MIL SPECS - . UNE D M@@ 0000125 O03e81e 7 MEMILS . c) The documentation and process conversion seasures | INCH-POUND| [mre docus to comply with this revision shall be ed completed 25 Ape 93. MIL-$-19500/4778 nd Y P 25 January 1993 SUPERSEDING 1L-$-19500/4774 44 Aprit 1986 WILITARY SPECIFICATION SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE, SILICON, FAST RECOVERY, POWER RECTIFIER, TYPES 1W5802, INS8D4, 1NS806, 1N5S807, 1NS8O9, AND 1NS819, INSSO2US, INSSO4US, INSSOGUS, INSSO7US, INSBOIUS, AND 1NS811US JAN, JANTX, JANTXV, JANS, AND JANC This specification is approved for use by alt depert- ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 4.1 Scope. this specification covers the detail requirements for silicon, fast recovery, power rectifier diodes. Five levels of product assurance are provided for each device type as specified in MIL-S-19500. 1.2 Physicat dimensions. See figures 2, 3, 4, and 5. "4.3 Nexiaue ratings. T, = 25C, unless otherwise specified. 1.3.1 Ratings applicable to ett pert nusbers. Ts1 = -65C to +200 Tan * -65C to +175C e Tytmaxy * *175C 1.3.2 Ratings applicable to individual types. | Ing Too Tegy St *25C Rose Rout | Types Veun m = +75C [T, 955C | Operating et Inn | t,. | at at | | a 2/ %* 8.3 as L = 0.375 vf | 1NSS02, 7 50 [254 3/7 [1.048 ry ~~ 35 ACpk) ns/ 36C/u | 20%c7u | 1msaos, 15e0sus | 100 12.50 3/ 14.04 & 35 alpk) 25 nai 36C/u | 20%cwu | 15806, WSEdsUS | 150 | 2.54 3/ | 1.00 & 3S Atpk> ZS ns] 36csw | 20Cru INS8Or, WSBOTUS | 30 | 6.0 A S/ | 3.08 6 125 ACpk) 30 ns chu | ioc FInSe09, Issosus | 100 | 6.0a $/ | 3.04 6/ 125 A(pk) 30 nel 22c/u | 10c/u 1N5811, INSSTIUs | 150 | 6.040 5/ 13.00 6 123 ACpk) 30 ne} 22c/u | 10C 4/ % =T, atl =Oort for US suffix devices. . 2/ this rting is independent or wounting or heat sinking. \ 3/ Derate at 25 mA/*C tor Te above +73C. &/ Oerate st 8.33 aAs*C for T, shove 435C. 3/ Oerate at 60 aas*t for Te shove *75C. $/ Derate at 25 mA/*C for Ty ebove +55C. T/ -U8 suffix devices onty. |Senefieret comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent dete which aay be | of use in iaproving this document should be addressed to: defense Electronics Supply Center, [fase DESC-EC, 1507 Uilwingten Pike, Oeyten, OH 45464-5270, by using Standardization Docusent 00 Form 1426) 4 end of th or letter. AASC N/A sc 5964 OLSTRIQUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is untinited.MIL SPECS WHE D MM 0000125 0032813 9 MENILS MIL-S-19500/46778 1.4 Primary electrical characteristics. Ty, = *25C, unless otherwise specified. l | ( | | Types Ver Tey at Va = Vou | Tra 8t Vp = Yeu | |cv ded] T, = #25C | tT, = 100C: | | { LA _de | pA de |! | | { | }1NS802, INS8OzUS | 60 | 1.0 ! 50 | | 1N5804, INS@8Q4us | 130 | 1.0 { so I |1NS8O6, INS8O6US | 160 | 1.0 I so I I l | l 1 } I | | | 11N5807, INS8O7US | 60 } 5.0 | 150 | {1NS8O9, INS8O9US | 110 | 5.0 | 150 ! [1N5811, INS8T1US | 160 | 5.0 | 150 | | l { | \ 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. ! 2.1.4 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Untess otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those Listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (D00ISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). SPECIFICATION MILITARY HIL-S-19500 - Semiconductor Devices, General Specification for. STANDAROS MILITARY MIL-STD-750 - Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices. (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Building 45, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-509%, > 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein, the text of this document shall take precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and reguiations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Agsociated detail specification. The individual item requirements shall be in accordance with NIL-S-19500 and as specified herein. 3.2 Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions. Abbreviations, symbols, and definitions used herein shalt be es specified in MIL-S-19500 and as follows: Ver - s 4 5 6 6 ww ww ee . . Forward recovery voltage. USL, ee Unleaded or surface sounted (square encapped diode). 3.3 Desi construction, and sical dimensions. The design, construction, and physical dimensions shall be es specified in MIL-$-19500 and on figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 herein.MIL SPECS W4E D M@ 0000325 0032414 0 MEMILS 11. -S$-19500/477B 3.3.1 Diode construction These devices shall be constructed utilizing non-cay**y double plug construction with high temperature metallurgical bonding between both sides of the silicon die and terminal pins (see MIL-$-19500). MIL-S-19500. for lead terminations. 3.3.2 Lead finish. 3.4 Marking. Devices shat! be marked as specified in MIL-S-19500. 3.4.1 Marking for US devices. except for the cathode marking. the label of the initial container. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1. Sampling and inspection. specified herein. 4.2 Qualification inspection. 4.2.1 Group E inspection. II herein. 4.3 Screening CJANS, JANTX, AND _JANTXV Levels oniy). MIL-$-19500, and as specified herein. Metallurgical bond snali be in accordance with the requirements of category I in US version devices shall be structurally identical to the non-surface mount devices except Lead finish shall be solderable as defined in MIL-S-19500, MIL-STD-750, and herein. For US version devices only, all marking may be omitted from the device ALL marking which is omitted from the body of the device shalt appear on Sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500, and as Qualification inspection shall be in accordance with NIL-S-719500. Group E inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and table Screening shall be in accordance with table II of The following measurements shall be made in accordance with table I [15811), whichever is greater. 1aVeq, = 2-0.05 Vv de. |Scope-display evaluation jwhichever is greater. JAVen, S 0.05 V de. |Scope-display evaluation herein. Devices that exceed the Limits of table I herein shall not be acceptable. | | Measurement | Screen (see l | table 11 of 1 | | MIL-S-19500) i JANS Level | JANTX and JANTXV Levels | | | | | | I Vv {Thermal impedance (see 4.5.2) |Thermat impedance (see 4.5.2) i { a] | { | | 9 i1pg and Vewy |Not Applicable | ti ! fo on | | In, and V,44; 41, 100 percent [I,, and V 4 mie R R1 FM | lor initial reading or 2150 nA dc | | | (1N5802, 1NS804, 1NS806) or | | }2500 ma de (1NS807, 1N5809, | H |1N5811), whichever is greater. | | {AVeyq % 0.05 v de. | { J j | | { | 12 [See 4.3.1 [See 4.3.1 | { | 13 2/ [Subgroups 2 and 3 of table I [Subgroup 2 of table I herein; | [herein; 41, = 100 percent of lap, = 100 percent of initial ! [initial reading or 2150 nA dc freading or 2250 nA de (1N5802, | {C1NS802, 1N5804, 1NS806) or {1NS804, 1NS806) or 1 LA de | [2500 nA de (1N5807, 1N5809, | (1N5807, 1NS809, 1NS811), | | { | [(see 4.5.3). [(see 4.5.3). 1/ Thermal impedance shall be performed any time after screen 3. 2/ Except thermat impedance, if already performed. 3MIL SPECS UW4E D MM O0001eS 0032415 2 MENILS. M1L-S-19500/4778 4.3.1 Power burn-in conditions. Power burn-in conditions are as follows: = Room ambient as defined in the generat requirements of MIL-STD-750, (see 4.5). Ig = 1.0 A CINS802, 15804, 1NS806). Ip = 3.0 A CINS8O?, 1N5809, 1N5811). Ve = rated Voun (see 1.3.2), f = 50-60 Hz. Alternate Mounting Conditions (For -US devcies). At the option of the manufacturer, any clips or heat sink mounting configurations way be utilized provided that one of the following conditions be met. a. Tec = +#75C to #125C, Vewn * rated, f = 50-60 Hz, I, = rated lg (see 1.3.2). b. Temporary attachment of leads or equivalent (thermal properties not to exceed the leaded part) = - = = = 38 ena not exceed Top max) f = 50-60 Hz. ly loocrated) Ty #150C #25C, Vouw rated, 4.4 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-$-19500. 4.4.1 Group A_inspection. Group A inspection shall be conducted in accordance with MIL-S-19500 and table I herein, 6.4.2 Group 8 Inspection. Group B inspectian shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing in table IVa (JANS) and table IVb (JAN, JANTX, and JANTXV) of MIL-S-19500. Electrical measurements (end-points) and deita requirements shatl be in accordance with the applicable steps of table III herein. Group 8 inspection, table IVa CJANS) of MIL-S-19500. a. Subgroup 3: Condition for surge current are as follows: lesy = rated (see 1.3); 10 surges of 8.3 ms each at 1 minute intervals, super imposed on Ig = Igo rated (see 1.3); Vocy = rated (see 1.33; | * +25C. b. Subgroup 4: Condition for intermittent operation Life are as follows: 1 t 0 = Io2 rated (see 1.3.2 and 4.3.1); 3 = rated Vow (see 1.3.2 and 4.3.1); f = 60 Hz; on ~ tot = 3 minutes for minimum for 2,000 cycle. T, 7 +55C. . Subgroup 5: Condition for steady-state operation life (accelerated) are as follows: rated minimum (see 1.3.2); Vp = rated Voi (see 1.3.2 and 4.3.1); f = 60 Hz, 1 1 +%orc min, Adjust T, or I, to achieve an average T, = 250C. T, wy d. Subgroup 6: Condition for thermal resistance are as follows: See 4.5.1 and figure 5; maximum Ry shalt be as specified on table Iv herein. Group 8 inspection, tedle IVb (JAN, JANTX and JANTXY of MIL-$-19500). a. Subgroup 2: Condition for surge current are as fot Lows: lesn = rated (see 1.3); 10 surges of 8.3 as each at 1 minute intervals, superimposed on Ig * Ign rated (see 1.3); Vocy = rated (see 1.3). Ty +25C. b. Subgroup 3: Condition for steady-state operation life are as follows: ly = Ip2 rated (see 1.3.2 and 4.3.1); f = 60 Hz; Vy, = Vewn rated (see 1.3.2 and 4.3.1) T, = room ambient as defined in the general requirements of MIL-STD-750, paragraph 4.5. . Subgroup 5: Not applicable. d. Subgroup 6: Condition for high temperature Life (non-operating) is T, = #175C.WUE D M@ O0001e5 003281b 4 MEMILS MIL SPECS HIL-S-19500/477B ' 4.4.3 Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the conditions specified for subgroup testing tn table V of MIL-S-19500. Electrical measurements (end-points) and delta requirements shall be 1m accordance with the applicable steps of table III herein. Group C_ inspection, table V_ of MIL-S-19500. a. Subgroup 2: Condition for terminal strength are as follows: (not applicable to US types) Tension: MIL-STD~750, test method 2036, condition A, 4 lbs - 1N5802, 1N5804, 1N5806 5 tbs - 1N5807, 1N5809, 1N5811 Fatigue: MIL-STD-750, test method 2036, condition E, 2 tbs. b. Subgroup 3: Not applicable. c. Subgroup 6: Condition for steady-state operation Life are as follows: Il, = rated; T, = room ambient as defined in the general requirements of MIL-STD-750, paragraph 4.5; f = 60 H2; Vp = Vou rated (see 1.3.2 and 4.35.1); T, = foom ambient as defined in the general requirements of paragraph 4.5 of HIL-STD-750. 4.5 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be as specified in the appropriate tables as follows. 4.5.1 Thermal resistance. Thermal resistance shall be measured in accordance with MIL-STD-750, method 3101 or 4081. Read and record data in accordance with group E herein and shall be included in the qualification report. forced moving air or draft shall not be permitted across the device during test. The macinum Limit for R or Rose under these test conditions shall be as specified in paragraph 1.5.2. The following conditions shall apply: 4N5802, 1N5804, 1NS806 1N5807, 1N5809,_1N5811 ly = 2.0 A dc minimus 2.0 A dc minimum Iq = 40 mA 10 mA tmp = 250 ps maximum 250 Lis maximum Tne device shall be allowed to reach thermal equilbrium at current Ty before the measurement shall be made. Lead spaceing: L = 3/8 inches for leaded devices L = 0 (endcap mount) for -US devices. COPPER LEAD CLAMP COPPER LEAD CLAMP (9.52) 375 (9.52) INFINITE HEAT-DISSIPATOR FIGURE 1. Mounting arrangement .MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/4778 TABLE I. Group A inspection. WHE D MB 0000125 0032817 b WENILS ae A SO ey EAD Sa seth ae ce a ee me kt ne Merde Sem ne me me ee ee ee me ee ee ie eee cee cer ee ee | MIL-STO-750 | | Limits | Inspection 1/ { | Symbol | J Unit | | | i | | [Method | Conditions | | min | tax | | { | | { | Subgroup 1 ! ! | ! Visual and mechanical | 2071 | | | { | examination | | | I | I \ | | i | | Subgroup 2 ! | | ! | [ Thermal impedance 3101 {see 4.5.2 lrogx | | ! | | i | 1NS802, INS802US | | \ | | 4.5 | Csw 4NSB04, INSB8O4US | { { i | | 1N5806, INSB806US | | | { { ! | | | { { { 1N5807, INS8O7US | | ! | f 4.5 | %eu 1NS809, INS809US i { | | | | 1N5811, 1NSB11US | i i | | | . { ! | | | I Forward voitage { 4011 |Duty cycle = 2% (pulsed); Ven | | | | [t, = 8.3 ws (max) { | | | ! | | i { | 1wsa02, insea2us | Item = 1.0 ACpk) | | | 0.875 v (pk) 1N5804, 1N5S804US . 1nS806, 1NSBO6US | | | | | { j { | f | | W380" aso ! {ten = 4.0 ACpk) ! ! 0.875 Ve Cpk> N 7 INSBO9US 1N5811, 1NS811US ! ! |! Forward voltage } 4011 [Duty cycle 2% (pulsed); (Vem2 { | | | [t,, = 6.3 ms (max) | | | | { | | I | i {5802 wse02us ! ten = 2.5 A(pk) / | ! 0.975 Vv <pk) N , IN s { 4N5806, tN5806US | | | | | | | 1 | | | | nS807, 1NS8O7US |! \teH = 6.0 A(pk) ! ! 0.7251 Vv (pk) 1NS809, 1NSBO9US * 4NS811, INS814US { { | I | | | | | | | | Reverse current ! 4016 Ipc method tea ! 1NS8O2, 1NS8O2US sf Ive = SOV de I | { 1.0 | MA de 1NS804, 1N5804US | |V_ = 100 Vv de | | | 1.0 | HA de 1NS806, INSBO6US =e | [Vp = 150 V de | | | 1.0 | WA de | | | | | | 1NS807, INSBO7US | vp = SOV de | { { 5.0 | pA de 1NS809, 1NS8O9US | (Vv, = 100 V de 1 { { 5.0 | pA de 465811, 1NS811US { Ive = 150 V de | | {! 5.0 | pA de | { { I | | | l ] ! | l - se cen ne ee a ee ne ee ee _ See footnote at end of table.MIL SPECS YUE D MM 0000125 0032818 & MENILS MIL-S-19500/477B8 1NS806, 1N5806US 1NS806, INSBOSUS 1N5807, 1NS8O7US 1N5809, INS8O9US i) Tew = 1.0 ACpk) Igy = 4.0 ACpk) = 8.3 ms (max) TABLE I. Group A_inspection - Continued. | | MIL~STD-750 | | Limits { I | Inspection 1/ | ! Symbol ! ee ! | { ! [Method | Conditions | { Min | Max ! | | ! I | | 1 \ | | Subgroup 2 | j | | | | | { - Continued | ! | | | \ | { | { | | | 1 { |Breakdown voltage } 4021 {1p = 100 pA de cart ! ! ! | | 1nse02, INS8O2US =| { | {| 60 { ----* { Vide | | 1NS807, INS8SO7US { | { | | l t | { | | | | | | | 1N5804, INS8O4US | | {| 110 weeee | vide | | 7NS809, 1N58O9US | | | { | | | { 1 1N5S806, INS806US | | | | 160 {| ----- | vde | ] 1N5811, 1N5811US | { | | { | | | | | Subgroup _3 | { ! ! | ! | | | [High temperature { |T, = +100C | | | i | | operation | | | { { \ | | | | \ | { | i ] Reverse current | 4016 [DC method lipo ! { | | j } INS802, 1NS802uUS | \Vp = $0 Vv de | | {| 50 { pA de | | 1N5804, 1N5604US | [Vp = 100 v de | | {| 50 { pA de | | 1NS806, TNS8O6US | lV, = 150 V de ! ! 30 ! pA de | | | | 1N5807, 1NS807US | Ive = 50 V de I | | 150 | HA de | | INS8O9, INSSO9US | IV, = 100 v de { { | 150 | pa de | | 1N5811, 1N5811US | IV, = 150 V dc | { 150 ! HA de ! { i | { 1 { Forward voltage | 6011 jOuty cycle = 2x% (pulsed); Vows { | ( | | | It, = 8.3 ms (max) | | | { 1 | | I |. i | { | | 1NS802, 4NS8O2US | [Tq = 1-0 ACpkd | | { .800| (pk) {| 1N5804, 1NS8O4US | | \ | | | | | 1NS806, 1IN5806uUS | | ! | | | | 1NS807, INS8O7US =| [leq = 4-0 ACpk) | | | 0.800] V Cpk)| {' 1NS809, 1N5809US | | { I { | | | 4NS811, INS811US | | | | | | { l | | | { | | {Low-temperature | IT, = -65C | { | { operation { 1 | | \ | | | | | | | Forward voltage | 401% |Duty cycle S 2% (pulsed); Ven, | | | I | | | I | 1 | | I | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | 1 | | J i l | | 1 | | 15802, INS802US | i | | | | 1N5811, INS817US t | See footnote at end of table.MIL SPECS . WUE D MM OO0OLeS 0032815 T MBMILS MIL-S-19500/4778 TABLE 1. Group A inspection - Continued. MIL-ST0-750 Conditions | | Inspection 1/ | | {Method Limits Max Subgroup _3 - Cont inued 4021 Breakdown voltage | | j i i | | I, = 100 HA de | | 1N5802, INS802US 4N5807, 1N5807US w So 1N5804, 1N5804US 1N5809, INS8O9US 1N5806, 1NS806US 1N5811, 1N5871US Subgroup 4 Reverse recovery time | 4031 [Condition 6 | | ! | { | | | i | | | I 1 i t | | | | | | 1N5802, 1N5802US | 4NS804, 1N5804US 1NS806, INS806US Ip = 1p = 0.5 A; EIpq (REC) = 0.05 A(pk); jdi/dt = 65 A/us (min) | Jip = Ip = 1.04 [Igy (REC? = 0.1 ACpk); Idi/dt = 100 A/us (min) | I | { | | | | { | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1NS807, INS8O7US | | | | { | { | | | | | | i | { | | | | | | | | | | 1NS809, INS5809US 1N5811, 1IN5871US | | | | | | | | i 1 | | | | | | | | | { | | | | | | | 1 | | | Capacitance 4001 [Ve = 10 Vv; f = 1 Mhz; \Vsig = 50 av (p-p) (max) 4N5802, 1NS802US 1N5804, 1NSS804US 1N5806, INS8O6US i 1 | | | | | | | | i { | | | 1NS807, 1NSBO7US | 1NS809, 1NS8O9US | 4NS811, 1NS8114US { | | | | | | | \ | | | 4026 [t, = & ns Forward recovery r | { | | | [ | [ | | | | { voltage 1NS802, INSSO2US 1NSBO6, INSBOGUS Igy = 250 mA 145806, 1N5806us 1NS807, INSSO7US 1N5809, 1NS5809US INSBI7, 1NS811US I | | | | | 1 | \ | | | { \ { | \1p_ = 500 mA | { j | | { | i | { 25 2s Vide Vv de -- | vide ns ns pF Pt See footnote at end of table.MIL SPECS 4W4E D MM 0000125 0032820 b MMMILS MIL-$-19500/4776 TABLE 1. Group A inspection - Continued. I I | | i | | | MIL-STO-750 | | Limits | { / Inspection 1/ | | Symbot | { Unit | I | | | 1 | { | | [Method | Conditions j | Min | Max | | I | | } } | 1 | | | ! | | | | | | Subgroup _& | | | | | | | | - Continued | | | i | | | | | | | i | | | [Forward recovery time | 4026 |t, = 6 ns measured to VT Ve [tee | | | | | | | | | ! | | | 1NS802, 1NSBO2US | | { | ; 6% |fooms | | 1NS8O4, INS804US | [Ipq = 250 wACpk) j { | { | | 1NS806, INSBO6US | | | { { I ! | | | { | \ { { J 1NS5807, IN5807US | | | | | 15 | as l | 1NS8O9, INS809US | Ley = 500 mACpk) | | \ | | | 1N5811, INS811US | { | { { | | I | | | i I i { | Subgroups 5, 6.7 | | { I [ | | | i { | | | | | {Not_applicable 1 | { j i i { 4/ For sampling plan, see MIL-S~-19500. TABLE I1. Group E inspection (all quality levels) for qualification only. | | MIL-STO~750 { | | Inspection 1/ | [ Sampling | | | | | i [_Method | Conditions ! { | | i | | | Subgroup 1 | | | 32 devices | | { | | c=0 | [Thermat shock (glass {| 1056 {500 cycles; condition A | | | strain) I I { | | 1 | | l {Hermetic seal | 1074 | | | | | | | | Jlectrical measurement = | [See table II1, steps 1 and 2 | ! | | | | | | Subgroup 2 | | | 32 devices | | | | | eF0 | |Slocking Life { 10468 | = 1,000 hours; T, = 150C; | | | | [VR de = 0.8 - 0.85% rated Va, =| | | | |Csee 1.3.2) { { | | ( | { {Electrical measurement = | |See table III steps 1 and 2 | | I | | | | |Not applicable { | | | | | \ | | | Subge: 4 { | { 22 devices | | | | | c#0 | [Thermal resistance, | 3101 |See 4.5.1 { | |__ junction to lead | or 4081 | I |MIL SPECS 44YE D @@ 0000125 0032821 8 @ENILS MIL-S-19500/4778 TABLE f11. Groups 8 and C electrical measurements. 1/ 2/ 3/ I | | i | i | | MIL-STD-750 | | Limits | | Step | Inspection | | Symbol | | Unit | | I [ | | l | | | [Method | Conditions | | Min | Max | | ! | 1 1 i | | { { | | | { | | 1. |Forward voltage | 4017 |Duty cycle = 2% | Veet i | j { \ I | (pulsed); | | { | | | | [t. = 8.3 ms (max) | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1N5802,1NS804,1NS806 | Wem = 1.0 A(pk) | | | 0.875] Vv (pk) { { { | i i | | i { 1NS807, 1NS809,1NS811 | Hew = 4.0 A(pk) { { | 0.875| Vv Cpk) { | i { | { | | | |Reverse current | 4016 {OC method 1 Inq | | i | { | 1 I | | | | | 1N5802 | [Vp = $0 de i { | 1.0 | pade | | 1N5804 I IVp_ = 100 V de | | 1 1.0 | yA de | | 1N5806 j [Vp = 150 W ae | | } 1.0 | pade | { 1N5807 | Ve = 50 de | | | S$. | pA de | | 1N5809 | [Vp = 100 V de | | | 5.0 |pade | |] 1NS814 [Vp = 150 v de | \ {8.0 [pade | { \ | i { \ 3 |forward voltage | 4017 jOuty cycle = 2% | AVeg 4/ | | | { | (pulsed); | | | | | [t, = 8.3 ms (max) | | | | P I | 1 1NS802,1N5804,1NS806 | [len = 1.0 A(pk) | | #50 av de change from | | 4NS807, 1NS8O9, 1N5817 | [1gy = 4-0 ACpkKD | | reading initial | | | | 1 | & [Reverse current { 4076 {0 method; | blpq a/ f | | | | | | | | 1N5802 { Iv_p = SOV de | | 100% or 2150 nA dc change | {| 1NS5804 | IVp_p = 100 V de ! | from imtial reading, | | 1NS806 | [Vp = 150 V de | | whichever is greater. | ( | | { 1 | | %INS807 | [v_p = 50 de | | 100% or #500 nA de change | | NS809 | Vp = 100 V de | | from initial reading, | | 15811 { \Vp = 150 V de { | whichever is greater. | | } J ! j | 4/ The electrical measurements for table [Va CJANS) of MIL-5-19500 are as follows: &. Subgroup 3, see table [11 herein, steps 1 and 2. b. Subgroup 4, see table I11 herein, steps 1, 2, and 35. | c. Subgroup 5, see table lil herein, steps 1, 2, 3, and 4. The electricat measurements for table IVb (JANTX and JANTXV) of HIL-S-19500 are as follows: Subgroup 2, 3, and 6, see table III herein, steps 1 and 2. The electrical measurements for table V of MIL-S-19500 are as follows: a. Subgroup 2, see table IL] herein, steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 for JANS and steps 1 and 2 for JANTX and JANTXV. b. Subgroup 6, see table III herein, steps 1, 2, 3, and & for JANS and steps 1 and 2 for JANTX and JANTXV. Devices which exceed the group A limits for this test shall not be accepted. 10MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/4776 | L i G i t | ro n+ G8 CT 1 1 q q 7 | | Dimensions 1 | | Dimensions | | | + 7 | ! 7 | | Syabot | Inches | millimeters | | Symbot | Inches | Millimeters | Notes | | - 7 t | \ \ bk 7 + 7 { | { | Min | Max | Min | Max | { j win | Max [| Min | Max { | L i i 1 i a | 1 L I i i L j Cv qT 1 T T 1 t 1 t T q Lf t | 8 | .065 { .085 ] 1.65 |] 2.16 | | } -110 | .180 | 2.79 {; 4.57[ 4 | t 4 i 4 i _{ t i i 1 i i ___f v q ' T 1 CT q qT U qv q q | go | 027 | .032 { 0.69 | 0.81 | | } .037 | .042 | 0.94 { 1.07 | 3 | L lL i i t j t i i l I 1 | Cc ul t q 1 t 7 T T + ' ' | &G | .125 | .250 | 3.18 | 6.35 | { 6 { .130 | .300 | 3.30] 7.622, 3 | L 1 i L 4 j L i jk 4 1 i a_i im T T T ' a t T T T T 1 }oe 1.700 | 1.300 | 17.78 { 33.02 | }oe } .900 | 7.300 | 22.86 | 33.02 | | t i a 1 i J t i i lL 1 L a) 1N5802, 1N5E06, INSSO6 4NS5807, 1NS8O09, 1N5811 NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches. 3. fetric equivalents are given for general information only. Dimension G shall include the sections of the tead over which the diameter is uncontrolled. This uncontrolled area is defined 8s the zone between the edge of the diode body and extending .050 inch (1.27 am) onto the Leads. Orsension 96 shail be measured at the largest diameter. FIGURE 2. Physical dimensions. 11MIL SPECS WUE D Ml QO00125 0032823 1 MMMILS MIL-S-19500/4778 ag bee ew] be 5 D 7 >a 7 XN ( \ 0 + - \ / SL pL? 4X c>|.006 (0.15) q J 1 ' T q { | 0 - SA | { | 0 - 58 j | - T | | t 7 | [| Symbot | inches { Mrillometers | { Symbol | Inches { Millimeters | | b T + t | | I 1 { 1 | | { Min | Max | Min | Max | | | in | Max | Min | Max | 1 rl \ 1 4. J t 4 | 4 1 ~! q qu qT Od + t ' a T t J | o | .097 | .103 | 2.31 | 2.62 | { o | -137 | .148 | 3.48 | 3.76 | LL 1 1 4 1 } bk afl i i 1 _j v OT v T qt 4 1 qt mi F T } F | .019 | .028 | 0.48 | 0.71 | | F { .019 | .028 | 0.48 | 0.717 | tL i 1 i ewenl. j L 1 L 1 1 4 v qT v om F q T oT v OF of OE {| 6 { -168 | .200 | 4.29 | 5.08 j | G {| .200 | .225 | 5.08 | 5.72 | 1 1 al. 3 t | L 1 Jj. 4 4 j Cc 1 , 7 T qT r t v i t q { $s } -003 | ---- | .080 | ---- | { $s {| .003 { ---- |. .080 | ---- | a 4 41. al. i j ie 4. lb. i i | INS8O2US, INS804US, INSBO6US 1N5807US, IN58O09US, 1NS811US NOTES: a WME UN Oimensions are in inches. Metric equivalents are given for general information only. Gap not controlled, shape of body and gap not controlled. Dimensions ere pre-soider dip. Cathode marking to be either in color band, three dots spaced equally, or @ color dot on the face of the end tab. Color dots will be .020" diameter minimum and those on the face of the end tab shall not Lie within .020" of the mounting surface. FIGURE 3. Physical dimensions of surface mount family. teW4E > = ooo01e25 0032624 3 MBNILS MIL SPECS MIL-$-19500/477B 0 A MIN. GOLD 7 400 A MIN. GOLD C w | ad e| je/8|8/8 - a bt pot ot Bl ejsinle/s ealesitalefa oe #Let-j}_-4-4 & zjel/2/3 /e zilelaye i= | * = Cc a _ q <l|moju e Ld ptt - a T-T-T7 c tt h z| |=|s/8 18 5 4 J me a me ie a om ie fem meme Hy] 5/8] 2/8 a Sl o 1N5807, 1N5809, 1N5817 1NS802, 1NS80%, 1NS806. JANC (A-version) die dimensions. FIGURE 4. 1344E D Mi 00001eS 0032825 5 MEMILS MIL SPECS MIL-S-19500/4778 i < eetg CD) $e - {| __ ANODE AL 30KA MIN Au 2000A MIN | | Dimensions ee ee ee ee me any Dimensions Le ne ae ne ol ee ey 8 z o a2 o;|]o 2/9/28 oj;o|o 1N5807, 1NS809, 1N5811 1N5802, 1N5804, 1NS806 JANC (B-verston) die dimensions. FIGURE 5. 4MIL SPECS W4E D Ml OO00L25 0032826 7 MEMILS MIL-S-19500/4778 4.5.2 Thermal impedance. Thermal iapedance ZeaK measurements shall be performed in accordance with MIL- $10-750, method 3107. The maximum Limit for Z yx screening (table If of MIL-S-19500) shall be derived by each vendor by means of Statistical Process Control and applied tn screening of all subsequent lots. This Limit is not exceed the group A, subgroup 2 Limit. The following conditions shall apply: ly = 5 A mininue ty = 10 ms 1, = 1 Ma to 10 Ma tap = 100 Us maxisum For Initial qualification and requatification.Read and record data (7, ,)) shalt be supplied to the qualifying activity on one lot (random sample of S00 devices minimum) prior to shipment. Twenty-two samples shall be serialized and provided to the qualifying activity for test correlation. 4.5.3 Scope-display evaluation. The reverse breakdown characteristics shall be viewed on an oscilloscope with display calibration factors of SQ to 100 WA per division and 20 to 50 V per division. Reverse current over the knee shalt be at 500 PA minimum. Any discontinuity or dynamic instability of the trace shall be cause for rejection. 5. PACKAGING 5.1 Packaging requirements. The requirements for packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-S-19500. &. NOTES (This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but 1s not mandatory.) 6.1 Notes. The notes specified im MIL-S-19500 are applicable to this specification. 6.2 acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the following: a. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation. b. Lead finish as specified (see 3.3.2). c. Product assurance level and type designation. 6.3 Suppliers of JANC die. The qualified JANC suppliers with the applicable letter version (example JANCAS21) will be identified on the QPL. : JANC ordering information | | | \ | | | | Manufacturer | } PIN 4 44522 j 12969 | | | | | \ 1N5802 | a5802 | 65802 | { NS804 | AS804 | 85804 | { 1NS806 { ASB06 | 85806 | | 1NS807 | aS807 j 65807 | | 1NS8O9 | aS809 | e580? I | 1NS811 j 45811 { 65811 | i J t | 6.4 Changes from previous issue. Marginal notations are not used in this revision to identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the changes. . 15a WHE D MM 0000125 0032827 9 MENILS MIL SPECS M1L-S~-19500/4/778 CONCLUDING MATERIAL Custodians. Preparing activity: Army - ER Navy - EC Navy - EC Air Force - 17 Agent: NASA - NA OLA - ES (Project 5961-1210) Review activities: Army - AR, AV, MI Air Force - 19, 80, 85 DLA - ES User activities: army - SM Navy - AS, CG, f1C, OS, SH 16