Micromachined Servo Accelerometer ENDEVCO Model MSA100A MODEL MSA100A * 3 mg Bias Composite Error * Rugged, Low Vibration Rectification * High Resolution * Range Adjustable * Self Test * Low Profile Actual size DESCRIPTION The ENDEVCO(R) Model MSA100A Servo Accelerometer utilizes a force rebalanced sensor that offers exceptional ruggedness, high resolution, and low vibration rectification.Temperature output and calibration coefficients are standard features allowing for modeling to 3 mg accuracies. The Model MSA100A is designed for inertial motion studies in vehicles, tactical grade missile IMU's, flight tests, and tilt/angle measurements. At the heart of the MSA100A is a three-layer micromachined silicon sensor.The middle layer includes the proof mass which, with applied acceleration, is electrostatically rebalanced to a null position between the upper and lower electrodes. This force rebalancing offers a wide bandwidth, minimal non-linearity and excellent performance in high shock and vibration environments. External resistors are used to adjust full scale range from the standard 50 g's to lower g levels without affecting the accelerometer's electronics.The MSA100A also has self-test capability which moves the proof mass and outputs a proportional signal. The micromachined silicon sensor and hybrid electronics are hermetically sealed for environmental protection in a stainless steel case with an industry standard mounting pattern.The Servo Accelerometer is also available with a triangular mounting plate as a Model MSA110A. U.S. Patent 5,205,171 PIN DESIGNATIONS: pin pin pin pin pin pin pin pin 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - (+) exc voltage temp sensor out (-) exc voltage signal gnd (shorted internally to pin 4) power gnd (shorted internally to pin 5) self test range selection signal output SPECIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: All values are typical at +75F (+24C) and 15 Vdc excitation and with 50 g range unless otherwise stated. Calibration data, traceable to the National Institute of Standards, (NIST), is supplied. Reference Note [6] for definitions. RANGE[1] BIAS BIAS COMPOSITE ERROR [2] BIAS TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY Units g mg Max mg rms Typ mg rms Max g/ F Typ g/ C Typ APPLIES TO CALIFORNIA FACILITY MSA100A/MSA110A 50, Adjustable to 0.5 [7] 250 3 5 330 600 ENDEVCO Micromachined Servo Accelerometer MODEL MSA100A SPECIFICATIONS--continued PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS--continued Units mV/g ppm Max ppm/F Typ ppm/C Typ % FSO Typ Hz Hz Typ degree, Typ degree, Max % Max g/g2 Max MSA100A/MSA110A 200 20 1000 50 90 0.1 0 to 300 3500 -10 -15 1 30 ACTIVATION TIME g/g2 Max g/volt Typ V Typ mV/F Typ mV/C Typ sec Max 10 -2.5 0.630 1.2 2.1 0.5 ELECTRICAL EXCITATION Bias Voltage Sensitivity Scale Factor Voltage Sensitivity INPUT CURRENT TYPICAL OUTPUT RESISTANCE INSULATION RESISTANCE OUTPUT NOISE [5] TYPICAL 13 Vdc to 18 Vdc < 1 g/Vdc <200 ppm/Vdc (+) supply 19 mA, (-) supply 8 mA 1000 ohms maximum >20 Mohm at 50 Vdc 0.5 to 10 kHz 50 g rms/Hz PHYSICAL CASE, MATERIAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS IDENTIFICATION MOUNTING TORQUE WEIGHT 304L Stainless Steel Eight solder pins Manufacturer's logo, model number and serial number Holes for 4-40 or M3 mounting screws/ 6 lbf-in (0.7 Nm) 32 grams maximum ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE RANGE, OPERATING VIBRATION SHOCK (half-sine pulse) HUMIDITY ALTITUDE MAGNETIC SENSITIVITY ON BIAS -65 to +221F (-55 to +105C) 30 grms, 20 to 2000 Hz 5000 g min, 200 second or longer Unaffected. Hermetically sealed Unaffected 30 g/ Gauss at 15 Gauss field SCALE FACTOR SCALE FACTOR COMPOSITE ERROR [2] SCALE FACTOR TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY NON-LINEARITY FREQUENCY RESPONSE (5% max, ref 100 Hz) -90 PHASE SHIFT PHASE RESPONSE (0 to 300 Hz) AXIS MISALIGNMENT VIBRATION RECTIFICATION COEFFICIENT [3] (0 to 2000 Hz) VIBROPENDULOSITY SELF-TEST TEMPERATURE SENSOR OUTPUT@ +75F (+24C) [4] TEMPERATURE SENSOR SENSITIVITY CALIBRATION DATA SUPPLIED BIAS SCALE FACTOR AXIS MISALIGNMENT TEMPERATURE MODELING FREQUENCY RESPONSE ACCESSORIES EHW265 EH409 EHM464 (4) Size 4, Flat Washers (4) 4-40 X 3/8 inch Cap Screws (1) Hex Wrench NOTES 1. For best results unit should be calibrated to required lower acceleration ranges when rescaling. 2. Standard deviation of in-run temperature modeling residuals including repeatability and hysteresis 3. Optional 10 g/g2 available on special order. 4. Temperature modeling provides third order coefficients for bias and scale factor. 5. With 50 g full scale. 6. IEEE Std 337-1972. Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for linear, single axis, pendulous, analog and torque balance accelerometer. mV mV/g % Coefficients for third order fit of Bias and Scale Factor, single order fit for Temp Sensor Output 20 to 10 khz 7. Range selection external resistor (Rs) connected from pin 2 to pin 4. Rs = 10,000 ( )- 1 Sd Su Sd = desired scale factor, V/g. Su = unadjusted scale factor, V/g. 8. Maintain high levels of precision and accuracy using Endevco's factory calibration services. Call Endevco's inside sales force at 800-982-6732 for recommended intervals, pricing and turn-around time for these services as well as for quotations on our standard products. Continued product improvement necessitates that Endevco reserve the right to modify these specifications without notice. Endevco maintains a program of constant surveillance over all products to ensure a high level of reliability. This program includes attention to reliability factors during product design, the support of stringent Quality Control requirements, and compulsory corrective action procedures. These measures, together with conservative specifications have made the name Endevco synonymous with reliability. ENDEVCO CORPORATION, 30700 RANCHO VIEJO ROAD, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 USA (800) 982-6732 (949) 493-8181 fax (949) 661-7231 www.endevco.com Email:applications@endevco.com 0201