Application Note
eZSelect Line 21 Data Decoder Reference Design
Using the eZSelect Line 21
Data Decoder Reference Design
The eZSelect Reference Design Application Note applies to all ZiLOG eZSelect
VBI (Vertical Blanking Interval) decoders including the Z86129, Z86130, Z86229,
and Z86230. These chips come with a demonstration board based on the
reference design so TV manufacturers can begin developing applications
immediately. The demo program helps manufacturers design and develop
Þrmware quickly and easily.
The Z86129 and Z86229 eZSelect VBI decoders control closed captioning and
XDS data decoding. The Z86130 and Z86230 are used primarily for program
rating decoding and have intelligence built in so the device can block the video
signal according to the selections preset by end-users according to content
advisory ratings.
The eZSelect VBI decoder design requires video base-band signal input. The
output can be either of the following signals:
A video signal connecting directly to a TV monitor or
R, G, B, and Box (blanking) signal output to other devices or circuits
When output is a video signal connecting directly to TV monitor, closed caption
and extended data service (XDS) information such as the TV station name,
program length, program title, current date and time information can be displayed
on TV screen as deÞned by the Z86129 and Z86229. See Appendix A for
program blocking terminology.
The eZSelect reference design also includes the external I
C connection as well
as H
and V
outputs. This design not only provides stand-alone
evaluations of ZiLOGÕs Z86129, Z86130, Z86229, and Z86230 devices, but can
also be used as an add-on board for the customerÕs application.
Figures 1 and 2 are system block diagrams of the Z86129/Z86229 and
Z86130/Z86230 respectively.