The output is protected from overcurrent, short circuits and volt-
age f eedback transients.The BIT circuit detects overcurrent con-
ditions in the sine or cosine resolver output.A logic “0”is used f or
overcurrent detection. Nor mal operation is logic “1.” The BIT line
is normally at logic “1.” An overload or short circuit will cause the
BIT line to drop after 1 sec when the output current exceeds a
peak level of approximately 450 mA.
The analog output signals have the following phasing:
sin = (RH-RL) AO[1 + A (θ)] sin θ
cos = (RH-RL) AO[1 + A (θ)] cos θ
The output amplifiers simultaneously track reference voltage
fluctuations because they are proportional to (RH-RL).The ampli-
tude factor AOis 2 for 6.8 V rms L-L output.The maximum varia-
tion in AOfrom all causes is 0.3%.The term A (θ) represents the
variation of the amplitude with the digital input angle. A (θ),
which is called the scale factor variation, is a smooth function of
θwithout discontinuities and is less than ±0.1% for all values of
θ. The total maximum variation in AO[1 + A (θ)] is therefore
Because the amplitude factor (RH-RL) AO[1 + A (θ)] varies simul-
taneously on all output lines, it will not be a source of error when
the DRC-10520 is to drive a ratiometric system such as a
resolver or synchro. However, if the outputs are used indepen-
dently, as in x-y plotters, the amplitude variations must be taken
into account.
The power stage consists of two power amplifiers: one for the
sine output and one f or the cosine output.Maximum pow er stage
junction temperature rise occurs at 0° and 180° for the sine out-
put and 90° and 270° for the cosine output.
Maximum power dissipation for the hybrid occurs at the
interquadrant points: 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°. At these points
the total power dissipation of each amplifier is 0.707 max.
Therefore, the total power dissipation is 1.41 times the max for
any one amplifier.
The thermal resistance junction to the outside of the case is
10.6°C/W. For a 2 VA purely inductive load and ±15 VDC power
supplies, the junction temperature rise is 42°C. For a real induc-
tive load (one that has some power dissipation) and using pul-
sating supplies, the power dissipated is cut in half.The tempera-
ture rise is also halved to 21°C.