5KP5.0 thru 5KP110A
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These Microsemi 5 kW Transient Voltage Suppressors (TVSs) are designed
for applications requiring protection of voltage-sensitive electronic devices
that may be damaged by harsh or severe voltage transients including
lightning per IEC61000-4-5 and classes with various source impedances
described herein. This series is available in 5.0 to 110 volt standoff voltages
(VWM) in both unidirectional and bidirectional offered in two different package
designs for axial and radial configurations. Microsemi also offers numerous
other TVS products to meet higher and lower power demands and special
IMPORTANT: For the most current data, consult MICROSEMI’s website: http://www.microsemi.com
• Available in both Unidirectional and Bidirectional
construction (Bidirectional with C or CA suffix)
• Available in both axial-leaded and radial packages
(include R prefix in part number for radial package
option shown in figure as “case 5R,” ie . R5KP5.0A,
R5KP28CA, 5KP110, etc.)
• Selections for 5.0 to 110 volts standoff voltages (VWM)
• Suppresses transients up to 5000 watts @ 10/1000 µs
and 34,000 watts @ 8/20 µs (see Figure 1)
• Fast response
• Options for screening in accordance with MIL-PRF-
19500 for JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, and JANS are
available by adding MQ, MX, MV, or MSP prefixes
respectively to part numbers.
• Moisture classification is Level 1 with no dry pack
required per IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020B
• Protection from switching transients and induced RF
• Protection from ESD, and EFT per IEC 61000-4-2
and IEC 61000-4-4
• Secondary lightning protection per IEC61000-4-5
with 42 Ohms source impedance:
Class 1,2,3,4: 5KP5.0A to 5KP110A or CA
Class 5: 5KP5.0A to 5KP110A or CA (short distance)
Class 5: 5KP5.0A to 5KP36A or CA (long distance)
• Secondary lightning protection per IEC61000-4-5
with 12 Ohms source impedance:
Class 1 & 2: 5KP5.0A to 5KP110A or CA
Class 3: 5KP5.0A to 5KP78A or CA
Class 4: 5KP5.0A to 5KP40A or CA
• Secondary lightning protection per IEC61000-4-5
with 2 Ohms source impedance:
Class 2: 5KP5.0A to 5KP70A or CA
Class 3: 5KP5.0 to 5KP36A or CA
Class 4: 5KP5.0 to 5KP18A or CA
• Peak Pulse Power dissipation at 25ºC: 5000 watts at
10/1000 µs (also see Figures 1, 2 and 3)
• Impulse repetition rate (duty factor): 0.05%
• tclamping (0 volts to V(BR) min.): < 100 ps theoretical for
unidirectional and < 5 ns for bidirectional
• Operating and Storage temperature: -65ºC to +150ºC
• Thermal resistance: 20ºC/W junction to lead, or
80ºC/W junction to ambient when mounted on FR4 PC
board with 4 mm2 copper pads (1oz) and track width 1
mm, length 25 mm
• Steady-State Power dissipation: 6 watts at TL = 30oC,
or 1.56 watts at TA = 25ºC when mounted on FR4 PC
board described for thermal resistance
• Forward Surge Voltage: 3.5 V maximum @ 100 Amps
8.3 ms half-sine wave
• Solder temperatures: 260 ºC for 10 s (maximum)
• CASE: Void-free transfer molded thermosetting
epoxy body meeting UL94V-0
• TERMINALS: Tin-Lead plated readily solderable
per MIL-STD-750, method 2026
• MARKING: Body marked with part number
• POLARITY: Band denotes cathode. Bidirectional
not marked for polarity
• WEIGHT: 1.5 grams.
• TAPE & Reel: Standard per EIA-296 for axial
package (add “TR” suffix to part number)
• See package dimensions on last page
Scottsdale Division
8700 E. Thomas Rd. PO Box 1390, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 USA, (480) 941-6300, Fax: (480) 947-1503
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Copyright 2002
6-09-2003 REV A