Theory of Operation
The AEAS-71AC-xxxxB is a low-
cost and compact absolute encoder
which uses optical technology to
provide absolute positioning
The AEAS-71AC-xxxxB consists of
a LED, Fixed Slit, Codewheel
(Rotating Disc) and Photodiode IC.
By using these four main compo-
nents, the AEAS-71AC-xxxxB is
able to produce signals in either
binary or gray output form. These
signals provide to the designer a
unique code for each position that
the codewheel is in.
As seen in the diagram, the encoder
contains a single Light Emitting
Diode (LED) as its light source.
The light is collimated into a
parallel beam by means of a lens
which is built into the LED
housing. This parallel beam goes
through the Fixed Slit that creates
a certain light pattern, due to its
pattern of slots, which will fall onto
the code-wheel. The movement of
the code-wheel between LED and
Photo detector, causes the light
pattern (from the Fixed Slit) to be
further interrupted by the pattern
of spaces and bars on the
codewheel. This final light pattern
from the codewheel is then
detected by the Photodiode IC
where its signals are fed through
signal processing circuitry to
produce 8 or 10 parallel signals in
binary or gray output form.