CYStech Electronics Corp.
Spec. No. : C302C2-A
Issued Date : 2004.02.11
Revised Date :
Page No. : 1/3
RB520S-30C2 CYStek Product Specification
Small Signal Schottky diode
These devices are designed for high speed switching applications, circuit protection, and voltage clamping.
Extremely low forward voltage reduces conduction loss. Miniature surface mount package is excellent for
hand held and portable applications where space is limited.
•Extremely small surface mounting type.(SC-79/SOD523)
•Extremely fast switching speed
•Low reverse current
•Extremely low forward voltage.(VF=0.6V max. at 200mA)
Symbol Outline
Absolute Maximum Ratings
• Maximum Temperatures
Storage Temperature Tstg .................................................................................................... -55~+150°C
Junction Temperature Tj .............................................................................................................. +150°C
• Maximum Voltages and Currents (Ta=25°C)
DC Reverse Voltage VR...................................................................................................................... 30 V
Mean Rectifying Current IF......................................................................................................... 200 mA
• Thermal Characteristics
Total Device Dissipation @ TA=25°C (Note) PD……………………………………………….200mW
Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient RθJA……………………………………………625°C/W
Note: FR-5 board minimum pad.