15 Watt
Single &
Dual Output
●●UUllttrraammiinniiaattuurree 2255..44 xx2255..44xx99..99mmmm PPaacckkaaggee
●●1155 WWaattttss OOuuttppuutt PPoowweerr
●●SSiinnggllee aanndd DDuuaall OOuuttppuuttss
●●11..66kkVVDDCC IIssoollaattiioonn
●●FFiixxeedd OOppeerraattiinngg FFrreeqquueennccyy
●●SSiixx--SSiiddeedd CCoonnttiinnuuoouuss SShhiieelldd
●●IInndduussttrryy SSttaannddaarrdd PPiinnoouutt
●●RReemmoottee OOnn//OOffff aanndd TTrriimm ppiinnss
●●EEffffiicciieennccyy ttoo 8899%%
Selection Guide 24V and 48V Input Types
Part Number Input Output Output Input(1) Efficiency(2) Capacitive(3)
Range Voltage Current Current Load max.
RP15-123.3SA** 9-18 3.3 4000 120/1375 84 1000µF
RP15-1205SA** 9-18 5 3000 90/1524 86 1000µF
RP15-1212SA** 9-18 12 1300 40/1605 85 330µF
RP15-1215SA** 9-18 15 1000 40/1506 87 220µF
RP15-243.3SA** 18-36 3.3 4000 50/671 86 1000µF
RP15-2405SA** 18-36 5 3000 65/763 86 1000µF
RP15-2412SA** 18-36 12 1300 20/783 87 330µF
RP15-2415SA** 18-36 15 1000 20/744 88 220µF
RP15-483.3SA** 36-75 3.3 4000 40/336 86 1000µF
RP15-4805SA** 36-75 5 3000 40/372 88 1000µF
RP15-4812SA** 36-75 12 1300 15/387 88 330µF
RP15-4815SA** 36-75 15 1000 15/372 88 220µF
RP15-1205DA** 9-18 ±5 ±1500 30/1543 85 ±500µF
RP15-1212DA** 9-18 ±12 ±625 30/1506 87 ±150µF
RP15-1215DA** 9-18 ±15 ±500 30/1488 87 ±100µF
RP15-2405DA** 18-36 ±5 ±1500 20/772 85 ±500µF
RP15-2412DA** 18-36 ±12 ±625 15/744 88 ±150µF
RP15-2415DA** 18-36 ±15 ±500 25/744 88 ±100µF
RP15-4805DA** 36-75 ±5 ±1500 15/386 85 ±500µF
RP15-4812DA** 36-75 ±12 ±625 15/368 89 ±150µF
RP15-4815DA** 36-75 ±15 ±500 20/372 88 ±100µF
** Standard part is without suffixes and Trim and CTRL pins are not fitted.
* add suffix /Pfor CTRL function with positive logic (1=ON, 0=OFF) including trim pin for single output
* add suffix /Nfor CTRL function with negative logic (0=ON, 1=OFF) including trim pin for single output
* add suffix -HC for premounted heatsink and clips
Ordering Examples
RP15-2405SA/P = 24V Input, 5V Output, Positive Logic CTRL pin and Trim pin fitted
RP15-4805DA-HC = 48V nput, ±5V Output, Heatsink fitted
The RP15-SA series are ultraminiature power DC/DC converters in a case half the size of industry standard 15W
converters. Despite their small size, the RP15-SA converters are fully specified devices with output currents up to
4 Amps, no minimum load, 1600VDC isolation and low ripple/noise figures. The outputs are also fully protected
against short circuits, overcurrent and overvoltage.
The RP15-SA series will find many uses in applications where board space and/or board height is at a premium.
Please Read Application
UL-60950-1 Certified
REV:0/2009 P-31