8 Maxim Integrated
Evaluates: MAX8934A–MAX8934E
MAX8934A Evaluation Kit
Jumper JU7 allows intentional introduction of a
temperature fault condition. Install JU7 to force a THM
“hot” state, where the charger immediately stops charg-
ing the battery. When the battery is being discharged,
this is a simple way of evaluating the OT functionality.
When using alternate resistance and/or beta thermistors
other than the two shown in the component list, then the
circuit of Figure 3 might result in temperature trip thresh-
olds different from the nominal values. In this case, R21
and R22 of Figure 3 allow for compensating the thermis-
tor in order to shift the temperature trip thresholds back
to the nominal value. In general, smaller values of R21
shift all the temperature trip thresholds down. However,
the lower-temperature thresholds are affected more then
the higher-temperature thresholds. Furthermore, larger
values of R22 shift all the temperature trip thresholds
up. However, the higher-temperature thresholds are
affected more than the lower-temperature thresholds.
For more details, refer to the MAX8934A–MAX8934E IC
data sheet.
The general relation of thermistor resistance to tempera-
ture is defined by the following equation:
THM 25 e 11
RR T 273 C 298 C
= β× −
+° °
RTHM = Resistance in I of the thermistor at
temperature T in Celsius.
R25 = Resistance in I of the thermistor at +25°C.
β = Material constant of the thermistor, which
typically ranges from 3000K to 5000K.
T = Temperature of the thermistor in °C.
Pullup Supply for Logic Inputs and
Indicators/Fault Flags
The EV kit provides two options for biasing the logic
inputs and the open-drain indicators. Either the LDO out-
put or an external logic supply can be used to provide
this bias. Install jumper JU4 to use VLDO as the bias
source; otherwise, connect an external supply (2.5V to
5.5V) to VLOGIC to serve as the bias source.
When evaluating the USB suspend behavior with no
battery connected, it is required that an external VLOGIC
supply be used.
Open-Drain Indicators
The DONE, CHG, OT, DOK, UOK, and FLT indicators
all utilize the VLOGIC bias supply for their respective
pullup voltages. Jumpers JU9–JU14 connect the LED
indicators to each of the open-drain flags. JU15 (OT
only) connects a pullup resistor. Table 1 summarizes the
functions of each jumper.
Charge Timers
A fault timer prevents the battery from charging
indefinitely. The prequalification and fast-charge timers
are controlled by the capacitance at CT (C3) (THM cold
threshold (T2) < VTHM < THM hot threshold (T3)).
PREQUAL : t 30min 0.068µF
= ×
FAST CHARGE : t 300min 0.068µF
= ×
t = 15s (60min for the MAX8934B
and MAX8934D)
EV Kit Temperature Range
The PCB and components of the EV kit allow operation
with ambient temperatures from -25°C to +85°C. Remove
LEDs D1–D6, or open jumpers JU9–JU14, to increase the
ambient temperature operating range from -30°C to +85°C.
Evaluating the MAX8934B, MAX8934C,
MAX8934D, and MAX8934E
The EV kit comes with the MAX8934A installed, but can
also be used to evaluate the MAX8934B, MAX8934C,
MAX8934D, and MAX8934E. To evaluate these ICs,
carefully remove the MAX8934A (U1) from the EV kit
and replace with the MAX8934_. No other component
change is required except when using the MAX8934D.
The MAX8934D requires that R2 be removed and
replaced with a 2kI (min) resistor. Request a free sample
of the MAX8934_ when ordering the EV kit.