Complete DDR2 and DDR3 Memory
Power-Management Solution
26 Maxim Integrated
The maximum ESR to meet ripple requirements is:
where fSW is the switching frequency.
With most chemistries (polymer, tantalum, aluminum
electrolytic), the actual capacitance value required
relates to the physical size needed to achieve low ESR
and the chemistry limits of the selected capacitor tech-
nology. Ceramic capacitors provide low ESR, but the
capacitance and voltage rating (after derating) are
determined by the capacity needed to prevent VSAG
and VSOAR from causing problems during load tran-
sients. Generally, once enough capacitance is added
to meet the overshoot requirement, undershoot at the
rising load edge is no longer a problem. Thus, the out-
put capacitor selection requires carefully balancing
capacitor chemistry limitations (capacitance vs. ESR
vs. voltage rating) and cost.
PWM Output Capacitor
Stability Considerations
For Quick-PWM controllers, stability is determined by the
in-phase feedback ripple relative to the switching frequen-
cy, which is typically dominated by the output ESR. The
boundary of instability is given by the following equation:
where COUT is the total output capacitance, RESR is the
total equivalent series resistance of the output capaci-
tors, RSENSE is the effective current-sense resistance
(see Figure 7), and ACS is the current-sense gain of 2.
For a standard 300kHz application, the effective zero
frequency must be well below 95kHz, preferably below
50kHz. With these frequency requirements, standard
tantalum and polymer capacitors already commonly
used have typical ESR zero frequencies below 50kHz,
allowing the stability requirements to be achieved with-
out any additional current-sense compensation. In the
standard application circuit (Figure 7), the ESR needed
to support a 15mVP-P ripple is 15mV/(10A x 0.3) =
5mΩ. Two 330μF, 9mΩpolymer capacitors in parallel
provide 4.5mΩ(max) ESR and 1/(2πx 330μF x 9mΩ) =
53kHz ESR zero frequency.
Ceramic capacitors have a high ESR zero frequency,
but applications with sufficient current-sense compen-
sation can still take advantage of the small size, low
ESR, and high reliability of the ceramic chemistry. By
the inductor current DCR sensing, applications with
ceramic output capacitors can be compensated using
either a DC-compensation or AC-compensation
method. The DC-coupling requires fewer external com-
pensation capacitors, but this also creates an output
load line that depends on the inductor’s DCR (parasitic
resistance). Alternatively, the current-sense information
can be AC-coupled, allowing stability to be dependent
only on the inductance value and compensation com-
ponents and eliminating the DC load line.
When only using ceramic output capacitors, output
overshoot (VSOAR) typically determines the minimum
output capacitance requirement. Their relatively low
capacitance value can allow significant output over-
shoot when stepping from full-load to no-load condi-
tions, unless a small inductor value and high switching
frequency are used to minimize the energy transferred
from inductor to capacitor during load-step recovery.
Unstable operation manifests itself in two related, but
distinctly different ways: double pulsing and feedback
loop instability. Double pulsing occurs due to noise on
the output or because the ESR is so low that there is not
enough voltage ramp in the output voltage signal. This
“fools” the error comparator into triggering a new cycle
immediately after the minimum off-time period has
expired. Double pulsing is more annoying than harmful,
resulting in nothing worse than increased output ripple.
However, it can indicate the possible presence of loop
instability due to insufficient ESR. Loop instability can
result in oscillations at the output after line or load
steps. Such perturbations are usually damped, but can
cause the output voltage to rise above or fall below the
tolerance limits.
The easiest method for checking stability is to apply a
very fast zero-to-max load transient and carefully
observe the output voltage ripple envelope for over-
shoot and ringing. It can help to simultaneously monitor
the inductor current with an AC current probe. Do not
allow more than one cycle of ringing after the initial
step-response undervoltage/overshoot.
Input Capacitor Selection
The input capacitor must meet the ripple current
requirement (IRMS) imposed by the switching currents.
The IRMS requirements can be determined by the fol-
lowing equation:
The worst-case RMS current requirement occurs when
operating with VIN = 2VOUT. At this point, the above
equation simplifies to:
IRMS = 0.5 x ILOAD