5STR 04T2032 5STR 04T2032 Old part no. TP 907FC-370-20 Reverse Conducting Thyristor Properties Integrated freewheeling diode Optimized for low dynamic losses Applications Traction Key Parameters V DRM = 2 000 I TAVm = 374 I TSM = 5 000 V TO = 1.748 rT = 0.653 t q = 32 V A A V m s Types VDRM 5STR 04T2032 2 000 V Conditions: Tj = -40 / 125 C, half sine waveform, f = 50 Hz Mechanical Data Fm Mounting force m Weight DS Surface creepage distance 13 mm Da Air trike distance 8 mm 10 2 kN 0.20 kg Fig. 1 Case ABB s.r.o. Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic tel.: +420 261 306 250, http://www.abb.com/semiconductors TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 1 of 8 5STR 04T2032 Maximum Ratings - Thyristor VDRM Maximum Limits Unit 2 000 V 588 A 374 A tp = 10 ms tp = 8.3 ms 5 000 5 300 A tp = 10 ms tp = 8.3 ms 125 000 118 000 A2s 400 A/ s 1 000 V/ s Repetitive peak off-state voltage Tj = -40 / 125 C ITRMS RMS on-state current Tc = 70 C, half sine waveform, f = 50 Hz ITAVm Average on-state current Tc = 70 C, half sine waveform, f = 50 Hz ITSM Peak non-repetitive surge half sine pulse, VR = 0 V I2t Limiting load integral half sine pulse, VR = 0 V (diT/dt)cr Critical rate of rise of on-state current IT = 1 000 A, VD = 0.67 VDRM, half sine waveform, f = 50 Hz (dvD/dt)cr Critical rate of rise of off-state voltage VD = 0.67 VDRM PAV Maximum average gate power losses 5 W IGTM Peak gate current 25 A VGTM Peak gate voltage 15 V VRGTM Reverse peak gate voltage 2 V Tjmin - Tjmax Operating temperature range -40 / 125 C Tstgmin Tstgmax Storage temperature range -40 / 125 C Maximum Limits Unit 2 000 V 453 A 288 A tp = 10 ms tp = 8.3 ms 3 500 3 800 A tp = 10 ms tp = 8.3 ms 61 000 58 000 A2s Unless otherwise specified Tj = 125 C Maximum Ratings - Diode VRRM Repetitive peak reverse voltage Tj = -40 / 125 C IFRMS RMS forward current Tc = 70 C, half sine waveform, f = 50 Hz IFAVm Average forward current Tc = 70 C, half sine waveform, f = 50 Hz IFSM Peak non-repetitive surge half sine pulse, VR = 0 V 2 It Limiting load integral half sine pulse, VR = 0 V Unless otherwise specified Tj = 125 C ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 2 of 8 5STR 04T2032 Characteristics - Thyristor Value min. VTM typ. Maximum peak on-state voltage Unit max. 2.420 V ITM = 1 000 A VT0 Threshold voltage 1.748 V rT Slope resistance 0.653 m IT1 = 581 A, IT2 = 1 744 A IDM Peak off-state current VD = VDRM 70 mA tgd Delay time 1 s 4 s 32 s Tj = 25 C, VD = 100 V, ITM = ITAVm, tr = 0.5 s, IGT = 2 A tgt Switch-on time the same conditions as at tgd tq Turn-off time IT = ITAVm, diT/dt = -50 A/ s, VD = 0.67 VDRM, dvD/dt = 50 V/ s IH Holding current Tj = 25 C Tj = 125 C 500 mA IL Latching current Tj = 25 C Tj = 125 C 5 000 mA VGT Gate trigger voltage Tj = - 40 C Tj = +25 C Tj = +125 C VD = 12V, IT = 4 A IGT Gate trigger current VD = 12V, IT = 4 A Tj = - 40 C Tj = +25 C Tj = +125 C V 0.25 4.5 2.5 2.0 mA 10 1000 400 250 Unless otherwise specified Tj = 125 C ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 3 of 8 5STR 04T2032 Characteristics - Diode Value min. VFM typ. Maximum forward voltage Unit max. 2.170 V 1.419 V 0.714 m IFM = 1 000 A VT0 Threshold voltage IF1 = 454 A, IF2 = 1 362 A rT Forward slope resistance Qrr Reverse recovery charge 250 C 150 A 4 s Value Unit 55 K/kW IFM = ITAVm, diF/dt = -50 A/ s, VD = 100 V IrrM Maximum reverse recovery current the same conditions as at Qrr trr Reverse recovery time the same conditions as at Qrr Unless otherwise specified Tj = 125 C Thermal Parameters - Thyristor Rthjc Thermal resistance junction to case double side cooling Rthch anode side cooling 91 cathode side cooling 140 Thermal resistance case to heatsink 10 K/kW double side cooling single side cooling Thermal Parameters - Diode Rthjc Thermal resistance junction to case 20 Value Unit 88 K/kW double side cooling anode side cooling 190 cathode side cooling 165 ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 4 of 8 5STR 04T2032 Transient Thermal Impedance - Thyristor i Correction for periodic waveforms - Thyristor 180 sine: add 7.4 K/kW i( s) Ri( K/kW ) 1 2 3 4 1.62 0.111 0.0236 3.77 36.70 9.64 5 0.00322 0.307e-3 3.54 1.38 180 rectangular: add 8.4 K/kW 60 60 rectangular: add 23.8 K/kW Analytical function for transient thermal impedance 5 Ri (1 exp( t / i )) Z thjc i 1 Transient thermal impedance junction to case Zthjc ( K/kW ) 120 rectangular: add 13.8 K/kW 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,001 0,01 Conditions: Fm = 10 2 kN, Double side cooled 0,1 1 10 100 Square w ave pulse duration t d ( s ) Fig. 2 Dependence transient thermal impedance junction to case on square pulse - Thyristor Diode i Correction for periodic waveforms - Diode 180 sine: add 10.7 K/kW i( s) Ri( K/kW ) 1 2 3 4 5 0.401 0.108 0.0267 0.0034 0.584e-3 23.00 41.00 17.20 3.47 2.50 180 rectangular: add 11.1 K/kW 120 rectangular: add 18.2 K/kW 60 rectangular: add 31.9 K/kW junction to case Zthjc ( K/kW ) Transient thermal impedance 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 Square wave pulse duration t d ( s ) Fig. 3 Dependence transient thermal impedance junction to case on square pulse - Diode ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 5 of 8 100 T j = 25 C 125 C 2500 8 0,2 I TSM 7 i2dt 0,18 2000 6 0,16 1500 5 0,14 1000 4 0,12 500 3 0,1 0 2 0 1 2 3 VT (V) 4 Fig. 4 Maximum on-state characteristics 1 10 t ( ms ) i 2dt (106 A2s) 3000 ITSM ( kA ) IT ( A ) 5STR 04T2032 0,08 100 Fig. 5 Surge on-state current vs. pulse length, half sine wave, single pulse, VR = 0 V, Tj = Tjmax 100 % 100 tgd ( s ) 90 80 70 10 60 50 max. 40 1 average 30 min. 20 10 0,1 0,1 1 10 I FGM ( A ) Fig. 6 Delay time vs. forward gate current, Tj = 25 C, VD = 100 V, ITM = ITAVm, tr 0.5 s, tp =1 ms 100 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 T j ( C ) Fig. 7 Relative value of turn-off time vs. junction temperature ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 6 of 8 = 30 60 90 120 180 PT ( W ) 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 = 30 60 90 120 180 270 DC 1000 DC 0 0 500 I TAV ( A ) Fig. 8 On-state power loss vs. average on-state current, sine waveform, f = 50 Hz, T = 1/f 130 100 200 300 400 500 I TAV ( A ) Fig. 9 On-state power loss vs. average on-state current, square waveform, f = 50 Hz, T = 1/f 130 TC ( C ) TC ( C ) PT ( W ) 5STR 04T2032 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 = 30 60 90 120 180 DC DC 60 = 30 60 0 100 200 300 400 500 I TAV ( A ) Fig. 10 Max. case temperature vs. aver. on-state current, sine waveform, f = 50 Hz, T = 1/f 0 100 60 90 120 180 200 300 400 270 500 I TAV ( A ) Fig. 11 Max. case temperature vs. aver. on-state current, square waveform, f = 50 Hz, T = 1/f ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 7 of 8 T j = 25 C 125 C 2500 6 0,1 I FSM 5,5 i2dt 0,09 5 0,08 4,5 0,07 4 0,06 3,5 0,05 3 0,04 2,5 0,03 i 2dt (106 A2s) 3000 IFSM ( kA ) IF ( A ) 5STR 04T2032 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2 0 1 2 Fig. 12 Maximum forward voltage drop characteristics of the diode 3 VF (V) 4 1 10 t ( ms ) 0,02 100 Fig. 13 Surge on-state current vs. pulse length of the diode. Half sine wave, single pulse, VR = 0 V, Tj = Tjmax Notes: ABB s.r.o., Novodvorska 1768/138a, 142 21 Praha 4, Czech Republic ABB s.r.o. reserves the right to change the data contained herein at any time without notice TS - TP/188/05a Aug-11 8 of 8