November 2001
Complete evaluation kit designed for Hamamatsu Image Sensors
(CCD, InGaAs and NMOS)
Newly Updated
software drivers
and power supply!
LabVIEW drivers
Wavelength calibration
Automated measurement
UV – NIR spectral coverage
Cooled camera head
UV imaging
DWDM Channel monitor
NIR spectrometer
Scientific measuring instrument
Optical and Spectrophotometric Analyzer
The HC230 series is designed as an OEM evaluation tool. It allows the user to acquire data using a
personal computer. The
easy of use will enable
the end user to focus on
the specific application,
not computer interface.
The new HC230 series
includes a cooled
camera head, power
supply/interface box,
LabVIEW drivers and
cable assemble. Shown
on the right is the main
screen of the software.
Users can adjust the
exposure time, readout
frequency, gain and
shutter operation. Built
HAMAMATSU Image Sensor Evaluation Kit
HC230 Series
Camera Head
A/D Card Power Supply /
Interface Box
in automated test functions such as pixel noise, dark current, wavelength calibration and linearity
measurements greatly simplify operation. All of the data can be saved as a text file for data analysis using
EXCEL spreadsheet.
The HC230, HC231 and HC236 series are based on a back thinned (BT) full frame transfer CCD having
90% quantum efficiency (QE) at 600nm. Each sensor has a 24um square pixel. The pixel format ranges
from 532x64, upto a 1044x256 matrix. These scientific grade imagers operate in the MPP mode greatly
reducing dark current generation, aditional reduction is achieved using a built in thermo-electric cooler.
Customized LabVIEW drivers control the readout in either area scanning mode (2D) or full line binning
mode (1D).
A front illuminated (FI) version having extremely low dark current (15 e-/pixel/second @ -100C) is the
HC232 series. Matching the pixel size and format with the BT-CCD family. The HC232 series is well
suited for visible to near infared spectrometery application.
For higher light levels users prefer the HC233 series. These self scaning photodiode arrays have a 50pC
saturation charge making it ideal for absorption measurements. The pixel height is 2500um while the
pitch rangeing from 25um too 50um.
Telecommunications monitoring DWDM signals will benefit from the HC234 series. The pixel pitch is
25um or 50um, peak response is centered at 1550nm. Pixel counts from 256/50um upto a 512/25um.
Part Number Sensor Type Wavelength
Coverage Operating
Temperature Dynamic
Range (*1)
HC230 series BT-CCD
(Low noise) 200-1100nm -100C30,000
HC231 Series BT-CCD
(Large full well) 200-1100nm -100C45,000
HC232 Series FI-CCD 400-1100nm -100C30,000
HC233 Series NMOS 200-1100nm 00C85,000
HC234 Series InGaAs 900-1700nm -100C10,000
HC235 Series InGaAs
(Extended cutoff) 1200-2600nm -250C8,000
HC236 Series BT-CCD 200-1100nm -200C30,000
(*1) Dynamic range (DR) is the saturation level or full well (FW), divided by the readout noise (NR).
Specification Summary Table
Dark Signal
Part Number Pixel Format
Size (24um x 24um) Typ. Max. QE
(@ λp) Full Well
(electrons) Typical NR
-0906 532 x 64
-0907 532 x 128
-0908 532 x 256
-1006 1044 x 64
-1007 1044 x 128
-1008 1044 x 256
90% @
650nm 600K e-20 e-
-0907 532 x 128
-1007 1044 x 128
90% @
650nm 2700K e-60 e-
-0906 532 x 64
-0907 532 x 128
-0908 532 x 256
-1006 1044 x 64
-1007 1044 x 128
-1008 1044 x 256
90% @
650nm 600K e-20 e-
-0906 532 x 64
-0907 532 x 128
-0908 532 x 256
-1006 1044 x 64
-1007 1044 x 128
-1008 1044 x 256
40% @
650nm 600K e-20 e-
Dark Current (pA)
Part Number Pixel Count
Size Typ. Max. QE
(@ λp) Saturation
Charge (pC) Typical NR
-256 256
(50um x 500um) 4 * 40 * 75%
@1500nm 30 150
HC234 -512 512
(25um x 500um) 6 * 60 * 75%
@1500nm 30 150
HC235-256 256
(50um x 250um) 1000 4000 70%
@2300nm 30 180
-0900 512
(50um x 2500um) 0.009 0.03 50%
@600nm 50 300
HC233 -1010 1024
(25um x 2500um) 0.004 0.01 50%
@600nm 25 300
(*) At 25