5S7E D MM 3459325 OO00b9Sb 3c? MFGRS FAGOR wi FAGOR ELECTRONICS MR82U-GP........ MR826-GP T-03-17 P-6 (Plastic) Dimensions in mm. @ 1.34008 Mounting instructions 1. Min. distance from body to soldering point, 4mm. 2. Max. solder temperature, 350C. 3. Max. soldering time, 3,5 sec 4 Do not bend lead at a point closer than 4mm. to the body. Current .0 A. at 55 C. Voltage 50 to 600 V. Sa * Glass passivated junction * Fast Recovery Diodes High current capability The plastic material carnes U/L recognition 94 V-0 * Terminals: Axial Leads Polarity: Color band denotes cathode Maximum Ratings, according to IEC publication No. 134 MR MR MR MR MR 820 GP | 821 GP | 822 GP | 824 GP | 826 GP Ver | Peak recurrent and non recurrent reverse voltage (V) 50 100 200 400 600 lay) | Forward current at Tamb = 85 C 5A Leen Recurrent peak forward current (A) 60 A liu 83 ms. peak forward surge current 300 A , Max. operating temperature + 175C Tg Storage temperature range -65to+ 175C Pulse avalanche peak power P, T, = 20 ws. Half smus wave 2.000 W T,= 178C Electrical Characteristics at Tamb = 25C V; Max. forward voltage drop at],=5A L2v le Max. reverse current at Vay, at 25C 10uA t M ehme from = 1 Ato V,=30V 200 ns ox. Teverse Current tne Tom 1,=0.5Ak=1Awithi, =0.25A 180 ns Riya | Max. thermal resistance (I = 10 mm.) 10 C/AW S7E D MM 3459325 OO00b97 263 MFGRS FAGOR ELECTRONICS MR820GP 7 6 3 R-Load 5 _ 8 H < \ % 4 C-Load F 5 \\ 3 B 3 NM ; : 10 10 \ 5 2 mm - mm. Soo = 77 _ i IN 4 1 X\ 0 06 1 414 #18 2,2 2,6 0 50 100 150 175 200 Vr instantaneous forward voltage drop (V) Tamb, ambient temperture (C) 1000 15 < Oh = rai 400 } p ol y < ee 3 $ ~~ Z| a g 10 a 200 |] 2 g LZ ag o 4 L E 100 8 = 1 3, g A 4 a 8 , 7 ia 4 i 40 x 5 $s i 20 0 : 1 2 4 10 20 100 0 5 10 15 20 8625 30 Number of cycles at 60 Hz. I, lead length (mm.} 5)