HA17384PS/FP, HA17385PS/FP Preliminary Current Mode PWM Control Switching Regulator ICs Description The HA17384 series is a control IC for PWM (pulse width modulation) switching regulator. These ICs dl are suitable for primary control system, and the standby current are as small as 500 2A (max.) These DP-8 ICs enable the regulator set size to miniaturize, and to improve power efficiency of these sets. The HA17384 series is able to drive the POWER MOS FET directly and have higher switching frequency of up to 500 KHz max. The two types of packages are DIP 8 and SOP 14 are FP-14D provided for ICs. Functions Ordering Information 5V reference voltage circuit Type No. Package * Triangular waveform oscillation circuit HA17384PS DP-8 * PWM omar circuit | HA17384FP FP-14D e Output river circutt (totem pole output) HA17385PS DP-8 Error amp circuit * Current sense comparator with | pulse latch HAI385FP FP-14D * Under voltage lock out protection . . Pin Functions Features Pin No. High speed switching: . Symbol seeps. seete, Functions tr = 50nsec {typ.) (at IV swing) COMP 1 1 Error amp. compensation tf = 5Onsec (typ.) (at 15V swing) INV (-) 2 a Error amp. input (~) Low power dissipation: cs 3 5 Current sense 500A max. in standby state RTICT 4 7 Timing registor, Timing capacitor I7mA max. in active state (at VIN = I5V) GND 5 8 Ground * Under voltage lockout protection: OUT 10 Pulse output high threshold voltage: ...... , HA1738416V VIN 7 12 Input voltage bbb cece bebe vceeeceseee HA1I738510V VREF 8 14 Reference voltage (5V) output low threshold voltage: ........ HA1738410V =n _ 2 Power Ground eee cee eee teen ees HA173858V Drive the POWER MOS FET directly: output peak current 1.5A max. * Output double pulse protection with a | pulse latched overcurrent protection circuit HITACHI 302 Hitachi America, Ltd. Hitachi Plaza * 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy. Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 (415) 589-8300HA17384PS/FP, HA17385PS/FP Block Diagram HA17384PS/HA17385P5 HA17384FP/HA17385FP COMP [a Vee! comP | Vere! NC [2 NC INV () [2] VIN INV (-) [3] VIN cs [3 | out NC [a | NC cs [5] OuT RT/CT [4] GND NC [6] GND (Top View) RT/CT [7] POWER GND (Top View) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25C) Rating item Symbol HA384PS/385PS HA384FP/385FP Unit Power Supply Voltage VIN +40 +40 Vv Collector Current DC lode push pull 0.3 push pull 0.3 A Peak lopeak push pull 1.5*** push puil 1.5*** A Error Input Voltage VE -0.3 ~ +6.3 -0.3 ~ +63 Vv Comparator Input Voltage Ve -0.3 ~ +6.3 ~0.3 ~ +6.3 Vv Error Amp Output Current le 10 10 mA Power Dissipation PT 830* 830" mw Operation Temperature Range Topr ~20 to +85 -20 to +85 C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55 ~ +125 -55 ~ +125 C The absolute maximum ratings are limiting values, to be applied individually, beyond which the device may be permanently damaged. Functional operation under any of these conditions is not guaranteed. Exposing a circuit to its absolute maximum rating for extended periods of time may affect the device's reliability. * This is the allowable loss value for a maximum rating up to Ta < 25C. If more than, 8.3mW/C derating must be performed. ** Allowable temperature of IC junction, Tj (max.), is as shown below. Tj (max.) = 6j-a * Pc(max.) + Ta (6) - ais thermal resistance value during board mounting, and Pc (max.) maximum value of 1C power dissipation.) Therefore, to keep Tj (max.) 125C, wiring density and board material must be selected according to the board thermal conductiv- ity shown below. Be careful that the value of Pc (max.) does not exceed that of PT. * Vaiue at a current flow period of 300nsec. @ HITACHI Hitachi America, Ltd. Hitachi Plaza 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy, Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 (415) 589-8300 303HA17384PS/FP, HA17385PS/FP Thermal 240 resistance } 40 mm C) 100 80 arattcAy) 220 \ 200 ve SOP14 without compound 160 se N NI 120 -- SOP14 J i using paste ~ pL containing compound ~_| | } | | yt L Board 0.8t ceramic or 1.5t epoxy 1. Glass epoxy board with wiring density of 10% @ Oo 2. Glass epoxy board with wiring density of 30% as 1 2 5 10 20 Thermal conductivity of board (W/mC) 3. Ceramic board with alumina coefficient Figure 1. Thermal resistance of SOP Electrical Characteristics (VIN = 15V, Ta = 25C, RT = 10KQ, CT = 3300pF) Test Section Item Symbol Condition min. typ. max. Unit Note Output Voltage Vref lo = 1mA 4.85 5.00 515 V Line Regulation Line VIN = 12 to 40V 6 20 mV Reference Load Regulation Load lo = 1to 20mA _ 6 25 mV Section Temperature Stability VRTC No load 0.2 % Output Noise Voltage VN 10Hz < f < 10KHz _ 50 BV Short Circuit Current los 30 100 180 mA . Initial Accuracy faev 47 52 57 KHz wonguar Voltage Stability ft 12V < VIN < 40V _ 02 1 % Oscillation __'emperature Range Af -20C =< Ta< 85C = 5 = % Section Amplitude Vosc @ pin @ pin) _ 7o- peak to peak Input Voltage VEth V@ = 2.5V 2.42 2.50 2.58 V Input Bias Current Ia1 03 2 pA Open-Loop Voltage Gain AvD 2V = Vo s 4V 65 90 dB Unity Gain Bandwidth Bw 0.7 10 MHz Power Supply Poah = 12V = Voc < 40V.s60 70 dB Rejection Ratio Error Amp _ Section Output Sink Current Isink vO vo) Vv 2.7V, 2 6 mA 1 Output Source Current Isource vO ve) = 2.3V, 500 g00 nA 1 , V@ (V@) = 2.3V, _ Vout High VOH Ri = 15K@ to ground 5 6 Vv 1 V@ (V@) = 2.7V, _ Vout Low VOL RL = 15KQ to Vret 0.7 11 Vv 1 Gain 2.85 3 3.15 ViV Comparator Input Threshold Voltage Vitn 0.9 1.0 11 Vv Section Input Bias Current * 1B2 2 10 kA Delay to Output tri 160 300 ns @ HITACHI 304 Hitachi America, Ltd. * Hitachi Plaza 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy. Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 (415) 589-8300HA17384PS/FP, HA17385PS/FP Electrical Characteristics (VIN = 15V, Ta = 25C, RT = 10KQ, CT = 3300pF) (Contd.) Test Section Item Symbol Condition min. typ. max. Unit Note Output High Level Vou Isink20MA 13 13.5 Vv Output High Level VOH Isink200MA 12 13.5 Vv Output Low Level VoL Isource20MA 0.1 0.4 v Output Low Level VoL lsource200MA 1.5 2.2 Vv Rise Time tr Cu. = 1nF _ 50 150 ons Output - Section Fali Time tr CL = 1nF _ 50 150 ons Vcc = 14V, V@ _ Output Leak Current ILo (Vio = OV, UVL active 0.01 10 pA 1 High Level Threshold VTHH 14.5 16 75 OV Low Level Threshold VTHL 8.5 10 1.5 V Total Standby Current Ics _ 250 500 yA Current = Section Active Current Ick VO we) _ ow _ 10 15 mA 1 Note: 1. Pin number in { ) indicates HA17384FP, HA17385FP. Waveform Timing VIN / Triangular waveform Reset _. signal Erroramp _, output Current sense signal Output @ HITACHI Hitachi America, Ltd. Hitachi Plaza 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy. Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 (415) 589-8300 305HA17384PS/FP, HA17385PS/FP oe AL ; p> ov" An 8 } At 47002/ 220, 50K + co 4 Asov ot z a TOV : C2 0.01p c3 . pa & > = a iw x Zt Boy 8 @) A By VREE Vin Qut GND (14) (12) (10) 8) Ra HA17384PS 4M pe oskssa 27 RO (1) (3) (5) (7) bo COMP INV(} CST ICT i z 3 q @ ? @ fs fe cs cs Eo? 1K 150K 47oP | 0,047 | a7 y + S085 470P RS iM Woe Note: Pin number in ( ) Ra 20K | indicates HA17384FP, 385FP. 4 vm 3.6K System Configuration (Primary Current Sense Type) 02 eee + > BT Ee c RI ca [IK ey ia we 3 a CSs C Bnote wi 220; 7 S6K q ce 2 AIK 5 HYasoy 2 os biog r Coupler = cz] rt . 70 a, RS 3 Ov: a 00%, ca / Vv 10p Shunt @ @ ) @ Regulator VREF VIN Out GND HA174391P (4) (12) (10) 8) R8 HA17384PS 25K554 27 R? a) & (9) (7) 20K COMP INV &) cs ATACT 2 3 4 Re vo o_@ : c SPIO - " 0.022) 3100 = c? oe ce a7op | 0.0047) Les Re TT 4700 0.85 gris R12 24K 10% WAT Note Pinnumberin( } indicates HA17384FP 385FP System Configuration (Secondary Current Sense Type) @ HITACHI 306 Hitachi America, Ltd. Hitachi Plaza 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy. Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 (415) 589-8300HA17384PS/FP, HA17385PS/FP Solder Mounting Method 2). The difference of thermal expansion coefficient between mounting substrates and IC lead may cause a failure like solder peeling or solder wet, and electrical characteristics may change by ther- mal stress. Therefore, mounting should be done after sufficient confirmation for especially in case of ceramic substrates. 1). Small and light surface-mount packages require special attentions on solder mounting. On solder mounting, pre-heating before soldering is needed. The following figure shows an example of infrared rays reflow. \ > 10 Second (MAX) 235C (MAX) 777 140 ~ 180C a @ = 80 second E 1-4C Second D 4-5C Second Time > (Second) An Example of Infrared Rays Reflow Conditions @ HITACHI Hitachi America, Ltd. Hitachi Plaza * 2000 Sierra Point Pkwy, * Brisbane, CA 94005-1819 (415) 589-8300 307