Cypress Low Voltage
Programmable Powerline Communication
Development Kit Guide
Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
Cypress Semiconductor
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2 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 3
1. Introduction 5
1.1 Using the PLC Kit .....................................................................................................................5
1.2 The Cypress PLC Solution .......................................................................................................5
1.3 Kit Contents .............. ... .... ... ... ................ ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ................. ... ... ... ... .... ... ...............7
1.4 Document Revision History .....................................................................................................8
1.5 Documentation Conventions ....................................................................................................8
2. PLC LV Development Board 9
2.1 Features....................................................................................................................................9
2.2 PLC Development Board Functional Overview ........................................................................9
2.2.1 Operating Co nd itio ns : ................ ................ .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ................ ... ... .... ... ..9
2.3 Hardware Description .............................................................................................................10
2.3.1 Power Supply Circuit...................................................................................................11
2.3.2 Transmit Amplifier Circuit............................................................................................11
2.3.3 Transmit and Receive Coupling Circuit.......................................................................11
2.3.4 Developm en t Sec tion.................... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ...1 2 Bread Board ..... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .............12 Developm en t Sec tion .... .... ... ... ... .... ................ ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .............12 Potentiometer and DIP Switches.................................................................15
2.3.5 LCD Daughter Card ....................................................................................................16
2.3.6 Debugger ....................................................................................................................16
2.3.7 RS232-COM Port.................... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ................17
Appendix 19
A.1 Schematics ................................................................................................................................19
A.1.1 Board Overview ............................................................................................................19
A.1.2 User Interface ...............................................................................................................20
A.1.3 Transmit and Receive Filter Coupling ...........................................................................21
A.1.4 Power Supply ................................................................................................................22
A.2 Layout ........................................................................................................................................23
A.2.1 Top Layer ......................................................................................................................23
A.2.2 Ground Layer ................................................................................................................24
A.2.3 Power Layer ..................................................................................................................25
A.2.4 Bottom Layer .................................................................................................................26
A.2.5 Top Silkscreen ..............................................................................................................27
A.2.6 Bottom Silkscreen .........................................................................................................28
A.3 Bill of Materials . .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ....... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ....................29
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4 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 5
1. Introduction
1.1 Using the PLC Kit
Cypress’s Powerline Communication Solution (PLC) makes it possible to transmit command and
control data over high voltage and low voltage powerlines. This solution is developed for low band-
width powerline communic at ion .
The PLC CY3275 Low Voltage (LV) development board allows system design using the ability of the
Cypress PLC family of devices t o t ransmit dat a up to 240 0 bp s over low volt ag e (12V t o 24V AC/D C)
Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the Cypress PLC soluti on. It describes th e content s of the
development kit and lists special features of the PLC Demonstration kit.
Chapter 2 give s the functi onal overview of the PLC Boar d and describes th e operating pr ocedure
of the PLC LV board. It provides a high level hardware description of the board.
1.2 The Cypress PLC Solution
Powerlines are available everywher e in the wor ld. This makes them one of the most widely available
communication mediums for PLC technology. The pervasiveness of powerlines also makes it difficult
to predict their characteristics and noise. Because of the variability of powerline quality, implement-
ing robust communication over powerline has been an engineering challenge for years. With this in
mind, the Cypress PLC solution is designed to enable secure, reliable, and robust communication
over powerlines. The key features of the Cypress PLC solution are:
An integrated powerline PHY modem with optimized amplifiers that work with rugged high and
low voltage powerlines
Powerline optimized network protocol that supports bidirectional communication with acknowl-
edgement based signaling and multiple retries
Support for 8-bit packet CRC and 4-bit header CRC for error detection and data packet retrans-
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) scheme that minimizes collisions between packet trans-
missions on the powerline
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6 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
The Cypress PLC solution consists of three key elements as shown in Figure 1-1.
Powerline network prot ocol layer
Physical layer FSK modem
Power Amplification And Coupling Circuits
Figure 1-1. Cypress PLC Solution Block Diagram
The powerline network protocol layer and the physical layer FSK modem are implemented on the
CY8CPLC20 chip. The chip also contains a PSoC core in addition to the PLC core. The power
amplification and coupling circuits are built using discrete components.
The network protocol layer allows for the addressing of multiple nodes on the network. This enables
point-to-multipoint communication. The protocol layer also provides a defined packet structure for
transmitting dat a p acket s f rom one node to the other as well as error det ection and p acket ret ransmit
A two node system level diagram is shown in Figure 1-2.
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 7
Figure 1-2. PLC System Level Block Diagram - Two Nodes
1.3 Kit Contents
The CY3275 PLC LV Development kit contains:
CY3275 PLC LV development board
CY3275 Quick start guide
CD-ROM containing:
Packet Test software – PLC Control Panel application
CY8CPLC20 data sheet
User guide
CY3275 Board Altium design project
CY3275 Board BOM
Application note – Using CY8CPLC20
in Powerline Communication (PLC) Applications
CY3275 Board schematics
CY3275 Board Gerbers
PSoC Designer
PSoC Programmer
12V DC power supply
MiniProg1 for programming the CY8CPLC20 device
25 Jumper wires
LCD module
USB-I2C Bridge
Retractable USB cable
Daisy chain cable
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8 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
1.4 Document Revision History
1.5 Documentation Conventions
Table 1-1. Revision History
Revision PDF
Change Description of Change
** 8/14/09 IUS Initial release.
*A 9/3/09 IUS Rework for external release.
*B 12/10/09 RARP Content updates
Table 1-2. Document Conventions for Guides
Convention Usage
Courier New Displays file locations, user entered text, and source code:
Italics Displays file names and reference documentation:
Read about the sourcefile.hex file in the PSoC Designer User Guide.
[Bracketed, Bold ]Displays keyboard commands in procedures:
[Enter] or [Ctrl] [C]
File > Open Represents menu paths:
File > Open > New Project
Bold Displays commands, menu paths, and icon names in procedures:
Click the File icon and then click Open.
Times New Roman Displays an equation:
2 + 2 = 4
Text in gray boxes Describes Cautions or unique functionality of the product.
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 9
2. PLC LV Development Board
This chapter explains the key features of the CY3275 development board.
2.1 Features
The Cypress CY3275 LV CY8CPLC20 development board is a versatile tool with these features
User friendly PLC Control Panel application available on the kit CD-ROM
Chip power supply derived from 12V to 24V AC/DC
CY8CPLC20-OCD chip -- 100-pin TQFP on chip debug (OCD) device that allows for the quick
design and debug of PLC applications. The CY8CPLC20 100-pin TQFP is available f or debug
purposes only. For production quantities, CY8CPLC20 is available in 28-pin SSOP and 48-pin
QFN packages.
User configurable general purpose LEDs
General purpose 8-bit DIP switch
RJ45 connector to use ICE debugger
RS232 COM port for serial communication
Header to attach LCD card
I2C header for communicating to external devices
ISSP header for programming the CY8CPLC20 chip
2.2 PLC Development Board Functional Overview
The PLC development board is designed as a development platform for low bandwidth (up to 2400
bps) powerline communication applications.
The application residing on CY8CPLC20 generates the data. The PLC core encapsulates this data
into a PLC network packet. The FSK modem modulates this packet and the coupling circuitry incor-
porates the resulting sinusoidal waveform onto the existing waveform on the low voltage bus.
2.2.1 Operating Conditions:
Input Voltage: 12/24V AC/DC
Input Curren t: 20 0 m A/1 50 mA
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 40°C
Operating Humidity Condit ion: 5% to 95% RH, non-condensing
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10 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
PLC LV Development Board
2.3 Hardware Description
The programmable low voltage PLC development board is shown in Figure 2-1. The board can be
divided into six main sections:
Power supply circuit to generate 5V
Transmit amplifier and coupling circuit section
Development section for user
LCD module header
RS232 COM port
Figure 2-1. Top View of Cypress Programmable PLC LV Development Board
The communication signal flow on this LV Board is:
Transmit: CY8CPLC20 TX pin Power Amplifier Circ uitry LV Coupling Circuitry LV Powerline
(12V to 24V AC/DC).
Receive: LV Powerline (12V to 24V AC/DC) LV Co upling Circuitry Passive Low Pass Filtering
Centre Biasing CY8CPLC20 RX pin. The core of the PLC LV board is the CY8CPLC20 chip.
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 11
PLC LV Development Board
2.3.1 Power Supply Circuit
This section t akes the p ower from the powerline and ge nerates the n ecessary low DC vo ltag e for the
operation of t he PLC transceiver and other components on the chip.
2.3.2 Transmit Amplifier Circuit
This section ta kes the out p ut signal f rom th e CY8CPLC20 chip and amp lifie s t he sig nal f or tr an sm is-
sion over the powerline.
2.3.3 Transmit and Receive Coupling Circuit
This circuit couples the signal from the board on to the powerline. On the receive side, the same cir-
cuit couples the carrier on the powerline in to the board rejecting the low frequency content on the
Table 2-1. Key Power Supply Circuitry Components
Component Description
J2 This is the connector to hook up the wall wart
U2 5V regulator
J3 This is a 2 pin header to connect other boards in daisy chain and po wer them.
The cable to do this is provided with the kit. Connect a maximum of five boards
in one daisy chain.
DS1 This is a blue LED which is on when power is supplied to the board
Table 2-2. Key Transmit Amplifier Components
Component Description
U3, Q1, Q2 These opamp and high gain transistors are used for power amplification.
Q3 This transistor controls whether transmission is allowed based on the out-
put of the TXDISABLE pin
Table 2-3. Key Transmit and Receive Coupling Components
Component Description
L3 This inductor along with R2 filters out the high er frequencies
L2 This is the inductor which grounds the low frequency signal and forms a high pass
with C1 and L1
C6 This is the coupling capacitor that couples the communication signal and rejects
the low frequency noise. The voltage rating of this component is an important
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12 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
PLC LV Development Board
2.3.4 Development Section Bread Board
This section is the area where you prepare your custom design. All GPIO pins excluding those
required for PLC communication are routed to this bread board space for access.
Figure 2-2. Bread Board Development Section
This section has the CY8CPLC20-OCD chip which has the integrated transmit/receive modem and
network protocol. It also has the I2C header to communicate to the external host processor. The
ISSP header is provided to program the part. The p art also has inbuilt debug support using the RJ45
connector which can be used with the ICE debugger. There are also three dedicated LEDs, which
can be used to indicate communication on the powerline: green LED for TX, red LED for RX, and
yellow LED for BIU.
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 13
PLC LV Development Board
Figure 2-3. I2C and ISSP headers
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14 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
PLC LV Development Board
Table 2-4. Headers and Jumpers
Headers and Jumpers Description
CY8CPLC20-OCD This is the Cypress Powerline transceiver chip. It is a 100-pin OCD device.
PWR LED[DS1] This is a blue LED that glows when the board is powe red on.
TX LED[DS3] This is a green LED that can be used to indicate when the board is transmit-
ting data on to the powerline.
RX LED[DS2] This is a red LED that can be used to indicate when the board is receiving
BIU LED[D S 4] This is a yellow LED that can be used to indicate when the transmit fre-
quency band is in use.
TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 Grounded test points to facilitate probing/debugging
S2 Reset switch for resetting the CY8CPLC20-OCD chip
J8 2-pin header for connecting to Vcc and Gnd
LED1-LED4 Headers connected to general purpose configurable LEDs
JP1 (PWR) Connect this jumper to power an external board from the CY3275. The
external board is powered through the V and G pins on the I2C connector
JP5 (Reset) The jumper is for enabling the reset of the PLC chip through an external
board. Once this jumper has been connected, the external board reset can
be connected to the R pin on the I2C header (J15).
This is a pull up jumper. While communicating through I2C(J15 ), one side
has to pull up the line. When the jump er is connected, the SDA line will get
pulled high. This needs to be done whe n the user wants the I2C link to be
pulled up by CY3275 board.This jumper does not need to be placed if th e
USB-I2C bridge is used for communication to the host.
This is a pull up jumper. While communicating through I2C(J15 ), one side
has to pull up the line. When the jump er is connected, the SCL line will get
pulled high. This needs to be done whe n the user wants the I2C link to be
pulled up by CY3275 board. This jumper do es not need to be plac ed if the
USB-I2C bridge is used for communication to the host.
P40-P46 Port pins connected to LCD card
P47 Free port pin
P01,P02,P04, P07 Free port pins
P21 Port pin connected to yellow LED for BIU
P23 Port pin connected to Red LED for RX
P25 Port pin connected to Green LED for TX
P26 Free port pin
P17 Port pin connect to SCL for I2C
P15 Port pin connect to SDA for I2C
P16, P12 Free port pins
P36, P37 Free port pins
P50,P51,P52,P53 Free port pins
SW Header connected to the switch S4. S4 is a general purpose switch
VR Header connected to the potentiometer
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 15
PLC LV Development Board Potentiometer and DIP Switches
There are 8-bit general purpose dip switches (S3) provided for the user. A general purpose potenti-
ometer (R47) is provided n ext to th e dip switches. Th is potentiomet er can be routed to the chip using
the GPIO pins. The second potentiometer (R46) is specifically meant to control the contrast for the
LCD daughter card in the LCD1 slot.
Figure 2-4. Dip Switches
Key components and their use:
V - Vdd pin: This pin can provide a maximum of 5 0 mA at 5V to an external
board only when the input to the board is 12V. For input voltages greater
than 12V do not use this pin to power another board. This pin is only to
THE CY8CPLC20 DEVICE. Note that the PWR jumper (JP1) needs to be con-
nected to enable this functionality.
G - Gnd Pin: This pin can provide the ground reference to an external board.
This pin connects to the ground pin of the external board.
D - I2C Data (SDA): This is the data line for the I2C communication. This pin
is directly connected to the CY8CPLC20 device
C - I2C Clock (SCL): This is the clock line for the I2C communication. This
pin is directly connected to the CY8CPLC20 device.
R – Reset: Connecting this pin to an external board enables the
CY8CPLC20 chip to be reset by an external boa rd. Note that the RES
jumper needs to be connected for enabling this functionality.
Component Description
S3[7-0] These dip switches are general purpose and can be routed to any port of
the CY8CPLC20 chip.
Potentiometer [R47] This is a variable resistor that connects to the VR header. It can be used to
generate a voltage between +5V and GND.
LCD Contrast[R46] Adjusting this potentiometer adjusts the contrast on the LCD Daughter
Headers and Jumpers Description
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16 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
PLC LV Development Board
2.3.5 LCD Daughter Card
This card is an LCD module easily connected to the board. It is connected and controlled by using
the CY8CPLC20 GPIOs.
Figure 2-5. LCD Daughter Card
It is connected to the main board as shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-6. LCD Daughter Card Connection
2.3.6 Debugger
The RJ45 ICE Cube Emulation Connector provides a debug interface between the CY8CPLC20-
OCD device and the ICE Cube emulation tool using the PSoC Designer software application.
Figure 2-7. RJ45 Connector
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 17
PLC LV Development Board
2.3.7 RS232-COM Port
The RS232 COM Port can be used with a standard RS232 cable to connect two RS232 capable
devices together. The RS232 header (J20) is a four pin header that has connections for the RX, TX,
RTS and CTS lines. These need to be wired t o por t pi n s to conn ect the de vice to t he re specti ve pins
on the RS232 DB9 port.
Figure 2-8. RS232- COM Port
The controls associated with this are.
Control Description/Comment
RX The board receives the RS232 information through th is pin
TX The board transmits RS232 information through this pin
RTS The host asks the chip if it can send information through this pin
CTS The chip signals that it is ready to accept information through RX
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18 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
PLC LV Development Board
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 19
A. Appendix
A.1 Schematics
A.1.1 Board Overview
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20 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
A.1.2 User Interface
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A.1.3 Transmit and Receive Filter Coupling
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22 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
A.1.4 Power Supply
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A.2 Layout
A.2.1 Top Layer
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24 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
A.2.2 Ground Layer
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A.2.3 Power Layer
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26 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
A.2.4 Bottom Layer
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A.2.5 Top Silkscreen
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28 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
A.2.6 Bottom Silkscreen
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 29
A.3 Bill of Materials
Description Designator Quan
tity Value Manufacturer Manufacturer
Part# Digi-Key#
Capacitor Ceramic 0.47UF
50V X7R 10% 1206 C1 1 0.47uF TDK C3216X7R1H47
4K 445-1380-1-ND
Capacitor 100UF 10V
Capacitor Electrolytic
220uF 50V C3 1 220uF PANASONIC ECA-1HM221 P5183-ND
Capacitor Ceramic 0.1uF
25V X7R 0603 C4, C7, C9 3 0.1uF AVX 06033C104JAT2
Capacitor Ceramic 0.01uF
25V C0G 5% 0603 C5 1 0.01uF TDK C1608C0G1E10
3J 445-2664-1-ND
Capacitor Ceramic 1.0uF
16V X7R 0603 C6, C35 2 1uF Murata GRM188R71C10
5KA12D 490-3900-1-ND
Capacitor Ceramic 1UF
50V Y5V 0805 C8 1 1.0uF Murata GRM21BF51H10
5ZA12L 490-3903-1-ND
Capacitor Ceramic 0.01uF
25V X7R 0603 C26, C34 2 0.01uF AVX 06033C103JAT2
Capacitor 1.0uF, 16V C27 1 1.0uF,1
6V PCC1849TR-
Capacitor 0.1uF, 16V C28 1 0.1uF,1
6V PCC1864TR-
Capaci to r 0.47uF, 16V C29, C30,
C31 30.47uF,
16V PCC1847TR-
Capacitor Ceramic 22pF
100V C0G 0603 C32, C33 2 22pF Murata GRM1885C2A22
0JA01D 490-1335-1-ND
Capacitor Ceramic 0.1uF
25V X7R 0603 C36 1 0.1uF AVX 06033C104JAT2
Cap acitor 0.1uF C37, C38 2 0.1uF PCC1864TR-
Capacitor 10uF,10V C39 1 10uF,1
0V Vishay 293D106X9010A
2TE3 718-1121-1-ND
Capacitor 100pF C41 1 100pF 399-1121-2-ND
Diode Super Fast 100V 1A D1 1 Diodes Inc. ES1B-13-F ES1B-FDICT-
Diode TVS 33V 600W BI-
Diode Schottky 40V 0.3A
SOT-23 D3 1 ST Micro BAT54SFILM 497-2522-1-ND
Diode Ultrafast 100V 1A D4, D5 2 Diodes Inc. ES1B ES1B-FDICT-
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30 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
Blue LED DS1 1 Blue SML-
E12BC7TT86 511-1589-1-ND
LED Red Clear 0805 DS2 1 Lite-On LTST-
C170KRKT 160-1415-1-ND
LED Green Clear 0805 DS3 1 Lite-On LTST-
C170KGKT 160-1414-1-ND
LED Yellow Clear 0805 DS4 1 Lite-On LTST-
C170KSKT 160-1416-1-ND
3M solderless breadboard
super strip H1 1 Parallax 700-00012 923273-ND
Header, 10-Pin J1, J10, J12,
J18 410 929850E-01-36-
Power connector J2 1 CUI Inc PJ-102A CP-102A-ND
Power Header, 2-Pin J3 1 MOL E X 09-65-2028 WM18823-ND
Header, 4-Pin J9, J13, J17,
J20 44 929850E-01-36-
ICE Connection J14 1 Tyco 5557785-1 A31457-ND
ISSP Conn J15 1 WM4203-ND
Header, 4-Pin J16 1 4 929850E-01-36-
Female DB-9 J19 1 DB9-F A23301-ND
ISSP Conn J21 1 WM4203-ND
Power Connector Jack
2.1mm PCB J22
Right Angle 2X13 heade r
0.1" Spacing J23
Header, 2-Pin, Male JP1, JP3,
JP4, JP5 42 Generic Com-
ponents S1011E-36-ND
Ferrite C hi p 10 0 OH M 4A
0805 L1 1 TDK MPZ2012S101A 445-1567-1-ND
470UH SMD L2, L3 2 470uH Pulse P0752.474NLT 553-1071-1-ND
14-Pin header, Female LCD1 1 14 3M/ESD 929850-01-36-
RA 929850E-01-36-
LED3, LED4 4Red SML-
LXT0805IW-TR 67-1552-2-ND
Description Designator Quan
tity Value Manufacturer Manufacturer
Part# Digi-Key#
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CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B 31
Mounting Holes
Transistor NPN 45V 3A Q1 1 Zetex ZXT69 0BKTC ZXT690BKCT-
Transistor PNP 40V 3A Q2 1 Zetex ZXT79 0AKTC ZXT790AKCT-
Transistor NPN SOT-23 Q3 1 Fairchild MMBT3904LT1 MMBT3904LT1I
Resistor 402 OHM 1/10W
1% 0603 SMD R1 1 402 Rohm MCR03EZPFX4
020 RHM402HCT-
Resistor 10 OHM 1W 5%
1W S t ackpole RSMF 1 10 5% R RSMF110JRCT
Resistor 240 OHM 1/10W
1% 0603 SMD R3 1 240 Rohm MCR03EZPFX2
400 RHM240HCT-
Resistor 715 OHM 1/10W
1% 0603 SMD R4 1 715 Rohm MCR03EZPFX7
150 RHM715HCT-
Resistor 0.0 OHM 1/10W
5% 0603 SMD R5 1 0 Rohm MCR03EZPJ000 RHM0.0GCT-
Resistor 10.0k 1% 1/10W
R6, R8, R9,
R12, R16,
8 10.0K Rohm MCR03EZPFX1
002 RHM10.0KHCT
Resistor 100 OHM 1/10W
1% 0603 SMD R7 1 100 Rohm MCR03EZPFX1
000 RHM100HCT-
Resistor 620 OHM 1/10W
1% 0603 SMD R10, R11 2 620 Rohm MCR03EZPFX6
200 RHM620HCT-
Resistor 0.5 1% 1/4W 0805 R13, R17 2 0.5 1/
4W Susumu RL1220S-R50-F RL12S.50FCT-
Resistor 1.00k 1% 1/10W
0603 R14, R23,
R24 31.00kYageo RC0603FR-
071KL 311-
Resistor 4.99 1% 1/10W
0603 R15 1 4.99 Yageo RC0603FR-
074R99L 311-4.99HRCT-
Resistor 4.70K OHM 1/
10W 1% 0603 SMD R21 1 4.7K Yageo RC0603FR-
074K7L 311-
Resistor 330 Ohm 1% 1/
10W 0603 R22 1 330 Rohm MCR03EZPFX3
300 RHM330HCT-
Potentiometer R46, R47 2 Bourns Inc 3352T-1-103LF 3352T-103LF-
Description Designator Quan
tity Value Manufacturer Manufacturer
Part# Digi-Key#
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32 CY3275 Cypress Low Voltage Programmable PLC Development Kit G uide, Doc. # 001-53657 Rev. *B
Resistor 1.0K, SMT
R48, R49,
R50, R51,
R61, R62,
R63, R64,
9 1K Panasonic ERJ-
Resistor 7.50k 1% 1/10W
0603 R52, R53 2 7.50K Rohm MCR03EZPFX7
501 RHM7.50KHCT
Resistor 2.10k 1% 1/10W
0603 R54 1 2.10K Rohm MCR03EZPFX2
101 RHM2.10KHCT
Resistor 56 Ohm, SMT R57, R58,
R59, R60 4 56 P56ACT-ND
Swtich, SPST S1, S4 2 Omron B3F-1022 SW403-ND
4009 Series DIP Switch,
Raised actuator S3 1 ESwitch KAJ08LAGT EG4441-ND
Simple Test point TP1, TP2,
TP3, TP4 4 5006K-ND
Simple Test point TP5 1 5006K-ND
Simple Test point TP6 1 5006K-ND
CY8CPLC20 OCD Part U1 1 Cypress CY8CPLC20-
Voltage Regulator 5 Volt U2 1 ST Micro LM317MTG LM317MTGOS-
Op-Amp 190MHz U3 1 National Semi-
conductor LMH6639MF/
RS-232 tranceiver (1.0uF
Caps) U8 1 MAX3232ECDR 296-19851-2-
Oscillator Y1 1 24.00
MHz Crystek C3290-24.000 C3290-24.000-
Y1 (2nd
source) Citizen CSX750FCC24.
000M-UT 300-7214-2-ND
Crystal 32.768kHz 12.5pF Y2 1 32.768
kHz ECS Inc. ECS-3X8X X1123-ND
LCD Module LCD1 1 Cypress Semi-
conductor 1187-00003
Description Designator Quan
tity Value Manufacturer Manufacturer
Part# Digi-Key#
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