGLE) R2b 3.5fPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.OtNO. OF GROOVE) RI2 4.3fGROOVE WIDTH) R13 4.3tGROOVE LENG.) Ml7 and milling a A.'I2.83 patterns 8M/8MC 8 (=I & L903(SLOT) RUl -2.3fDEPTHJ R02 -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tGROOVE DEPTH) R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l.AX) RZS -5.3fCNTR.PT.2.AXJ R24 4.3lRADIUS) R25 3..5fSTART ANGLE) R26 3.5tPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.D(NO. OF HOLES) R12 4.3tGROOVE WIDTH) R13 4.3lGROOVE LENG.1 Ml7 11 L904tSLOT) RGI -2.3fDEPTHJ ROZ -5.3tEXIT PLANE) R03 -5.3tGROOVE DEPTH) Rll Z.O(AXIS NO.) R22 -5.3tCNTR.PT.l .AX) RZ3 -5.3tCNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4.3fRADIUS) R25 3.5tSTART ANGLE) R26 3.5tPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.OlNO. OF HOLES) RI2 4.3lCUTTER DIA.1 R13 4.3tSLOT LENGTH) M17 8 LSOf(DRILL.PATERN) R22 -5.3iCNTR.PT.?.AX) R23 -5.3(CNTR.PT.Z.AX) R24 4.3fRADIlJS) R25 3.5tSTART ANGLE) R26 3.5fPROGR. ANGLE) R27 3.O(NO. OF HOLES) R28 3.DfCYCLE NO.) Ml7 MO2 6 - 64 A.12.83 8 6 - 02) French text drilling and milling & L9OO~TRQUmREPARTI) , RI& Z.O(NUMERO AXE) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3(CENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3tRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INITIAL) R26 3.5tANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.DfNRRE.PERC.1 R28 3.0lNUMERO CYCLE) Ml7 8 L901(RAIN.REPARTI) ROl -2.3fPROF.AVANCE) R02 -5.3(PLAN DE,REF.) R03 -5.3fPROF.RAJNLJRE) RI4 3.0(COR.OUT.NR-D) R22 -5.3iCENTRE AXE 1) A23 -5.3lCENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3fRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INITIAL) RZb 3.5(ANGL.PARTXEL) R27 3.0tNRRE.RAINURE) RlZ 4.3fLARG.RATNURE) R13 4.3(LONG.RAINURE) Ml7 & L902(RAIN.RAPARTI) R01 -2.3(PROF.AVANCE) ROZ -5.3(PLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.RAINLJRE) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) RI4 3.O(COR.DUT.NR-D) R22 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.31CENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3(RAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INJTIAL~ R26 3.5(ANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.0(NKRE.RAINUR.E) R12 4.3tLARG.RAINURE) R13 4.3fLONG.RA.INURE) H17 65 patterns A.12.83 8M/8MC 8 (p2) 6 - 66 A. 12.83 l & 1903(MORTAISE~ RQI -2.3(PROF.AVANCE) R02 -5.3tPLAN DE REF.) R03 -5.3tPROF.RAINURE) R2S -5.3tCENTRE AXE 11 R23 -5.3(CENTRE AXE 2) R24 4,3fRAYONJ R25 3.5(ANGL.INITIAL) R26 3.5iANGL.PARTIEL1 R27 3.O(NBRE.TROUS) R1Z 4.3tDIAM.FRAISE) RI3 4.3tLONG.MORTAI) Ml7 8 L904tMORTAISE) Rlll -2.3tPROF.AVANCE) ROZ -5.3(PLAN DE-REF.) R03 -5.3(PROF.RAJNLJRE) Rll Z.O(NUMERO AXE) RZi! -5.3lCENTRE AXE 11 R23 -5.3lCENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3(RAYON) RZ5 3.5(ANGL.INITIAL) R2h 3.5(ANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.0(NBRE.TROUS) RI2 4.3tDJAM.FRAISE) R13 4.3fLONG.MORTAI.J M?7 8 1905(TROU.REPARTI) R22 -5.3iCENTRE AXE 1) R23 -5.3tCENTRE AXE 2) R24 4.3iRAYON) R25 3.5(ANGL.INITIAL) R2h 3.5tANGL.PARTIEL) R27 3.0tNRRE.PERC. 1 R2& 3.0fNLJMERO CYCLE) H17 MO2 8 6 - 67 (W Italian Under text drilling and milling A.12.83 patterns 811/8MC preparation! A . 6 -68 A.72.83 8 6 - (~2) 6.5 Address codes Possible Machine for addresS the axes 6-9 A.12.83 parameter addresses* Address code no. from (A xis machine para- axes meter) 1 2 I X 1 Y 2 3 2 4 A . 3 4 5 6 B C 7 8 9 v 7 8 I W 9 I E U 10 * For A- the machine axes E addresses, the IO 4-10, address in addition H, to the above P and Q can be selected. - i 8 6 - (P2) 6.6 Fiqure for stodk removal cycle 70 A.72.83 3.3.1 @X x t t A 80 40 1 1 0 IO z 20 30 40 50 60 : E , -6 - a (~2) 6.7 Figure 9x4 for st,ocl: removal cycle 71 A.12.83 3.3.2 A x1 120- 60------ ----------m----- loo- 50- 80- 40- 60- 30- 40- 20- 20- IO- 0L 0' 0 ' `I 10 I I I 1 I II , 20 30 40 II 8 I 50 60 0 6 -: (PZ) 5.8 3ofincd = - - 72 A.12.83 Psremeters Ftr::neter RI3 - BT/Sprint OM/OMC/Sprint 8T Drilling RI1 OM cycles LB1 CBI Or F:3 - RI9 Tool change cycles L95 - L9El fifl L95 - L98 R?2 L95 - L95 L900 ond L901 R25 L95 - L98 L900 and L901 R24 L95 - L98 L900 ond L901 R25 L95 - L98 L900 ond L9Dl FL25 L95 - L98 L900 ond L901 R27 L95 - L98 L900 and L901 t-i29 L95 - L95 L900 and L901 A29 L95 - L98 R30 L95 - L98 R31 L95 - L90 All cycles All cycles R99* - LO9 co9 Lgl/L92 R"-_ RSO - ON 1 - R77 Q 25 Q 25 Q 25 R78 @25 Q 25 Q 25 R79 Q 25 Q 25 Q 25 R 80 Lasd poramoter RBI - R55 Q 21 R90 - R92 Q 22 R95 from PC Load Q 24 + Parometors R50 - poramctar from PC 8 Q 24 R99 arB used intornolly for cycles Load and aro not displaysd. (Soo pacametsr from PC 24 chsptor 2.2.1, section g) 3 (p2) 6 6.3 cvo~~:i~~J 6.7.1 S!"U:X=!K of 5tZlre acc555 BT/Szrint 3T (mx em;. : 1 ;JlOO RAE IJIIO G2 29 1 2 3 4 5 LF Road 00 100 to 99 possible 00 100 possible R poromoters Road Read 00 bit to 99 1 Read 2 Load ' 00 to 99 B A.12.83 73 values Load to 99 3 - 1 2 3 4 5 RAE 09 LF R paremeter 00 not spscificd R parameters 100 100 100 numbsrs 099 10 machine parameters 00 not specified 100 to 471 371 numbers 10 machine paremotor bit 00 to 07 Bit Nr 400 to 471 71 numbers 11 Additional compensation 01 02 1st 2nd axis axis 001 1 group , possible R parsmotors possible R parematers 000 to G - d (PZ) 6.9.2 SI:i~li~lFfllK Sarint OM 5.tjs 0 Olgit rloon1ng 1 Rood Load or store oloro 2 ReaLI Lutid 12 Rood Load 12 1 2 'Rood Load Nli;O RAO NllO Q ?'I 1 2 3 4 6 LF 1 2 3 4 5 RAO LF RAB 29 Digit 2&3 1 A.12.83 74 Moaninq rb3oning oiqit 4&S 00 to 119 ICI0 possible R pnromutors 01 00 to posni100 blo 02 99 R parameters 00 to 03 99 100 poosiblo R poromotor3 00 to 99 100 poosible R perometors 04 System i-Jr: Tool store goumutry Tool woor Sottablo Digit 1 & 2 R& 99 poesiblo group* 01 Length 001 02 OC Radius 02 99 possitllo 0roups 01 to 04 Progrsmmoblo ndditivo zero offoot 01 ta 04 1 Road 00 to 99 IOd posaiblo ll paromotoro OS rlesolvor Ghlft 01 to 04 1 Rood 00 to 06 PRESET 99 100 posslhlo R pocnmators 01 to 04 00 to `J 9 100 POWllblir II pnramotoro 07 00 to 99 100 poooiblo fl perrrmotoro 08 Rond 1 1 ' Read G82 nPfcot Mooning 001 to 099 01 02 offnot ZRrO oig1t 3,4 dr 5 Mooning 01 Length .o 1st 4th oxio oxiu 001 to 004 4 groups 1st 4th axis oxio 001 1 group :o 1at ;o 4th 0x10 atio 001 1 qroup 1st 4th oxis axis 001 1 grovp 'lot zo 4th axio oxio 001 1 grow OxiD oxio 001 1 group ' ;o L:: Actual ohift? z: T O possibly F mirrored) + 20'S J 01 to 04 00 not opocifiod 000 to 099 100 numboro :o 1st 4th 1 2 Read Lood 00 to 911 100 possible R paromotoro 09 n 1 Road 00 to 99 100 poosiblo R purameters IO machino peromoters 00 not spccifiod 100 to 471 371 numbers 3 Road bit 00 to I)9 10 machino poromutor 00 to 07 Oit Nr possihlc 400 to 471 71 numboro 00 to 99 01 to 04 1st 4th oxicis 001 1 group ponoiblo 1 2 Rood Load 100 It poromotorr 100 R poramoters ' 11 poromotor hit Additional componoation oxio I G - e (K) 6.9.3 ':I: III'!?PIV A.12.83 75 Elkl/8MC r:.q. llltKl nno ~1110 Q 2') 1 ? 3 .I 5, Ll- 1 2 5 4 5 RAO LF by 29 01qi t rloaninq Dinit 2dr3 1 1 Aosd Load or stare store 2 1 2 NJanlng 00 ta 99 p099lbl0 100 00 to 99 100 posslblo fl paromotorc Moaning System fCC: Lug1t 4&S 01 Tool ataro gocmotry 01g1t 1 dr 2 Nuonlng 01 Longth or Radius R paramotors 1 Rood 00 2 LOUA 519 to U poseiparomotorn blo 1 2 Rand Load 00 to 99 100 possible n paralhotors 1 Rend 00 to 09 1 had 1 rlood Tuol Sottnblo 01 Lsngth or Radius no1 I,',0 1st 62 04 Programmable odditivo loco offeot 01 to IO ' 1st axi3 LO IOthexio 001 1 group 100 posolblc R parometorc 05 Rosolvar shift 01 to IO 1st tolOth oxia etis 001 1 group 00 to 99 100 possible u (mnmotarc OG PRESET 01 to IO 1st tolOth axis atis 001 1 group 00 07 WI2 :i 9-t rrd" axis ""1 1 .olOth z 100 ,,OI..ILJLo II poronetcrs rlwd 00 to 90 100 pocsiblo R poramotors 00 Actual shift? XT0 I pooelbly mirrocod) + ZO'S J 01 to IO 1st .o 10th axis axis 001 1 group 1 2 t7cad Load 00 to 99 100 possible fI paromoters 09 n parumotor 00 not specified 000 to 099 100 numbers 1 Rood 00 to 99 100 posslblo R pwomotars IO mechlno poromotors 00 not spocifiod 100 to 471 371 numborn 3 Iload bit WI to 99 100 pooolblo R paramuterc IO machino poromotor bit 00 to 07 flit Nr 400 to 471 II numbart fload Loud 00 to 119 ID0 poaaiblo R pnramoturs 11 Additional compunsatlon 01 to IO 1st oxio axis 001 1 group offnot 001 199 posniblo groups -0 10thmio zero axis & 199 poe9lblo groups IO 1 2 03 wclol' 001 Moaning 2 ' 100 02 Digit 3,4 a 5 offxit 1 L fI*od Load iIA0 12 groups group IO r toloth A.-l2.83 SIIIIJPIEFllK 6.9.4 - ON 0.0. NlOO RAO 1 2 3 4 5 Lt- NIIO Cl 29 1 2 3 4 5 RAO LF _. I I I Digit 1 Mcaning Meaning to 1 Road 00 to 99 100 possible H psromotor 1 Rood 00 to 09 100 possiolo R pscarreter l-load 00 to to 99 100 possibla R paramstor 1 2 i 99 possible R parameter 1 2 ' Load Load Meaning 001 to 099 99. possible groupa 001 to --I-- 4 groupa =I= T- (possibly mirrorad) 20'9 04 + -J Read 00 to 99 100 possible A paramotor 09 R paramotor 00 not qxxifiad Road 00 to 99 100 powible R parameter IO mschino paramotors 00 not spaciflod Road bit 00 to 99 100 possible H finromotor pnromotor IO machine poramtitor bit 00 to Oit Nr 00 to 39 100 pasaiblo R paromotor 11 Additional 01 to 04 1!3t 4th axis florid Load Oigtt 3,4 6 5 componution 07 to axis 001 1 group 001 1 group x 001 1 group 000 100 8 (P2) 6.9.4 A.12.83 6 - 77 SINUMERIK 8M/EMC/8N/8T/SP8T/SP8M Extended 2.8.: memory NlOO Nll'l access by read- and RAB 1 2 3 4 5 LF 29 1 2 3 4 5 RAB store function from software Background 2) Special memories are active after data cancel flaw: The following flags can be read: Bit 0 = 1 block search active 0 block search not active Bit 1 = 1 0 Bit 2 = 1 0 dry dry run active run not active measuring measuring onwards LF Machine flag I) 02 probe probe contact contact closed open 3.