: .,!. .. ,,,,-, ., ,, ~./ ;/f:: ,, ,fi-;p.i ,., .; ,., , " :\ .; .? 2N6040 thru 2N604-2PNP 2N6043 thru 2N6045 `NPN , MJE6040thrti"MJE6042PNP ~~~ MJE6043 thru MJE6045 NR~ MOTOROLA @ PLASTIC COMPLEMENTARY designed MEDIUM-POWER SILICON TRANSISTORS for general. purpose amplifier and .Iowspeed applications. hFE = 2500 Gain - (Typ} Collector-Emitter VCEO(~u$) .: @ IC= 4.OAdc Sustaining Voltage'- @ 100 mAdc = 60 Vdc (Min) - 2N6040, `= 80 Vdc (Min) - Low Collector. VCE(~at) Emitter 2.ovdc . Monolithic Shunt ,, 2N6045 Voltage - [1) ,. @ IC = 4.0 Adc - 2N6040,41,2N6043,44 (Max} Construction ,, 2N6041, 2N6044".. Saturation = 2;0 Vdc (Max) (1) 2N6043 = 100 Vdc (Min) - 2N6042, c switching ,. High, DC Current ,.. @ IC = with 3.0 Adc - ZN6042, Bui,lt.in 2N6045 ,, $ ,? ,*, ,,~:,,.:. ,- ,. BaseEmitter Resistors !'. ,, (1) Applies to *MAXIMUM ,. corresponding in-house part numbers *;<y, .1s0. RATINGS. . " ,1...~~+'~,~,`~-~ $:1 t,,. i, 2N6040 2N604$I .$*t42 2N6043 2N6044? `,~\N6045 MJE6040 MJE6,~l tiJE6042 Collector-Emitter Collector.Base Symbol VCEO 6%: `CB ?*~~tJ Voltage Emitter-Base Collector Rating Vollage Voltage Current !$. \ t~~ 1~::++ `~ - Continuous Dissipation @ TC = 25C~e~~ ,? ~ Tmal Power Derate Operating Dissipation above @ TA Temperature ,,.' Vdc -~' 8,0 Adc -- 16 -- mAdc 75 `-- Watts --0.60 -- Wloc -2.2 -- Watts 0.0175 - _ -65to +150 w/Oc -- Therm4~.*&e, + I ~bte~~D Junction EC Registered to Ambient Symbol Max OJC 1.67 flJ~ 57 Unit Oclw Oclw Data t% $! 1,?,::... 1,- FIGURE *? *,1V&q,. :?.. . "'+'?. `~:\$\ 4' ~Y*:.. . Oc 8+,;$ ... d,." ~i: `!s?~haracteristi c Thermal Q:$$~d*Junction to Case :> Vdc 100 cH@,@C~ERISTICS THERMAL ,,,, ,<,$ Unit 100 Vdc -- TJ , Tstg MJE6045 5.0 -- 4 pD JK#"~."yw" Rang: `.. ; ~e2f~D ~a~!.>': `$~, :, . 25C and Storage ao ?h*. :+.: `:4 . .-*.h$ -120~ `{$:,. I&i Base Current Power m J E?Q44 `%&. 80 C':. VEB ?,! "s Peak Tolal MJE604~ POWE,R DERATING TATc" 4.0 80 ., \ ~ ,, g 3.0 = E s ~ 2.0 \ 60 - -' <Tc \ \ 40 \ = : g TA1 =, 1,0 20 &O \ A. 00 o 20 40 60 Bo 10D T,TEMPERATURE (C) !20 140 !60 E ,.. "-v- .- . . ..." . . There are two limitations on the power handling ability of a iransi~tor: "average junction temperature and second breakdown. Safe operating area curves indicate IC - VCE limits of the transister that must be observed for reliable operation; i.e., the tr~"sistor must not be subjected to greater dissipation than the curves indicate. The data of Figure 5 is based on T~(pk] = 150C; TC istiariable deDen dina on conditions. Second breakdown oulse Ii init. ar. .al id for duty cycles to 10% provided T ti~kI < 150C. T 11"1,1mav be calculated from the data in Figure 4. At high case temperatures, thermal' limitations will re,duce the Power that can be handled to values less than the I imitations imoosed bv second breakdown. .-. . . w "IF.. , -\ F,., _